974 resultados para Spatial Resolution


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SpicA FAR infrared Instrument, SAFARI, is one of the instruments planned for the SPICA mission. The SPICA mission is the next great leap forward in space-based far-infrared astronomy and will study the evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. SPICA will utilize a deeply cooled 2.5m-class telescope, provided by European industry, to realize zodiacal background limited performance, and high spatial resolution. The instrument SAFARI is a cryogenic grating-based point source spectrometer working in the wavelength domain 34 to 230 μm, providing spectral resolving power from 300 to at least 2000. The instrument shall provide low and high resolution spectroscopy in four spectral bands. Low Resolution mode is the native instrument mode, while the high Resolution mode is achieved by means of a Martin-Pupplet interferometer. The optical system is all-reflective and consists of three main modules; an input optics module, followed by the Band and Mode Distributing Optics and the grating Modules. The instrument utilizes Nyquist sampled filled linear arrays of very sensitive TES detectors. The work presented in this paper describes the optical design architecture and design concept compatible with the current instrument performance and volume design drivers.


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Résumé : En imagerie médicale, il est courant d’associer plusieurs modalités afin de tirer profit des renseignements complémentaires qu’elles fournissent. Par exemple, la tomographie d’émission par positrons (TEP) peut être combinée à l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) pour obtenir à la fois des renseignements sur les processus biologiques et sur l’anatomie du sujet. Le but de ce projet est d’explorer les synergies entre l’IRM et la TEP dans le cadre d’analyses pharmacocinétiques. Plus spécifiquement, d’exploiter la haute résolution spatiale et les renseignements sur la perfusion et la perméabilité vasculaire fournis par l’IRM dynamique avec agent de contraste afin de mieux évaluer ces mêmes paramètres pour un radiotraceur TEP injecté peu de temps après. L’évaluation précise des paramètres de perfusion du radiotraceur devrait permettre de mieux quantifier le métabolisme et de distinguer l’accumulation spécifique et non spécifique. Les travaux ont porté sur deux radiotraceurs de TEP (18F-fluorodésoxyglucose [FDG] et 18F-fluoroéthyle-tyrosine [FET]) ainsi que sur un agent de contraste d’IRM (acide gadopentétique [Gd DTPA]) dans un modèle de glioblastome chez le rat. Les images ont été acquises séquentiellement, en IRM, puis en TEP, et des prélèvements sanguins ont été effectués afin d’obtenir une fonction d’entrée artérielle (AIF) pour chaque molécule. Par la suite, les images obtenues avec chaque modalité ont été recalées et l’analyse pharmacocinétique a été effectuée par régions d’intérêt (ROI) et par voxel. Pour le FDG, un modèle irréversible à 3 compartiments (2 tissus) a été utilisé conformément à la littérature. Pour la FET, il a été déterminé qu’un modèle irréversible à 2 tissus pouvait être appliqué au cerveau et à la tumeur, alors qu’un modèle réversible à 2 tissus convenait aux muscles. La possibilité d’effectuer une conversion d’AIF (sanguine ou dérivée de l’image) entre le Gd DTPA et la FET, ou vice versa, a aussi été étudiée et s’est avérée faisable dans le cas des AIF sanguines obtenues à partir de l’artère caudale, comme c’est le cas pour le FDG. Finalement, l’analyse pharmacocinétique combinée IRM et TEP a relevé un lien entre la perfusion du Gd-DTPA et du FDG, ou de la FET, pour les muscles, mais elle a démontré des disparités importantes dans la tumeur. Ces résultats soulignent la complexité du microenvironnement tumoral (p. ex. coexistence de divers modes de transport pour une même molécule) et les nombreux défis rencontrées lors de sa caractérisation chez le petit animal.


