861 resultados para Society of Advocates in Aberdeen.
We suggest a time-dependent mean-field hydrodynamic model for a binary dipolar boson-fermion mixture to study the stability and collapse of fermions in the 164Dy-161Dy mixture. The condition of stability of the dipolar mixture is illustrated in terms of phase diagrams. A collapse is induced in a disk-shaped stable binary mixture by jumping the interspecies contact interaction from repulsive to attractive by the Feshbach resonance technique. The subsequent dynamics is studied by solving the time-dependent mean-field model including three-body loss due to molecule formation in boson-fermion and boson-boson channels. Collapse and fragmentation in the fermions after subsequent explosions are illustrated. The anisotropic dipolar interaction leads to anisotropic fermionic density distribution during collapse. This study is carried out in three-dimensional space using realistic values of dipolar and contact interactions. © 2013 American Physical Society.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
The objective of this report is to understand the rationality that underpins public and business policies for promoting the IT and SIS industries and to determine whether they incorporate gender equality and/or provide incentives for women’s participation. The report also explores how this group of women is symbolically constructed within the firms, what issues are emphasized by the women themselves and what solutions or resources they propose for overcoming the problems. It then contrasts this discourse and intervention with the experiences, visions and demands of women leaders in the SIS sector. For this purpose, the policies, programmes and best practices of Europe are analysed and compared with instruments currently in place in Latin America and the Caribbean, in terms of their specific characteristics and degree of progress. Special attention is given to the cases of Argentina, Costa Rica and Colombia.
An eletroanalytical method for determination of arsenic in sugar cane brandy using an electrode consisting of carbon paste modified with carbon nanotubes (CNTPE) and mineral oil has been developed. The cyclic (CV) and linear sweep voltammetry modes (LSV) with cathodic stripping were employed for CNTPE containing mineral oil. The analytical curves were linear from 30.0 to 80.0 µg L-1 for LSV. The limit of detection (L.O.D.) was 10.45 μg L-1 and limit of quantification (L.O.Q.) was 34.33 μg L-1. The developed method was applied to the determination of arsenic in tree commercial sugar cane brandy samples. The results were in good agreement with those obtained by HGAAS, showing that CNTPE containing mineral oil can be successfully employed to the simultaneous determination of arsenic in sugar cane brandy samples.
Tetradifon, a potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic pesticide, can contribute to environmental and human contamination when applied to green bell pepper crops. In this context, in this work, a reliable and sensitive method for determination of tetradifon in Brazilian green bell pepper samples involving a differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique on a glassy carbon electrode is proposed. The electrochemical behavior of tetradifon as followed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) suggests that its reduction occurs via an irreversible five–electron transfer vs. Ag|AgCl, KCl 3 M reference electrode. Very well–resolved diffusion controlled voltammetric peaks have been obtained in a supporting electrolyte solution composed of a mixture of 40% dimethylformamide (DMF), 30% methanol, and 30% NaOH 0.3 mol L−1 at −1.43, −1.57, −1.73, −1.88, and −2.05 V. The proposed DPV method has a good linear response in the 3.00 – 10.0 μmol L−1 range, with a limit of detection (L.O.D) of 0.756 μmol L−1 and 0.831 μmol L−1 in the absence and in the presence of the matrix, respectively. Moreover, improved L.O.D results (0.607 μmol L−1) have been achieved in the absence of DMF from the supporting electrolyte solution. Recovery has been evaluated in five commercial green bell pepper samples, and recovery percentages ranging from 91.0 to 109 have been obtained for tetradifon determinations. The proposed voltammetric method has also been tested for reproducibility, repeatability, and potential interferents, and the results obtained for these three analytical parameters are satisfactory for electroanalytical purposes.
Sugar is widely consumed worldwide and Brazil is the largest producer, consumer, and exporter of this product. To guarantee proper development and productivity of sugar cane crops, it is necessary to apply large quantities of agrochemicals, especially herbicides and pesticides. The herbicide tebuthiuron (TBH) prevents pre- and post-emergence of infesting weed in sugarcane cultures. Considering that it is important to ensure food safety for the population, this paper proposes a reliable method to analyse TBH in sugar matrixes (brown and crystal) using square wave voltammetry (SWV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at bare glassy carbon electrode and investigate the electrochemical behavior of this herbicide by cyclic voltammetry (CV). Our results suggest that TBH or the product of its reaction with a supporting electrolyte is oxidized through irreversible transfer of one electron between the analyte and the working electrode, at a potential close to +1.16 V vs. Ag |AgClsat in 0.10 mol L-1 KOH as supporting electrolyte solution. Both DPV and SWV are satisfactory for the quantitative analysis of the analyte. DPV is more sensitive and selective, with detection limits of 0.902, 0.815 and 0.578 mg kg-1, and quantification limits of 0.009, 0.010 and 0.008 mg kg-1 in the absence of the matrix and in the presence of crystal and brown sugar matrix, respectively. Repeatability lay between 0.53 and 13.8%, precision ranged between 4.14 and 15.0%, and recovery remained between 84.2 and 113% in the case of DPV conducted in the absence of matrix and in the presence of the crystal sugar matrix, respectively.
