916 resultados para Supply Chain Development
Este análisis muestra detalladamente la línea de producción de la planta de Volkswagen, ubicada en México en el estado de Puebla. Se describe la capacidad operativa utilizada para satisfacer la demanda de la planta de producción de automóviles más grande de Latinoamérica, siendo clave para mantenerse en el mercado con estándares de calidad altos y contribuir al desarrollo de la economía del país. Asimismo, a nivel regional, esta planta se abastece de proveedores estratégicos ubicados en una zona cercana, ayudando a disminuir costos de transporte de piezas y tiempos de respuesta. Inicialmente se realiza una breve descripción del entorno económico de la empresa a nivel regional y del sector a nivel global para hacer énfasis en lo competitivo que es el mercado de la producción de automóviles. Posteriormente se describe la finalidad que tiene esta misión empresarial soportada por la Universidad del Rosario, donde se afianzan conocimientos importantes sobre un mercado de talla mundial. El siguiente aspecto es un diagnóstico de la empresa, donde se dan a conocer las marcas que hacen parte del grupo Volkswagen y la situación financiera que refleja la marca desde el 2012, revelando los ingresos obtenidos durante el período 2012-2014, gastos operacionales y factores que no se destacan positivamente como un flujo de caja negativo para el 2014. Posteriormente se plasman los conceptos teóricos necesarios para que el lector comprenda las variables inmersas en una planta de producción, destacando la teoría de colas y el diseño del layout de la empresa. Finalmente, se da una descripción detallada del proceso de producción en esta planta, donde se muestra la línea de producción, el ensamble y la importancia de un sistema operativo interno que depende principalmente de una alta inversión de tecnología e ingeniería que permite obtener un mayor beneficio en cada etapa del proceso.
La perdurabilidad empresarial ha sido un tema recurrente en la literatura sobre dirección de empresas. A pesar de los avances, la liquidación de las empresas aumenta permanentemente. Buscando alternativas de mejora se estudia el caso de dos empresas cuadragenarias dedicadas a prestar servicios de consultoría en ingeniería eléctrica y civil que, en condiciones de crisis, implementaron acciones que les permitieron, no sólo mantenerse en el mercado sino también fortalecer su estructura financiera. Los resultados demostraron que un enfoque equilibrado caracterizado por la toma oportuna de decisiones y la definición e implementación de estrategias de negocio efectivas constituyen herramientas óptimas para asegurar un mayor grado de resiliencia empresarial.
En esta tesis se presenta la influencia que tiene la Cultura Nacional en el desempeño Logístico de una Nación, en especial de los 123 primeros países evaluados por el Índice de Desempeño Logístico (LPI) realizado por el Banco Mundial. Este estudio se realiza a partir de los seis ítems evaluados en el LPI y de las seis Dimensiones Culturales de Hofstede, para relacionar estas calificaciones se empleará el programa estadístico SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences obteniendo como resultado posibles correlaciones para probar la hipótesis del efecto de la cultura en el desempeño logístico y establecer patrones de comportamiento en los mejores países de cada correlación. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos de estas correlaciones, se encontró que si existe una relación entre la cultura nacional y el desempeño logístico de un país, al igual que las dimensiones culturales más influyentes para obtener dichos resultados y se identificaron los países que cuentan con condiciones sobresalientes que facilitan tener altas posiciones en el LPI.
Sustainability encompasses the presence of three dimensions that must coexist simultaneously, namely the environmental, social, and economic ones. The economic and social dimensions are gaining the spotlight in recent years, especially within food systems. To assess social and economic impacts, indicators and tools play a fundamental role in contributing to the achievements of sustainability targets, although few of them have deepen the focus on social and economic impacts. Moreover, in a framework of citizen science and bottom-up approach for improving food systems, citizen play a key role in defying their priorities in terms of social and economic interventions. This research expands the knowledge of social and economic sustainability indicators within the food systems for robust policy insights and interventions. This work accomplishes the following objectives: 1) to define social and economic indicators within the supply chain with a stakeholder perspective, 2) to test social and economic sustainability indicators for future food systems engaging young generations. The first objective was accomplished through the development of a systematic literature review of 34 social sustainability tools, based on five food supply chain stages, namely production, processing, wholesale, retail, and consumer considering farmers, workers, consumers, and society as stakeholders. The second objective was achieved by defining and testing new food systems social and economic sustainability indicators through youth engagement for informed and robust policy insights, to provide policymakers suggestions that would incorporate young generations ones. Future food systems scenarios were evaluated by youth through focus groups, whose results were analyzed through NVivo and then through a survey with a wider platform. Conclusion addressed the main areas of policy interventions in terms of social and economic aspects of sustainable food systems youth pointed out as in need of interventions, spanning from food labelling reporting sustainable origins to better access to online food services.