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Although on a local scale Iberian lynx distribution is determined by the availability of prey rabbits, recent modelling analyses have uncovered broad-scale disagreements between these two species’ distribution trends. These analyses showed also that the lynx had become restricted to only a fraction of the rabbit’s genetic diversity, and that this could be jeopardising its survival in the face of environmental hazards and uncertainty. In the present paper, a follow-up was carried out through the building of lynx and rabbit distribution models based on the most recent Spanish mammal atlas. Environmental favourability values for lynx and rabbit were positively correlated within the lynx’s current distribution area, but they were negatively correlated within the total Spanish area where lynx used to occur in the 1980’s. Environmental favourability for rabbits was significantly higher where lynx maintains reproductive populations than where it recently disappeared, indicating that rabbit favourability plays an important role and can be a good predictor of lynx persistence. The lynx and rabbit models were extrapolated to predict favourable areas for both species in Spain as well as in Portugal, on the original scale of the distribution data (10x10 km) and on a 100 times finer spatial resolution (1x1 km). The lynx and rabbit models were also combined through fuzzy logic to forecast the potential for lynx occurrence incorporating information on favourable areas for its main prey. Several areas are proposed as favourable for lynx expansion or re-introduction,


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Remote sensing is a promising approach for above ground biomass estimation, as forest parameters can be obtained indirectly. The analysis in space and time is quite straight forward due to the flexibility of the method to determine forest crown parameters with remote sensing. It can be used to evaluate and monitoring for example the development of a forest area in time and the impact of disturbances, such as silvicultural practices or deforestation. The vegetation indices, which condense data in a quantitative numeric manner, have been used to estimate several forest parameters, such as the volume, basal area and above ground biomass. The objective of this study was the development of allometric functions to estimate above ground biomass using vegetation indices as independent variables. The vegetation indices used were the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Simple Ratio (SR) and Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI). QuickBird satellite data, with 0.70 m of spatial resolution, was orthorectified, geometrically and atmospheric corrected, and the digital number were converted to top of atmosphere reflectance (ToA). Forest inventory data and published allometric functions at tree level were used to estimate above ground biomass per plot. Linear functions were fitted for the monospecies and multispecies stands of two evergreen oaks (Quercus suber and Quercus rotundifolia) in multiple use systems, montados. The allometric above ground biomass functions were fitted considering the mean and the median of each vegetation index per grid as independent variable. Species composition as a dummy variable was also considered as an independent variable. The linear functions with better performance are those with mean NDVI or mean SR as independent variable. Noteworthy is that the two better functions for monospecies cork oak stands have median NDVI or median SR as independent variable. When species composition dummy variables are included in the function (with stepwise regression) the best model has median NDVI as independent variable. The vegetation indices with the worse model performance were EVI and SAVI.


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Introdução Caracterização da área de estudo Materiais e métodos O modelo SWAT Dados de chuva, vazão e produção de sedimentos Tipos de solos e determinação dos parâmetros do SWAT Análises Estatísticas Cenários de Uso do Solo Resultados e discussões Estimativa da Vazão Estimativa da produção de sedimentos Modelagem Hidrossedimentológica em Diferentes Cenários Conclusões Referências bibliográficas RESUMO – A erosão dos solos é um dos mais graves problemas ambientais em todo o mundo, principalmente em regiões semiáridas que sofrem com a variabilidade espaço-temporal da precipitação. Este artigo analisou os processos hidrossedimentológicos na Bacia do Rio Cobres, localizada na porção semiárida de Portugal, utilizando o modelo SWAT. Neste estudo foram utilizados dados diários de precipitação, temperatura, umidade do ar, vazão e produção de sedimentos, para o período de 1960 a 2000, mapas digitais de elevação do terreno com resolução espacial de 90 m, uso e ocupação do solo e tipos de solo da bacia. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do modelo na calibração da vazão, com Coeficiente de Determinação (R²) = 0,81 e Coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) = 0,63, e também para produção de sedimentos com R² = 0,62 e NS = 0,47. O Cenário 3 (Mata) apresentou o maior decréscimo na vazão média, em relação aos Cenários 1 (Real) e 2 (Pastagem). Conclui-se que o modelo SWAT acoplado ao SIG é uma ferramenta poderosa na análise espaço-temporal do comportamento dos processos hidrossedimentológicos. Palavas-chave: SIG, modelo hidrossedimentológico, erosão ABSTRACT – Effects of Scenarios of Land Use on Runoff and Sediment Yield for Cobres River Basin, Portugal. Soil erosion is a major environmental problem worldwide, mainly in semiarid regions that suffer with rainfall spatial and temporal variability. Thus, this paper analysed the runoff-erosion process at the Cobres River Basin, located in semiarid portion of Portugal, using the SWAT model. In this paper, rainfall, temperature and humidity data from 1960 to 2000, and digital maps of land cover, terrain digital elevation model with spatial resolution of 90 m, soil types were used. The results showed the effectiveness of the model for the runoff calibration, with R² = 0.81 and NS = 0.63, and also for sediment yield with R² = 0.62 and NS = 0.47. Scenario 1 (Forest) had the highest decrease in average streamflow, in relation to the Scenarios 1 (Real) and 2 (Pasture) scenarios. It is concluded that the SWAT model coupled to GIS is a powerful tool in the analysis of temporal and spatial behaviour of runoff-erosion processes.


