881 resultados para Socio educational policy of rights
Some individual vols. issued as part of the Congress' Senate print series, e.g. vol. 2 of the Dec. 1992 publication is S. prt. 103-28, etc.
v.1. The administration of the schools by the director of the survey; The business management of the schools, by F. Engelhardt; Financing the schools, by J. K. Norton; The educational personnel of the schools, by L. Dix; The social services of the public schools, by N. H. Hegel.--v.2. Fitting the school to the pupil, by P. R. Mort, W. W. Wright, and W. B. Featherstone; Secondary education in Chicago, by M. H. Stewart and D. H. Eikenberry; Higher education in the public school system, by E. S. Evenden and F. B. O'Rear.--v.3. The curricula of the schools, by J. H. Newton, H. B. Bruner, L. T. Hopkins, P. R. Hanna, and L. Dix; Teaching and supervision in the elementary schools, by J. R. McGaughy, E. H. Reeder, and J. Betzner; Health and physical education, by J. F. Williams, and F. W. Maroney; Vocational education, by L. A. Wilson.--v.4. Housing of the schools, by F. W. Hart, and N. L. Engelhardt; The operation of the school plant, by G. F. Womrath.--v.5. Summary of findings and recommendations, by G. D. Strayer.
Contains the IDEA amendments of 1997 related to alternate assessment and the Illinois State Board of Education's guidelines regarding the alternate assessment of the educational progress of students with disabilities in Illinois school districts.
Effective January 1, 1990, Public Act 86-890 (105 ILCS 5/10-21.11) required school boards "To develop policies and adopt rules relating to the appropriate manner of managing children with chronic infectious diseases, not inconsistent with guidelines published by the State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health." This is the document referenced in that law. During 2000, another task force was convened to update the document with the most current information concerning how to maintain school programs that will meet the health and educational needs of students who have chronic infectious diseases and to prevent the spread of diseases in the school setting ... It is hoped that this revision will assist local school district personnel in their efforts to maintain procedures and policies that will not compromise the safety of a classroom or a student's right to an education.
Title varies.
Signatures: A-B⁴ C² (C2 blank).
Includes reprints of original title-pages.
Cover-title: ... Poland, Russia, and the policy of the latter towards the United States.
"Index."--v. 6, 63 p., 4th count.
"The Bureau ... [selected] the United States Office of education ... to survey the 'educational service' of the Buffalo schools ... The more strictly 'business' affairs of the Department of education ... [were] handled by the staff of the Buffalo bureau."-- General introd.
"Originally prepared by appointment of the Educational Association of the State of Virginia." cf. Preface.
Vol. 5 is an English adaptation of "Die forstbenutzung" by Dr. Karl Gayer, translated and adapted by W.R. Fisher. It is 2d ed.
For other editions, see Author Catalog.
Title in red and black.
Bibliography: p. 139-141.