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This study was carried out to assess the genetic variability of ten "cagaita" tree (Eugenia dysenterica) populations in Southeastern Goiás. Fifty-four randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) loci were used to characterize the population genetic variability, using the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). A phiST value of 0.2703 was obtained, showing that 27.03% and 72.97% of the genetic variability is present among and within populations, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) among the genetic distances matrix (1 - Jaccard similarity index) and the geographic distances were estimated, and a strong positive correlation was detected. Results suggest that these populations are differentiating through a stochastic process, with restricted and geographic distribution dependent gene flow.
The objective of this work was to investigate heterosis and its components in 16 white grain maize populations presenting high quality protein. These populations were divided according to grain type in order to establish different heterosis groups. The crosses were carried out according to a partial diallel cross design among flint and dent populations. Seven agronomic traits were evaluated in three environments while four leaf diseases and incidence of corn stunt were evaluated in one. Least square procedure was applied to the normal equation X'Xbeta = X'Y, to estimate the model effects and their respective sum of squares. Among the heterosis components, in diallel analysis, significance for average heterosis in grain yield, number of days to female flowering and to all evaluated diseases was detected. Specific heterosis was significant for days to female flowering and resistance to Puccinia polysora. Results concerned to grain yield trait indicate that populations with superior performance in dent group, no matter what flint population group is used in crosses, tend to generate superior intervarietal hybrids. In decreasing order of preference, the dent type populations CMS 476, ZQP/B 103 and ZQP/B 101 and the flint type CMS 461, CMS 460, ZQP/B 104 and ZQP/B 102 are recommended to form composites.
Increasing evidence indicates that astrocytes, the most abundant glial cell type in the brain, respond to an elevation in cytoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) by releasing chemical transmitters (also called gliotransmitters) via regulated exocytosis of heterogeneous classes of organelles. By this process, astrocytes exert modulatory influences on neighboring cells and are thought to participate in the control of synaptic circuits and cerebral blood flow. Studying the properties of exocytosis in astrocytes is a challenge, because the cell biological basis of this process is incompletely defined. Astrocytic exocytosis involves multiple populations of secretory vesicles, including synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs), dense-core granules (DCGs), and lysosomes. Here we summarize the available information for identifying individual populations of secretory organelles in astrocytes, including DCGs, SLMVs, and lysosomes, and present experimental procedures for specifically staining such populations.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the possibility of obtaining recombinant inbred wheat lines more resistant to preharvest sprouting, independently of colour genes, in three red-grained Brazilian wheat populations. The results showed statistical significance among lines within all populations, which presented a normal distribution and transgressive segregation for preharvest sprouting. The normal distribution of the lines from all red-grained populations suggests that sprouting, excluding the genes expressing seed coat pigmentation, is, probably, controlled by many genes. These findings also indicate that it may be possible to improve resistance to preharvest sprouting, independently of the colour genes.
Theory predicts that if most mutations are deleterious to both overall fitness and condition-dependent traits affecting mating success, sexual selection will purge mutation load and increase nonsexual fitness. We explored this possibility with populations of mutagenized Drosophila melanogaster exhibiting elevated levels of deleterious variation and evolving in the presence or absence of male-male competition and female choice. After 60 generations of experimental evolution, monogamous populations exhibited higher total reproductive output than polygamous populations. Parental environment also affected fitness measures - flies that evolved in the presence of sexual conflict showed reduced nonsexual fitness when their parents experienced a polygamous environment, indicating trans-generational effects of male harassment and highlighting the importance of a common garden design. This cost of parental promiscuity was nearly absent in monogamous lines, providing evidence for the evolution of reduced sexual antagonism. There was no overall difference in egg-to-adult viability between selection regimes. If mutation load was reduced by the action of sexual selection in this experiment, the resultant gain in fitness was not sufficient to overcome the costs of sexual antagonism.