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Crop monitoring and more generally land use change detection are of primary importance in order to analyze spatio-temporal dynamics and its impacts on environment. This aspect is especially true in such a region as the State of Mato Grosso (south of the Brazilian Amazon Basin) which hosts an intensive pioneer front. Deforestation in this region as often been explained by soybean expansion in the last three decades. Remote sensing techniques may now represent an efficient and objective manner to quantify how crops expansion really represents a factor of deforestation through crop mapping studies. Due to the special characteristics of the soybean productions' farms in Mato Grosso (area varying between 1000 hectares and 40000 hectares and individual fields often bigger than 100 hectares), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data with a near daily temporal resolution and 250 m spatial resolution can be considered as adequate resources to crop mapping. Especially, multitemporal vegetation indices (VI) studies have been currently used to realize this task [1] [2]. In this study, 16-days compositions of EVI (MODQ13 product) data are used. However, although these data are already processed, multitemporal VI profiles still remain noisy due to cloudiness (which is extremely frequent in a tropical region such as south Amazon Basin), sensor problems, errors in atmospheric corrections or BRDF effect. Thus, many works tried to develop algorithms that could smooth the multitemporal VI profiles in order to improve further classification. The goal of this study is to compare and test different smoothing algorithms in order to select the one which satisfies better to the demand which is classifying crop classes. Those classes correspond to 6 different agricultural managements observed in Mato Grosso through an intensive field work which resulted in mapping more than 1000 individual fields. The agricultural managements above mentioned are based on combination of soy, cotton, corn, millet and sorghum crops sowed in single or double crop systems. Due to the difficulty in separating certain classes because of too similar agricultural calendars, the classification will be reduced to 3 classes : Cotton (single crop), Soy and cotton (double crop), soy (single or double crop with corn, millet or sorghum). The classification will use training data obtained in the 2005-2006 harvest and then be tested on the 2006-2007 harvest. In a first step, four smoothing techniques are presented and criticized. Those techniques are Best Index Slope Extraction (BISE) [3], Mean Value Iteration (MVI) [4], Weighted Least Squares (WLS) [5] and Savitzky-Golay Filter (SG) [6] [7]. These techniques are then implemented and visually compared on a few individual pixels so that it allows doing a first selection between the five studied techniques. The WLS and SG techniques are selected according to criteria proposed by [8]. Those criteria are: ability in eliminating frequent noises, conserving the upper values of the VI profiles and keeping the temporality of the profiles. Those selected algorithms are then programmed and applied to the MODIS/TERRA EVI data (16-days composition periods). Tests of separability are realized based on the Jeffries-Matusita distance in order to see if the algorithms managed in improving the potential of differentiation between the classes. Those tests are realized on the overall profile (comprising 23 MODIS images) as well as on each MODIS sub-period of the profile [1]. This last test is a double interest process because it allows comparing the smoothing techniques and also enables to select a set of images which carries more information on the separability between the classes. Those selected dates can then be used to realize a supervised classification. Here three different classifiers are tested to evaluate if the smoothing techniques as a particular effect on the classification depending on the classifiers used. Those classifiers are Maximum Likelihood classifier, Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classifier and CHAID Improved Decision tree. It appears through the separability tests on the overall process that the smoothed profiles don't improve efficiently the potential of discrimination between classes when compared with the original data. However, the same tests realized on the MODIS sub-periods show better results obtained with the smoothed algorithms. The results of the classification confirm this first analyze. The Kappa coefficients are always better with the smoothing techniques and the results obtained with the WLS and SG smoothed profiles are nearly equal. However, the results are different depending on the classifier used. The impact of the smoothing algorithms is much better while using the decision tree model. Indeed, it allows a gain of 0.1 in the Kappa coefficient. While using the Maximum Likelihood end SAM models, the gain remains positive but is much lower (Kappa improved of 0.02 only). Thus, this work's aim is to prove the utility in smoothing the VI profiles in order to improve the final results. However, the choice of the smoothing algorithm has to be made considering the original data used and the classifier models used. In that case the Savitzky-Golay filter gave the better results.


