998 resultados para Species replacement


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Identification keys to families of Cladocera and to subfamilies, genera, species and subspecies of Macrothricidae and Moinidae are given. This translation does not include ecological notes or illustrations.


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This document is a partial translation of taxonomic notes on two Diptera species (Acalcarella Shilova, Acalcarrella nucus) which were abundant in a survey of Tendipedid species (Diptera, Tendipedidae) of the Amu Darya drainage basin. These taxonomic notes of the larva, pupa and adults include drawings of the Acalcarella nucus larva.


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Taxonomic observations are given on Dangeardia sporapiculata n. sp. Furthermore the term 'apiculus' and the species limitation of some chytrids are being discussed. It is concluded that the newly described species Dangeardia sporapiculata does not fit satisfactorily into the present system of phlyctidiacee, because their characteristics do not agree exactly with any genus.


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Recent surveys have indicated an increase in haplochromine biomass recorded from the bottom trawl and in the beam trawl. The haplochromines recovering in the offshore waters belong to three species in the zooplanktivorous trophic group: Yssichromis laparogramma (Greenwood and Gee), Yssichromis fusiformis (Greenwood and Gee) and Astatotilapia lacrimosa (Boulenger). In this paper, the species composition and relative abundance of the zooplanktivorous haplochromines recorded from the bottom and frame trawl surveys in the various parts of the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria are discussed.


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In a tagging experiment carried out in the Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria, an annual growth increment of 29 cm yr was obtained for Lates niloticus (L.). Growth parameters obtained using the von Bertalanffy model on the growth curve fitted by eye were L (inf.) = 122 cm yr and k = 0.26 yr. Data for other species tagged were inadequate to obtain meaningful results.


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Albacore and Atlantic Bluefin tuna are two pelagic fish. Atlantic Bluefin tuna is included in the IUCN red list of threatened species and albacore is considered to be near threatened, so conservation plans are needed. However, no genomic resources are available for any of them. In this study, to better understand their transcriptome we functionally annotated orthologous genes. In all, 159 SNPs distributed in 120 contigs of the muscle transcriptome were analyzed. Genes were predicted for 98 contigs (81.2%) using the bioinformatics tool BLAST. In addition, another bioinformatics tool, BLAST2GO was used in order to achieve GO terms for the genes, in which 41 sequences were given a biological process, and 39 sequences were given a molecular process. The most repeated biological process was metabolism and it is important that no cellular process was given in any of the sequences. The most abundant molecular process was binding and very few catalytic activity processes were given. From the initial 159 SNPs, 40 were aligned with a sequence in the database after BLAST2GO was run, and were polymorphic in Atlantic Bluefin tuna and monomorphic in albacore. From these 40 SNPs, 24 were located in an open reading frame of which four were non-synonymous and 20 were synonymous and 16 were not located in a known open reading frame,. This study provides information for better understanding the ecology and evolution of these species and this is important in order to establish a proper conservation plan and an appropriate management.


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Part 1. Many interesting visual and mechanical phenomena occur in the critical region of fluids, both for the gas-liquid and liquid-liquid transitions. The precise thermodynamic and transport behavior here has some broad consequences for the molecular theory of liquids. Previous studies in this laboratory on a liquid-liquid critical mixture via ultrasonics supported a basically classical analysis of fluid behavior by M. Fixman (e. g., the free energy is assumed analytic in intensive variables in the thermodynamics)--at least when the fluid is not too close to critical. A breakdown in classical concepts is evidenced close to critical, in some well-defined ways. We have studied herein a liquid-liquid critical system of complementary nature (possessing a lower critical mixing or consolute temperature) to all previous mixtures, to look for new qualitative critical behavior. We did not find such new behavior in the ultrasonic absorption ascribable to the critical fluctuations, but we did find extra absorption due to chemical processes (yet these are related to the mixing behavior generating the lower consolute point). We rederived, corrected, and extended Fixman's analysis to interpret our experimental results in these more complex circumstances. The entire account of theory and experiment is prefaced by an extensive introduction recounting the general status of liquid state theory. The introduction provides a context for our present work, and also points out problems deserving attention. Interest in these problems was stimulated by this work but also by work in Part 3.

