987 resultados para STRESS FAILURE


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of encephalic infarction and its contribution to lethality in patients with Chagas' disease and heart failure. METHODS: Medical records and autopsy reports of patients with Chagas' disease complicated by heart failure, who died at the Professor Edgar Santos Hospital of the Federal University of Bahia in the past 45 years were retrospectively analyzed. Data comprised information regarding the clinical history on hospital admission, complementary and anatomicopathological examinations, including the presence of encephalic infarction, the impaired region, and the cause of death. RESULTS: Of the 5,447 autopsies performed, 524 were in patients with heart failure due to Chagas' disease. The mean age was 45.7 years, and 51 (63%) patients were of the male sex. The frequency of encephalic infarction was 17.5%, corresponding to 92 events in 92 individuals, 82 (15.8%) of which involved the brain, 8 (1.5%) involved the cerebellum, and 2 (0.4%) involved the hypophysis. CONCLUSION: Cerebral infarction has been a frequent finding in autopsies of chagasic patients with heart failure, and it has been an important cause of death in our region. The presence of cerebral infarction and its complications have been associated with death in 52% of the cases studied.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of skeletal muscle mass on ventilatory and hemodynamic variables during exercise in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). METHODS: Twenty-five male patients underwent maximum cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill with a ramp protocol and measurement of the skeletal muscle mass of their thighs by using magnetic resonance imaging. The clinically stable, noncachectic patients were assessed and compared with 14 healthy individuals (S) paired by age and body mass index, who underwent the same examinations. RESULTS: Similar values of skeletal muscle mass were found in both groups (CHF group: 3863 ± 874 g; S group: 3743 ± 540 g; p = 0.32). Significant correlations of oxygen consumption in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.39; P= 0.02 and S: r = 0.14; P = 0.31) and of oxygen pulse also in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.49; P = 0.01 and S: r =0.12; P = 0.36) were found only in the group of patients with chronic heart failure. CONCLUSION: The results obtained indicate that skeletal muscle mass may influence the capacity of patients with CHF to withstand submaximal effort, due to limitations in their physical condition, even maintaining a value similar to that of healthy individuals. This suggests qualitative changes in the musculature.


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El objetivo principal de este proyecto es estudiar los mecanismos neurobiológicos involucrados en el proceso de sensibilización emocional inducido por la abstinencia a drogas de abuso o por la exposición a un estímulo estresante de caracteristicas incontrolables. El modelo animal de sensibilización a utilizar en este proyecto es la facilitación en la formación de memoria de miedo producida por dichos tratamientos. Nuestra hipótesis sugiere que este proceso es el resultado de un mecanismo desinhibitorio de las interneuronas GABAérgicas del complejo basolateral de la amigdala. Por lo tanto se proponen los siguientes experimentos: 1) El estudio del curso temporal del efecto facilitador sobre la formación de una nueva memoria de miedo luego de la abstinencia a drogas o la exposición a un estímulo estresante (inmovilización). 2) La evaluación de la liberación"in vivo" de dopamina del complejo basolateral de la amigdala durante la adquisición y la expresión de la memoria de miedo en animales previamente expuestos a la abstinencia o al estres. 3) El estudio de la infusión local de antagonistas de receptores dopaminérgicos en el complejo basolateral de la amígdala (BLA) o en el nucleo central de la amígdala (CeA) antes del estrés sobre la adquisición y la expresión de una memoria de miedo. 4) La determinación de la actividad de ERK 1/2 y CREB en el complejo basolateral de la amigdala o en el nucleo central de la amígdala durante la adquisición y la expresión de una memoria de miedo en animales abstinentes o estresados. 5)El estudio de la infusión local de inhibidores de la MEK 1/2 en el complejo basolateral de la amigdala o en el nucleo central de la amígdala antes del estrés sobre la adquisición y la expresión de una memoria de miedo. La facilitación para generar memorias de miedo podría ser un componente crítico del síndrome de abstinencia al etanol responsable de las altas tasas de recurrencia asociadas con el alcoholismo. Por lo tanto se investigará el efecto de la evocación de la memoria de miedo sobre la autoadministración de etanol utilizando un paradigma de libre elección entre agua y soluciones de concentración creciente de etanol en animales en abstinencia al etanol. Con el objeto de investigar si las propiedades reforzantes del etanol están involucradas en el potencial aumento de la ingesta de etanol inducido por la evocación de una memoria de miedo, se evaluará el efecto reforzante de etanol utilizando el paradigma de preferencia por un contexto asociado al etanol.


