979 resultados para Rural property
It is a common knowledge that there exists a wide gap between domestic fish production and demand in Nigeria. Government recognizes this situation and has in recent years encouraged fish production through fishing inputs subsidies, DFRRI assisted fingerlings production among others. Despite these efforts, impact at the grassroots has been low. One of the major reasons for the failure could be attributable to inadequate involvement of rural communities in fish production. This missing link appears to be ignorance of local communities in harnessing this potential to stimulate fish production. There is therefore the need to educate the rural dwellers through effective extension services. Strategies to achieve the required awareness have been discussed
According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’s chapter “Coastal Systems” (Agardy and Alder 2005), 40% of the world population falls within 100 km of the coast. Agardy and Alder report that population densities in coastal regions are three times those of inland regions and demographic forecasts suggest a continued rise in coastal populations. These high population levels can be partially traced to the abundance of ecosystem services provided in the coastal zone. While populations benefit from an abundance of services, population pressure also degrades existing services and leads to increased susceptibility of property and human life to natural hazards. In the face of these challenges, environmental administrators on the coast must pursue agendas which reflect the difficult balance between private and public interests. These decisions include maintaining economic prosperity and personal freedoms, protecting or enhancing the existing flow of ecosystem services to society, and mitigating potential losses from natural hazards. (PDF contains 5 pages)
The influence of atomic densities on the propagation property for ultrashort pulses in a two-level atom (TLA) medium is investigated. With higher atomic densities, the self-induced transparency (SIT) cannot be recovered even for 2π ultrashort pulses. New features such as pulse splitting, red-shift and blue-shift of the corresponding spectra arise, and the component of central frequency gradually disappears.
Rural coastal regions across the United States are coping with dramatic social and environmental changes. Historically, these areas relied heavily on fishing and marine commerce and these economic activities defined the character of coastal communities. However, shifting ocean and climate conditions, together with inadequate management strategies, have led to sharp declines in harvestable marine resources. These trends, along with increasing competition from aquaculture and international sources of fish, have led to the steady decline of fishing as the central economic activity in many rural coastal communities. (PDF contains 3 pages)
This study was conducted to assess the impact of Nigerian Agricultural, Co-operative and Rural Development Bank Loan on beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries fishermen in Lake Kainji. A total of fifty fishermen (25 beneficiaries and 25 non-beneficiaries) were randomly selected from five fishing villages along the lake basin. Data collected were scored and the percentages of the parameters were calculated appropriately. The types of loans disbursed to beneficiaries revealed that 52% was cash and 48% was in kind. The credit package ranged between N5, 000 to N150, 000 only. Only 48% of the loans granted were paid while the rest remained unpaid. The results obtained from the membership of fishermen Cooperative showed that 64% of beneficiaries were members while 36% were non-members. Also 36% of non-beneficiaries were members while 64% were not. The Common fishing gears used by the two categories of fishermen include gillnets longline, castnet and driftnets. Sixty percent of beneficiaries and 8% of non-beneficiaries fishermen were using canoe with outboard engines while the rest used canoes with paddles. Beneficiaries earned a higher income (N1, 000 to N9, 000) daily than non-beneficiaries (N1, 000 to N6, 000) daily from sales of fish caught. Major contrainsts to increased catch and income identified include inadequate capital, non- availability of fishing inputs, stealing of fishing gears, lack of access to credit facilities and menace of stump and water hyacinth in the lake. Lastly, recommendation were made for the bank management, government and other lending institutions on how to improve the livelihood of the Artisanal fishermen by increasing the loan usually granted
The study examined the characterization of rural livelihood of the fishermen in the Nigeria portion of Lake Chad Basin are as part of European Commission (EC) founded project entitled "Sustainable development of continental fisheries; a regional study of policy options and policy formation mechanisms for the Lake Chad Basin" Wealth ranking exercise which was not based on real income but on production capacity of the fishermen was carried out in twenty (20) villages survey on the western part of the region using Rapid Rural Appraisal Technique with semi- structured interviews. The different activities carried out by the villagers for living were identified according to their socio-economic status. This was followed by an assessment of the socio-economic characterization within each wealth group. Series of comparative analysis of the ethnic composition, accessibility of fishing gear ownership by the population were done. The results show that the 3 wealth groups in the region include the rich (Group 1) the middle class (Group 2) and the poor (Group 3). It was identified that fishing is just one component of the socio-economic production system along side farming, livestock rearing and trading which are closely integrated. The diversified livelihood system being practiced in the Chad Basin region are not only less vulnerable but also more sustainable