Asexual reproduction is particularly common among introduced species, probably because it helps to overcome the negative effects associated with low population densities during colonization. The ant Cerapachys biroi has been introduced to tropical and subtropical islands around the world since the beginning of the last century. In this species, workers can reproduce via thelytokous parthenogenesis. Here, we use genetic markers to reconstruct the history of anthropogenic introductions of C. biroi, and to address the prevalence of female parthenogenesis in introduced and native populations. We show that at least four genetically distinct lineages have been introduced from continental Asia and have led to the species' circumtropical establishment. Our analyses demonstrate that asexual reproduction dominates in the introduced range and is also common in the native range. Given that C. biroi is the only dorylomorph ant that has successfully become established outside of its native range, this unusual mode of reproduction probably facilitated the species' worldwide spread. On the other hand, the rare occurrence of haploid males and at least one clear case of sexual recombination in the introduced range show that C. biroi has not lost the potential for sex. Finally, we show that thelytoky in C. biroi probably has a genetic rather than an infectious origin, and that automixis with central fusion is the most likely underlying cytological mechanism. This is in accordance with what is known for other thelytokous eusocial Hymenoptera.
PURPOSE: To review, retrospectively, the possible causes of sub- or intertrochanteric fractures after screw fixation of intracapsular fractures of the proximal femur. METHODS: Eighty-four patients with an intracapsular fracture of proximal femur were operated between 1995 and 1998 by using three cannulated 6.25 mm screws. The screws were inserted in a triangular configuration, one screw in the upper part of the femoral neck and two screws in the inferior part. Between 1999 and 2001, we use two screws proximally and one screw distally. RESULTS: In the first series, two patients died within one week after operation. Sixty-four fractures healed without problems. Four patients developed an atrophic non-union; avascular necrosis of the femoral head was found in 11 patients. Three patients (3.6%) suffered a sub- and/or intertrochanteric fracture after a mean postoperative time of 30 days, in one case without obvious trauma. In all three cases surgical revision was necessary. Between 1999 and 2001 we did not observe any fracture after screwing. CONCLUSION: Two screws in the inferior part of the femoral neck create a stress riser in the subtrochanteric region, potentially inducing a fracture in the weakened bone. For internal fixation for proximal intracapsular femoral fracture only one screw must be inserted in the inferior part of neck.
A murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) specific for apocytochrome c was found to be able to either inhibit or enhance the helper activity of mouse apocytochrome c-specific T cell clones and populations in a hapten (trinitrophenyl)-carrier (apocytochrome c) system of T-B cell cooperation. This effect of the mAb was carrier specific, could not be ascribed simply to a shift in the kinetics of the antibody response and was observed using apocytochrome c T helper cells of different mouse haplotypes. In addition, the anti-apocytochrome c mAb was able to inhibit specific T helper cell activity even when the T cells were triggered with antigen-presenting cells pulsed with antigen. Taken together, these results suggested that the mAb was inhibiting helper activity due to its ability to modify the interaction between T cells and antigen-presenting cells.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the soybean inheritance of resistance to cyst nematode races 3 and 14. The following populations where evaluated: one population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) [Hartwig (resistant) x Y23 (susceptible line)] for races 3, 14 and 9; one population of families F2:3 [M-SOY 8001 (resistant) x MB/BR 46 - Conquista (susceptible)] for race 3; and one population of families F2:3 [(S5995 (resistant) x BRSMG Renascença (susceptible)] for race 14. In RIL populations, four epistatic genes were identified which conditioned resistance to race 14, and three epistatic ones for resistance to races 3 and 9. The lack of one gene provided moderate resistance under all situations. The highest number of genes for resistance to race 14 points out that genes responsible for lower effects might be involved. In population F2:3 from M-SOY 8001 x MB/BR 46 - Conquista, one recessive gene for moderate resistance and two recessive genes complete resistance to race 3 were identified. Two recessive genes conditioning moderate resistance to race 14 were identified in population F2:3 from the crossing S5995 x BRSMG Renascença. These results will be useful in designing crossings, involving these parentals, with higher possibility to accumulating genes that provide resistance to several SCN races.