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El Estrés de Retículo Endoplásmico (RE) es inducido por la acumulación de proteínas sin plegar en el lumen de la organela. Esto se puede observar en diversas situaciones fisio-patológicas como durante una infección viral o en proceso isquémico. Además, contribuye a la base molecular de numerosas enfermedades ya sea índole metabólico (Fibrosis quística o Diabetes Miellitus) o neurodegenerativas como mal de Alzheimer o Parkinson (Mutat Res, 2005, 569). Para restablecer la homeostasis en la organela se activa una señal de transducción (UPR), cuya respuesta inmediata es la atenuación de la síntesis de proteína debido a la fosforilación de subunidad alpha del factor eucariótico de iniciación de translación (eIF2α) vía PERK. Esta es una proteína de membrana de RE que detecta estrés. Bajo condiciones normales, PERK está inactiva debido a la asociación de su dominio luminar con la chaperona BIP (Nat Cell Biol, 2000, 2: 326). Frente a una situación de estrés, la chaperona se disocia causando desinhibición. Recientemente, (Plos One 5: e11925) se observó, bajo condiciones de estrés, un aumento de Ca2+ citosólico y un rápido incremento de la expresión de calcineurina (CN), una fosfatasa citosólica dependiente de calcio, heterodimérica formada por una subunidad catalítica (CN-A) y una regulatoria (CN-B). Además, CN interacciona, sin intermediarios, con el dominio citosólico de PERK favoreciendo su trans-autofosforilación. Resultados preliminares indican que, astrocitos CNAβ-/- exhibieron, en condiciones basales, un mayor número de células muertas y de niveles de eIF2α fosforilado que los astrocitos CNAα-/-. Hipótesis: CNAβ/B interacciona con PERK cuando el Ca2+ citosólico esta incrementado luego de haberse inducido Estrés de RE, lo cual promueve dimerización y auto-fosforilación de la quinasa, acentuándose así la fosforilación de eIF2α e inhibición de la síntesis de proteínas. Esta activación citosólica de PERK colaboraría con la ya descrita, desinhibición luminal llevada cabo por BIP. Cuando el Ca2+ citosólico retorna a los niveles basales, PERK fosforila a CN, reduciendo su afinidad de unión y disociándose el complejo CN/PERK. Objetivo general: Definir las condiciones por las cuales CN interacciona con PERK y regula la fosforilación de eIF2α e inhibición de la síntesis de proteína. Objetivos específicos: I-Estudiar la diferencia de afinidades y dependencia de Ca2+, de las dos isoformas de CN (α y β) en su asociación con PERK. Además verificar la posible participación de la subunidad B de CN en esta interacción. II-Determinar si la auto-fosforilación de PERK es diferencialmente regulada por las dos isoformas de CN. III-Discernir la relación del estado de fosforilación de CN con su unión a PERK. IV-Determinar efectos fisiológicos de la interacción de CN-PERK durante la respuesta de Estrés de RE. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto se realizarán experimentos de biología molecular, interacción proteína-proteína, ensayos de fosforilación in vitro y un perfil de polisoma con astrocitos CNAβ-/- , CNA-/- y astrocitos controles. Se espera encontrar una mayor afinidad de unión a PERK de la isoforma β de CN y en condiciones donde la concentración de Ca2+ sea del orden micromolar e imite niveles del ión durante un estrés. Con respecto al estado de fosforilación de CN, debido a los resultados preliminares, donde solo se la encontró fosforilada en condiciones basales, se piensa que CN podría interactuar con mayor afinidad con PERK cuando CN se encuentre desfosforilada. Por último, se espera encontrar un aumento de eIF2α fosforilado y una acentuación de la atenuación de la síntesis de proteína como consecuencia de la mayor activación de PERK por su asociación con la isoforma β de CN en astrocitos donde el Estrés de RE se indujo por privación de oxigeno y glucosa. Estos experimentos permitirán avanzar en el estudio de una nueva función citoprotectora de CN recientemente descrita por nuestro grupo de trabajo y sus implicancias en un modelo de isquemia. The accumulation of unfolded proteins into the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) activates a signal transduction cascade called Unfolding Protein Response (UPR), which attempts to restore homeostasis in the organelle. (PKR)-like-ER kinase (PERK) is an early stress response transmembrane protein that is generally inactive due to its association with the chaperone BIP. During ER stress, BIP is tritrated by the unfolded protein, leading PERK activation and phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor-2 alpha (eIF2alpha), which attenuates protein síntesis. If ER damage is too great and homeostasis is not restored within a certain period of time, an apoptotic response is elicited. We recently demonstrated a cytosolic Ca2+ increase in Xenopus oocytes after induce ER stress. Moreover, calcineurin A/B, a an heterotrimeric Ca2+ dependent phosphatases (CN-A/B), associates with PERK increasing its auto-phosphorylation and significantly enhancing cell viability. Preliminary results suggest that, CN-Aβ-/- knockout astrocytes exhibit a significant higher eIF2α phosphorylated level compared to CN-Aα-/- astrocytes. Our working hypothesis establishes that: CN binds to PERK when cytosolic Ca2+ is initially increased by ER stress, promoting dimerization and autophosphorylation, which leads to phosphorylation of elF2α and subsequently attenuation of protein translation. When cytosolic Ca2+ returns to resting levels, PERK phosphorylates CN, reducing its binding affinity so that the CN/PERK complex dissociates. The goal of this project is to determine the conditions by which CN binding to PERK attenuates protein translation during the ER stress response and subsequently, to determine how the interaction of CN with PERK is terminated when stress is removed. To perform this project is planed to do molecular biology experiments, pull down assays, in vitro phosphorylations and assess overall mRNA translation efficiency doing a polisome profile.


