940 resultados para Shrimp Effluent
This work aimed to study the agronomic performance and capacity of nutrient removal by bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) and cattail (Typha sp.) when grown in constructed wetlands systems (CWSs) of vertical and horizontal flow, respectively, used in the post-treatment of swine breeding wastewater (ARS). The average yield of dry matter (DM) of bermudagrass in sections of 60-day interval ranged from 14 to 43 t ha-1, while the cultivated cattail produced in a single cut after 200 days of cultivation between 45 and 67 t ha-1 of DM. Bermudagrass extracted up to 17.65 kg ha-1 d-1 of nitrogen, 1.76 kg ha-1 d-1 of phosphorus, 6.67 g ha-1 d-1 of copper and 54.75 g ha-1 d-1 of zinc. Cattail extracted up to 5.10 kg ha-1 d-1 of nitrogen, 1.07 kg ha-1 d-1 of phosphorus, 1.41 g ha-1 d-1 of copper and 16.04 g ha-1 d-1 of zinc. Cattail and bermudagrass were able to remove, respectively, 5.0 and 4.6% of the nitrogen and 11.2 and 5.4% of the phosphorus applied via ARS, being less efficient in extracting N and P when the initial intake of these nutrients is evaluated.
In this work it was evaluated the performance of two systems of swine wastewater treatment consisting of two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, with and without post-treatment in sequencing batch reactor (SBR), fed continuously, with aerobic phase. The UASB reactors in the first stage had 908 L in the sets I and II, and in the second stage 350 and 188 L, respectively. In the set II the post-treatment was performed in a SBR of 3,000 L. The hydraulic detention times in the anaerobic treatment systems were 100, 75 and 58 h in the set I; 87, 65 and 51 h in the set II; and 240 and 180 h in the SBR. The volumetric organic load applied in the first stage UASB reactors ranged from 6.9 to 12.6 g total COD (L d)-1 in the set I and 7.5 to 9.8 g total COD (L d)-1 in the set II. The average removal efficiencies of total COD, total phosphorus (Ptotal), and Kjeldahl and organic nitrogen (KN and Norg) in the anaerobic treatment systems were similar and reached maximum values of 97%, 64%, 68%, and 98%. In the SBR, the removal efficiencies of total COD and thermotolerant coliforms were up to 62 and 92% resulting, respectively, in effluent concentrations of 135 mg L-1 and 2x10(4)MPN (100 mL)-1. For Ptotal, total nitrogen (TN) and Norg, the average removal efficiencies in the SBR were up to 58, 25 and 73%, respectively.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Moringa oleifera Lam extract on the removal of total solids (TS), total suspended solids (TSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), in different filter media for treating wastewater of dairy cattle breeding (DCW). The moringa seed extract was obtained by grinding 50 g of seeds in one liter of distilled water and, after passing the solution through a quantitative paper filter of 25 microns, 60 mL of the extract were added to wastewater from cattle breeding before the filtration process in organic filters made of thin coal, bamboo leaves, eucalyptus leaves, gliricidia branches and sawdust. This was followed by the completely randomized experimental design, adopting a factorial of 5 x 2. Aliquots of filtered effluent were collected and the total solids (TS) concentrations, total suspended solids (TSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were determined. It was found that the increase in the efficiency of removal of COD and total solids can be attributed to the coagulating power of the moringa seed extract, wherein the filter medium with bamboo leaves presented the best performance, showing potential for use as alternative filter material in the primary treatment of DCW.
The performance of two upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors was evaluated in pilot scale (908 and 188 L), installed in series (R1 and R2), fed with swine wastewater with TSS around 5 and 13 g L-1. The UASB reactors were submitted to HDT of 36 and 18 h with VOL of 5.5 to 34.4 g COD (L d)-1 in the R1 and HDT of 7.5 e 3.7 h with VOL from 5.1 to 45.2 g COD (L d)-1 in the R2. The average removal efficiencies of COD ranged from 55 to 85% in the R1 and from 43 to 57% in the R2, resulting in values from 82 to 93% in the UASB reactors in two stage. Methane concentrations in the biogas were 69 to 74% with specific production from 0.05 to 0.27 L CH4 (g removedCOD)-1 in the R1 and of 0.10 to 0.12 L CH4 (g removedCOD)-1 in the R2. The average removal efficiencies were 61 to 75% for totalP, 39 to 69% for KN, 82 to 93% for orgN and 20 to 94% for Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn. The amN concentration were not reduced indicating the need to post-treatment for effluent disposal into water bodies. There were reductions of total coliforms from 99.8123 to 99.9989% and of thermotolerant coliforms from 99.9725 to 99.9999%. The conditions imposed to the UASB reactors in two stage provided high conversions of removedCOD into methane (up to 77%) and reductions of organic an inorganic pollution loads from swine wastewater.
