1000 resultados para SUBWAVELENGTH HOLE ARRAYS


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In this paper, the fabrication and growth mechanism of net-shaped micropatterned self-organized thin-film TiO2 nanotube (TFTN) arrays on a silicon substrate are reported. Electrochemical anodization is used to grow the nanotubes from thin-film titanium sputtered on a silicon substrate with an average diameter of ?30 nm and a length of ?1.5 ?m using aqueous and organic-based types of electrolytes. The fabrication and growth mechanism of TFTN arrays from micropatterned three-dimensional isolated islands of sputtered titanium on a silicon substrate is demonstrated for the first time using focused-ion-beam (FIB) technique. This work demonstrates the use of the FIB technique as a simple, high-resolution, and maskless method for high-aspect-ratio etching for the creation of isolated islands and shows great promise toward the use of the proposed approach for the development of metal oxide nanostructured devices and their integration with micro- and nanosystems within silicon-based integrated-circuit devices.


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A facile strategy to deposit Pt nanoparticles with various metal-loading densities on vertically aligned carbon nanotube (ACNT) arrays as electrocatalysts for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells is described. The deposition is achieved by electrostatic adsorption of the Pt precursor on the positively charged polyelectrolyte functionalized ACNT arrays and subsequent reduction by L-ascorbic acid. The application of the aligned electrocatalysts in fuel cells is realized by transferring from a quartz substrate to nafion membrane using a hot-press procedure to fabricate the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). It is shown that the MEA with vertically aligned structured electrocatalysts provides better Pt utilization than that with Pt on conventional carbon nanotubes or carbon black, resulting in higher fuel cell performance.


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Simple to complex behaviors are directed by the brain, which possess nervous cells, called neurons. Mammals have billions of neurons, organized in networks, making their study difficult. Although methods have well evolved since the last century, studying a simpler model is the key to resolving neuronal communication. In this review, we demonstrate that insects are an excellent model and tool to understand neural mechanisms. Moreover, new technology, such as Microelectrodes Arrays (MEAs), is an innovative method which opens the possibility to study neuron clusters, rather than individual cells. A combined method of an insect model and MEAs technology may lead to great discoveries in neurophysiology, advancing progress in pharmacology, infectious and neurodegenerative diseases, agriculture maintenance and robotics.


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Few studies have explored how lifestyle counselling can be integrated into routine practice for primary health care (PHC) clinicians working outside general practice. This paper describes the feasibility of models of lifestyle counselling developed for PHC clinicians working in community health services and the congruence with routine practice. Action research methods were used to develop and implement models of lifestyle counselling in three community health teams. Following a six-month implementation period, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of participants (n = 30) to explore the appropriateness of implementing risk factor management models in practice. Models were considered appropriate if they fitted the clinician’s philosophy of practice, were relevant to existing work tasks, could easily be integrated into workflow and were perceived as being acceptable to the client. The approach to service delivery and team priorities were also important in influencing which models suited particular teams. Models of lifestyle counselling for PHC clinicians outside general practice should be tailored to the clinicians’ and teams’ way of working and thus may need to be discipline-specific. Engaging PHC clinicians and teams is important in developing models that are acceptable and feasible in everyday practice.


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Os dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs, do inglês, Field Programmable Analog Arrays), apesar de ainda não terem a mesma popularidade de seus pares digitais (FPGAs, do inglês, Field Programmable Gate Arrays), possuem uma gama de aplicações bastante ampla, que vai desde o condicionamento de sinais em sistemas de instrumentação, até o processamento de sinais de radiofreqüência (RF) em telecomunicações. Porém, ao mesmo tempo em que os FPAAs trouxeram um impressionante ganho na agilidade de concepção de circuitos analógicos, também trouxeram um conjunto de novos problemas relativos ao teste deste tipo de dispositivo. Os FPAAs podem ser divididos em duas partes fundamentais: seus blocos programáveis básicos (CABs, do inglês, Configurable Analog Blocks) e sua rede de interconexões. A rede de interconexões, por sua vez, pode ser dividida em duas partes: interconexões internas (locais e globais entre CABs) e interconexões externas (envolvendo células de I/O). Todas estas partes apresentam características estruturais e funcionais distintas, de forma que devem ser testadas separadamente, pois necessitam que se considerem modelos de falhas, configurações e estímulos de teste específicos para assegurar uma boa taxa de detecção de defeitos. Como trabalhos anteriores já estudaram o teste dos CABs, o foco desta dissertação está direcionado ao desenvolvimento de metodologias que se propõem a testar a rede de interconexões de FPAAs. Apesar das várias diferenças entre as redes de interconexões de FPGAs e FPAAs, muitas também são as semelhanças entre elas, sendo, portanto, indiscutível que o ponto de partida deste trabalho tenha que ser o estudo das muitas técnicas propostas para o teste de interconexões em FPGAs, para posterior adaptação ao caso dos FPAAs. Além disto, embora o seu foco não recaia sobre o teste de CABs, pretende-se utilizá-los como recursos internos do dispositivo passíveis de gerar sinais e analisar respostas de teste, propondo uma abordagem de auto-teste integrado de interconexões que reduza o custo relativo ao equipamento externo de teste. Eventualmente, estes mesmos recursos poderão também ser utilizados para diagnóstico das partes defeituosas. Neste trabalho, utiliza-se como veículo de experimentação um dispositivo específico (Anadigm AN10E40), mas pretende-se que as metodologias de teste propostas sejam abrangentes e possam ser facilmente adaptadas a outros FPAAs comerciais que apresentem redes de interconexão semelhantes.


