State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.
OBJECTIVES: To determine 1) HIV testing practices in a 1400-bed university hospital where local HIV prevalence is 0.4% and 2) the effect on testing practices of national HIV testing guidelines, revised in March 2010, recommending Physician-Initiated Counselling and Testing (PICT). METHODS: Using 2 hospital databases, we determined the number of HIV tests performed by selected clinical services, and the number of patients tested as a percentage of the number seen per service ('testing rate'). To explore the effect of the revised national guidelines, we examined testing rates for two years pre- and two years post-PICT guideline publication. RESULTS: Combining the clinical services, 253,178 patients were seen and 9,183 tests were performed (of which 80 tested positive, 0.9%) in the four-year study period. The emergency department (ED) performed the second highest number of tests, but had the lowest testing rates (0.9-1.1%). Of inpatient services, neurology and psychiatry had higher testing rates than internal medicine (19.7% and 9.6% versus 8%, respectively). There was no significant increase in testing rates, either globally or in the majority of the clinical services examined, and no increase in new HIV diagnoses post-PICT recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: Using a simple two-database tool, we observe no global improvement in HIV testing rates in our hospital following new national guidelines but do identify services where testing practices merit improvement. This study may show the limit of PICT strategies based on physician risk assessment, compared to the opt-out approach.
Legislatively Mandated Report. Iowa Code §8A.224 – “The department shall submit an annual report not later than January 31 to the members of the General Assembly and the Legislative Services Agency of the activities funded by and expenditures made from the revolving fund during the preceding fiscal year.
Legislatively Mandated Report. Iowa Code §8A.224 – “The department shall submit an annual report not later than January 31 to the members of the General Assembly and the Legislative Services Agency of the activities funded by and expenditures made from the revolving fund during the preceding fiscal year.
Photographic documentation of crashed vehicles at the scene can be used to improve triage of crash victims. A U.S. expert panel developed field triage rules to determine the likelihood of occupants sustaining serious injuries based on vehicle damage that would require transport to a trauma center (Sasser et al., 2011). The use of photographs for assessing vehicle damage and occupant compartment intrusion as it correlates to increased injury severity has been validated (Davidson et al., 2014). Providing trauma staff with crash scene photos remotely could assist them in predicting injuries. This would allow trauma care providers to assess the appropriate transport, as well as develop mental models of treatment options prior to patient arrival at the emergency department (ED). Crash-scene medical response has improved tremendously in the past 20-30 years. This is in part due to the increasing number of paramedics who now have advanced life support (ALS) training that allows independence in the field. However, while this advanced training provides a more streamlined field treatment protocol, it also means that paramedics focused on treating crash victims may not have time to communicate with trauma centers regarding crash injury mechanisms. As a result, trauma centers may not learn about severe trauma patients until just a few minutes before they arrive. The information transmitted by the TraumaHawk app allows interpretation of injury mechanisms from crash scene photos at the trauma center, providing clues about the type and severity of injury. With strategic crash scene photo documentation, trained trauma professionals can assess the severity and patterns of injury based on exterior crush and occupant intrusion. Intrusion increases the force experienced by vehicle occupants, which translates into a higher level of injury severity (Tencer et al., 2005; Assal et al., 2002; Mandell et al., 2010). First responders have the unique opportunity to assess the damaged vehicle at the crash scene, but often the mechanism of injury is limited or not even relayed to ED trauma staff. To integrate photographic and scene information, an app called TraumaHawk was created to capture images of crash vehicles and send them electronically to the trauma center. If efficiently implemented, it provides the potential advantage of increasing lead-time for preparation at the trauma center through the crash scene photos. Ideally, the result is better treatment outcomes for crash victims. The objective of this analysis was to examine if the extra lead-time granted by the TraumaHawk app could improve trauma team activation time over the current conventional communication method.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Advance care planning (ACP) is increasingly regarded as the gold standard in the care of patients with life-limiting illnesses. Research has focused on adults, but ACP is also being practiced in pediatrics. We conducted a systematic review on empirical literature on pediatric ACP (pACP) to assess current practices, effects, and perspectives of pACP. METHODS: We searched PubMed, BELIT, and PSYCinfo for empirical literature on pACP, published January 1991 through January 2012. Titles, abstracts, and full texts were screened by 3 independent reviewers for studies that met the predefined criteria. The evidence level of the studies was assessed. Relevant study outcomes were retrieved according to predefined questions. RESULTS: We included 5 qualitative and 8 quantitative studies. Only 3 pACP programs were identified, all from the United States. Two of them were informed by adult programs. Major pACP features are discussions between families and care providers, as well as advance directives. A chaplain and other providers may be involved if required. Programs vary in how well they are evaluated; only 1 was studied by using a randomized controlled trial. Preliminary data suggest that pACP can successfully be implemented and is perceived as helpful. It may be emotionally relieving and facilitate communication and decision-making. Major challenges are negative reactions from emergency services, schools, and the community. CONCLUSIONS: There are few systematic pACP programs worldwide and none in Europe. Future research should investigate the needs of all stakeholders. In particular, the perspective of professionals has so far been neglected.