This study aimed to evaluate the start-up of a horizontal anaerobic fixed bed reactor (HAFBR) followed by an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) for the slaughterhouse wastewater treatment. HAFBR was filled with bamboo rings and had 1.2 m in length, 0.10 m in diameter and volume of 7.5 L. The UASB had the volume of 15 L. The HAFBR and UASB operated at organic loading rate and hydraulic retention time average of 8.46 and 3.77 kg m-3 d-1 of COD and 0.53 and 0.98 days, respectively. During 150 days of monitoring system it was found pH 6.8, relatively high values of bicarbonate alkalinity (> 1000 mg L-1) and reduced values of volatile acids (70 to 150 mg L-1), which afforded average removal efficiencies of COD total and total suspended solids of the order of 31 and 23% in HAFBR and 79% and 63% in UASB. It can be concluded that the generation and consumption of bicarbonate alkalinity and total volatile acids, thereby maintaining the pH during the study indicated stable operation of the reactors. The COD removal in the reactors was satisfactory especially when it considers that the assessment was conducted in a period of adaptation of organisms to the effluent and also the high organic load applied during this period.
ABSTRACT The feasibility of using sewage wastewater as a water and nutrient source for plants is an alternative to harness agricultural natural resource, observing its influence on the organic matter dynamics and soil energy. Our objective here was to evaluate the effects of applying different doses of effluent from a sewage treatment plant, in Janaúba – MG, Brazil, over the physical attributes of a soil grown with “Prata Anã” banana. From soil sample collection at depths of 0-20, 20-40, and 40-60 cm, we determined the following soil properties: soil density, total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, organic matter, clay dispersed in water and stability of soil aggregate. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four repetitions. Wastewater raising doses promoted increase in suspended solids, contributing to macroporosity reduction at 20-40 and 40-60 cm depths; as well as a reduction in organic matter within 0-20 cm layer. Clay dispersal was observed in the depths of 0-20 cm, being derived from an increase in sodium content. Concurrently, there was a reduction of soil aggregate stability.
The environmental impacts of a single mine often remain local, but acidic and metal-rich acid mine drainage (AMD) from the waste materials may pose a serious threat to adjacent surface waters and their ecosystems. Testate amoebae (thecamoebian) analysis was used together with lake sediment geochemistry to study and evaluate the ecological effects of sulphidic metal mines on aquatic environments. Three different mines were included in the study: Luikonlahti Cu-mine in Kaavi, eastern Finland, Haveri Cu-Au mine in Ylöjärvi, southern Finland and Pyhäsalmi Zn-Cu-S mine in Pyhäjärvi, central Finland. Luikonlahti and Haveri are closed mines, but Pyhäsalmi is still operating. The sampling strategy was case specific, and planned to provide a representative sediment sample series to define natural background conditions, to detect spatial and temporal variations in mine impacts, to evaluate the possible recovery after the peak contamination, and to distinguish the effects of other environmental factors from the mining impacts. In the Haveri case, diatom analyses were performed alongside thecamoebian analysis to evaluate the similarities and differences between the two proxies. The results of the analyses were investigated with multivariate methods (direct and indirect ordinations, diversity and distance measure indices). Finally, the results of each case study were harmonized, pooled, and jointly analyzed to summarize the results for this dissertation. Geochemical results showed broadly similar temporal patterns in each case. Concentrations of ions in the pre-disturbance samples defined the natural baseline against which other results were compared. The beginning of the mining activities had only minor impacts on sediment geochemistry, mainly appearing as an increased clastic input into the lakes at Haveri and Pyhäsalmi. The active mining phase was followed by the metallic contamination and, subsequently, by the most recent change towards decreased but still elevated metal concentrations in the sediments. Because of the delay in the oxidation of waste material and formation of AMD, the most intense, but transient metal contamination phase occurred in the post-mining period at Luikonlahti and Haveri. At Pyhäsalmi, the highest metal contamination preceded effluent mitigation actions. Spatial gradients were observed besides the temporal evolution in both the pre-disturbance and mine-impacted samples from Luikonlahti and Pyhäsalmi. The geochemical gradients varied with distance from the main source of contaminants (dispersion and dilution) and with water depth (redox and pH). The spatial extent of the highest metal contamination associated with these mines remained rather limited. At Haveri, the metallic impact was widespread, with the upstream site in another lake basin found to be contaminated. Changes in thecamoebian assemblages corresponded well with the geochemical results. Despite some differences, the general features and ecological responses of the faunal assemblages were rather similar in each lake. Constantly abundant strains of Difflugia oblonga, Difflugia protaeiformis and centropyxids formed