994 resultados para Spoonges -- Mortality -- Mediterranean Sea
The present Ph.D. thesis aims to test and evaluate by-catch reduction devices (BRDs) that minimize the retention of undersized fish and do not penalize revenues of the fishing industry. Considering that a fraction of fish that escape from fishing gear or that are rejected at the sea probably does not survive (unaccounted mortality), it is a major concern for sustainable fisheries management, as unaccounted mortality may lead to biased stock assessment since they will tend to underestimate fishing mortality and overestimate stock size. In this context, in the present Ph.D. thesis, the escape survival (i.e. survival of the fish escaped through the trawl net codend) of the Mullus barbatus Linnaeus 1758 and the discard survival (survival of fish rejected at the sea after being hauled on deck) of Trachurus trachurus were evaluated for the first time in the central Mediterranean Sea. In conclusion, the use of underwater lights in Mediterranean trawl fisheries should be carefully regulated through ad hoc measures that are currently lacking, to minimize the potential impacts of artificial light on some already overexploited stocks. Even if further works should be carried out in the future to test BRDs performances in different areas and seasons, the T90 50 mm codend and the Grid-T45 40 mm seem promising tools to reduce the catch of undersized individuals and contribute to mitigating the current overfishing of Parapenaeus longirostris and Merluccius merluccius. The escape survival of M. barbatus was high and thanks to an improved methodology the bias in the sampling was minimized. However, for improved stock assessment of M. barbatus, the experiment should be repeated to provide accurate escape mortality estimates. While the discard survival of T. trachurus was very low and according to the landing obligation (Reg. EU 1380/2013) all the juveniles of the species should be landed.
The aim of the present study is to apply a broad range of techniques to increase the knowledge of acoustic properties of Sprattus sprattus, Scomber colias and Trachurus mediterraneus in the Adriatic Sea. A novel study using tethered live fish but not involving hooks and anesthetic was tested on T. mediterraneus and S. colias through several ex situ experiments using a split-beam scientific echosounder operating at 38, 120, and 200 kHz. The mean TS was estimated for 29 live specimens, resulting in a conversion factor b20 value of -71.4 dB re 1 m2 and -71.6 dB re 1 m2 respectively which is ~3 dB lower than the current one in use in the Mediterranean Sea. Successively, two monospecific trawl hauls were analyzed through the application of in situ approach for the computation of TS values of S. sprattus which led to six b20 values for sprat (range, -68.8 dB re 1 m2 to -65.6 dB re 1 m2), all higher than the current known value of -71.7 dB re 1 m2. The high difference up to 4.2 dB compared to the current value translates in a significant decrease of absolute sprat biomass along the time series un to 20%. Finally, 149 specimens of the three species were collected for backscattering model application(i.e. Kirchhoff-ray mode model (KRM) and Finite Element Method (FEM)) from digital images of the fish body and swimbladder obtained from Computer Tomography (CT) and X-Ray scans. The values resulting from the application of KRM and FEM are in agreement with empirical results. In general terms the present work proposes the acoustic backscatter characterization of S. colias, S. sprattus and T. mediterraneus in the Mediterranean Sea.
Seafood carries several contaminants, among which mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are those that cause major concern. Evidence exists that human populations are exposed to these environmental chemicals since ancient times, which may have driven the positive selection of specific genetic polymorphisms related to chemicals toxicokinetic. Both mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are able to cause DNA methylation changes in humans. Some Mediterranean populations may be particularly exposed to these contaminants, being the Mediterranean Sea at a high-risk for contamination by toxic compounds, and because of their traditionally high consumption of locally caught seafood. Starting from these premises the present thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the molecular impact of seafood consumption on the biology of the Mediterranean population. To this end the work has been divided into four main parts: (1) the development and meta-analysis of a georeferenced database on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Mediterranean seafood aimed at identifying geographical patterns of contamination and trends that could be related to the biology of the marine organisms, to the physico-chemical properties of each hydrocarbon and to the oceanographic characteristic of the Mediterranean; (2) the development and validation of a food frequency questionnaire to estimate the intake of mercury through seafood consumption among a population living in a geographic area that is usually considered a contamination hotspot; (3) the creation of a biobank made of biological samples from members of several Italian communities together with information on their dietary habits, lifestyle and general health; (4) a review of the literature on the genetic component of individual susceptibility to methylmercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure in humans, to the effects that these pollutants have on human DNA methylation, and to the evidence that Mediterranean coastal communities represent an informative case study to investigate the potential molecular impact of these chemicals.
