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Expression of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) Class I molecules is essential for the recognition of malignant melanoma (MM) cells by CD8(+) T lymphocytes. A complete or partial loss of HLA Class I molecules is a potent strategy for MM cells to escape from immunosurveillance. In 2 out of 55 melanoma cell cultures we identified a complete phenotypic loss of HLA allospecificities. Both patients have been treated unsuccessfully with HLA-A2 peptides. To identify the reasons underlying the loss of single HLA-A allospecificities, we searched for genomic alterations at the locus for HLA Class I alpha-chain on chromosome 6 in melanoma cell cultures established from 2 selected patients with MM in advanced stage. This deficiency was associated with alterations of HLA-A2 gene sequences as determined by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). Karyotyping revealed a chromosomal loss in Patient 1, whereas melanoma cell cultures established from Patient 2 displayed 2 copies of chromosome 6. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) using markers located around position 6p21 was detected in both cases. By applying group-specific primer-mixes spanning the 5'-flanking region of the HLA-A2 gene locus the relevant region was amplified by PCR and subsequent sequencing allowed alignment with the known HLA Class I reference sequences. Functional assays using HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-cell clones were performed in HLA-A2 deficient MM cultures and revealed a drastically reduced susceptibility to CTL lysis in HLA-A2 negative cells. We could document the occurrence of selective HLA-A2 deficiencies in cultured advanced-stage melanoma metastases and identify their molecular causes as genomic alterations within the HLA-A gene locus.
OBJECTIVES: Previous literature suggests that early psychosis (EP) patients with a history of offending behavior (HOB) have specific clinical needs. The aims of this study were to assess: (1) the prevalence of HOB in a representative sample of EP; (2) the premorbid and baseline characteristics of patients with HOB, and (3) the potential differences in short-term outcome of such patients when compared to patients without HOB. METHODS: The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) admitted 786 EP patients between 1998 and 2000. Data were collected from patients' files using a standardized questionnaire. Data of 647 patients could be analyzed. RESULTS: HOB patients (29% of the sample) were more likely to be male with lower level of premorbid functioning and education, have used illicit substances and have attempted suicide. They presented with a more complex clinical picture and had poorer 18-month outcome. Most importantly, they had a significantly longer duration of untreated psychosis. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the high prevalence and specific features of EP patients with HOB, our study confirms a need for additional research in this domain and for the development of specific treatment strategies. Most importantly, it suggests a need for the promotion of early detection strategies among the populations of young offenders, considering that some of them may be going through the early phases of a psychotic disorder and that reduction of treatment delay and provision of well adapted interventions may have a significant impact at numerous levels in such patients.
Limiting the Exposure of Young People to Alcohol Advertising: 4th Annual report of the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body Click here to download PDF 156KB
Limiting the Exposure of Young People to Alcohol Advertising: 5th Annual report of the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body Click here to download PDF 173KB
The response of Arabidopsis to stress caused by mechanical wounding was chosen as a model to compare the performances of high resolution quadrupole-time-of-flight (Q-TOF) and single stage Orbitrap (Exactive Plus) mass spectrometers in untargeted metabolomics. Both instruments were coupled to ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) systems set under identical conditions. The experiment was divided in two steps: the first analyses involved sixteen unwounded plants, half of which were spiked with pure standards that are not present in Arabidopsis. The second analyses compared the metabolomes of mechanically wounded plants to unwounded plants. Data from both systems were extracted using the same feature detection software and submitted to unsupervised and supervised multivariate analysis methods. Both mass spectrometers were compared in terms of number and identity of detected features, capacity to discriminate between samples, repeatability and sensitivity. Although analytical variability was lower for the UHPLC-Q-TOF, generally the results for the two detectors were quite similar, both of them proving to be highly efficient at detecting even subtle differences between plant groups. Overall, sensitivity was found to be comparable, although the Exactive Plus Orbitrap provided slightly lower detection limits for specific compounds. Finally, to evaluate the potential of the two mass spectrometers for the identification of unknown markers, mass and spectral accuracies were calculated on selected identified compounds. While both instruments showed excellent mass accuracy (<2.5ppm for all measured compounds), better spectral accuracy was recorded on the Q-TOF. Taken together, our results demonstrate that comparable performances can be obtained at acquisition frequencies compatible with UHPLC on Q-TOF and Exactive Plus MS, which may thus be equivalently used for plant metabolomics.
It has recently been proposed that the SSAT gene plays a role in the predisposition to suicidal behavior. SSAT expression was found to be down-regulated in the brain of suicide completers. In addition, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs6526342 was associated both with variation in SSAT expression and with suicidal behavior. In this study, we aimed to characterize the relationship between SSAT dysregulation and suicide behavior. To this end, we measured SSAT expression levels in the ventral prefrontal cortex (VPFC) of suicide completers (n = 20) and controls (n = 20) and found them to be significantly down-regulated in suicide victims (P = 0.007). To identify the basis of the regulation of SSAT expression, we performed an association analysis of 309 SNPs with SSAT transcript levels in 53 lymphoblastoid cell lines from the CEPH collection. We then examined the methylation status of the SSAT promoter region in males and females suicide completers and control subjects whose SSAT brain expression had been measured. We found no evidence to support a role for SNPs in controlling the level of SSAT expression. SSAT promoter methylation levels were not different between suicide completers and controls and did not correlate with SSAT expression levels. In addition, we found no indication of a genetic association between suicidal behavior and SNPs located within the SSAT gene. Our study provides new results which show that dysregulation of SSAT expression does play a role in suicide behavior. However, our data do not support any association between rs6526342 and variation in SSAT expression or suicidal behavior.