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This thesis explores the possibility of directly detecting blackbody emission from Primordial Black Holes (PBHs). A PBH might form when a cosmological density uctuation with wavenumber k, that was once stretched to scales much larger than the Hubble radius during ination, reenters inside the Hubble radius at some later epoch. By modeling these uctuations with a running{tilt power{law spectrum (n(k) = n0 + a1(k)n1 + a2(k)n2 + a3(k)n3; n0 = 0:951; n1 = ????0:055; n2 and n3 unknown) each pair (n2,n3) gives a di erent n(k) curve with a maximum value (n+) located at some instant (t+). The (n+,t+) parameter space [(1:20,10????23 s) to (2:00,109 s)] has t+ = 10????23 s{109 s and n+ = 1:20{2:00 in order to encompass the formation of PBHs in the mass range 1015 g{1010M (from the ones exploding at present to the most massive known). It was evenly sampled: n+ every 0.02; t+ every order of magnitude. We thus have 41 33 = 1353 di erent cases. However, 820 of these ( 61%) are excluded (because they would provide a PBH population large enough to close the Universe) and we are left with 533 cases for further study. Although only sub{stellar PBHs ( 1M ) are hot enough to be detected at large distances we studied PBHs with 1015 g{1010M and determined how many might have formed and still exist in the Universe. Thus, for each of the 533 (n+,t+) pairs we determined the fraction of the Universe going into PBHs at each epoch ( ), the PBH density parameter (PBH), the PBH number density (nPBH), the total number of PBHs in the Universe (N), and the distance to the nearest one (d). As a rst result, 14% of these (72 cases) give, at least, one PBH within the observable Universe, one{third being sub{stellar and the remaining evenly spliting into stellar, intermediate mass and supermassive. Secondly, we found that the nearest stellar mass PBH might be at 32 pc, while the nearest intermediate mass and supermassive PBHs might be 100 and 1000 times farther, respectively. Finally, for 6% of the cases (four in 72) we might have substellar mass PBHs within 1 pc. One of these cases implies a population of 105 PBHs, with a mass of 1018 g(similar to Halley's comet), within the Oort cloud, which means that the nearest PBH might be as close as 103 AU. Such a PBH could be directly detected with a probability of 10????21 (cf. 10????32 for low{energy neutrinos). We speculate in this possibility.


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Injection-limited operation is identified in thin-film, alpha-NPD-based diodes. A detailed model for the impedance of the injection process is provided which considers the kinetics of filling/releasing of interface states as the key factor behind the injection mechanism. The injection model is able to simultaneously account for the steady-state, current-voltage (J-V) characteristics and impedance response. and is based on the sequential injection of holes mediated by energetically distributed surface states at the metal-organic interface. The model takes into account the vacuum level offset caused by the interface dipole, along with the partial shift of the interface level distribution with bias voltage. This approach connects the low-frequency (similar to 1 Hz) capacitance spectra, which exhibits a transition between positive to negative values, to the change in the occupancy of interface states with voltage. Simulations based on the model allow to derive the density of interface states effectively intervening in the carrier injection (similar to 5 x 10(12) cm(-2)), which exhibit a Gaussian-like distribution. A kinetically determined hole barrier is calculated at levels located similar to 0.4 eV below the contact work function. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.