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Los sensores remotos proveen imágenes que según sus características permiten determinar cambios en el uso de la tierra. Se han desarrollado sensores con alto potencial para llevar a cabo este tipo de trabajo, aunque en ocasiones es difícil tener todos los elementos para discriminar los objetos en una misma imagen, por ello recurrimos a transformaciones para la consecución de los objetivos. Este artículo constituye un subproducto del proyecto “Análisis de los cambios del uso de la tierra en el distrito de Orosi, utilizando datos teledetectados de los proyectos CENIGA1 (TERRA 97) y CARTA2 2003: período 1997-2003”. En el caso de Carta 2003 y Spot se presenta una coincidencia temporal pero no espacial ni espectral. El objetivo es ofrecer técnicas de transformación de imágenes fotográficas y multiespectrales del proyecto Carta 2003, así como una imagen de la plataforma del Spot. Las transformaciones de las imágenes permitieron cambiar la resolución espacial y espectral, las cuales variaban de 2 a 30 metros espacialmente y de 1 a 50 en su espectro. Para los objetivos de la investigación se seleccionaron 9 bandas a las cuales fue posible aplicarles las transformaciones. Se obtuvo resultante de 2 metros de resolución espacial y 9 bandas espectrales. Utilizando las resultantes se realizó la clasificación supervisada, con lo cual se obtuvo un mayor nivel de detalle en la delimitación de los diferentes usos presentes en el área de estudio. ABSTRACT Remote sensors supply images that, according to their characteristics, allow for determining changes in land use. Sensors have been developed with a high potential to carry out this type of work, although on occasion it is difficult to have all of the elements to distinguish the objects in the same image, and for that we resort to transformations to attain the objectives. This article constitutes a byproduct of the project: “Analysis of Land Use Changes in the District of Orosi, Using Remote Sensing Data of the Projects CENIGA (TERRA 97) and CARTA 2003: Period 1997-2003”. CARTA 2003 and Spot present temporary coincidence but not spatial or spectral. The objective is to offer techniques of transforming photographic images and multispectrals of the CARTA 2003 project, such as an image of the Spot platform. Transformation of the images allowed for changing the spatial and spectral resolution, which varied from 2 to 30 meters spatially and from 1 to 50 in their spectrum. For the objectives of the investigation, nine bands were selected to which it was possible to apply the transformations, and with them managed to obtain results of 2 meters of spatial resolution and 9 spectral bands. Utilizing the results, the supervised classification was realized, obtaining a greater level of detail in defining the different uses present in the area of study.


