977 resultados para Soil water storage


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Although the management of the coffee crop is well established in Brazil, there is still room for its improvement in relation natural resources available in each region, aiming the increase in productivity. Here are presented results regarding the fate of the fertilizer nitrogen (N) applied to a coffee plantation related to the prevailing soil water conditions. Soil water balances are discussed, which allowed evaluation of the root distribution, determinations of the crop coefficient and of the soil water conditions during the development of the crop. Approximately, 60% of the root system was distributed in the 0-0.3 m soil layer and the average crop coefficient was 1.1 for 3 to 5 year old plants. Using an N label, the 15N, it was possible to study the distribution of N in the plant and in the soil and establishes general N balances, which also include losses like leaching and volatilization. After two years of ammonium sulfate application, at rates of 280 (1st year) and 350 (2nd year) kg.ha-1 of N, in four equal application performed during the period of positive growth rate, the recuperation of fertilizer N were 19.1% by the aerial plant part and 9.4% by the roots, 12.6% remained in the soil and 11.2% in the litter; 0.9% was lost by volatilization and 2.3% by leaching; 26.3% was exported through harvesting and 18.2% remained in non evaluated compartments. From the applied 630 kg.ha -1 of N during the two years, 180 kg.ha -1 of N were found in the plant (shoot and root), which corresponds to 28.6%; 150 kg.ha -1 of N remained available for the next years(soil and litter), and only 20 kg.ha -1 of N were effectively lost (volatilization and leaching).


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No tillage management is widely used by the Brazilian farmers and technicians like a soil conservation system, which reduces the soil losses by water erosion, increasing the infiltrated and stored water in soil, warranting environmental sustainability. No-tillage system does not invert the soil; it causes the creation of a compacted layer. The samples were taken in the agricultural year 2005/2006 in an Oxisoil at Selviria (MS/Brazil). The tillage management in the last 15 years was no-tillage system with crop rotation (maize -Zea mays L./bean - Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The analyzed soil physical properties were bulk density (BS), gravimetric water content (U) and mechanical resistance to penetration (RP) at three depths: 0-0.10 m, 0.10-0.20 m and 0.20-0.30 m. The samples were taken in a mesh with 117 sampled points covering an area of 0.16 ha. It was investigated the existence of compacted soil layer, using the mechanical resistance to penetration to 0.60 m depth with soil water content at field capacity. The data shows low coefficient of variation, except the resistance penetration data. Bulk density and gravimetric water content has a normal distribution. Only resistance to penetration at 0.10-0.20 m depth layer has a normal distribution. The correlation between different properties was low. The bulk density increases with depth; the increase of the values of soil bulk density are consistent with data in other papers, indicating there are not compaction problems for the crop development at the study area. Most of the values of resistance to penetration are lower than 2 MPa, being this value restrictive for root development. The analysis of resistance to penetration profile 0 to 0.60 m shows a compacted layer between 0.20-0.30 m. This compacted layer was caused by the conventional tillage system used at this area before the use of no-tillage system. The soil bulk density has higher values at the upper area, that it shows higher values of soil compaction. Although the values of bulk density and resistance to penetration are high, the area does not show great problems of soil compaction.


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The intensive use of the land for agricultural propose causes a series of modifications in attributes, which can take to soil degradation. In this context, the main goal of this research was to evaluate the influence of the soil tillage systems and management on its physical and hydric characteristics. The evaluations were carried out in July of 1999, at experimental plots of a Latossolo vermelho, a clay oxisoil, in the Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola of the UNICAMP, at the county of Campinas, state of São Paulo. These plots were managed with the following treatments, along a period of eight years: no-tillage, chisel ploughing, conventional system with disk ploughing and revolving hoe. The evaluated physical and hydric parameters of the soil were: soil bulk density, particle density, total porosity, macro-porosity, micro-porosity, soil-water retention curve, hydraulic conductivity and basic infiltration. Significant differences were observed between the treatments on soil bulk density, infiltration, total porosity, macro-porosity and the micro-porosity. The chisel ploughing and no-tillage systems presented the higher values of soil bulk density; nevertheless in these conservationist systems were observed the higher values of basic infiltration.


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The scope of this experiment is to study the influence of soil water potential on lettuce productivity, particularly in relation to deficit and excess of water. Four lettuce cultivars (Americana, Roxa, Crespa and Mimosa), four minimum soil water potential (-0,001, -0,005, -0,012 and 0,022 MPa) and three replicates in experimental randomized design. The results allowed concluding that the -0,012 MPa has the tendency to produce the highest green mass among her soil water potential applied. The Mimosa showed the tendency to produce the highest evapotranspiration among the cultivars. The cultivars Americana e -0,05 MPa was the best combination (148,33g) the worst was the Roxa and -0,022 MPa minimum soil water potential.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate Eucaliptus grandis genotypes (Clones 105 and 433) in relation to drought tolerance, through growth plant analysis. Black PVC pots with 10 liter volume were used for cultivate plants in polyethilene greenhouse oriented east/west. Completely randonmized design with four treatments was used: two clones and two minimum soil water potentials (- 0.03 and -1,5 MPa) and sixteen replicates. Pots were weighed daily in order to evaluate water content and characteristic soli water curve was determined. Plant development was obtained each 15 days from planting until 60 days through total dry matter (DM), leaf area index (LAI), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilative ratio (NAR), specific leaf area (SLA), relative growth ratio (RGR) and absolute growth ratio (AGR). Results showed that clone 105 presented less sensibility to water deficit, which qualify it as genetic material for use under dry soil conditons. On the other hand, both clones had similar behavior with no water restrictions.


