944 resultados para Stresse hídrico


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This paper aims to discuss the current issues involving urban water courses and, subsequently through the design of an urban park qualify the Permanent Preservation Area of the Córrego dos Macacos, locate in the city of São José do Rio Preto - São Paulo, seeking the population recognition on this living hydric resource and therefore achieve urbanity. For that purpose, we studied the urbanistic planning of the city of São José do Rio Preto regarding the proposed theme and the area of the Córrego dos Macacos valley, one of the segments of the Parque Setorial, in two previous moments as well as some key concepts, starting from a methodology of bibliographic studies analysis. After this analysis, it were determined some general guidelines for the entire extension of the stream, and finally it was chosen a specific segment to formulate proposals for a planned and design space according to the characteristics of the place


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The sugarcane is a crop of annual cycle, where its large water demand is not always full, causing stand gaps in the sprouting of ratoons. Thus, this study aimed to assess the stand gaps in the first and second ratoon sugarcane under seven levels of water deficit. The experiment was conducted in the Center of Agricultural Sciences of the Federal University of Alagoas in the period of 22 February 2010 to 20 February 2012. The stand gaps depending on water depths ranged from 11.2 (25% ETo) to 16.8% (100% ETo) in the first ratoon and from 24.8 (0% ETo) to 32.8% (100% ETo) on second ratoon. The average size of stand gaps ranged from 0.60 to 0.68 m in the first ratoon and from 0.70 to 0.74 m on second ratoon. The average distance to find a stand gap ranged from 16.8 to 29.5 m in the first ratoon and from 6.5 to 10.9 m in the second ratoon. The percentage of gaps and the average size of the gaps in the sprouting of ratoon increase with the age of the sugarcane plantation and the average distance between gaps decreases. The use of irrigation in the culture of sugarcane increase the percentage of gaps, but because these spaces are filled with culms of other sugarcane clumps and were irrigated with larger water depths, the agricultural productivity of the culture increases. The depths of irrigation decreases the average distance between gaps with more intensity in the first than in the second ratoon.


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Acute renal failure (ARF) may be defined as a subtle loss of renal function, leading to accumulation of nitrogenated substances. Several causes may lead to the development of ARF in an animal, including severe shock, intense blood loss, hypotension, dehydration, hypovolemia, deep anesthesia and nephrotoxins. Fluid therapy remains the basis of ARF treatment in animals. Thee therapeutic objective is to normalize fluid balance, solve hemodynamic problems and promote urine production. The objective of the present study is to review the procedures to manage acute renal failure in dogs and cats.


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A crescente conscientização da água como bem de alto valor econômico, social, cultural e ecológico exige cada vez mais o uso racional desse recurso baseados em parâmetros técnicos que levem a um aumento da eficiência do manejo de irrigação. Utilizou-se o programa STELLA 10.0.3 para simular o balanço hídrico de um solo cultivado com meloeiro (Cucumis melo L.) no município de Iguatu/Ceará. Os parâmetros meteorológicos corresponderam aos valores diários de temperatura máxima, temperatura mínima, temperatura média e radiação solar no topo da atmosfera. Utilizou-se o método de Hargreaves-Samani para determinar a Evapotranspiração de Referência. A capacidade de campo, ponto de murcha permanente, densidade aparente, profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular e o déficit hídrico tolerável foram os parâmetros físicos do solo para determinar sua capacidade de água disponível e o nível mínimo de água disponível. As irrigações são realizadas sempre que o nível de umidade do solo fica muito próximo ou abaixo do nível mínimo de água disponível. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo desenvolvido utilizando dinâmica de sistemas, analisa todos os parâmetros envolvidos de forma sistêmica e dinâmica fornecendo como resultado valores de lâminas de irrigação a serem aplicadas e os momentos em que sua aplicação é necessária.


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The objective of this study was to simulate the potential stem and sugar yield of sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in the Northeastern Brazil (Petrolina-PE and Teresina-PI) and analyze 4 varieties in different planting seasons in two environments: irrigated and rainfed cultivars. The model of simulation was DSSAT/CANEGRO (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) and the four sugar cane varieties were as follows: RB86 7515, CTC 4, CTC 7 and CTC 20 (all in 1.5 year cycle). Analysis of variance was performed on the results and means were compared using the Tukey test with probability level at 5%. March is the recommended month for planting in Teresina, PI. In Petrolina, PE, rainfed planting is not advisable because of the extended water deficit all year long. In an irrigated environment, no difference was found concerning stem yield as a function of planting season, for all varieties in the study regions. The stem and sugar yields were always higher in irrigated environment as compared with those in rainfed environment in all municipalities and study varieties. The simulation model provided good estimate of stem and sugar yields as compared with experimental data in Teresina, PI.


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Knowing the annual climatic conditions is of great importance for appropriate planning in agriculture. However, the systems of climatic classification are not widely used in agricultural studies because of the wide range of scales in which they are used. A series with data from 20 years of observations from 45 climatological stations in all over the state of Pernambuco was used. The probability density function of the incomplete gamma distribution was used to evaluate the occurrence of dry, regular and rainy years. The monthly climatic water balance was estimated using the Thornthwaite and Mather method (1955), and based on those findings, the climatic classifications were performed using the Thornthwaite (1948) and Thornthwaite and Mather (1955) for each site. The method of Kriging interpolation was used for the spatialization of the results. The study classifications were very sensitive to the local reliefs, to the amount of rainfall, and to the temperatures of the regions resulting in a wide number of climatic types. The climatic classification system of Thornthwaite and Mather (1955) allowed efficient classification of climates and a clearer summary of the information provided. In so doing, it demonstrated its capability to determine agro climatic zones.


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The increasing expansion of agricultural activities, without considering the potential and limitations of soils is a potential source of environmental degradation. Thus, the present study assessed the variation of use and occupation in 49 years, between 1962 and 2011 scenarios of watershed of São Caetano - Botucatu (SP). geoprocessing techniques were used in this study. In a Geographic Information System (GIS) - IDRISI – it was integrated information from IBGE digital cards, scale 1:50,000, plus aerial photographs (1962) and satellite images LANDSAT - 5 (2011). In the study area, we can view the progress of the urban area, which in 1962 was not present in the watershed. In 2011, the urban area occupied 21.37% of the total area. Even with this breakthrough occurring in the period of 49 years, there was an increase in the area of natural vegetation, which once occupied only 12.33% of the area (1962), and in 2011 represents 25% of the total area of the watershed, showing an increase in awareness on the importance of preserving nature. Thus, we can conclude that the analysis tools based on GIS enabled us to analyze variations in space and time and to propose alternatives to the correct use and occupation of land.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB