904 resultados para Rotation of crops


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O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em comparar as alterações dentárias, esqueléticas e tegumentares promovidas pelo aparelho de Fränkel-2 com um grupo controle, além de observar a estabilidade desses efeitos promovidos pelo tratamento, num período médio de 7,11 anos pós-tratamento. A amostra compreendeu um total de 90 telerradiografias em norma lateral, sendo 54 telerradiografias provenientes de 18 pacientes tratados com o RF-2 avaliados em três fases (T1:início de tratamento;T2: final de tratamento e T3: pós-tratamento) e 36 telerradiografias de 18 pacientes-controle, observados em dois tempos. Para comparação entre os grupos tratado e controle foi utilizado o teste t de Student não pareado. Já para a análise dos valores do grupo tratado nos três tempos (T1, T2 e T3) foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) a um critério e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As principais alterações proporcionadas pelo aparelho RF-2 observadas a partir da comparação do grupo tratado com o controle envolveram efeitos mandibulares, principalmente a protrusão e aumento do comprimento mandibular associado com uma rotação horária, que resultou em uma maior altura facial total (N-Me) e ântero-inferior (AFAI), além de suave rotação anti-horária do plano palatino (SN.PP). Os incisivos superiores retruíram e o inferior vestibularizou. Houve uma distalização relativa dos molares superiores juntamente com a diminuição do overjet , desta forma a convexidade do perfil facial tegumentar melhorou. No período pós-tratamento (T3) observou-se uma estabilidade sagital de maxila (SNA) e mandíbula (SNB), das variáveis do padrão facial, da inclinação do incisivo superior, do ângulo nasolabial e do overjet . A mandíbula e a maxila continuaram a crescer no sentido antero-posterior, juntamente com as alturas faciais Houve também a extrusão de incisivos e molares. Já o plano oclusal e o ângulo goníaco diminuíram na fase pós-tratamento.(AU)


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It is widely conjectured that muscle shortens because portions of myosin molecules (the “cross-bridges”) impel the actin filament to which they transiently attach and that the impulses result from rotation of the cross-bridges. Crystallography indicates that a cross-bridge is articulated–consisting of a globular catalytic/actin-binding domain and a long lever arm that may rotate. Conveniently, a rhodamine probe with detectable attitude can be attached between the globular domain and the lever arm, enabling the observer to tell whether the anchoring region rotates. Well-established signature effects observed in shortening are tension changes resulting from the sudden release or quick stretch of active muscle fibers. In this investigation we found that closely correlated with such tension changes are changes in the attitude of the rhodamine probes. This correlation strongly supports the conjecture about how shortening is achieved.


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While the last 50 years of agriculture have focused on meeting the food, feed, and fiber needs of humans, the challenges for the next 50 years go far beyond simply addressing the needs of an ever-growing global population. In addition to producing more food, agriculture will have to deal with declining resources like water and arable land, need to enhance nutrient density of crops, and achieve these and other goals in a way that does not degrade the environment. Biotechnology and other emerging life sciences technologies offer valuable tools to help meet these multidimensional challenges. This paper explores the possibilities afforded through biotechnology in providing improved agronomic “input” traits, differentiated crops that impart more desirable “output” traits, and using plants as green factories to fortify foods with valuable nutrients naturally rather than externally during food processing. The concept of leveraging agriculture as green factories is expected to have tremendous positive implications for harnessing solar energy to meet fiber and fuel needs as well. Widespread adaptation of biotech-derived products of agriculture should lay the foundation for transformation of our society from a production-driven system to a quality and utility-enhanced system.


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Descriptions are given of three kinds of symmetries encountered in studies of bacterial locomotion, and of the ways in which they are circumvented or broken. A bacterium swims at very low Reynolds number: it cannot propel itself using reciprocal motion (by moving through a sequence of shapes, first forward and then in reverse); cyclic motion is required. A common solution is rotation of a helical filament, either right- or left-handed. The flagellar rotary motor that drives each filament generates the same torque whether spinning clockwise or counterclockwise. This symmetry is broken by coupling to the filament. Finally, bacterial populations, grown in a nutrient medium from an inoculum placed at a single point, usually move outward in symmetric circular rings. Under certain conditions, the cells excrete a chemoattractant, and the rings break up into discrete aggregates that can display remarkable geometric order.


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In bilateral animals, the left and right sides of the body usually present asymmetric structures, the genetic bases of whose generation are still largely unknown [CIBA Foundation (1991) Biological Asymmetry and Handedness, CIBA Foundation Symposium 162 (Wiley, New York), pp. 1-327]. In Drosophila melanogaster, mutations in the rotated abdomen (rt) locus cause a clockwise helical rotation of the body. Even null alleles are viable but exhibit defects in embryonic muscle development, rotation of the whole larval body, and helical staggering of cuticular patterns in abdominal segments of the adult. rotated abdomen is expressed in the embryonic mesoderm and midgut but not in the ectoderm; it encodes a putative integral membrane glycoprotein (homologous to key yeast mannosyltransferases). Mesodermal cells defective in O-glycosylation lead to an impaired larval muscular system. We propose that the staggering of the adult abdominal segments would be a consequence of the relaxation of intrinsic rotational torque of muscle architecture, preventing the colateral alignment of the segmental histoblast cells during their proliferation at metamorphosis.


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade mostrar a aplicação e a utilização de um aeromodelo elétrico de asa fixa, também conhecido como veículo aéreo não tripulado (VANT), com controle manual ou automático, para coleta de dados e imagens em propriedades rurais, com a premissa de auxiliar os gestores no processo de gestão e tomada de decisão. A metodologia utilizada para a realização das coletas foi feita por meio de voos programados em dias e condições diferentes, para verificação e análise de desempenho do aeromodelo. Os resultados obtidos com os voos foram acima do esperado, gerando excelentes imagens e dados confiáveis. Sendo assim, pôde-se concluir que a utilização de VANTs, em coletas de dados e imagens em propriedades rurais foi satisfatória e auxiliou os gestores no processo de gerenciamento e rotacionamento de animais no pasto, uma vez que as imagens permitiram uma boa visualização e o aeromodelo desenvolvido cumpriu o seu objetivo com bom desempenho e agilidade.


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Since 2006, the European Near Earth Asteroids Research (EURONEAR) project has been contributing to the research of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) within a European network. One of the main aims is the amelioration of the orbits of NEAs, and starting in 2014 February we focus on the recovery of one-opposition NEAs using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma in override mode. Part of this NEA recovery project, since 2014 June EURONEAR serendipitously started to discover and secure the first NEAs from La Palma and using the INT, thanks to the teamwork including amateurs and students who promptly reduce the data, report discoveries and secure new objects recovered with the INT and few other telescopes from the EURONEAR network. Five NEAs were discovered with the INT, including 2014 LU14, 2014 NL52 (one very fast rotator), 2014 OL339 (the fourth known Earth quasi-satellite), 2014 SG143 (a quite large NEA), and 2014 VP. Another very fast moving NEA was discovered but was unfortunately lost due to lack of follow-up time. Additionally, another 14 NEA candidates were identified based on two models, all being rapidly followed-up using the INT and another 11 telescopes within the EURONEAR network. They include one object discovered by Pan-STARRS, two Mars crossers, two Hungarias, one Jupiter trojan, and other few inner main belt asteroids (MBAs). Using the INT and Sierra Nevada 1.5 m for photometry, then the Gran Telescopio de Canarias for spectroscopy, we derived the very rapid rotation of 2014 NL52, then its albedo, magnitude, size, and its spectral class. Based on the total sky coverage in dark conditions, we evaluate the actual survey discovery rate using 2-m class telescopes. One NEA is possible to be discovered randomly within minimum 2.8 deg2 and maximum 5.5 deg2. These findings update our past statistics, being based on double sky coverage and taking into account the recent increase in discovery.


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Today, the requirement of professional skills to university students is constantly increasing in our society. In our opinion, the content offered in official degrees need to be nourished with different variables, enriching their global professional knowledge in a parallel way; that is why, in recent years, there is a great multiplicity of complementary courses at university. One of the most socially demanded technical requirements within the architectural, design or engineering field is the management of 3D drawing software, becoming an indispensable reality in these sectors. Thus, this specific training becomes essential over two-dimension traditional design, because the inclusion of great possibilities of spatial development that go beyond conventional orthographic projections (plans, sections or elevations), allowing modelling and rotation of the selected items from multiple angles and perspectives. Therefore, this paper analyzes the teaching methodology of a complementary course for those technicians in the construction industry interested in computer-aided design, using modelling (SketchupMake) and rendering programs (Kerkythea). The course is developed from the technician point of view, by learning computer management and its application to professional development from a more general to a more specific view through practical examples. The proposed methodology is based on the development of real examples in different professional environments such as rehabilitation, new constructions, opening projects or architectural design. This multidisciplinary contribution improves criticism of students in different areas, encouraging new learning strategies and the independent development of three-dimensional solutions. Thus, the practical implementation of new situations, even suggested by the students themselves, ensures active participation, saving time during the design process and the increase of effectiveness when generating elements which may be represented, moved or virtually tested. In conclusion, this teaching-learning methodology improves the skills and competencies of students to face the growing professional demands of society. After finishing the course, technicians not only improved their expertise in the field of drawing but they also enhanced their capacity for spatial vision; both essential qualities in these sectors that can be applied to their professional development with great success.


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The independent predictions of edge ferromagnetism and the quantum spin Hall phase in graphene have inspired the quest of other two-dimensional honeycomb systems, such as silicene, germanene, stanene, iridates, and organometallic lattices, as well as artificial superlattices, all of them with electronic properties analogous to those of graphene, but a larger spin-orbit coupling. Here, we study the interplay of ferromagnetic order and spin-orbit interactions at the zigzag edges of these graphenelike systems. We find an in-plane magnetic anisotropy that opens a gap in the otherwise conducting edge channels that should result in large changes of electronic properties upon rotation of the magnetization.