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The objective of this work was to study the dimensional parameters of the drainage net using 12 third-order ramification hydrological watersheds: 4 watersheds per soil unit (LVA, RL and RQ). The soil distinction was realized using ''t'' test to verify the orthogonal contrast among three soil averages and the grouping analysis and mean components. The results showed that the multivariance analysis was not able to discriminate three soils using the dimensional analysis. The t test of this isolated variable allowed discriminating RQ soil from LVA and RL soil units; but it was not sensitive to discriminate the LVA soil and RL unit.


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In order to calculate the daily stress degree of a bean crop submitted to four water regime applications, cover crop and air daily measurements temperatures were accomplished by using a hand-held infrared thermometer. The treatments did not present crop water stress except the control (without irrigation). The highest yield was obtained by the treatment that received less irrigation frequency, and among the treatments that had the same number of irrigation. The largest yield was obtained with the one that received larger amount of applied water. The largest irrigation frequency did not result in larger productivity. The methodologies used for the irrigation planning were efficient for the replacement of soil water. The daily stress degree index was effective in determining crop water stress; and it was reliable presenting negative values in good water soil condition.


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The objective of this study was to analyze effects in different depth in soil water infiltration and to verify the Horton and Kostiakov-Lewis models adequacy in infiltration rate estimate. The treatments were five doses of vinasse (0, 200, 250, 300 and 350 m3?ha1?. The vinasse application reduced the soil erosion risk increasing the possibility of runoff. The Horton model had the best adjustment on the observed data, and the Kostiakov-Lewis model overestimated the infiltration rate values.


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Purpose: To evaluate the shear bond strength and bond durability between a dual-cured resin cement (RC) and a high alumina ceramic (In-Ceram Alumina), subjected to two surface treatments. Materials and Methods: Forty disc-shaped specimens (sp) (4-mm diameter, 5-mm thick) were fabricated from In-Ceram Alumina and divided into two groups (n = 20) in accordance with surface treatment: (1) sandblasting by aluminum oxide particles (50 μm Al 2O 3) (SB) and (2) silica coating (30 μm SiO x) using the CoJet system (SC). After the 40 sp were bonded to the dual-cured RC, they were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours. After this period, the sp from each group were divided into two conditions of storage (n = 10): (a) 24 h-shear bond test 24 hours after cementation; (b) Aging-thermocycling (TC) (12,000 times, 5 to 55°C) and water storage (150 days). The shear test was performed in a universal test machine (1 mm/min). Results: ANOVA and Tukey (5%) tests noted no statistically significant difference in the bond strength values between the two surface treatments (p= 0.7897). The bond strengths (MPa) for both surface treatments reduced significantly after aging (SB-24: 8.2 ± 4.6; SB-Aging: 3.7 ± 2.5; SC-24: 8.6 ± 2.2; SC-Aging: 3.5 ± 3.1). Conclusion: Surface conditioning using airborne particle abrasion with either 50 μm alumina or 30 μm silica particles exhibited similar bond strength values and decreased after long-term TC and water storage for both methods. © 2011 by The American College of Prosthodontists.


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The spatial variability of several soil attributes (bulk density, penetration resistance, water content, organic matter content and pH) as well as soybean yield have been assessed during the 2007/08 growing season, in Selviria (MS) in a Hapludox (Typic Acrustox), under no tillage. The objectives were to assess the spatial variability of soil and plant parameters at the small plot scale and to select the best soil attribute explaining most the variability of agricultural productivity. Soil and plant were sampled on a grid with 121 points within a plot of 25,600 m 2 in area and slope of 0.025 mm -1 slope. Medium and low coefficients of variation were obtained for most of the studied soil attributes as expected, due to the homogenizing effect of the no-till system on the soil physical environment. From the standpoint of linear regression and spatial pattern of variability, productivity of soybeans could be explained according to the hydrogen potential (pH). Results are discussed taken into account that the soybean crop in no-tillage is widely used in crop-livestock integration on the national scene.