The paper examines the concept of the feminization of poverty and reviews the limited evidence on the extent of poverty among women. It then examines the arguments that poor women can be highly effective change agents for the eradication of poverty. However, all the women may be considered as instruments for eliminating poverty, lack of understanding an appreciation of the impact of their sex roles and of gender roles and stereotypes continue to prevent the realization of this potential. Therefore, the paper moves on to summarize the differences between sex and gender and examines how both women's sexes roles and the imp gender roles and stereotypes lead to the feminization of poverty and exclude women from the participation in development and programmes to eliminate poverty. The paper reviews the major approaches: women in development or WID, gender and development or GAD and extension of GAD known as mainstreaming. Finally, it considers the issue of poverty, women and gender in Nigeria. It also advances a number of recommendations on women and gender poverty and rural development for the consideration of policy-makers in Nigeria
Artisanal Fish Societies constitutes one of the poorest societies in the developing world. Attempts to harness the potentials of the societies have often failed due to the enormity of the problem of poverty. This study was conducted in four major fishing villages namely; Abule titun, Apojola, Imama Odo and Ibaro in order to investigate the occupational practices and the problems of rural artisanal fisherfolks in Oyam's Dam, area of Ogun State. Eighty respondents were randomly selected among the artisanal fisher folks for interview using interview guide. The findings revealed that 43.8% of the fisherfolks are within active range of 31-40 years while 30% are within 21-30 years range. Also 31% had no formal education indicating a relatively high level of illiteracy among the fisherfolks while majority of the respondents practice fishing activities using paddle and canoe. It was similarly discovered from the study that the most pressing problems of the fisherfolks is the lack of basic social amenities like electricity, potable water, access roads, hospitals and markets. It is therefore recommended that basic social infrastructures be provided for the artisanal fishing communities in order to improve their social welfare, standard of living and the capacity to have a sustainable fishing occupation in the interest of food security and poverty alleviation
El presente estudio se centra en el concepto de bienestar psicológico subjetivo, componente cualitativo de la calidad de vida y, por lo tanto, de especial relevancia en la intervención socioeducativa. El objetivo principal ha sido la valoración del bienestar subjetivo de la población en el medio rural. Se ha desarrollado en Matallana de Torio, un municipio de León de 1397 habitantes, participando en el mismo 318 personas adultas entre 18 y 86 años. Se analizó la literatura existente para valorar, por un lado, la importancia del concepto de bienestar subjetivo en relación con el de felicidad y con el de calidad de vida. Por otro lado, se exponen las concepciones sobre el medio rural para aproximarnos a una idea común acerca de este concepto tan cercano pero tan poco analizado desde este enfoque. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, se ha optado por una metodología cuantitativa, cuya naturaleza descriptiva, permite obtener resultados generalizables. Se han utilizado las escalas de Ryff, por constituir un instrumento de análisis del bienestar subjetivo contrastado y fiable. Los principales resultados derivados del análisis de datos indican niveles por debajo de la media en las dimensiones analizadas como: autoaceptación, relaciones positivas, autonomía, dominio del entorno, crecimiento personal y propósito en la vida. Este resultado puede estar relacionado con la variable cultural y las limitaciones derivadas de la escasez de servicios socioeducativos que se encuentran las personas en el ámbito rural.
Este trabalho apresenta as principais perspectivas estabelecidas a partir da utilização do patrimônio herdado da atividade canavieira no desenvolvimento da atividade turística, na região norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso, discutiremos os principais conceitos que permitem entender como áreas consideradas rurais ou marcadas por uma história vinculada a alguma atividade agrícola passam por um processo de transformação e são inseridas em uma nova fase. Essas transformações são percebidas nos espaços chamados de rurais e aparecem hoje com uma nova perspectiva de utilização, antes eram destinados exclusivamente às atividades agrícolas. Outro aspecto verificado é que paisagens singulares acabam se constituindo em patrimônios culturais, na medida em que se tornam representações sociais. A paisagem então acaba sendo relacionada à memória e à identidade local. Nos municípios estudados ela é marcada pelas tradicionais plantações de cana-de-açúcar, que ao longo de mais de um século influenciou a vida e o cotidiano daquela porção do espaço fluminense, permitindo uma arquitetura e uma paisagem peculiar. Desta forma, nosso objetivo é entender como a paisagem é utilizada no desenvolvimento da atividade turística como recurso a ser explorado, além de tentarmos visualizar os principais agentes que promovem as iniciativas de (re)valorização patrimonial e como o espaço é modificado com tal atividade.
This thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter we study the smooth sets with respect to a Borel equivalence realtion E on a Polish space X. The collection of smooth sets forms σ-ideal. We think of smooth sets as analogs of countable sets and we show that an analog of the perfect set theorem for Σ11 sets holds in the context of smooth sets. We also show that the collection of Σ11 smooth sets is ∏11 on the codes. The analogs of thin sets are called sparse sets. We prove that there is a largest ∏11 sparse set and we give a characterization of it. We show that in L there is a ∏11 sparse set which is not smooth. These results are analogs of the results known for the ideal of countable sets, but it remains open to determine if large cardinal axioms imply that ∏11 sparse sets are smooth. Some more specific results are proved for the case of a countable Borel equivalence relation. We also study I(E), the σ-ideal of closed E-smooth sets. Among other things we prove that E is smooth iff I(E) is Borel.
In chapter 2 we study σ-ideals of compact sets. We are interested in the relationship between some descriptive set theoretic properties like thinness, strong calibration and the covering property. We also study products of σ-ideals from the same point of view. In chapter 3 we show that if a σ-ideal I has the covering property (which is an abstract version of the perfect set theorem for Σ11 sets), then there is a largest ∏11 set in Iint (i.e., every closed subset of it is in I). For σ-ideals on 2ω we present a characterization of this set in a similar way as for C1, the largest thin ∏11 set. As a corollary we get that if there are only countable many reals in L, then the covering property holds for Σ12 sets.
If E and F are saturated formations, we say that E is strongly contained in F if for any solvable group G with E-subgroup, E, and F-subgroup, F, some conjugate of E is contained in F. In this paper, we investigate the problem of finding the formations which strongly contain a fixed saturated formation E.
Our main results are restricted to formations, E, such that E = {G|G/F(G) ϵT}, where T is a non-empty formation of solvable groups, and F(G) is the Fitting subgroup of G. If T consists only of the identity, then E=N, the class of nilpotent groups, and for any solvable group, G, the N-subgroups of G are the Carter subgroups of G.
We give a characterization of strong containment which depends only on the formations E, and F. From this characterization, we prove:
If T is a non-empty formation of solvable groups, E = {G|G/F(G) ϵT}, and E is strongly contained in F, then
(1) there is a formation V such that F = {G|G/F(G) ϵV}.
(2) If for each prime p, we assume that T does not contain the class, Sp’, of all solvable p’-groups, then either E = F, or F contains all solvable groups.
This solves the problem for the Carter subgroups.
We prove the following result to show that the hypothesis of (2) is not redundant:
If R = {G|G/F(G) ϵSr’}, then there are infinitely many formations which strongly contain R.
Esse estudo tem como objetivo analisar o fenômeno da pluriatividade nos pequenos estabelecimentos familiares do espaço rural do município de Nova Friburgo, localizado na região Serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Retomando a ênfase (presente em trabalho anterior) nos efeitos sociais promovidos pela inserção do espaço rural municipal em uma lógica de mercado, e, levando em consideração as cautelas que devem ser tomadas, no âmbito nacional, na utilização de tal noção, a nossa intenção foi a de questionarmos as valorações que vêm sendo atribuídas a esse fenômeno (de possibilidade de diversificação de emprego e renda; melhoria das condições de vida das populações rurais; e, até mesmo, do estabelecimento de um espaço rural dotado de múltiplas funções), a partir de uma realidade como a friburguense. Esta se, por um lado, é marcada pela significativa expressão espacial dos pequenos estabelecimentos familiares e por um quadro econômico, relativamente, diversificado, por outro lado, também, sofre os efeitos da implementação de um modelo de modernização da agricultura, extremamente excludente e desigual, e, em menor escala, do avanço de um intenso processo de urbanização. Analisado como estratégia de sobrevivência e reprodução no recorte espacial mencionado, os desdobramentos do fenômeno da pluriatividade identificados no mesmo, de certo, complexificam a realidade estudada, ficando a dialética entre relações capitalistas e não-capitalistas, balizada, grosso modo, pela permanência da agricultura com ênfase no trabalho familiar, de um lado, e pela expansão de uma lógica urbano-industrial que, além (e para além) de relações setoriais, também, envolve a inserção de membros das famílias dos pequenos produtores em outras atividades, não-agrícolas, de outro. Para que fosse atingido, portanto, o objetivo proposto, a operacionalização adotada consistiu tanto no levantamento bibliográfico acerca da temática escolhida quanto na realização de vários trabalhos de campo, direcionados a pequenos estabelecimentos familiares de algumas localidades dos vários distritos do município, assim como a órgãos públicos, ligados à produção agrícola, ao turismo e às indústrias de confecções de moda íntima.