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El láser de baja y media energía y la magnetoterapia son utilizados en desórdenes osteomioarticulares por sus efectos analgésico, antiinflamatorio y trófico, entre los más destacados. Sin embargo, son insuficientes las investigaciones sobre su mecanismo de acción y antecedentes científicos que avalen sus efectos. Es por ello, que la determinación de acontecimientos celulares y moleculares que ocurren durante la interacción de estos tipos de energía con el sistema muscular, sería relevante para el conocimiento y optimización de tales terapias en las ciencias biomédicas. En las miopatías inflamatorias idiopáticas, se encuentra afectada la estructura, morfología y bioquímica del tejido muscular. La energía que éste requiere para el normal funcionamiento es generada en la mitocondria. Esta organela también es la responsable de la generación de especies oxidantes provocando estrés oxidativo y el inicio de los procesos de apoptosis. Por lo antes dicho, consideramos que la determinación de los biomarcadores inflamatorios asociados a estrés oxidativo, realizando el análisis histomorfométrico ultraestructural y valorando la actividad de los complejos enzimáticos mitocondriales, permitiría una evaluación de la acción terapéutica del láser y la magnetoterapia en un modelo experimental de miopatía. Para ello se propone evaluar el efecto de la magnetoterapia y del láser de baja energía (He-Ne y As.Ga) en miopatía experimental determinando indicadores inflamatorios asociados a estrés oxidativo, análisis histomorfométrico y valoración de la actividad enzimática mitocondrial. Específicamente: -Determinar indicadores inflamatorios y de estrés oxidativo: Oxido Nítrico, Grupos carbonilos, L-citrulina, Fibrinógeno, Superóxido dismutasa, Glutation peroxidasa y Catalasa por espectrofotometría. -Identificar los cambios anatomopatológicos del músculo esquelético por microscopía óptica (MO): cuantificación del infiltrado inflamatorio; MO de alta resolución (MOAR) y por microscopía electrónica: histomorfometría de la ultraestructura miofibrilar y mitocondrial. -Valorar las actividades enzimáticas de la citrato sintasa y de los complejos: I (NADH-ubiquinona reductasa), II (succinato-ubiquinona-reductasa) III (ubiquinona-citocromo c-reductasa) y IV (citocromo c-oxidasa); en mitocondrias de tejido muscular por espectrofotometría. -Evaluar la actividad apoptótica en las fibras musculares de los diferentes grupos por ténica de T.U.N.E.L. Las mediciones mitocondriales (por ME) y de infiltrado inflamatorio (por MO) se realizarán en un total de 5 fotos de aumentos similares en forma aleatoria por grupo estudiado (n=10). Los cambios estructurales observados se analizarán en el programa Axiovision 4.8, para cuantificar el área total ocupada, número total y grado de alteración de las mitocondrias y el porcentaje de infiltrado inflamatorio determinando el grado de inflamación. Los resultados de los datos cuantitativos se analizarán aplicando ANAVA (test de Fisher para comparaciones múltiples); y para los datos categóricos se utilizará Chi cuadrado (test de Pearson), estableciéndose un nivel de significación de p < 0.05 para todos los casos. Importancia del Proyecto: La salud y el bienestar del hombre son los logros perseguidos por las ciencias de la salud. La obtención de terapias curativas o paliativas con un mínimo de efectos colaterales para el enfermo se incluye en estos logros. Por esto y todo lo anteriormente expuesto es que consideramos de gran importancia poder esclarecer desde las ciencias básicas los efectos celulares y moleculares en modelos experimentales la acción de la terapia con láser y magnetoterapia para una aplicación clínica con base científica en todas las áreas de las Ciencias Médicas. In the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, is affected the structure, morphology and biochemistry of muscle tissue. The mitochondria is responsible for the generation of oxidizing species leading to oxidative stress and the beginning of the process of apoptosis. As said before, we consider the determination of inflammatory biomarkers related to oxidative stress, by ultrastructural morphometric analysis and assessing the activity of mitochondrial enzyme complexes, permit an evaluation of the therapeutic action of laser and magnetic therapy in an experimental model myopathy. We propose to evaluate the effect of the treatment identifying indicators in experimental inflammatory myopathy associated with oxidative stress, histomorphometric analysis and assessment of mitochondrial enzyme activity. Specifically -determining: Nitric oxide, carbonyl groups, L-citrulline, fibrinogen, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase by spectrophotometry. -Identify the pathological changes in skeletal muscle by optical microscopy (OM): quantification of the inflammatory infiltrate, OM high resolution (MOAR) and electron microscopy, histomorphometry of myofibrillar and mitochondrial ultrastructure. -Evaluate the enzymatic activity of citrate synthase and complexes: I, II, III and IV in mitochondria muscle tissue by spectrophotometry. -Evaluate apoptotic activity in muscle fibers by TUNEL technique of Mitochondrial measurements and inflammatory infiltration (by OM) was performed in a total of 5 photos of similar increases in random by the study group (n = 10). The structural changes observed are discussed in the program Axiovision 4.8, to quantify number, degree of alteration of mitochondria and the percentage of inflammatory infiltrate determining the degree of inflammation. The results of the quantitative data were analyzed using ANOVA (Fisher test), and categorical data with Chi-square (Pearson test), establishing a significance level of p <0.05.


