934 resultados para Sida spinosa


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Radiolarian census and abundance data were collected from three deep-sea cores drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program Sites 884, 887 and 1151 to investigate patterns of ecologic changes in space and time during the last 16 million years for the mid-latitude to subarctic North Pacific. High concentrations of radiolarians occurred between 9.0 and 2.7 Ma. Radiolarian species richness was highest in the early middle Miocene at each site and gradually decreased up to about 7 Ma, coinciding with a well-established global cooling trend. A degree of overlap index calculated for radiolarian assemblages revealed 11 faunal change events, of which 8 corresponded to global cooling events and expansions of polar ice sheets. Three of the faunal change events were observed within the peak of radiolarian accumulation rate and were ascribed to changes in primary productivity in the North Pacific rather than global climatic changes. Our assemblage analyses revealed that north-south differentiation in radiolarian assemblages in the northwestern Pacific has existed since 16 Ma and became more distinct via major steps at 6.8 Ma and 2.7 Ma, coinciding with major glaciation events, and that east-west faunal contrasts in the subarctic region became obvious beginning at 11.7 Ma and changed to a different mode around 6.8 Ma. The observed east-west faunal differences possibly reflect east to west climate differences that were characterized by cooler temperatures in the east than the west during the late Miocene (11.7-6.8 Ma) and then by the opposite temperature trend (6.8 Ma-Recent). A severe glaciation at 2.7 Ma played a large role, particularly in temporal changes in radiolarian accumulation rate and assemblage composition.


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At present time, there is a lack of knowledge on the interannual climate-related variability of zooplankton communities of the tropical Atlantic, central Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, due to the absence of appropriate databases. In the mid latitudes, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant mode of atmospheric fluctuations over eastern North America, the northern Atlantic Ocean and Europe. Therefore, one of the issues that need to be addressed through data synthesis is the evaluation of interannual patterns in species abundance and species diversity over these regions in regard to the NAO. The database has been used to investigate the ecological role of the NAO in interannual variations of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass along the zonal array of the NAO influence. Basic approach to the proposed research involved: (1) development of co-operation between experts and data holders in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UK, and USA to rescue and compile the oceanographic data sets and release them on CD-ROM, (2) organization and compilation of a database based on FSU cruises to the above regions, (3) analysis of the basin-scale interannual variability of the zooplankton species abundance, biomass, and species diversity.


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Three sites drilled during Leg 122, Site 761 on the Wombat Plateau and Sites 762 and 763 on the Exmouth Plateau, provide a composite Cretaceous section ranging in age from Berriasian to Maestrichtian. Together, these sites contain an apparently complete, expanded Aptian-Maestrichtian record. Consistently occurring and moderately well-preserved nannofossil assemblages allow reasonably high biostratigraphic resolution. Our data indicate that traditional middle and Upper Cretaceous nannofossil biozonations are not entirely applicable in this region. In this investigation, we compare in detail the relative ranges of key Cretaceous nannofossil markers in the eastern Indian Ocean and in sections from Europe and North Africa. We have determined which previously used events are applicable, and which additional markers have biostratigraphic utility in this region. Significant differences in Campanian-Maestrichtian assemblages exist between the more northern Site 761 and Sites 762 and 763. Such differences are surprising, considering that these sites are only separated by 3° of latitude. We interpret them as marking a strong thermal gradient over the Exmouth Plateau region. Other results include the recovery of an expanded Albian-Cenomanian sequence containing a mixture of Austral and Tethyan floras, which will enable correlation of biozonations established for these two realms; the recovery of two condensed but apparently complete Cenomanian-Turonian boundary sections; correlation of Upper Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy with magneto- and foraminifer stratigraphy; and correlation of portions of the Barrow Group equivalents to the Berriasian and Valanginian stages.


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A basaltic tephra layer consisting of brownish-olive glass shards. and about 0.2 mm thick. was found in cores from four lakes in northwest Germany. According to pollen analysis it was deposited during the early Boreal period (corresponding to about 8700 BP). The petrographic properties. the geochemical composition and the age agree with those of the Saksunarvatn tephra. which was first found on the Faroe Islands. The position of the tephra layer in the pollen stratigraphy and in the absolute time-scale is discussed. Procedures for locating the tephra in other cores are suggested.


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A quantative study was made of silicoflagellates recovered from Sites 642 (lower Miocene-upper Pliocene), 643 (lower Miocene-upper Miocene), and 644 (upper Pliocene-Quaternary) on the Voring Plateau. Although disconformities are present in these sequences, they represent a much more complete record of the Neogene than was recovered previously in the Norwegian Sea by DSDP Leg 38. Silicoflagellates are rare or absent for glacial sequences younger than 2.65 Ma, and generally sparse and poorly preserved in the lower upper Pliocene and upper Miocene. Lower and middle Miocene assemblages are diverse and generally well preserved. Temporal changes in the silicoflagellate assemblage are indicative of major paleoceanographic changes in the Norwegian Sea. A regional zonation for the Neogene of the Norwegian Sea is proposed, consisting of eleven zones: Naviculopsis lata Zone, N. quadrata Zone (emended), N. ponticula Zone (emended), Distephanus speculum hemisphaericus Zone (new), Caryocha ernestinae Zone (new), Bachmannocena circulus var. apiculata/Caryocha Zone (new), Distephanus crux scutulatus Zone (new), Bachmannocena diodon nodosa Zone (new), Distephanus boliviensis Zone (new), Ds. jimlingii Zone (elevated from subzonal to zonal status) with Subzones a and b (new), and Ds. speculum Zone (new). The ranges and abundances of over 100 species and morphotypes are tabulated.