the core of these assemblages. Increasing proportions of Cucurbitella tricuspis towards the surface samples were found in all of the cases. The results affirmed the indicator value of some already known indicator forms, but such as C. tricuspis and higher nutrient levels, but also elicited possible new ones such as D. oblonga ‘spinosa’ and clayey substrate, high conductivity and/or alkalinity, D. protaeiformis ‘multicornis’ and pH, water hardness and the amount of clastic material and Centropyxis constricta ‘aerophila’ and high metal and S concentrations. In each case, eutrophication appeared to be the most important environmental factor, masking the effects of other variables. Faunal responses to high metal inputs in sediments remained minor, but were nevertheless detectable. Besides the trophic state of the lake, numerical methods suggested overall geochemical conditions (pH, redox) to be the most important factor at Luikonlahti, whereas the Haveri results showed the clearest connection between metals and amoebae. At Pyhäsalmi, the strongest relationships were found between Ca- and S-rich present loading, redox conditions and substrate composition. Sediment geochemistry and testate amoeba analysis proved to be a suitable combination of methods to detect and describe the aquatic mine impacts in each specific case, to evaluate recovery and to differentiate between the effects of different anthropogenic and natural environmental factors. It was also suggested that aquatic mine impacts can be significantly mitigated by careful design and after-care of the waste facilities, especially by reducing and preventing AMD. The case-specific approach is nevertheless necessary because of the unique characteristics of each mine and variations in the environmental background conditions.
Chemical coagulation is commonly used in raw water and wastewater treatment plants for the destabilisation of pollutants so that they can be removed in the subsequent separation processes. The most commonly used coagulation chemicals are aluminium and iron metal salts. Electrocoagulation technology has also been proposed for the treatment of raw waters and wastewaters. With this technology, metal cations are produced on the electrodes via electrolysis and these cations form various hydroxides in the water depending on the water pH. In addition to this main reaction, several side reactions, such as hydrogen bubble formation and the reduction of metals on cathodes, also take place in the cell. In this research, the applications of electrocoagulation were investigated in raw water treatment and wastewater applications. The surface water used in this research contained high concentrations of natural organic matter (NOM). The effect of the main parameters – current density, initial pH, electric charge per volume, temperature and electrolysis cell construction – on NOM removal were investigated. In the wastewater treatment studies, the removal of malodorous sulphides and toxic compounds from the wastewaters and debarking effluents were studied. Also, the main parameters of the treatment, such as initial pH and current density, were investigated. Aluminium electrodes were selected for the raw water treatment, whereas wastewaters and debarking effluent were treated with iron electrodes. According to results of this study, aluminium is more suitable electrode material for electrocoagulation applications because it produces Al(III) species. Metal ions and hydroxides produced by iron electrodes are less effective in the destabilisation of pollutants because iron electrodes produce more soluble and less charged Fe(II) species. However, Fe(II) can be effective in some special applications, such as sulphide removal. The resulting metal concentration is the main parameter affecting destabilisation of pollutants. Current density, treatment time, temperature and electrolysis cell construction affect the dissolution of electrodes and hence also the removal of pollutants. However, it seems that these parameters have minimal significance in the destabilization of the pollutants besides this effect (in the studied range of parameters). Initial pH and final pH have an effect on the dissolution of electrodes, but they also define what aluminium or iron species are formed in the solution and have an effect on the ζ-potential of all charged species in the solution. According to the results of this study, destabilisation mechanisms of pollutants by electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation are similar. Optimum DOC removal and low residual aluminium can be obtained simultaneously with electrocoagulation, which may be a significant benefit of electrocoagulation in surface water treatment compared to chemical coagulation. Surface water treatment with electrocoagulation can produce high quality water, which could be used as potable water or fresh water for industrial applications. In wastewater treatment applications, electrocoagulation can be used to precipitate malodorous sulphides to prevent their release into air. Technology seems to be able to remove some toxic pollutants from wastewater and could be used as pretreatment prior to treatment at a biological wastewater treatment plant. However, a thorough economic and ecological comparison of chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation is recommended, because these methods seem to be similar in pollutant destabilisation mechanisms, metal consumption and removal efficiency in most applications.