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The observation of several neutron stars in the centre of supernova remnants and with significantly lower values of the dipolar magnetic field than the average radio-pulsar population has motivated a lively debate about their formation and origin, with controversial interpretations. A possible explanation requires the slow rotation of the protoneutron star at birth, which is unable to amplify its magnetic field to typical pulsar levels. An alternative possibility, the hidden magnetic field scenario, considers the accretion of the fallback of the supernova debris on to the neutron star as responsible for the submergence (or screening) of the field and its apparently low value. In this paper, we study under which conditions the magnetic field of a neutron star can be buried into the crust due to an accreting, conducting fluid. For this purpose, we consider a spherically symmetric calculation in general relativity to estimate the balance between the incoming accretion flow and the magnetosphere. Our study analyses several models with different specific entropy, composition, and neutron star masses. The main conclusion of our work is that typical magnetic fields of a few times 1012 G can be buried by accreting only 10−3–10−2 M⊙, a relatively modest amount of mass. In view of this result, the central compact object scenario should not be considered unusual, and we predict that anomalously weak magnetic fields should be common in very young (< few kyr) neutron stars.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimentos dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica em Recursos Agro-Florestais e Ambientais.


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Tese de doutoramento, História (História Contemporânea), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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Numerous structural features occur in the Leg 128 cores from the Japan Sea. They include (1) gravity-induced structures such as slump folds, (2) dewatering structures comprising several sets of veins, and (3) larger faults and veins developed in the volcanic basement of the Yamato Basin as well as in the sedimentary rocks of the Oki Ridge and Kita-Yamato Trough. Gravity-induced structures, mainly slumps and associated faults, suggest the existence of paleoslopes and the dominance of gravitational tectonics during the early and middle Miocene, at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, and during the Quaternary. Several types of mud-filled veins having various shapes were observed. These are especially abundant in the middle Miocene siliceous claystones and porcellanites from the Kita-Yamato Trough. They have been interpreted as dewatering conduits that formed preferentially in highly porous, water-saturated diatomaceous muds on a slope, because of episodic loss of sediment strength, collapse of the sediment framework, and consequent fluid migration. The central part of the vein serves once as a fluid conduit, whereas the transition between conduit-controlled and intergranular flow occurs at the branching extremities, with concentration of fines. The likely trigger responsible for the strength loss is seismic activity. Development of these veins, spatially and chronologically linked to small normal microfaults, implies an extensional regime having layer-parallel extension and a local bedding-parallel shear couple, probably the result of gravitational gliding. The brittle fractures found in Yamato Basin basement Hole 794D cores comprise joints, faults, and veins filled with chlorite-saponite, saponite, and calcite. They suggest a likely transpressive to transtensional regime around the early Miocene/ middle Miocene boundary, with a north-northeast-south-southwest compression alternating with a west-northwest-eastsoutheast extension. The faults from Site 799 cores on the Yamato Rise exhibit a prominent early Miocene-middle Miocene extensional environment, a late Miocene-early Pliocene phase of normal and strike-slip faulting, and a final phase that began during the latest Pliocene. Site 798, on the Oki Ridge, reveals faults that recorded a consistent extensional tectonic regime from Pliocene to the Holocene. These data support the pull-apart kinematic model for early Miocene-middle Miocene time, as regarding the stress regime deduced from the Yamato Basin basement fractures. The recent compression known in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea was not documented by compressive structures at any site. The late Miocene-early Pliocene faulting phase corresponds to a major and general reorganization of the stress distribution in the arc area. Evidence for rapid and main subsidence and synsedimentary extension of the Yamato Basin and Yamato Rise areas between 20 and 15 Ma, and the concomitant rotation of southwest Japan, raise the question of links between this opening and the Shimanto Belt collision in southwest Japan, between the arc and the Philippine Sea Plate.


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Reports of crops in English and Spanish with separate t.-p.


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We present a technique to measure the viscosity of microscopic volumes of liquid using rotating optical tweezers. The technique can be used when only microlitre (or less) sample volumes are available, for example biological or medical samples, or to make local measurements in complicated micro-structures such as cells. The rotation of the optical tweezers is achieved using the polarisation of the trapping light to rotate a trapped birefringent spherical crystal, called vaterite. Transfer of angular momentum from a circularly polarised beam to the particle causes the rotation. The transmitted light can then be analysed to determine the applied torque to the particle and its rotation rate. The applied torque is determined from the change in the circular polarisation of the beam caused by the vaterite and the rotation rate is used to find the viscous drag on the rotating spherical particle. The viscosity of the surrounding liquid can then be determined. Using this technique we measured the viscosity of liquids at room temperature, which agree well with tabulated values. We also study the local heating effects due to absorption of the trapping laser beam. We report heating of 50-70 K/W in the region of liquid surrounding the particle.