Part 2. Among variational theories of electronic structure, the Hartree-Fock theory has proved particularly valuable for a practical understanding of such properties as chemical binding, electric multipole moments, and X-ray scattering intensity. It also provides the most tractable method of calculating first-order properties under external or internal one-electron perturbations, either developed explicitly in orders of perturbation theory or in the fully self-consistent method. The accuracy and consistency of first-order properties are poorer than those of zero-order properties, but this is most often due to the use of explicit approximations in solving the perturbed equations, or to inadequacy of the variational basis in size or composition. We have calculated the electric polarizabilities of H2, He, Li, Be, LiH, and N2 by Hartree-Fock theory, using exact perturbation theory or the fully self-consistent method, as dictated by convenience. By careful studies on total basis set composition, we obtained good approximations to limiting Hartree-Fock values of polarizabilities with bases of reasonable size. The values for all species, and for each direction in the molecular cases, are within 8% of experiment, or of best theoretical values in the absence of the former. Our results support the use of unadorned Hartree-Pock theory for static polarizabilities needed in interpreting electron-molecule scattering data, collision-induced light scattering experiments, and other phenomena involving experimentally inaccessible polarizabilities.

Part 3. Numerical integration of the close-coupled scattering equations has been carried out to obtain vibrational transition probabilities for some models of the electronically adiabatic H2-H2 collision. All the models use a Lennard-Jones interaction potential between nearest atoms in the collision partners. We have analyzed the results for some insight into the vibrational excitation process in its dependence on the energy of collision, the nature of the vibrational binding potential, and other factors. We conclude also that replacement of earlier, simpler models of the interaction potential by the Lennard-Jones form adds very little realism for all the complication it introduces. A brief introduction precedes the presentation of our work and places it in the context of attempts to understand the collisional activation process in chemical reactions as well as some other chemical dynamics.


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This review examines water quality and stress indicators at levels of organisation from the individual to the community and beyond by means of three case studies concentrating on rocky shores within the north-east Atlantic. Responses of dogwhelks (Nucella) to tributyltin pollution from antifouling paints is examined as the main case study. There are effects at the individual level (development of male sexual characteristics in the female leading to effective sterility) and population level (reduction in juveniles, few females and eventual population disappearance of dogwhelks in badly contaminated areas) but information on community level effects of dogwhelk demise is sparse. Such effects were simulated by dogwhelk removal experiments on well studied, moderately exposed ledges on shores on the Isle of Man. The removal of dogwhelks reduced the size and longevity of newly established Fucus clumps that had escaped grazing. Removal of dogwhelks also increased the likelihood of algal escapes. In a factorial experiment dogwhelks were shown to be less important than limpets \{Patella) in structuring communities but still had a significant modifying effect by increasing the probability of algal escapes. Community level responses to stress on rocky shores are then explored by reference to catastrophic impacts such as oil spills, using the Torrey Canyon as a case study. Recovery of the system in response to this major perturbation took between 10-15 years through a series of damped oscillations. The final case study is that of indicators of ecosystem level change in response to climate fluctuations, using ratios of northern \{Semibalanus balanoides) and southern (Chthamalus spp.) barnacles. Indices derived from counts on the shore show good correlations with inshore sea-water temperatures after a 2-year lag phase. The use of barnacles to measure offshore changes is reviewed. The discussion considers the use of bioindicators at various levels of organisation.


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Ecosystem level models are motivated by some combination of scientific and practical concerns. Those models motivated by practical concerns are likely to bear little historical relation to previous models. Mechanisms of interaction between particular species and their ecosystems vary enormously. Some species literally construct their own ecosystems. Others have more or less complex and important interactions with other species so that their presence or absence may alter the ecosystem. Prior information about the natural history of particular species can make ecosystem investigations quicker, cheaper, and more effective. The optimal resource for preparing to deal with the unlimited diversity of questions asked of ecologists would be a large' computerized databank of natural history observations for as many species as possible.


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Coherent ecological networks (EN) composed of core areas linked by ecological corridors are being developed worldwide with the goal of promoting landscape connectivity and biodiversity conservation. However, empirical assessment of the performance of EN designs is critical to evaluate the utility of these networks to mitigate effects of habitat loss and fragmentation. Landscape genetics provides a particularly valuable framework to address the question of functional connectivity by providing a direct means to investigate the effects of landscape structure on gene flow. The goals of this study are (1) to evaluate the landscape features that drive gene flow of an EN target species (European pine marten), and (2) evaluate the optimality of a regional EN design in providing connectivity for this species within the Basque Country (North Spain). Using partial Mantel tests in a reciprocal causal modeling framework we competed 59 alternative models, including isolation by distance and the regional EN. Our analysis indicated that the regional EN was among the most supported resistance models for the pine marten, but was not the best supported model. Gene flow of pine marten in northern Spain is facilitated by natural vegetation, and is resisted by anthropogenic landcover types and roads. Our results suggest that the regional EN design being implemented in the Basque Country will effectively facilitate gene flow of forest dwelling species at regional scale.