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FUNDAMENTO: O Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) é uma importante ferramenta de avaliação da qualidade de vida em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Apesar de amplamente usado em nosso meio, não contávamos com a sua tradução e validação em língua portuguesa. OBJETIVO: Este estudo pretendeu traduzir e validar a versão em português do MLHFQ em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Quarenta pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (30 homens, FEVE 30±6%, 55% de etiologia isquêmica, NYHA I a III) com estabilidade clínica e terapia medicamentosa otimizada realizaram teste cardiopulmonar máximo para avaliação da capacidade física. Logo após, o MLHFQ, devidamente traduzido, foi aplicado por um mesmo pesquisador. A classe funcional NYHA foi encaminhada pela equipe medica. RESULTADOS: A versão em português do MLHFQ apresentou-se com a mesma estrutura e métrica da versão original. Não houve dificuldade na aplicação e compreensão do questionário por parte dos pacientes. A versão em português do MLHFQ mostrou-se concordante com o pico de VO2, o tempo de exercício do teste cardiopulmonar e com a classificação funcional da NYHA. Não houve diferença da média do escore do questionário entre os grupos de etiologia isquêmica e não-isquêmica. CONCLUSÃO: A versão em língua portuguesa da MLHFQ, proposta no presente estudo, demonstrou ser válida em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, constituindo uma nova e importante ferramenta para avaliar a qualidade de