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The occurrence of Quaternary and Oligocene silicoflagellates at two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 119 Holes (736A and 744A) on the Kerguelen Plateau in the Southern Ocean was investigated to compare species distributions to Northern Hemisphere floras. This abstract gives the data determined (Tables 1 and 2) for 24 samples and few preliminary remarks. Quaternary assemblages of Hole 736A are noteworthy for the absences of key North Pacific zonal guide species such as Bachmannocena quadrangula, Dictyocha aculeata, Dictyocha subarctios, and Distephanus octangulatus (Bukry and Monechi, 1985). Other species such as Distephanus floridus, Distephanus speculum elongatus, and Mesocena octagona show limited ranges in Hole 736A and may help to subdivide the Quaternary locally. The late Oligocene assemblages of Hole 744A contain widely distributed species of Distephanus and Naviculopsis, which permit correlation to lower latitude assemblages. They also contain the high-latitude acme of Distephanus raupii which was first noted at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Hole 278 (56°3.42'S, 160°04.29'E, water depth 3689 m) by Perch-Nielsen (1975) and Bukry (1975). Study of Hole 744A assemblages suggests that D. raupii developed from pentagonal Dictyocha deflandrei deflandrei. A final note on the Hole 744A assemblages is the brief late Oligocene acme (25%) of Dictyocha sp. aff. D. spinosa in Sample 119-744A-13H-4, 65-67 cm, which provides a direct correlation to the acme (16%) in DSDP Sample 29-278-31R-CC (Perch-Nielsen, 1975) in the Southern Ocean. Most of the taxonomy used in the tables is documented in earlier publications of the DSDP Initial Reports (see Bukry in Volumes 16, 35, 37, 40, 44, 49, 54, 67, 68, 69, 81, and 95). Also, see Loeblich et al. (1968) and Perch-Nielsen (1985) for extensive taxonomy and illustrations.


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The benthic foraminifer fauna at Sumisu Rift Sites 790 and 791 indicates that a deep open-ocean (>2300 m) or a basin with open-ocean access existed between 1.1 and 0.7 Ma at the time of the initiation of rifting. The appearance of a low- to medium-oxygen fauna (1600-2300 m) between 0.7 and 0.5 Ma suggests that the open-ocean access may have been terminated at this time because of the development of volcanoes and rift flank uplifts around the basin. The occurrence of low-oxygen faunas at 0.03 Ma suggests a secondary closing of the basin. The lower bathyal benthic faunas from lower Pliocene sediments of rift margin Site 788 suggest about 0.6-1.6 km of total basement uplift. This uplift may have led to the formation of the major hiatus between 2.3 and <0.3 Ma. The faunal changes of benthic foraminifers at Sites 792 and 793 in the forearc basin document a shallowing water depth from below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) (about 3.5 km) in the late early Oligocene to the present depths of 1800 and 2975 m, respectively. These data suggest about 1 km of total basement uplift in the inner part of the forearc basin (Site 792) and about 0.6 km total basement subsidence in the central part of the forearc basin (Site 793) since about 31 Ma. The former uplift led to a thinner sediment accumulation (800 m) and the latter subsidence to a thicker sediment accumulation (1400 m) at these sites. Faunal changes of benthic foraminifers observed in Sites 782 and 786 sequences drilled at the outer-arc high document a deepening water depth from 1.3 to 2.1 km in late Eocene to the present depth of about 3 km. These data suggest about 1.1-1.9 and 1.3-2.1 km of total basement subsidence at Sites 786 and 782, respectively. These results indicate total basement uplift in the inner part of the Bonin arc-trench system since late Oligocene and total basement subsidence in the outer part of the system since late Eocene. The last occurrence (LO) of Stilostomella spp. and Pleurostomella spp. and the first occurrence (F0) of Bulimina aculeata d'Orbigny occurred consistently at 0.7 Ma at all three arc proximal sites (790,791, and 792). This fact is taken to suggest a change of water mass, from one originating from the central part of the ocean to that originating from ocean-margin areas at that time.


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Geochemical characterizations of the Cretaceous formations at Site 603 are quite comparable with those at Site 105. In the Blake-Bahama and the Hatteras formations, the petroleum potential is medium (<5 kg HC/t of rock) to very low (<0.5 kg HC/t of rock), and the organic matter is mainly of type III origin, that is, terrestrial. At the top of the Hatteras Formation, there is a condensed series, which chiefly contains organic matter of type II origin, with up to 20 wt.% total organic carbon content in Core 603B-34 and 25 wt.% in Core 105-9. This accumulation corresponds to the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event. An examination of dinoflagellates in the kerogen concentration assigns dates to the samples studied by organic geochemistry. The Cenomanian and Turonian age of the organic-matter-rich black claystones indicates a low rate of sedimentation, about 1 m/Ma. Furthermore, the occurrence of type II organic matter indicates an anoxic environment with insufficient oxygen renewal to oxidize the sinking hemipelagic organic matter. This organic enrichment is not related to local phenomena but to sedimentation over an extended area, because deposits are well known in various areas with different paleodepths in the North Atlantic.