Main objective of this research was to find suitable polymeric ultrafiltration membranes with high retentions, good capacities and low fouling tendencies for the E2- and EP-effluent ultrafiltration. Purpose was to treat alkaline bleaching effluents with ultrafiltration in a way that permeates of the filtrations could be recycled back to process and the consumption of fresh water in the pulp mill could be reduced significantly. In the theoretical part of this work the challenges set by the pulp and paper indus-try processes for membranes were examined. An overview of the membrane tech-nology in the pulp industry was also provided. In addition process conditions in the chemical pulp bleaching and properties of bleaching effluents were discussed in literature study. In experimental part the E2- and EP-stage bleaching effluents from Stora Enso Imatra kraft pulp mill were ultrafiltered with CR250- and CR200-filters. Suitable membranes for ultrafiltration were chosen after screening experiments. Concentra-tion experiment was made for the E2-effluent in order to estimate water saving potential. The E2-effluent was finally ultrafiltered in the pulp mill in order to test the feasibility of ultrafiltration in a real industrial environment. Good membrane for the EP-effluent ultrafiltration based on the EP-screening ex-periments was polyethersulfone membrane UP020 with cut-off value of 20 000 Da. Polysulfone membrane UFX05 with cut-off value of 5 000 Da was promising membrane for the ultrafiltration of the E2-effluent. Based on the concentration filtration of the E2-effluent with UFX05 membrane the water saving potential could be 2.2 m3/Adt for the industrial scale ultrafiltration process. Retention re-sults, such as average COD retention of 60 %, from the trial filtration at the pulp mill with UFX05 membrane were modest compared to the screening experiments, where average COD retention was 75 %. Therefore tighter ultrafiltration mem-branes should be tested for the ultrafiltration of the E2-effluent. The UP020 mem-brane seemed to be suitable for the ultrafiltration of the EP-effluent however con-centration and pilot scale ultrafiltration experiments are needed to verify this.
Interest in water treatment by electrochemical methods has grown in recent years. Electrochemical oxidation has been applied particularly successfully to degrade different organic pollutants and disinfect drinking water. This study summarizes the effectiveness of the electrochemical oxidation technique in inactivating different primary biofilm forming paper mill bacteria as well as sulphide and organic material in pulp and paper mill wastewater in laboratory scale batch experiments. Three different electrodes, borondoped diamond (BDD), mixed metal oxide (MMO) and PbO2, were employed as anodes. The impact on inactivation efficiency of parameters such as current density and initial pH or chloride concentration of synthetic paper machine water was studied. The electrochemical behaviour of the electrodes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry with MMO, BDD and PbO2 electrodes in synthetic paper mill water as also with MMO and stainless steel electrodes with biocides. Some suggestions on the formation of different oxidants and oxidation mechanisms were also presented during the treatment. Aerobic paper mill bacteria species (Deinococcus geothermalis, Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis and Meiothermus silvanus) were inactivated effectively (>2 log) at MMO electrodes by current density of 50 mA/cm2 and the time taken three minutes. Increasing current density and initial chloride concentration of paper mill water increased the inactivation rate of Deinococcus geothermalis. The inactivation order of different bacteria species was Meiothermus silvanus > Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis > Deinococcus geothermalis. It was observed that inactivation was mainly due to the electrochemically generated chlorine/hypochlorite from chloride present in the water and also residual disinfection by chlorine/hypochlorite occurred. In real paper mill effluent treatment sulphide oxidation was effective with all the different initial concentrations (almost 100% reduction, current density 42.9 mA/cm2) and also anaerobic bacteria inactivation was observed (almost 90% reduction by chloride concentration of 164 mg/L and current density of 42.9 mA/cm2 in five minutes). Organic material removal was not as effective when comparing with other tested techniques, probably due to the relatively low treatment times. Cyclic voltammograms in synthetic paper mill water with stainless steel electrode showed that H2O2 could be degraded to radicals during the cathodic runs. This emphasises strong potential of combined electrochemical treatment with this biocide in bacteria inactivation in paper mill environments.