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Sandy coasts represent vital areas whose preservation and maintenance also involve economic and tourist interests. Besides, these dynamic environments undergo the erosion process at different levels depending on their specific characteristics. For this reason, defence interventions are commonly realized by combining engineering solutions and management policies to evaluate their effects over time. Monitoring activities represent the fundamental instrument to obtain a deep knowledge of the investigated phenomenon. Thanks to technological development, several possibilities both in terms of geomatic surveying techniques and processing tools are available, allowing to reach high performances and accuracy. Nevertheless, when the littoral definition includes both emerged and submerged beaches, several issues have to be considered. Therefore, the geomatic surveys and all the following steps need to be calibrated according to the individual application, with the reference system, accuracy and spatial resolution as primary aspects. This study provides the evaluation of the available geomatic techniques, processing approaches, and derived products, aiming at optimising the entire workflow of coastal monitoring by adopting an accuracy-efficiency trade-off. The presented analyses highlight the balance point when the increase in performance becomes an additional value for the obtained products ensuring proper data management. This perspective can represent a helpful instrument to properly plan the monitoring activities according to the specific purposes of the analysis. Finally, the primary uses of the acquired and processed data in monitoring contexts are presented, also considering possible applications for numerical modelling as supporting tools. Moreover, the theme of coastal monitoring has been addressed throughout this thesis by considering a practical point of view, linking to the activities performed by Arpae (Regional agency for prevention, environment and energy of Emilia-Romagna). Indeed, the Adriatic coast of Emilia-Romagna, where sandy beaches particularly exposed to erosion are present, has been chosen as a case study for all the analyses and considerations.


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Globular clusters (GCs) are traditionally described as simple quasi-relaxed non-rotating stellar systems, characterized by spherical symmetry and isotropy in velocity space. However, recent studies have shown deviations from isotropic velocity distributions and significant internal rotation in many GCs, suggesting that their internal structure and kinematics are more complex than previously thought. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the internal kinematics of Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs) as part of the Multi-Instrument Kinematic Survey (MIKiS), which exploits the capabilities of different ESO-VLT spectrographs to obtain comprehensive velocity dispersion (VD) and rotation profiles of GGCs. Moreover, this thesis has the particular goal of unraveling the kinematics of GC cores, which are still largely unexplored, by taking advantage of the exceptional spatial resolution of the adaptive-optics assisted integral-field spectrograph MUSE/NFM. The thesis presents a thorough kinematic study of three GGCs NGC 1904, NGC 6440, and NGC 6569. By combining the data sets acquired with four different spectrographs, we obtained the radial velocity (RV) of more than 1000 individual stars in each cluster, sampling from the innermost to the outermost regions. This allowed us to obtain the entire VD profile of each cluster and exclude the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the core of NGC 1904, at odds with previous findings obtained from integrated-light spectra. The studies also revealed signatures of internal rotation in each of the GCs studied. These results, supported by those of N-body simulations, prove that GCs were born with a significant initial rotation that they gradually lost through internal two-body relaxation and angular momentum loss carried away by escaping stars. Furthermore, we derived the structural parameters of NGC 6440 and NGC 6569, obtaining a comprehensive overview of the internal kinematics and structure of these GCs, which is necessary to properly reconstruct the evolutionary history of these systems.


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Questa tesi mira a presentare una panoramica, anche sperimentale con dati editi ed inediti, della ricostruzione delle life histories umane mediante metodi istologici e biogeochimici applicati allo smalto dentale delle dentizioni decidue. La tesi si concentra sulle metodologie biogeochimiche ad alta risoluzione spaziale che consentono di ottenere livelli temporali di dettaglio senza precedenti (da stagionali fino a sub-settimanali), quando combinate con l'analisi istomorfometrica dei tessuti dentali mineralizzati. La presente ricerca si concentra sulla creazione di modelli consistenti di variazione delle concentrazioni di elementi in traccia (con particolare riferimento a stronzio e bario) lungo la giunzione smalto dentinale, ottenuti tramite LA-ICPMS (Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry), in funzione dei cambiamenti nella dieta (allattamento, svezzamento) nel primo anno di età di individui a storia nutrizionale nota (utilizzando denti decidui naturalmente esfoliati). In una prospettiva bioarcheologica, i risultati delle indagini sulla dieta altamente risolte nel tempo e interpretate con modelli come quelli proposti si correlano direttamente alle life histories individuali e consentono una analisi più sfumata e completa del comportamento umano nel passato, fornendo informazioni essenziali per la comprensione degli adattamenti bioculturali e aprendo finestre conoscitive su aspetti quali il rapporto madre-progenie, la gravidanza, l’allattamento, lo stress infantile, la dieta sia della progenie che della madre, la mobilità ad alta risoluzione e molti altri aspetti della vita delle popolazioni del passato che lo studio del DNA antico e della morfologia scheletrica non possono fornire. Dove il DNA antico tace, lo studio avanzato delle life histories parla.


