991 resultados para Ryland, J. E. (Jonathan Edwards), 1798-1866
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Joseph Belknap for use by student Samuel Sewall (Harvard AB 1776), signed by Charles Chauncey, Thomas Waite, Jonathan Williams, and Daniel Marsh. The student's name is spelled "Samuel Sewal" in the document.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Joseph Belknap for use by student Samuel Sewall (Harvard AB 1776), signed by Charles Chauncey, Jonathan Williams, and Daniel Marsh. The student's name is spelled "Samuel Sewal" in the document.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Phillips Payson for use by his son, signed by Charles Chauncey and Jonathan Williams.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Phillips Payson for use by son, signed by Charles Chauncey and Jonathan Williams. Payson's name is spelled "pason" in the document.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Phillips Payson for use by his son, signed by Charles Chauncey, John Clarke, James Thwing, and Jonathan Williams.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Daniel Parker for use by his son, signed by Charles Chauncey, John Clarke, Jonathan Williams, James Thwing, and Jacob Williams.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to student Thomas Adams (Harvard AB 1788), signed by signed by Charles Chauncey, John Clarke, Jonathan Williams, and James Thwing.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay the bearer the specified amount signed by Charles Chauncey, John Clarke, Jonathan Williams, and James Thwing. The verso is signed by Ephraim Eliot on behalf of student Thomas Adams (Harvard AB 1788).
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Levi Frisbie for use by his son, signed by David Tilden, and James Morrill.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Timothy Alden for use by his son signed by John Clarke, David Tilden, and James Morrill.
Three-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster on wealth, greed, and economy. The essay is titled with a quote from Virgil that can be translated, "The accursed greed for gold." The essay begins, "The passion for wealth is, like every other passion, often carried to an extreme." The document has edits and struck-through words.
Three-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster on the role of the arts in humanity's progress. The essay is titled with a quote from Ovid that can be translated, "A faithful study of the liberal arts refines the manners and corrects their harshness." The essay begins, "To a philosophic mind it is highly interesting to mark the progress of refinement."
Leather hardcover bound volume containing quarter bill tallies for the Classes of 1798-1815 arranged alphabetically and beginning with the bill period ending on February 22, 1798 through the period ending April 2, 1812. After each quarter's tallies, an additional section lists students delinquent in payment, and provides the totals for all students in each of the categories.
Returns dated May 11, 1779, June 1, 1779, July 2, 1779, August 30, 1779, September 6, 1779, October 2, 1779, October 15, 1779, November 12, 1779, and November 24, 1779.
Mutilated draft of a bond of Steward Jonathan Hastings and Robert Sharp of Brooklyn, Mass. to the President and Fellows of Harvard College for 1,000 pounds.