942 resultados para Suggestion mentale
In the 1980's, there was a suggestion of including the Adapted Physical Education discipline in the Physical Education Graduation Course. In this perspective, starting from the Adapted Physical Education teacher's routine, the aim of this research was to verify what these teachers know and how they manage to plan, elaborate and apply their knowledge with their students with educational special needs. It's an exploring study that had in its interview and silabus analisis technics the source of its data. Among its most important results, it showed teaching, experimental and pedagogical knowledge as part of Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education, in the arrangement, building and knowledge apliance.
Digestion is associated with gastric secretion that leads to an alkalinisation of the blood, termed the alkaline tide. Numerous studies on different reptiles and amphibians show that while plasma bicarbonate concentration ([HCO3-](pl)) increases substantially during digestion, arterial pH (pHa) remains virtually unchanged, due to a concurrent rise in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) caused by a relative hypoventilation. This has led to the suggestion that postprandial amphibians and reptiles regulate pHa rather than PaCO2.Here we characterize blood gases in the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus) during digestion and following systemic infusions of NaHCO3 and HCl in fasting animals to induce a metabolic alkalosis or acidosis in fasting animals. The magnitude of these acid-base disturbances were similar in magnitude to that mediated by digestion and exercise. Plasma [HCOT] increased from 18.4+/-1.5 to 23.7+/-1.0 mmol L-1 during digestion and was accompanied by a respiratory compensation where PaCO2 increased from 13.0+/-0.7 to 19.1+/-1.4 mm Hg at 24 h. As a result, pHa decreased slightly, but were significantly below fasting levels 36 h into digestion. Infusion of NaHCO3 (7 mmol kg(-1)) resulted in a 10 mmol L-1 increase in plasma [HCO3-] within 1 h and was accompanied by a rapid elevation of pHa (from 7.58+/-0.01 to 7.78+/-0.02). PaCO2, however, did not change following HCO3- infusion, which indicates a lack of respiratory compensation. Following infusion of HCl (4 mmol kg(-1)), plasma pHa decreased by 0.07 units and [HCO3-](pl) was reduced by 4.6 mmol L-1 within the first 3 h. PaCO2, however, was not affected and there was no evidence for respiratory compensation.Our data show that digesting rattlesnakes exhibit respiratory compensations to the alkaline tide, whereas artificially induced metabolic acid-base disturbances of same magnitude remain uncompensated. It seems difficult to envision that the central and peripheral chemoreceptors would experience different stimuli during these conditions. One explanation for the different ventilatory responses could be that digestion induces a more relaxed state with low responsiveness to ventilatory stimuli. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We predict the loss of superfluidity in a Bose-Einstein condensate in an axially symmetric harmonic trap alone during resonant collective oscillations via a classical dynamical transition. The forced resonant oscillation can be initiated by (a) periodic modulation of the atomic scattering length with a frequency that equals twice the radial trapping frequency or multiples thereof, or by (b) periodic modulation of the radial trapping potential with a frequency that equals the radial trapping frequency or multiples thereof. Suggestion for future experiment is made. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We suggest a time-dependent dynamical mean-field-hydrodynamic model for the collapse of a trapped boson-fermion condensate and perform numerical simulation based on it to understand some aspects of the experiment by Modugno et al. [Science 297, 2240 (2002)] on the collapse of the fermionic condensate in the K-40-Rb-87 mixture. We show that the mean-field model explains the formation of a stationary boson-fermion condensate at zero temperature with relative sizes compatible with experiment. This model is also found to yield a faithful representation of the collapse dynamics in qualitative agreement with experiment. In particular we consider the collapse of the fermionic condensate associated with (a) an increase of the number of bosonic atoms as in the experiment and (b) an increase of the attractive boson-fermion interaction using a Feshbach resonance. Suggestion for experiments of fermionic collapse using a Feshbach resonance is made.
We use the light-front machinery to study the behavior of a relativistic free particle and obtain the quantum commutation relations from the classical Poisson brackets. We argue that their usual projection onto the light-front coordinates from the covariant commutation relations show that there is an inconsistency in the expected correlation between canonically conjugate variables time x(+) and energy p(-). This incompatibility between canonical conjugate variables in the light front is discussed in the context of Poisson brackets and a suggestion is made on how to avoid it.
We use a time-dependent dynamical hydrodynamic model to study a collapse in a degenerate fermion-fermion mixture ( DFFM) of different atoms. Due to a strong Pauli-blocking repulsion among identical spin-polarized fermions at short distances, there cannot be a collapse for repulsive interspecies fermion fermion interaction. However, there can be a collapse for a sufficiently attractive interspecies fermion-fermion interaction in a DFFM of different atoms. Using a variational analysis and numerical solution of the hydrodynamic model, we study different aspects of collapse in such a DFFM initiated by a jump in the interspecies fermion-fermion interaction ( scattering length) to a large negative ( attractive) value using a Feshbach resonance. Suggestion for experiments of collapse in a DFFM of distinct atoms is made.