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Este artigo mostra a dinâmica da água após ser aplicada sobre a superfície de um solo cultivado com alface, num sistema fechado de um ambiente protegido. A aplicação de água se deu por meio de um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, com o CUD ( Coeficiente de Uniformidade de Distribuição ) igual a 97,06 %, o que garantiu uma ótima uniformidade de distribuição, desconsiderando como possíveis causas das variações de umidade do solo, a aplicação de lâminas variadas. Fazendo uso de técnicas de geoestatística, interpolando sessenta pontos amostrais de evaporação, umidade do solo e produtividade da alface, com as mesmas sessenta coordenadas para os três atributos, verificou-se que a umidade do solo, mesmo momentos após a irrigação, não permanece uniforme ao longo do sistema de irrigação, constatando-se que a evaporação local exerce influência de forma predominante sobre a dinâmica da água na superfície do solo. Concluiu-se que as regiões no interior da estufa de maiores evaporações, foram as de maiores variações de umidade do solo e na produção de massa verde da alface.


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O manejo de irrigação pode influenciar o comportamento ecofisiológico e a produção da videira. O objetivo desse trabalho, conduzido em 2010 em Petrolina – PE, no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, foi avaliar a influência de diferentes estratégias de manejo de irrigação no potencial de água na folha e em aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos das uvas do primeiro ciclo de produção da videira cv. Syrah/Paulsen 1103. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi gotejamento e a lâmina de água foi estimada com base na evapotranspiração da cultura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em 4 repetições e com 3 tratamentos: irrigação plena, realizada durante todo o ciclo de produção; a irrigação com déficit, onde a aplicação de água foi interrompida na fase fenológica de cacho fechado; e a irrigação com déficit controlado, onde a irrigação, também interrompida na fase de cacho fechado, foi eventualmente realizada após a interrupção, de acordo com o monitoramento da água no solo. A imposição de déficit hídrico às plantas favoreceu uma maior concentração de açúcares e a redução da acidez nos frutos, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade das uvas para vinificação.


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Buscando quantificar o efeito do parcelamento da fertirrigação no desenvolvimento da alface, esta pesquisa procurou verificar o número de parcelas de fertirrigação que apresentasse o melhor desempenho no crescimento da cultura. O experimento se deu em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, quatro tratamentos de fertirrigação e três lâminas de irrigação (L1, L2 e L3). Em um dos tratamentos de fertirrigação (F1), toda a adubação necessária se deu no início do plantio; no tratamento F2, a metade da adubação se deu no início do plantio e a outra metade no meio do ciclo da cultura, uma vez planejada a colheita em 40 dias após o plantio; o tratamento F3 foi fracionado: 1/3 da adubação no início do plantio, 1/3 depois de 13 dias e o ultimo terço após 26 dias do plantio; o tratamento F4 seguiu o mesmo raciocínio, fracionando a aplicação em 4 partes, de 10 em 10 dias. Logo, os quatro tratamentos de fertirrigação receberam a mesma dosagem de fertilizantes. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a aplicação F1 resultou no pior desempenho, com massa fresca de 135,06 gramas por planta, enquanto o melhor resultado se deu no tratamento F2, com massa fresca de 161,40 g. Em todas as lâminas, o parcelamento F3 resultou em sistema radicular mais desenvolvido. O tratamento L1 apresentou em média maior desenvolvimento das raízes, seguido do L2 e L3. O tratamento L1 apresentou menor condutividade elétrica no extrato da solução dos vasos, sendo o único tratamento que diferiu estatisticamente dos demais.


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The irrigation scheduling is basically the adoption of pre-established criteria to define the time and the amount of water to be applied through irrigation systems. Hence, the objective of this work was to develop and test a spreadsheet of easy comprehension, handling and interpretation by growers, which uses as inputs the physical-hydric soil attributes and tensiometer readings to the determination of irrigation depth and time. The spreadsheet enables the grower to make reading and to know in a fast way how much water to apply into the soil. The test of the spreadsheet was performed in an irrigated orchard of grapevines in Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Soil water retention curves and tensiometer readings from the effective rooting depth were used as a basis for obtaining the soil water matric potential, soil water content, water availability, soil water content to be replaced, net and gross irrigation depth and irrigation time. The analysis of the use of the irrigation scheduling spreadsheet resulted in a shorter time for irrigation in relation to the irrigation scheduling based only on the crop evapotranspiration. The spreadsheet can be helpful to growers adjust irrigation depth when irrigation scheduling is based only on crop evapotranspiration.


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An experimental apparatus containing a domestic refrigerator coupled to a vertical hot water storage tank was used for energy recovery. The original condenser of the refrigerator was maintained, but modified with a concentric tubes heat exchanger with countercurrent water and refrigerating gas flows. The coefficient of performance for the heat pump is calculated by the ratio of energy in the heat storage and the electric power consumed by the domestic refrigerator compressor. The results show that the increasing of hydrostatic pressure in the storage tank increases the water flow rate and the coefficient of performance. The proposed device also reduces the heat dissipation to the surroundings. This is more important in small confinements found in low-cost houses.