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2011


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Background:Circulatory system diseases are the first cause of death in Brazil.Objective:To analyze the evolution of mortality caused by heart failure, by ischemic heart diseases and by ill-defined causes, as well as their possible relations, in Brazil and in the geoeconomic regions of the country (North, Northeast, Center-West, South and Southeast), from 1996 to 2011.Methods:Data were obtained from DATASUS and death declaration records with codes I20 and I24 for acute ischemic diseases, I25 for chronic ischemic diseases, and I50 for heart failure, and codes in chapter XIII for ill-defined causes, according to geoeconomic regions of Brazil, from 1996 to 2011.Results:Mortality rates due to heart failure declined in Brazil and its regions, except for the North and the Northeast. Mortality rates due to acute ischemic heart diseases increased in the North and Northeast regions, especially from 2005 on; they remained stable in the Center-West region; and decreased in the South and in the Southeast. Mortality due to chronic ischemic heart diseases decreased in Brazil and in the Center-West, South and Southeast regions, and had little variation in the North and in the Northeast. The highest mortality rates due to ill-defined causes occurred in the Northeast until 2005.Conclusions:Mortality due to heart failure is decreasing in Brazil and in all of its geoeconomic regions. The temporal evolution of mortality caused by ischemic heart diseases was similar to that of heart failure. The decreasing number of deaths due to ill-defined causes may represent the improvement in the quality of information about mortality in Brazil. The evolution of acute ischemic heart diseases ranged according to regions, being possibly confused with the differential evolution of ill-defined causes.


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Background: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF) is the most common form of heart failure (HF), its diagnosis being a challenge to the outpatient clinic practice. Objective: To describe and compare two strategies derived from algorithms of the European Society of Cardiology Diastology Guidelines for the diagnosis of HFPEF. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 166 consecutive ambulatory patients (67.9±11.7 years; 72% of women). The strategies to confirm HFPEF were established according to the European Society of Cardiology Diastology Guidelines criteria. In strategy 1 (S1), tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE) and electrocardiography (ECG) were used; in strategy 2 (S2), B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) measurement was included. Results: In S1, patients were divided into groups based on the E/E'ratio as follows: GI, E/E'> 15 (n = 16; 9%); GII, E/E'8 to 15 (n = 79; 48%); and GIII, E/E'< 8 (n = 71; 43%). HFPEF was confirmed in GI and excluded in GIII. In GII, TDE [left atrial volume index (LAVI) ≥ 40 mL/m2; left ventricular mass index LVMI) > 122 for women and > 149 g/m2 for men] and ECG (atrial fibrillation) parameters were assessed, confirming HFPEF in 33 more patients, adding up to 49 (29%). In S2, patients were divided into three groups based on BNP levels. GI (BNP > 200 pg/mL) consisted of 12 patients, HFPEF being confirmed in all of them. GII (BNP ranging from 100 to 200 pg/mL) consisted of 20 patients with LAVI > 29 mL/m2, or LVMI ≥ 96 g/m2 for women or ≥ 116 g/m2 for men, or E/E'≥ 8 or atrial fibrillation on ECG, and the diagnosis of HFPEF was confirmed in 15. GIII (BNP < 100 pg/mL) consisted of 134 patients, 26 of whom had the diagnosis of HFPEF confirmed when GII parameters were used. Measuring BNP levels in S2 identified 4 more patients (8%) with HFPEF as compared with those identified in S1. Conclusion: The association of BNP measurement and TDE data is better than the isolated use of those parameters. BNP can be useful in identifying patients whose diagnosis of HF had been previously excluded based only on TDE findings.