Neste estudo, a cromatografia por exclusão de tamanho (SEC) com detecção online ultravioleta (UV), espectrometria de absorção atômica em forno de grafite (GF AAS) e a espectrometria de massa por tempo de voo com dessorção/ionização de matriz assistida por laser (MALDI-TOF-MS) foram usadas para estudar a associação de selênio com macromoléculas e compostos presentes no soro de leite de búfala e bovino. Os perfis de SEC-UV obtidos para as amostras de soro de leite de búfala e soro de leite bovino indicaram a presença de espécies de alta e baixa massa molecular. A combinação das informações obtidas com SEC-UV, GF AAS e MALDI-TOF-MS para as frações < 10 kDa confirmou a associação de selênio com espécies de baixa massa molecular.
Diversas estratégias para preparo de amostra, determinação e fracionamento, tais como espectrometria de absorção atômica com atomização eletrotérmica em forno de grafite (GF AAS) e espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma acoplado indutivamente com configuração axial (ICP OES), foram empregadas para o fracionamento de bário em Castanha-do-Pará. Esse alimento é amplamente apreciado tanto pelo valor nutricional, quanto pelo sabor agradável. A análise química de Castanha-do-Pará não é trivial devido à matriz complexa. O fracionamento de bário em Castanha-do-Pará foi estudado devido à toxicidade desse elemento e a correlação entre a forma química e a absorção. Os teores totais de bário nas amostras de Castanha-do-Pará variaram entre 860 e 2084 mg kg-1. Extrações sequenciais foram feitas com base na solubilidade em diferentes meios e composição química envolvendo lipídios, proteínas e compostos de baixa massa molecular (LMW). Teores mais elevados de bário foram determinados nas frações LMW e insolúvel em água que variaram entre 778-1606 e 551-1520 mg kg-1, respectivamente. Esses resultados indicaram a indisponibilidade de bário presente nesse alimento ao organismo humano. Baseando-se nos teores de bário e enxofre nas diferentes frações e em cálculos estequiométricos para as possíveis reações envolvidas pode-se inferir que bário se encontra principalmente na forma de BaSO4. Experimentos termogravimétricos também confirmaram essa suposição.
The growth and integration of ICTs in the global economy have created conditions that profoundly affect our society, dividing communities between those who effectively appropriate these resources and those who do not, what is called the digital divide. This exploratory study seeks to propose and validate ways of assessing this phenomenon in higher education, from the construction of a model and a comprehensive methodology that value contextual conditions, in addition to measuring access factors and motivation for use, that have been employed in previous research. To obtain indications about the behavior of this phenomenon, we developed research with students from three universities in Bogota, administering 566 surveys in four phases that would test the variables proposed in the model. The results show that the variables of the model link causally, with the strongest relations between education, attitude towards ICTs and ICT application. Although students have good access to ICTs and high levels of education, no strong relationship was found in regards to perceived impact on production. This may be explained by a superficial appropriation of ICT, due to a context that is alien to its conditions of origin (industrialism, innovation), poor quality of education and economies not centered around R&D.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Free surface flows in inclined channels can develop periodic instabilities that are propagated downstream as shock waves with well-defined wavelengths and amplitudes. Such disturbances are called roll waves and are common in channels, torrential lava, landslides, and avalanches. The prediction and detection of such waves over certain types of structures and environments are useful for the prevention of natural risks. In this work, a mathematical model is established using a theoretical approach based on Cauchy's equations with the Herschel-Bulkley rheological model inserted into the viscous part of the stress tensor. This arrangement can adequately represent the behavior of muddy fluids, such as water-clay mixture. Then, taking into account the shallow water and the Rankine-Hugoniot's (shock wave) conditions, the equation of the roll wave and its properties, profile, and propagation velocity are determined. A linear stability analysis is performed with an emphasis on determining the condition that allows the generation of such instabilities, which depends on the minimum Froude number. A sensitivity analysis on the numerical parameters is performed, and numerical results including the influence of the Froude number, the index flow and dimensionless yield stress on the amplitude, the wavelength of roll waves and the propagation velocity of roll waves are shown. We show that our numerical results were in agreement with Coussot's experimental results (1994).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)