La disciplina pubblicistica dell’energia elettrica presenta specificità rilevanti rispetto ad altri settori della regolazione economica. Il settore energetico si caratterizza infatti per una complessa regolazione, dovuta sia alle specificità dell’oggetto della disciplina, cioè l’energia elettrica come bene immateriale, sia alla molteplicità degli interessi pubblici coinvolti, che si innestano su fallimenti di mercato (i.e. il sistema a rete non duplicabile), sia agli obiettivi di politica internazionale e di sicurezza nazionale, che intercettano delicate interrelazioni con l’ambiente e il clima, come tutelati nel Green Deal, nelle normative europee e nazionali e negli accordi internazionali sulla decarbonizzazione e sullo sviluppo sostenibile. Inoltre, la filiera elettrica è “verticalmente integrata”, cioè suddivisa in attività diverse, cioè la produzione, il dispacciamento, la trasmissione, la distribuzione, la vendita all’ingrosso e al dettaglio di energia. Queste sono esercitate in regimi di mercato differenti: monopolio naturale (dovuto al carattere sub-additivo dei costi) per il dispacciamento, la trasmissione e la distribuzione di energia; libera concorrenza per la produzione e la vendita. L’esigenza di assicurare la concorrenza nel mercato energetico si contempera con la necessità di rispettare gli obblighi di servizio pubblico, in un delicato bilanciamento tra esigenze contrapposte. La Direttiva U.E. del 13 luglio 2009 n. 2009/72/Cee, all’art. 3, qualifica infatti la fornitura di energia elettrica come un servizio universale, attribuendo agli utenti il diritto di ricevere la fornitura e di mantenere prezzi ragionevoli, facilmente e chiaramente comparabili, trasparenti e non discriminatori.
The current environmental and socio-economic situation promotes the development of carbon-neutral and sustainable solutions for energy supply. In this framework, the use of hydrogen has been largely indicated as a promising alternative. However, safety aspects are of concern for storage and transportation technologies. Indeed, the current know-how promotes its transportation via pipeline as compressed gas. However, the peculiar properties of hydrogen make the selection of suitable materials challenging. For these reasons, dilution with less reactive species has been considered a short and medium solution. As a way of example, methane-hydrogen mixtures are currently transported via pipelines. In this case, the hydrogen content is limited to 20% in volume, thus keeping the dependence on natural gas sources. On the contrary, hydrogen can be conveniently transported by mixing it with carbon dioxide deriving from carbon capture and storage technologies. In this sense, the interactions between hydrogen and carbon dioxide have been poorly studied. In particular, the effects of composition and operative conditions in the case of accidental release or for direct use in the energy supply chain are unknown. For these reasons, the present work was devoted to the characterization of the chemical phenomena ruling the system. To this aim, laminar flames containing hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the air were investigated experimentally and numerically. Different detailed kinetic mechanisms largely validated were considered at this stage. Significant discrepancies were observed among numerical and experimental data, especially once a fuel consisting of 40%v of hydrogen was studied. This deviation was attributed to the formation of a cellular flame increasing the overall reactivity. Hence, this observation suggests the need for combined models accounting for peculiar physical phenomena and detailed kinetic mechanisms characterizing the hydrogen-containing flames.
I problemi ambientali che oggi ci troviamo ad affrontare sono senza precedenti e richiedono l’intervento di tutte le parti coinvolte, in ogni tipo di organizzazione.È il momento di allargare i propri orizzonti e di rivolgere l’attenzione oltre le mura aziendali. Per una crescita sostenibile, in linea con l’Agenda 2030 e i Sustainable Development Goals, è fondamentale guardare all’intera catena del valore e di approvvigionamento; non solo la dedizione verso il lato downstream deve essere perseguita, ma anche quella in upstream. Collaborare con fornitori che condividono gli stessi valori è di grande impatto sia per il business che per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi in termini di sostenibilità. Questa sostenibilità non è intesa soltanto da un punto di vista strettamente ambientale, ma in accordo con gli SDGs, abbraccia temi più ampi, rivolgendosi anche al settore sociale, di governance ed economico. La triple bottom line è alla base per il raggiungimento del fine ultimo comune a tutte le attività legate alla transizione ecologica. Per adempiere all’obiettivo, si propone di selezionare accuratamente gli acquisti seguendo i Criteri Ambientali Minimi italiani ed europei. In più, la capacità di spingersi oltre assume sempre maggiore importanza; anticipare le regolamentazioni è tipico delle aziende proattive che guidano il mercato. A tal proposito, il progetto esemplificativo descritto nell’elaborato, vede protagonista un ufficio acquisti all’avanguardia che ha individuato autonomamente ulteriori cluster, da affiancare ai criteri citati precedentemente. contrattuale. [...]
In the framework of the energy transition, the acquisition of proper knowledge of fundamental aspects characterizing the use of alternative fuels is paramount as well as the development of optimized know-how and technologies. In this sense, the use of hydrogen has been indicated as a promising route for decarbonization at the end-users stage in the energy supply chain. However, the elevated reactivity and the low-density at atmospheric conditions of hydrogen pose new challenges. Among the others, the dilution of hydrogen with carbon dioxide from carbon capture and storage systems represents a possible route. However, the interactions between these species have been poorly studied so far. For these reasons, this thesis, in collaboration between the University of Bologna and Technische Universität Bergakademie of Freiberg in Saxony (Germany), investigates the laminar flame of hydrogen-based premixed gas with the dilution of carbon dioxide. An experimental system, called a heat flux burner, was adopted ad different operating conditions. The presence of the cellularity phenomenon, forming the so-called cellular flame, was observed and analysed. Theoretical and visual methods have allowed for the characterization of the investigated flames, opening new alternatives for sustainable energy production via hydrogen transformation.
O suprimento de tomates para processamento industrial é uma atividade relativamente complexa. Plantas industriais de larga escala necessitam de elevados volumes diários de matéria-prima. Por outro lado, há alta perecibilidade dos frutos e a colheita ainda é predominantemente manual. Um modelo matemático foi desenvolvido com o propósito de entender objetivamente o processo de suprimento de tomate e, também, vislumbrar possibilidades de sua otimização. A simulação a partir do modelo pode gerar cenários que, quando comparados com o desempenho efetivamente observado em campo, evidenciam a importância da gestão acurada, com a presença de potenciais ganhos financeiros expressivos na cadeia de suprimentos a partir da redução de tempos, perdas e custos. As perdas de produto poderiam ser reduzidas de mais de 2% para algo inferior a 1%. A menor capacidade ociosa traduzir-se-ia em um menor custo de oportunidade e aumento de receita. Para uma fábrica com um consumo de tomates de 336 mil toneladas por ano, a melhoria no suprimento de matéria-prima poderia resultar em ganhos estimados em R$ 6 milhões por ano.