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Background: Studies on atrial fibrillation (AF) in decompensated heart failure (DHF) are scarce in Brazil. Objectives: To determine AF prevalence, its types and associated factors in patients hospitalized due to DHF; to assess their thromboembolic risk profile and anticoagulation rate; and to assess the impact of AF on in-hospital mortality and hospital length of stay. Methods: Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study of incident cases including 659 consecutive hospitalizations due to DHF, from 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2011. The thromboembolic risk was assessed by using CHADSVASc score. On univariate analysis, the chi-square, Student t and Mann Whitney tests were used. On multivariate analysis, logistic regression was used. Results: The prevalence of AF was 40%, and the permanent type predominated (73.5%). On multivariate model, AF associated with advanced age (p < 0.0001), non-ischemic etiology (p = 0.02), right ventricular dysfunction (p = 0.03), lower systolic blood pressure (SBP) (p = 0.02), higher ejection fraction (EF) (p < 0.0001) and enlarged left atrium (LA) (p < 0.0001). The median CHADSVASc score was 4, and 90% of the cases had it ≥ 2. The anticoagulation rate was 52.8% on admission and 66.8% on discharge, being lower for higher scores. The group with AF had higher in-hospital mortality (11.0% versus 8.1%, p = 0.21) and longer hospital length of stay (20.5 ± 16 versus 16.3 ± 12, p = 0.001). Conclusions: Atrial fibrillation is frequent in DHF, the most prevalent type being permanent AF. Atrial fibrillation is associated with more advanced age, non-ischemic etiology, right ventricular dysfunction, lower SBP, higher EF and enlarged LA. Despite the high thromboembolic risk profile, anticoagulation is underutilized. The presence of AF is associated with longer hospital length of stay and high mortality.


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Despite significant therapeutic advancements, heart failure remains a highly prevalent clinical condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In 30%-40% patients, the etiology of heart failure is nonischemic. The implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is capable of preventing sudden death and decreasing total mortality in patients with nonischemic heart failure. However, a significant number of patients receiving ICD do not receive any kind of therapy during follow-up. Moreover, considering the situation in Brazil and several other countries, ICD cannot be implanted in all patients with nonischemic heart failure. Therefore, there is an urgent need to identify patients at an increased risk of sudden death because these would benefit more than patients at a lower risk, despite the presence of heart failure in both risk groups. In this study, the authors review the primary available methods for the stratification of the risk of sudden death in patients with nonischemic heart failure.


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Background: Studies have demonstrated the diagnostic accuracy and prognostic value of physical stress echocardiography in coronary artery disease. However, the prediction of mortality and major cardiac events in patients with exercise test positive for myocardial ischemia is limited. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of physical stress echocardiography in the prediction of mortality and major cardiac events in patients with exercise test positive for myocardial ischemia. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort in which 866 consecutive patients with exercise test positive for myocardial ischemia, and who underwent physical stress echocardiography were studied. Patients were divided into two groups: with physical stress echocardiography negative (G1) or positive (G2) for myocardial ischemia. The endpoints analyzed were all-cause mortality and major cardiac events, defined as cardiac death and non-fatal acute myocardial infarction. Results: G2 comprised 205 patients (23.7%). During the mean 85.6 ± 15.0-month follow-up, there were 26 deaths, of which six were cardiac deaths, and 25 non-fatal myocardial infarction cases. The independent predictors of mortality were: age, diabetes mellitus, and positive physical stress echocardiography (hazard ratio: 2.69; 95% confidence interval: 1.20 - 6.01; p = 0.016). The independent predictors of major cardiac events were: age, previous coronary artery disease, positive physical stress echocardiography (hazard ratio: 2.75; 95% confidence interval: 1.15 - 6.53; p = 0.022) and absence of a 10% increase in ejection fraction. All-cause mortality and the incidence of major cardiac events were significantly higher in G2 (p < 0. 001 and p = 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: Physical stress echocardiography provides additional prognostic information in patients with exercise test positive for myocardial ischemia.


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The use of yoga as an effective cardiac rehabilitation in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) remains controversial. We performed a meta-analysis to examine the effects of yoga on exercise capacity and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with CHF. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Excerpta Medica database, LILACS, Physiotherapy Evidence Database, The Scientific Electronic Library Online, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (from the earliest date available to December 2013) for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effects of yoga versus exercise and/or of yoga versus control on exercise capacity (peakVO2) and quality-of-life (HRQOL) in CHF. Two reviewers selected studies independently. Weighted mean differences (WMDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated, and heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 test. Two studies met the selection criteria (total: 30 yoga and 29 control patients). The results suggested that yoga compared with control had a positive impact on peak VO2 and HRQOL. Peak VO2, WMD (3.87 95% CI: 1.95 to 5.80), and global HRQOL standardized mean differences (-12.46 95% CI: -22.49 to -2.43) improved in the yoga group compared to the control group. Yoga enhances peak VO2 and HRQOL in patients with CHF and could be considered for inclusion in cardiac rehabilitation programs. Larger RCTs are required to further investigate the effects of yoga in patients with CHF.