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The ecosystem services provided by bees are very important. Factors as habitat fragmentation, intensive agriculture and climate change are contributing to the decline of bee populations. The use of remote sensing could be a useful tool for the recognition of sites with a high diversity, before performing a more expensive survey in the field. In this study the ability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) images to estimate biodiversity at local scale has been analysed testing the concept of the Height Variation Hypothesis (HVH). This approach states that, the higher the vegetation height heterogeneity (HH) measured by remote sensing information, the higher the vertical complexity and the higher vegetation species diversity. In this thesis the concept has been brought to a higher level, in order to understand if the vegetation HH can be considered a proxy also of bee species diversity and abundance. We tested this approach collecting field data on bees/flowers and RGB images through an UAV campaign in 30 grasslands in the South of the Netherlands. The Canopy Height Model (CHM) were derived through the photogrammetry technique "Structure from Motion" (SfM) with resolutions of 10cm, 25cm, 50cm. Successively, the HH assessed on the CHM using the Rao's Q heterogeneity index was correlated to the field data (bee abundance, diversity and bee/flower species richness). The correlations were all positive and significant. The highest R2 values were found when the HH was calculated at 10cm and correlated to bee species richness (R2 = 0.41) and Shannon’s H index (R2 = 0.38). Using a lower spatial resolution the goodness of fit slightly decreases. For flower species richness the R2 ranged between 0.36 to 0.39. Our results suggest that methods based on the concept behind the HVH, in this case deriving information of HH from UAV data, can be developed into valuable tools for large-scale, standardized and cost-effective monitoring of flower diversity and of the habitat quality for bees.


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ABSTRACT The spatial distribution of forest biomass in the Amazon is heterogeneous with a temporal and spatial variation, especially in relation to the different vegetation types of this biome. Biomass estimated in this region varies significantly depending on the applied approach and the data set used for modeling it. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate three different geostatistical techniques to estimate the spatial distribution of aboveground biomass (AGB). The selected techniques were: 1) ordinary least-squares regression (OLS), 2) geographically weighted regression (GWR) and, 3) geographically weighted regression - kriging (GWR-K). These techniques were applied to the same field dataset, using the same environmental variables derived from cartographic information and high-resolution remote sensing data (RapidEye). This study was developed in the Amazon rainforest from Sucumbíos - Ecuador. The results of this study showed that the GWR-K, a hybrid technique, provided statistically satisfactory estimates with the lowest prediction error compared to the other two techniques. Furthermore, we observed that 75% of the AGB was explained by the combination of remote sensing data and environmental variables, where the forest types are the most important variable for estimating AGB. It should be noted that while the use of high-resolution images significantly improves the estimation of the spatial distribution of AGB, the processing of this information requires high computational demand.