A high final brightness is desired in most paper and board products. This requires bleaching processes that are able to produce high-brightness pulps. Mechanical pulps are widely bleached for high brightness using alkaline hydrogen peroxide with traditional sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate as additives. With high doses however, peroxide bleaching causes high organic loads in the mill effluent and anionic trash carry-over to papermaking. To alleviate the problems that arise from the use of sodium-based additives in peroxide bleaching, interest in the use of alternative magnesium-based chemicals has increased. In this study, a new, technical high-purity magnesium hydroxide-based bleaching additive was evaluated on laboratory-scale, pilot-scale and mill-scale experiments and trials for its ability to produce a high brightness in peroxide bleaching without the known problems of sodium-based chemicals. The key findings of this study include: a high brightening potential of peroxide bleaching using the Mg(OH)2-based additive, significant reductions (40-70%) in all categories of environmental load, and cationic demand lowered by 60-70% in bleached pulp with no loss in strength properties or in sheet bulk. When used in TMP refiner bleaching, the Mg(OH)2-based additive resulted in savings in specific energy consumption and provided a good bleaching response.
Tässä työssä tarkoituksena on tutkia mahdollisuuksia sellutehtaan eri jätevesien puhdistukseen uudelleenkäyttöä varten. Yleensä tutkimuksen kohteena ovat yleensä valkaisun alkalisen suodokset, koska niiden suodattaminen on ollut helppoa membraanitekniikalla. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuitenkin kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat valkaisun happamat suodokset ja kuorimon jätevedet. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin viittä membraania, joista kolme on ultrasuodatusmembraaneja ja kaksi nanosuodatusmembraaneja. Näiden katkaisukoot ovat väillä 30 000 -200 Da. Konsentraatiosuodatukset suoritettiin CR 250 -suodattimella. Syötöstä, konsentraatista ja permeaatista otettujen näytteiden analyysien pohjalta laskettujen retentioiden perusteella nanosuodatusmembraani NF270 antoi parhaan tuloksen. Tällä membraanilla kuorimon jätevesien suodatuksessa retentioksi saatiin kaikilla osa-alueilla vähintään 80 %, mutta valkaisun happamien suodosten tulokset olivat alhaisempia. Suodatusten perusteella voitiin laskea tarvittava kapasiteetti ja suodatuspinta-ala suodatus yksiköille. Kummassakin tapauksessa suodatuksen syöttömäärät määräytyivät erään suomalaisen sellutehtaan valkaisussa ja kuorimolla syntyvien jätevesimäärien mukaan. Suodatusyksiköiden kooksi saatiin valkaisun happamien suodosten suodattamiseen 54 CR 1010 -suodatinta ja kuorimon jätevesien suodattamiseen 4 CR 1010-suodatinta.
The conventional activated sludge processes (CAS) for the treatment of municipal wastewater are going to be outdated gradually due to more stringent environmental protection laws and regulations. The Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are the most promising modern technology widely accepted in the world of wastewater treatment due to their highly pronounced features such as high quality effluent, less foot print and working under high MLSS concentration. This research project was carried out to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of MBR technology compare to the CAS process based on the scientific facts and results. The pilot scale MBR pilot plant was run for more than 150 days and the analysis results were evaluated. The prime focus of the project was to evaluate the correlation of permeate flux under different operating MLSS concentrations. The permeate flux was found almost constant regardless of variations in MLSS concentrations. The removal of micropollutant such as heavy metals, PCPPs, PFCs, steroidal hormones was also studied. The micropollutant removal performance of MBR process was found relatively effective than CAS process. Furthermore, the compatibility of submerged membranes within the bioreactor had truly reduced the process footprint.
The antimicrobial, hemagglutinating and toxic activities of the purple fluid of the sea hare Aplysia dactylomela are described. Intact or dialyzed purple fluid inhibited the growth of species of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and the action was not bactericidal but bacteriostatic. The active factor or factors were heat labile and sensitive to extreme pH values. The fluid preferentially agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes and, to a lesser extent, human blood cells, and this activity was inhibited by the glycoprotein fetuin, a fact suggesting the presence of a lectin. The fluid was also toxic to brine shrimp nauplii (LD50 141.25 µg protein/ml) and to mice injected intraperitoneally (LD50 201.8 ± 8.6 mg protein/kg), in a dose-dependent fashion. These toxic activities were abolished when the fluid was heated. Taken together, the data suggest that the activities of the purple fluid are due primarily to substance(s) of a protein nature which may be involved in the chemical defense mechanism of this sea hare.