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As espécies do gênero Acinetobacter são freqüentes no ambiente, mas nas últimas décadas vêm se destacando como patógenos hospitalares, especialmente Acinetobacter baumannii e as genoespécies 3 e 13TU, que formam o Complexo A. baumannii e cuja diferenciação só é possível pela utilização de metodologias moleculares. São associadas a diferentes apresentações clínicas, principalmente em pacientes internados em unidades de tratamento intensivo. Freqüentemente apresentam resistência a uma ampla variedade de antimicrobianos, incluindo os carbapenêmicos. Nestes casos as opções de tratamento podem, algumas vezes, limitar-se à polimixina. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar a susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos, a diversidade genética e a dinâmica de colonização de Acinetobacter spp. isolados de pacientes internados no Centro de Tratamento Intensivo do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto em um ano de estudo. Durante o ano de 2009 foram estudadas 76 amostras de Acinetobacter spp. isoladas de 34 pacientes, sendo a maioria obtida do trato respiratório (42,1 %), seguido de sangue (19,7%). Do total, 96,1% (73) foram identificadas como A. baumannii através da detecção do gene intrínseco blaOXA-51-like. Todas as amostras de A. baumannii foram produtoras da carbapenemase OXA-23 e apresentaram perfil de multirresistência, enquanto as três espécies não-baumannii foram sensíveis a todos os antimicrobianos testados. Não houve produto de amplificação para os genes blaOXA-24-like, blaOXA-58-like e blaOXA-143 pela técnica de PCR multiplex. As amostras apresentaram taxa de resistência maior que 70% para oito dos onze antimicrobianos testados: piperacilina-tazobactam, ceftazidima, cefotaxima, cefepime, amicacina, ciprofloxacina, imipenem e meropenem. A droga com melhor atividade in vitro foi a polimixina B. Quatro amostras foram resistentes com CIM determinada pelo E-test variando de 6 g/mL a 32 g/mL. Observou-se uma grande diversidade genética dentre as amostras, com dez grupos clonais identificados pelo PFGE. O grupo clonal B foi prevalente e persistente na unidade, representado por 32 (42,1%) amostras. Esse foi o mesmo clone descrito como o mais freqüente no Rio de Janeiro em estudo prévio. O clone associado a um surto ocorrido na mesma instituição entre 2007 e 2008 esteve presente em apenas sete (9,2%) amostras, tendo sido substituído pelo genótipo B. A análise prospectiva dos pacientes que permaneceram internados por pelo menos um mês mostrou casos de substituição clonal após terapia antimicrobiana, indicando a existência de reservatório ambiental dos genótipos circulantes. A colonização do trato respiratório por A. baumannii foi bastante comum, mas também foram observados casos de substituição de uma espécie não-baumannii por A. baumannii, além de infecção de corrente sanguínea por um genótipo diferente daquele responsável pela colonização. A presença de cepas resistentes à polimixina é preocupante, pois representa uma ameaça à terapia com a droga. A existência de um clone multirresistente disseminado no Rio de Janeiro, possivelmente pela transferência de pacientes e por profissionais que trabalham em mais de um hospital, aponta a necessidade de se adotar medidas de controle de infecção mais eficazes a fim de reduzir as taxas de morbidade e mortalidade. Além disso, a identificação de focos ambientais de dispersão das cepas epidêmicas parece essencial para garantir a eficácia das demais medidas de contenção de surtos


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In 1979 at the request of the Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur, staff members of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission prepared synopses of eight species of scombrid fishes. These are to be published in Spanish in Revista de la Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur, number 11, in 1980. This volume contains English versions of those synopses. The Spanish and English versions are not identical, however, the latter having been updated and somewhat modified after the Spanish versions were submitted for publication. These synopses follow closely the format prepared by Rosa (1965) for the synopses to be published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and cooperating organizations. However, instead of preparing detailed taxonomic reviews of the individual species, the taxonomic information for all of the scombrids and billfishes has been put into a separate chapter.