1000 resultados para SEQ 2001


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Report on the Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System (IPERS) for the year ended June 30, 2001


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El treball que ens presenta el prestigiós especialista en art paleolític Michel Lorblanchet és el fruit de deu anys de feina en una petita cova amb gravats de la zona de la vall del Lot, ben a prop de la famosa cova amb pintures de Pech-Merle.


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La publicación por Jean y Laurence Jehasse en 1973 de la obra La Nécropole préromaine d'Aléria: 1960-1968 constituyó un hito en la historia de la investigación protohistórica en el ámbito del Mediterráneo. Junto a la necrópolis de La Spina (Italia), Aléria constituyó un punto de referencia clave para el estudio de las influencias de la sociedad colonial greco-focea sobre las comunidades indígenas en Córcega y, por extensión, en el Mediterráneo occidental, así como un corpus de consulta y análisis inexcusable para la identificación de las tipologías materiales de origen griego en la esfera colonial y comercial del extremo Occidente. Recordemos que, en esa fecha, los investigadores en la península Ibérica trabajaban esencialmente a partir de las publicaciones de J.D. Beazley (que no recogían la problemática de las series peninsulares) y, muy especialmente, con la obra Las cerámicas griegas en la península 1bérica de Gloria Trías, aparecida en 1968. Cabría esperar hasta 1977, en que Marina Picazo publicó Las cerámicas áticas de Ullastret, para contar con una monografía específica de las producciones griegas en un yacimiento ibérico.


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Puhe Eläinlääkäripäivillä 2001


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Expanding on research first presented in the Iowa Board of Parole FY99 Annual Report, this report presents recidivism data on offenders released from Iowa prisons during State FY1996 (July 1, 1995 – June 30, 1996). The figures presented here differ from those included in last year’s report due to four changes in the study. First, this year’s research includes data on those released from work release facilities, who were inadvertently omitted last year. In addition, the current figures include an additional year of tracking, as a second round of “rapsheets” was obtained to detect recidivism occurring within the last year.2 Also enhancing this year’s report is the availability of national recidivism data through the Interstate Identification Index (III). Further, while last year’s data looked only at the first new offense following release, this year’s study examines the most serious new conviction, resulting in higher felony recidivism rates. One note of caution should be voiced concerning the use of out-of-state records. A review of these records suggests very incomplete disposition reporting in III from some other states. In examining these records, it was not unusual to find a string of serious arrests with no dispositions noted. It was tempting in these situations to conclude that there must have been a conviction at some point, but we have resisted that urge when presenting figures on new convictions. This report is not intended to be an all-encompassing review of recidivism. Rather, it is meant to provide an illustration of the types of recidivism data available on prison releases in Iowa. Readers interested in other analyses of the data are urged to contact CJJP with suggestions and requests.


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