In recent years, developed countries have turned their attention to clean and renewable energy, such as wind energy and wave energy that can be converted to electrical power. Companies and academic groups worldwide are investigating several wave energy ideas today. Accordingly, this thesis studies the numerical simulation of the dynamic response of the wave energy converters (WECs) subjected to the ocean waves. This study considers a two-body point absorber (2BPA) and an oscillating surge wave energy converter (OSWEC). The first aim is to mesh the bodies of the earlier mentioned WECs to calculate their hydrostatic properties using axiMesh.m and Mesh.m functions provided by NEMOH. The second aim is to calculate the first-order hydrodynamic coefficients of the WECs using the NEMOH BEM solver and to study the ability of this method to eliminate irregular frequencies. The third is to generate a *.h5 file for 2BPA and OSWEC devices, in which all the hydrodynamic data are included. The BEMIO, a pre-and post-processing tool developed by WEC-Sim, is used in this study to create *.h5 files. The primary and final goal is to run the wave energy converter Simulator (WEC-Sim) to simulate the dynamic responses of WECs studied in this thesis and estimate their power performance at different sites located in the Mediterranean Sea and the North Sea. The hydrodynamic data obtained by the NEMOH BEM solver for the 2BPA and OSWEC devices studied in this thesis is imported to WEC-Sim using BEMIO. Lastly, the power matrices and annual energy production (AEP) of WECs are estimated for different sites located in the Sea of Sicily, Sea of Sardinia, Adriatic Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, and the North Sea. To this end, the NEMOH and WEC-Sim are still the most practical tools to estimate the power generation of WECs numerically.
Light is generally regarded as the most likely cue used by zooplankton to regulate their vertical movements through the water column. However, the way in which light is used by zooplankton as a cue is not well understood. In this paper we present a mathematical model of diel vertical migration which produces vertical distributions of zooplankton that vary in space and time. The model is used to predict the patterns of vertical distribution which result when animals are assumed to adopt one of three commonly proposed mechanisms for vertical swimming. First, we assume zooplankton tend to swim towards a preferred intensity of light. We then assume zooplankton swim in response to either the rate of change in light intensity or the relative rate of change in light intensity. The model predicts that for all three mechanisms movement is fastest at sunset and sunrise and populations are primarily influenced by eddy diffusion at night in the absence of a light stimulus. Daytime patterns of vertical distribution differ between the three mechanisms and the reasons for the predicted differences are discussed. Swimming responses to properties of the light field are shown to be adequate for describing diel vertical migration where animals congregate in near surface waters during the evening and reside at deeper depths during the day. However, the model is unable to explain how some populations halt their ascent before reaching surface waters or how populations re-congregate in surface waters a few hours before sunrise, a phenomenon which is sometimes observed in the held. The model results indicate that other exogenous or endogenous factors besides light may play important roles in regulating vertical movement.
The reef levels of the gulf of Skoura belong to the reef formation of the Upper Miocene of the South-Rifan straits. A detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of various forms of colonies has led to the establishment of precise coral morphologies zonation. This palaeoecological approach leads us to distinguish between two environments in the Skoura gulf, probably corresponding to two reef episodes. The palaeogeographical implications (relationships between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea) will be pointed out.
Geophysical data acquired on the conjugate margins system of the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia (GLWS) is unique in its ability to address fundamental questions about rifting (i.e. crustal thinning, the nature of the continent-ocean transition zone, the style of rifting and subsequent evolution, and the connection between deep and surface processes). While the Gulf of Lion (GoL) was the site of several deep seismic experiments, which occurred before the SARDINIA Experiment (ESP and ECORS Experiments in 1981 and 1988 respectively), the crustal structure of the West Sardinia margin remains unknown. This paper describes the first modeling of wide-angle and near-vertical reflection multi-channel seismic (MCS) profiles crossing the West Sardinia margin, in the Mediterranean Sea. The profiles were acquired, together with the exact conjugate of the profiles crossing the GoL, during the SARDINIA experiment in December 2006 with the French R/V L'Atalante. Forward wide-angle modeling of both data sets (wide-angle and multi-channel seismic) confirms that the margin is characterized by three distinct domains following the onshore unthinned, 26 km-thick continental crust : Domain V, where the crust thins from 26 to 6 km in a width of about 75 km; Domain IV where the basement is characterized by high velocity gradients and lower crustal seismic velocities from 6.8 to 7.25 km/s, which are atypical for either crustal or upper mantle material, and Domain III composed of "atypical" oceanic crust.The structure observed on the West Sardinian margin presents a distribution of seismic velocities that is symmetrical with those observed on the Gulf of Lion's side, except for the dimension of each domain and with respect to the initiation of seafloor spreading. This result does not support the hypothesis of simple shear mechanism operating along a lithospheric detachment during the formation of the Liguro-Provencal basin.
The reef levels of the gulf of skoura belong to the reef formation of the Upper Miocene of the South-Rifan straits. A detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of various forms of colonies has led to the establishment of precise coral morphologies zonation. This palaeoecological approach leads us to distinguish between two environments in the Skoura gulf, probably corresponding to two reef episodes. The palaeogeographical implications (relationships between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea) will be pointed out.