The relationship between companies is an important issue in the management of supply chains. Several aspects relating to the flow and exchange of information along the chain are considered as having a decisive influence on the success of this relationship. The main objective of this work was to structured and test models that link aspects of this nature with performance and the purchaser-supplier relationship in the supply chain. Aspects relevant to communication and the use do IT in relationships between companies were investigated. The importance of performance in this relationship was also investigated. The research were based on empirical data obtained by means of structural equation modeling. The results show that some aspects contribute in a significant way to the success of this relationship while others that, a priori, are considered important make no contribution.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the level of logistics information systems (LIS) adoption in manufacturing companies is influenced by organizational profile variables, such as the company`s size, the nature of its operations and their subsectors. Design/methodology/approach - A review of the mainstream literature on US was carried out to identify the factors influencing the adoption of such information systems and also some research gaps. The empirical study`s strategy is based on a survey research in Brazilian manufacturing firms from the capital goods industry. Data collected were analyzed through Kruskall-Wallis and Mann Whitney`s non-parametric tests. Findings - The analysis indicates that characteristics such as the size of companies and the nature of their operations influence the levels of LIS adoption, whilst comparisons regarding the subsectors appeared to be of little influence. Originality/value - This is the first known study to examine the influence of organizational profiles such as size, nature of operations and subsector on the level of US adoption in manufacturing companies. Moreover, it is unique in portraying the Brazilian scenario on this topic and addressing the adoption of seven types of LIS in a single study.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for radio frequency identification (RFID) technology adoption considering company size and five dimensions of analysis: RFID applications, expected benefits business drivers or motivations barriers and inhibitors, and organizational factors. Design/methodology/approach - A framework for RFID adoption derived from literature and the practical experience on the subject is developed. This framework provides a conceptual basis for analyzing a survey conducted with 114 companies in Brazil. Findings - Many companies have been developing RFID initiatives in order to identify potential applications and map benefits associated with their implementation. The survey highlights the importance business drivers in the RFID implementation stage, and that companies implement RFID focusing on a few specific applications. However, there is a weak association between expected benefits and business challenges with the current level of RFID technology adoption in Brazil. Research limitations/implications - The paper is not exhaustive, since RFID adoption in Brazil is at early stages during the survey timeline. Originality/value - The main contribution of the paper is that it yields a framework for analyzing RFID technology adoption. The authors use this framework to analyze RFID adoption in Brazil, which proved to be a useful one for identifying key issues for technology adoption. The paper is useful to any researchers or practitioners who are focused on technology adoption, in particular, RFID technology.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process. Further, this paper intends to analyze whether there is a relation between the level of environmental management maturity and the inclusion of environmental criteria in the companies` selection of suppliers. Design/methodology/approach - A review of mainstream literature on environmental management, traditional criteria in the supplier selection process and the incorporation of environmental requirements in this context. The empirical study`s strategy is based on five Brazilian case studies with industrial companies. Face-to-face interviews and informal conversations are to be held, explanations made by e-mail with representatives from the purchasing, environmental management, logistics and other areas, and observation and the collection of company documents are also employed. Findings - Based on the cases, it is concluded that companies still use traditional criteria to select suppliers, such as quality and cost, and do not adopt environmental requirements in the supplier selection process in a uniform manner. Evidence found shows that the level of environmental management maturity influences the depth with which companies adopt environmental criteria when selecting suppliers. Thus, a company with more advanced environmental management adopts more formal procedures for selecting environmentally appropriate suppliers than others. Originality/value - This is the first known study to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process.
Plant morphogenesis in vitro can be achieved via two pathways, somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis. Relationships between the culture medium and explant leading to morphogenesis are complex and, despite extensive study, remain poorly understood. Primarily the composition and ratio of plant growth regulators are manipulated to optimize the, quality and numbers of embryos or organs initiated. However, many species and varieties do not respond to this classical approach and require further optimization by the variation of other chemical or physical factors. Mineral nutrients form a significant component of culture media but are often overlooked as possible morphogenic elicitors. The combination of minerals for a particular plant species and developmental pathway are usually determined by the empirical manipulation of one or a combination of existing published formulations. Often only one medium type is used for the duration of culture even though this formulation may not be optimal for the different stages of explant growth and development. Furthermore, mineral studies have often focused on growth rather than morphogenesis with very little known of the relationships between mineral uptake and morphogenesis. This article examines the present knowledge of the main effects that mineral nutrients have on plant morphogenesis in vitro. In particular, the dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium supply during development are discussed.
O artigo descreve as conquistas realizadas na logística do varejo farmacêutico nacional nos últimos anos. As farmácias organizaram-se em redes; melhoraram seu aspecto visual; muitas operam 24 horas; usam fórmulas sofisticadas, teoricamente corretas, na gestão de estoques; dispõem de softwares avançados; operam depósitos racionalizados, por vezes automatizados; as entregas às lojas são diárias; o código de barras facilita o controle dos produtos. Subsistem problemas que impedem a obtenção de autêntico just in time e de falta-zero: dificuldade de prever a demanda; limitação da capacidade dos bancos de dados para registrar dados relativos a 5.000 apresentações em 100 lojas; entrosamento precário entre os setores de vendas e compras na empresa; freqüência e rapidez ainda insuficientes de reposição dos produtos no depósito e nas lojas; existência de numerosos medicamentos de baixo giro. Recomendações são apresentadas para a remoção desses entraves e o advento do sonhado Supply Chain Management.