We predict the loss of superfluidity in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped in a combined optical and axially-symmetric harmonic potentials during a resonant collective excitation initiated by a periodic modulation of the atomic scattering length a, when the modulation frequency equals twice the radial trapping frequency or multiples thereof. This classical dynamical transition is marked by a loss of superfluidity in the BEC and a subsequent destruction of the interference pattern upon free expansion. Suggestion for future experiment is made. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Squeezed correlations of particle-antiparticle pairs were predicted to exist if the hadron masses were modified in the hot and dense medium formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Although well-established theoretically, they have not yet been observed experimentally. We suggest here a clear method to search for such a signal by analyzing the squeezed correlation functions in terms of measurable quantities. We illustrate this suggestion for simulated phi phi pairs at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) energies.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar as condições emocionais de mães cujos filhos nascem com malformações visíveis, em dois momentos: após o nascimento e três meses após alta hospitalar. Para tanto, foram avaliados os sinais de ansiedade e depressão de 17 mães desses recém-nascidos pelo Inventário de Depressão de Beck e Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado - IDATE. Confirmando a literatura, com outras crianças de risco, observaram-se altos índices de ansiedade e depressão no pós-parto imediato, uma redução significativa da ansiedade-estado, da depressão e dos sinais clínicos de ansiedade, três meses após a alta. Pode-se supor que estava ocorrendo uma adaptação gradual dessas mães, que contavam com suporte social e grupo de apoio, à medida que tinham um contato íntimo com a criança e percebiam suas habilidades como cuidadoras. Discutem-se as limitações do estudo e necessidade de investigações orientadas para aprofundar a identificação dos fatores que potencializam ou dificultam a adaptação materna.
Dans le cadre du service de gériatrie du Centre de Santé-école de la faculté de médecine de Botucatu (Université de São Paulo), a été établi un programme d'appui à ces soignants avec les objectifs suivants: préserver leur qualité de vie et favoriser de meilleures conditions familiales aux patients. Le programme comprend de 10 à 12 réunions par semaine, de deux heures de durée, coordonnées par deux psychologues. on utilise des techniques de psychodrame centrées sur le rôle du soignant et leurs conséquences sociales et émotionnelles. Les informations théoriques sont transmises au moyen de discussions de groupe et de moyens audiovisuels. Les thèmes suivants sont abordés : signification et motivation du soin donné, signaux d'alertes de fatigue physique et mentale du soignant, les possibilités de se traiter et de demander de l'aide, une méthode d'amélioration de la communication face à une déficience visuelle, auditive et cognitive, une méthode pour favoriser l'indépendance et l'autonomie et surmonter les problèmes relatifs à l'hygiène, la mobilité, l'agression, l'irritation, les hallucinations et les idées délirantes de la personne âgée. Au cours de la première réunion de chaque groupe (qui comprend de 10 à 20 participants) on applique une échelle d'évaluation de l'impact émotionnel sur les soignants (Zarit et al., 1980) et le SRQ (Self Report Questionnaire - Mari and Williams, 1986) qui identifient des désordres psychiatriques. Ces échelles sont reproduites à la fin du programme, pour observer d'éventuelles modifications. Les données obtenues indiquent des changements favorables dans l'expression d'émotions, l'établissement de limites et de retour à des activités de loisirs.
Nous avons analysé les résultats d'une recherché sur les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses (chez les Églises Évangéliques et Catholique Renovée, et chez l'Oumbanda). Ainsi que leur comparaison avec le traitement fourni, chez les Ambulatoires de Santé Mentale publiques, aux individus se plaignant de souffrance psychique. L'analyse statistique a révélé que les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses sont efficaces à la solution des problèmes de ceux qui les ont cherché, en surmontant, dans le court délai, l'efficacité obtenue par les pratiques ambulatoriales. Un des principaux moyens d'efficacité des pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses consiste dans l'offre de sens de diverses nuances, d'où se ressort le sens radical de teneur imaginaire, qui implique en des adhésions institutionelles du type fanatique ou ritualistique en bonne partie des cas. Les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses semblent fonctioner comme des orthopédies des maladies de l'individualisme contemporain, en réinstallant, par des moyens syntoniques, quelque fonctionalité de la catégorie individu. Comme suite de l'analyse, nous arrivons à l'hypothèse sur l'existence d'une Culture du Mysticisme en état avancé de formation dans le contexte brésilien, comme conséquence des caractéristiques culturelles et des effets de la perturbation des rapports du sujet avec le domaine du symbolique, dans les sociétés de consommation mondialisées à exclusion sociale accentuée et affectées par une importante crise de sens, conséquence de l'ébranlement des idéaux les plus basilaires du libéralisme.
TEMA: eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea. A atuação fonoaudiológica com disfagia orofaríngea em nosso País alcançou proporções significativas e merece neste momento atenção para que esta atuação esteja baseada em evidências científicas. As técnicas terapêuticas e a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea têm sido estudadas desde a década de 70, alcançando seu ápice na década de 80 e 90. Poucos estudos têm relatado a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea, sendo mais freqüente aqueles que têm se preocupado em provar os efeitos da técnica terapêutica na dinâmica da deglutição. No Brasil, as pesquisas em disfagia orofaríngea têm valorizado os procedimentos de avaliação, sendo poucos os trabalhos que tratam da reabilitação. OBJETIVO: apresentar uma análise crítica sobre a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea. CONCLUSÃO: este artigo de revisão aponta que estudos não randomizados têm comprometido os resultados, uma vez que a casuística das pesquisas têm utilizado amostras muito heterogêneas, que incluem disfagias orofaríngeas mecânicas e neurogênicas ocasionadas por distintas etiologias. Além disto, os programas terapêuticos empregados são pouco descritivos comprometendo a reprodução por parte de outros pesquisadores. Tais achados sugerem a necessidade de estudos mais randomizados, talvez inicialmente por meio de estudos de casos que possam excluir as variáveis do controle da eficácia terapêutica. Outra sugestão seria empregar, assim como as pesquisas atuais têm proposto, escalas que possam medir o impacto do treinamento de deglutição nas condições nutricionais e pulmonares do indivíduo disfágico. Uma importante área da pesquisa, relacionada ao controle da eficiência e eficácia terapêutica, está nos estudos que objetivam estabelecer o grau de redução de custos hospitalares e em empresas de home care, mediante a atuação do fonoaudiólogo com a disfagia orofaríngea.