Our task as a Monitoring Body is to oversee the implementation of and adherence to Voluntary Codes of Practice to limit the exposure of young people under the age of 18 years to alcohol advertising. As this Sixth Annual Report shows there was overall compliance in 2011 by television, radio, cinema, outdoor advertisers and newspapers and magazines with the obligations set down in the Codes. Click here to download PDF 2.03MB
The task of the Monitoring Body is to oversee the implementation of and adherence to Voluntary Codes of Practice to limit the exposure of young people, under the age of 18 years, to alcohol advertising. The Monitoring Body is chaired by Mr Peter Cassells Download the seventh annual report here
PURPOSE: We report the long-term results of a randomized clinical trial comparing induction therapy with once per week for 4 weeks single-agent rituximab alone versus induction followed by 4 cycles of maintenance therapy every 2 months in patients with follicular lymphoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients (prior chemotherapy 138; chemotherapy-naive 64) received single-agent rituximab and if nonprogressive, were randomly assigned to no further treatment (observation) or four additional doses of rituximab given at 2-month intervals (prolonged exposure). RESULTS: At a median follow-up of 9.5 years and with all living patients having been observed for at least 5 years, the median event-free survival (EFS) was 13 months for the observation and 24 months for the prolonged exposure arm (P < .001). In the observation arm, patients without events at 8 years were 5%, while in the prolonged exposure arm they were 27%. Of previously untreated patients receiving prolonged treatment after responding to rituximab induction, at 8 years 45% were still without event. The only favorable prognostic factor for EFS in a multivariate Cox regression was the prolonged rituximab schedule (hazard ratio, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.39 to 0.88; P = .009), whereas being chemotherapy naive, presenting with stage lower than IV, and showing a VV phenotype at position 158 of the Fc-gamma RIIIA receptor were not of independent prognostic value. No long-term toxicity potentially due to rituximab was observed. CONCLUSION: An important proportion of patients experienced long-term remission after prolonged exposure to rituximab, particularly if they had no prior treatment and responded to rituximab induction.
This project will promote health awareness and encourage a more pro-active approach to looking after your health for12-16 year olds. Although focusing on young people, the approach being used hopes to cascade the information- the young people will take what their understanding into the home and the wider community. In order to reach their objectives they will carry out workshops with the youth in ways that will grab their attention and encourage a ‘change of lifestyles’ for example; painting murals relating to health issues etc. An information day was held as was an art project and several workshops, 1 of which allowed students to make a video on the role of the pharmacist. Results showed teenagers found it beneficial to get information on areas of health that they wanted to increase their awareness in. The project also identified a determination amongst staff to become more aware of the dangers of smoking and the project gave them a means of empowerment to help students who smoke to stop. All those involved in the project either through the information day, workshops or the art project felt it was tangible and was a sensitive wasy to deal with teenge health problems. The project created an understanding of why there is a need to take a communtiy response to such problems.
This project will work with men aged 50 and upwards on a range of health issues including physical health, healthy lifestyle, mental health etc. Other organisations will be brought into talk to the men during the sessions. The project aims to improve the health of the men and encourage them to make healthier choices.
An analysis of need for 'one stop shop'; drop-in support services in relation to alcohol and drug misuse, undertaken by the PHA for the Health Development Policy Branch of the DHSSPS.
This factsheet outlines how parents can help their child speak more fluently, without stammering.
The Public Health Agency is taking the opportunity to highlight this year's World No Tobacco Day which takes place on Tuesday 31 May.In Northern Ireland, around 340,000 people aged 16 and over smoke. Smoking contributes not only to many cancers, heart disease, bronchitis and asthma, but to other illnesses, including stroke. In fact, smoking causes around 2,700 deaths per year here, all of them avoidable.The PHA is committed to saving lives by reducing the percentage of people who smoke. The PHA:works with councils to ensure smoking-related laws are enforced; funds a range of support to smokers who want to quit; educates young people to not start smoking, through programmes like 'Teenage Kicks' and 'Smokebusters'. In January this year, the PHA also launched its smoking campaign 'Things to do before you die' to encourage smokers, particularly those aged 20-49, to stop smoking.Health Minister Edwin Poots said:"Smoking is the greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in Northern Ireland. While good progress has been made in the last number of years to reduce the number of people who smoke, more needs to be done."I would appeal to all smokers to use the wide range of support services available to make every effort to stop smoking - it is the single best step you can take to improve your health and quality of life."Mark Mc Bride, Health Improvement Manager, PHA, said "Smoking is the single greatest preventable cause of death in the world today. Across Northern Ireland there are over 600 support services for people who wish to stop smoking. These are based in GP surgeries, community pharmacies, hospitals, community centres and workplaces."From April 2010 to end March 2011 more than 1 in 10 of all adult smokers sought help from the support services and approximately half had quit after four weeks. This is a substantial - roughly 50% increase - on previous years and shows the benefit of the PHA campaigns and the dedication of the many specialists who help smokers quit."I would encourage everyone who is either thinking about quitting or ready to log on to our Want 2 Stop website www.want2stop.info or to contacting the Smokers' Helpline on 0808 812 8008 a Quit Kit free of charge."