Octopus vulgaris, Octopus maya, and Eledone cirrhosa from distinct marine environments [Northeast Atlantic (NEA), Northwest Atlantic (NWA), Eastern Central Atlantic, Western Central Atlantic (WCA), Pacific Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea] were characterized regarding their lipid and vitamin E composition. These species are those commercially more relevant worldwide. Significant interspecies and interorigin differences were observed. Unsaturated fatty acids account for more than 65% of total fatty acids, mostly ω-3 PUFA due to docosahexaenoic (18.4−29.3%) and eicosapentanoic acid (11.4− 23.9%) contributions. The highest ω-3 PUFA amounts and ω-3/ω-6 ratios were quantified in the heaviest specimens, O. vulgaris from NWA, with high market price, and simultaneously in the lowest graded samples, E. cirrhosa from NEA, of reduced dimensions. Although having the highest cholesterol contents, E. cirrhosa from NEA and O. maya from WCA have also higher protective fatty acid indexes. Chemometric discrimination allowed clustering the selected species and several origins based on lipid and vitamin E profiles.
RESUMO: O Líbano é um pequeno país na costa leste do Mar Mediterrâneo, com uma população de aproximadamente 4.350.000 pessoas, incluindo 1,5 milhões de refugiados, 400 mil dos quais são palestinos atendidos pela UNRWA (Agência das Nações Unidas de Socorro aos Refugiados da Palestina) (UNHCR, 2013; OMS, 2010a). Desde 2012, um excedente de 1.000.000 refugiados sírios cruzaram a fronteira com o Líbano, representando um aumento populacional de aproximadamente 25%. Além disso, entre 1975 e 1990, a violenta guerra civil pela qual o Líbano passou, destruiu grande parte da infra-estrutura do país, incluindo os serviços de saúde. O sector da saúde, mais especificamente os serviços de saúde mental, é majoritariamente privado. Serviços especializados em Saúde Mental estão disponíveis em três hospitais psiquiátricos privados, e em 4 unidades psiquiátricas de hospitais gerais, que estão localizados centralmente em torno da capital, Beirute. O Líbano é um dos dois únicos países da região que não tem uma Política de Saúde Mental e um dos seis países que não têm uma Legislação em Saúde Mental. Nos últimos anos, a Saúde Mental está sendo colocada no topo da agenda nacional, apesar das contínuas questões políticas e de segurança. Baseando-se nas informações acima, um projecto de estratégia em Saúde Mental, conduzido pelo Ministério da Saúde e apoiado pela OMS, foi escrito para servir como um guia para trabalhar em diferentes aspectos relacionados tanto em saúde mental quanto em organização dos serviços, revisão de legislação, financiamento e proteção dos direitos humanos básicos dos usuários do serviço. Esta tese descreve o processo pelo qual o projecto de estratégia nacional de Saúde Mental foi desenvolvido, seus principais componentes, os próximos passos a serem tomados para a sua implementação, os desafios e as oportunidades para implementá-lo e propõe alguns passos iniciais a serem tomados em primeiro lugar.----------ABSTRACT: Lebanon is a small country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea with a population of approximately 4,350,000 including 1,500,000 refugees, 400,000 of whom are Palestinians served by UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) (UNHCR, 2013; WHO, 2010a). Since 2012 an excess of 1,000,000 Syrian refugees have crossed the border into Lebanon accounting for approximately 25% increase in the population. In addition, from 1975 to 1990 Lebanon underwent a violent civil war that had also destroyed much of the country infrastructure including health services. The health sector, more so the mental health services, is mostly private. Specialized Mental Health services are available at three private mental hospitals, and 4 psychiatric units within general hospitals, which are located centrally around the capital, Beirut. Lebanon is one of only two countries of the region that does not have a Mental Health policy and one out of the six countries that does not have a Mental Health legislation. In recent years, Mental Health is getting placed higher on the national agenda despite the ever continuing political and security issues. Based on the above, A Mental Health strategy draft, lead by the Ministry of Health and supported by WHO, was written to serve as a guide to work on different aspects related to Mental Health from service organization, to the revision of legislation, financing and the protection of the basic human rights of service users. This thesis describes the process through which the national Mental Health draft strategy was developed, its main components, the next steps to be taken for its implementation, the challenges and the opportunities to implementing it and proposes a few initial steps to be taken first.
Publicado em "Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Vol. 8, suppl. s1 (2014)
Almost half of Ireland’s commercial stocks face overexploitation. As traditional species decrease in abundance and become less profitable, the industry is increasingly turning to alternate species. Atlantic saury (Scomberesox saurus saurus (Walbaum)) has been identified as a potential species for exploitation. Very little information is available on its biology or population dynamics, especially for Irish waters. This thesis aims to obtain sound scientific data, which will help to ensure that a future Atlantic saury fishery can be sustainably managed. The research has produced valuable data, some of which contradicts previous studies. Growth of Atlantic saury measured using otolith microstructure is found to be more than twice that previously calculated from annual structures on scales and otoliths. This results in a significant reduction of the expected life span from five to about two years. Investigation of maturity stage at age indicates that Atlantic saury will reproduce for the first time at age one and will survive for one or at most two reproduction seasons. It is concluded that a future Irish fishery will target mostly fish prior to their first reproduction. Finally the thesis gives some insights into the population structure of Atlantic saury, by analysis of otolith morphometric. Significant differences are detected between Northeastern Atlantic and western Mediterranean Sea specimens of the 0+ age class (less than one year old). The implications of these results for the management of an emerging fishery are discussed.