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L'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) peut fournir aux cardiologues des informations diagnostiques importantes sur l'état de la maladie de l'artère coronarienne dans les patients. Le défi majeur pour l'IRM cardiaque est de gérer toutes les sources de mouvement qui peuvent affecter la qualité des images en réduisant l'information diagnostique. Cette thèse a donc comme but de développer des nouvelles techniques d'acquisitions des images IRM, en changeant les techniques de compensation du mouvement, pour en augmenter l'efficacité, la flexibilité, la robustesse et pour obtenir plus d'information sur le tissu et plus d'information temporelle. Les techniques proposées favorisent donc l'avancement de l'imagerie des coronaires dans une direction plus maniable et multi-usage qui peut facilement être transférée dans l'environnement clinique. La première partie de la thèse s'est concentrée sur l'étude du mouvement des artères coronariennes sur des patients en utilisant la techniques d'imagerie standard (rayons x), pour mesurer la précision avec laquelle les artères coronariennes retournent dans la même position battement après battement (repositionnement des coronaires). Nous avons découvert qu'il y a des intervalles dans le cycle cardiaque, tôt dans la systole et à moitié de la diastole, où le repositionnement des coronaires est au minimum. En réponse nous avons développé une nouvelle séquence d'acquisition (T2-post) capable d'acquérir les données aussi tôt dans la systole. Cette séquence a été testée sur des volontaires sains et on a pu constater que la qualité de visualisation des artère coronariennes est égale à celle obtenue avec les techniques standard. De plus, le rapport signal sur bruit fourni par la séquence d'acquisition proposée est supérieur à celui obtenu avec les techniques d'imagerie standard. La deuxième partie de la thèse a exploré un paradigme d'acquisition des images cardiaques complètement nouveau pour l'imagerie du coeur entier. La technique proposée dans ce travail acquiert les données sans arrêt (free-running) au lieu d'être synchronisée avec le mouvement cardiaque. De cette façon, l'efficacité de la séquence d'acquisition est augmentée de manière significative et les images produites représentent le coeur entier dans toutes les phases cardiaques (quatre dimensions, 4D). Par ailleurs, l'auto-navigation de la respiration permet d'effectuer cette acquisition en respiration libre. Cette technologie rend possible de visualiser et évaluer l'anatomie du coeur et de ses vaisseaux ainsi que la fonction cardiaque en quatre dimensions et avec une très haute résolution spatiale et temporelle, sans la nécessité d'injecter un moyen de contraste. Le pas essentiel qui a permis le développement de cette technique est l'utilisation d'une trajectoire d'acquisition radiale 3D basée sur l'angle d'or. Avec cette trajectoire, il est possible d'acquérir continûment les données d'espace k, puis de réordonner les données et choisir les paramètres temporel des images 4D a posteriori. L'acquisition 4D a été aussi couplée avec un algorithme de reconstructions itératif (compressed sensing) qui permet d'augmenter la résolution temporelle tout en augmentant la qualité des images. Grâce aux images 4D, il est possible maintenant de visualiser les artères coronariennes entières dans chaque phase du cycle cardiaque et, avec les mêmes données, de visualiser et mesurer la fonction cardiaque. La qualité des artères coronariennes dans les images 4D est la même que dans les images obtenues avec une acquisition 3D standard, acquise en diastole Par ailleurs, les valeurs de fonction cardiaque mesurées au moyen des images 4D concorde avec les valeurs obtenues avec les images 2D standard. Finalement, dans la dernière partie de la thèse une technique d'acquisition a temps d'écho ultra-court (UTE) a été développée pour la visualisation in vivo des calcifications des artères coronariennes. Des études récentes ont démontré que les acquisitions UTE permettent de visualiser les calcifications dans des plaques athérosclérotiques ex vivo. Cepandent le mouvement du coeur a entravé jusqu'à maintenant l'utilisation des techniques UTE in vivo. Pour résoudre ce problème nous avons développé une séquence d'acquisition UTE avec trajectoire radiale 3D et l'avons testée sur des volontaires. La technique proposée utilise une auto-navigation 3D pour corriger le mouvement respiratoire et est synchronisée avec l'ECG. Trois échos sont acquis pour extraire le signal de la calcification avec des composants au T2 très court tout en permettant de séparer le signal de la graisse depuis le signal de l'eau. Les résultats sont encore préliminaires mais on peut affirmer que la technique développé peut potentiellement montrer les calcifications des artères coronariennes in vivo. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse présente trois nouvelles techniques pour l'IRM du coeur entier capables d'améliorer la visualisation et la caractérisation de la maladie athérosclérotique des coronaires. Ces techniques fournissent des informations anatomiques et fonctionnelles en quatre dimensions et des informations sur la composition du tissu auparavant indisponibles. CORONARY artery magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the potential to provide the cardiologist with relevant diagnostic information relative to coronary artery disease of patients. The major challenge of cardiac MRI, though, is dealing with all sources of motions that can corrupt the images affecting the diagnostic information provided. The current thesis, thus, focused on the development of new MRI techniques that change the standard approach to cardiac motion compensation in order to increase the efficiency of cardioavscular MRI, to provide more flexibility and robustness, new temporal information and new tissue information. The proposed approaches help in advancing coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in the direction of an easy-to-use and multipurpose tool that can be translated to the clinical environment. The first part of the thesis focused on the study of coronary artery motion through gold standard imaging techniques (x-ray angiography) in patients, in order to measure the precision with which the coronary arteries assume the same position beat after beat (coronary artery repositioning). We learned that intervals with minimal coronary artery repositioning occur in peak systole and in mid diastole and we responded with a new pulse sequence (T2~post) that is able to provide peak-systolic imaging. Such a sequence was tested in healthy volunteers and, from the image quality comparison, we learned that the proposed approach provides coronary artery visualization and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) comparable with the standard acquisition approach, but with increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The second part of the thesis explored a completely new paradigm for whole- heart cardiovascular MRI. The proposed techniques acquires the data continuously (free-running), instead of being triggered, thus increasing the efficiency of the acquisition and providing four dimensional images of the whole heart, while respiratory self navigation allows for the scan to be performed in free breathing. This enabling technology allows for anatomical and functional evaluation in four dimensions, with high spatial and temporal resolution and without the need for contrast agent injection. The enabling step is the use of a golden-angle based 3D radial trajectory, which allows for a continuous sampling of the k-space and a retrospective selection of the timing parameters of the reconstructed dataset. The free-running 4D acquisition was then combined with a compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm that further increases the temporal resolution of the 4D dataset, while at the same time increasing the overall image quality by removing undersampling artifacts. The obtained 4D images provide visualization of the whole coronary artery tree in each phases of the cardiac cycle and, at the same time, allow for the assessment of the cardiac function with a single free- breathing scan. The quality of the coronary arteries provided by the frames of the free-running 4D acquisition is in line with the one obtained with the standard ECG-triggered one, and the cardiac function evaluation matched the one measured with gold-standard stack of 2D cine approaches. Finally, the last part of the thesis focused on the development of ultrashort echo time (UTE) acquisition scheme for in vivo detection of calcification in the coronary arteries. Recent studies showed that UTE imaging allows for the coronary artery plaque calcification ex vivo, since it is able to detect the short T2 components of the calcification. The heart motion, though, prevented this technique from being applied in vivo. An ECG-triggered self-navigated 3D radial triple- echo UTE acquisition has then been developed and tested in healthy volunteers. The proposed sequence combines a 3D self-navigation approach with a 3D radial UTE acquisition enabling data collection during free breathing. Three echoes are simultaneously acquired to extract the short T2 components of the calcification while a water and fat separation technique allows for proper visualization of the coronary arteries. Even though the results are still preliminary, the proposed sequence showed great potential for the in vivo visualization of coronary artery calcification. In conclusion, the thesis presents three novel MRI approaches aimed at improved characterization and assessment of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. These approaches provide new anatomical and functional information in four dimensions, and support tissue characterization for coronary artery plaques.


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We present a new Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Timed- Array Transmitter System with Beamforming capability for high-resolution remote acquisition of vital signals. The system consists of four identical channels, where each is formed of a serial topology with three modules: programmable delay circuit (PDC or τ), a novel UWB 5th Gaussian Derivative order pulse generator circuit (PG), and a planar Vivaldi antenna. The circuit was designed using 0.18μm CMOS standard process and the planar antenna array was designed with filmconductor on Rogers RO3206 substrate. Spice simulations results showed the pulse generation with 104 mVpp amplitude and 500 ps width. The power consumption is 543 μW, and energy consumption 0.27 pJ per pulse using a 2V power supply at a pulse repetition rate (PRR) of 100 MHz. Electromagnetic simulations results, using CST Microwave (MW) Studio 2011, showed the main lobe radiation with a gain maximum of 13.2 dB, 35.5º x 36.7º angular width, and a beam steering between 17º and -11º for azimuthal (θ) angles and 17º and -18º for elevation (φ) angles at the center frequency of 6 GHz