987 resultados para Rotated lattices


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An experimental system designed to measure very low optical powers, of the order of a few picowatts, is presented. Its main aid is to detect the polarisation state of scattered light from a fluid flow, in different angular directions with respect to the longitudinal axis of the flow. A laser beam incident linearly polarized crosses the fluid flow orthogonally. The scattered light is detected by means of a photodetector situated behind a lineal polarizer whose orientation can be rotated. The outgoing electrical signal is amplified by means of a Mode-lockin amplifier and is digitally processed.


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This paper presents the analysis of the reflections in two kind of spherical far field ranges: one if the classical acquisition where the AUT is rotated and the second one corresponds to the systems where the AUT is fixed and the antenna probe is rotated. In large far field systems this is not possible, but this can be used to the measurement of small antennas, for instance, with the SATIMO StarGate system. In both cases, it is assumed that only one frequency is acquired and the results should be improved cut by cut, in order not to lose the advantages or far field measurements. Finally, some practical results are studied using measurements of one antenna in the outdoor far field facility of LIT INPE in Brazil.


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The advantages of wireless sensing implemented on the cold chain of fresh products are well known. These sensor systems consist of a combination of delicate internal electronic circuitry enclosed in a special housing unit. Manufacturers however are presented with the challenge that the housing required to withstand the harsh environment in which the sensors are being used all too often take from the functionality of the sensor. Therefore the target of this study is to determine the dynamic behavior and the counteractive effects of the sensor housing on temperature recording accuracy in the wireless nodes of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) semi-passive tags. Two kind of semi-passive Turbo Tags were used (T700 and T702-B), which consisted of sensors with and without a cover, and two kind of WSN nodes, IRIS (sensors Intersema and Sensirion soldered in the motherboard) and NLAZA (Sensirion in a cable and soldered to the motherboard). To recreate the temperature profiles the devices were rotated between a cold room(5 ºC) through a ambient room(23 ºC) to a heated environment (35ºC) and vice versa. Analysis revealed the differences between housing and no housing are 308.22s to 21.99s respectively in the step from 5 to 35 ºC. As is demonstrated in these experiments the influence of the housing significantly hinders sensor accuracy.


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Previous work of the research group [1-4] demonstrated the viability of using periodic lattices of micro and nanopillars, called Bio-photonic sensing Cells (BICELLs), as an optical biosensor vertically characterized by visible spectrometry. Also we have studied theoretically [5] the performance of the BICELLs by 2D and 3D simulation in orde r to optimize the biosensing response. In this work we present the fabrication and biosensing comparison of different geometrical parameters on periodic lattices of pillars in order to discuss theoretical conclusions with these results. In this way, we have explored the biosensing response of other patter ns such as crosses, stars, cylinders, concentrical cylinders (Figure 1). Also we introduced a novel method to test the BICELLs in a cost-effective way by using an ultra-thin film of SU-8 spin-coated onto the patterns to reproduce the effect of a biofilm attached to the biosensor surface. Finally we have tested the biosensing response of the different geometries by the well-known Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) immunoassay and compared with the theoretical simulation.


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Para el proyecto y cálculo de estructuras metálicas, fundamentalmente pórticos y celosías de cubierta, la herramienta más comúnmente utilizada son los programas informáticos de nudos y barras. En estos programas se define la geometría y sección de las barras, cuyas características mecánicas son perfectamente conocidas, y sobre las cuales obtenemos unos resultados de cálculo concretos en cuanto a estados tensionales y de deformación. Sin embargo el otro componente del modelo, los nudos, presenta mucha mayor complejidad a la hora de establecer sus propiedades mecánicas, fundamentalmente su rigidez al giro, así como de obtener unos resultados de estados tensionales y de deformación en los mismos. Esta “ignorancia” sobre el comportamiento real de los nudos, se salva generalmente asimilando a los nudos del modelo la condición de rígidos o articulados. Si bien los programas de cálculo ofrecen la posibilidad de introducir nudos con una rigidez intermedia (nudos semirrígidos), la rigidez de cada nudo dependerá de la geometría real de la unión, lo cual, dada la gran variedad de geometrías de uniones que en cualquier proyecto se nos presentan, hace prácticamente inviable introducir los coeficientes correspondientes a cada nudo en los modelos de nudos y barras. Tanto el Eurocódigo como el CTE, establecen que cada unión tendrá asociada una curva momento-rotación característica, que deberá ser determinada por los proyectistas mediante herramientas de cálculo o procedimientos experimentales. No obstante, este es un planteamiento difícil de llevar a cabo para cada proyecto. La consecuencia de esto es, que en la práctica, se realizan extensas comprobaciones y justificaciones de cálculo para las barras de las estructuras, dejando en manos de la práctica común la solución y puesta en obra de las uniones, quedando sin justificar ni comprobar la seguridad y el comportamiento real de estas. Otro aspecto que conlleva la falta de caracterización de las uniones, es que desconocemos como afecta el comportamiento real de éstas en los estados tensionales y de deformación de las barras que acometen a ellas, dudas que con frecuencia nos asaltan, no sólo en la fase de proyecto, sino también a la hora de resolver los problemas de ejecución que inevitablemente se nos presentan en el desarrollo de las obras. El cálculo mediante el método de los elementos finitos, es una herramienta que nos permite introducir la geometría real de perfiles y uniones, y nos permite por tanto abordar el comportamiento real de las uniones, y que está condicionado por su geometría. Por ejemplo, un caso típico es el de la unión de una viga a una placa o a un soporte soldando sólo el alma. Es habitual asimilar esta unión a una articulación. Sin embargo, el modelo por elementos finitos nos ofrece su comportamiento real, que es intermedio entre articulado y empotrado, ya que se transmite un momento y el giro es menor que el del apoyo simple. No obstante, la aplicación del modelo de elementos finitos, introduciendo la geometría de todos los elementos estructurales de un entramado metálico, tampoco resulta en general viable desde un punto de vista práctico, dado que requiere invertir mucho tiempo en comparación con el aumento de precisión que obtenemos respecto a los programas de nudos y barras, mucho más rápidos en la fase de modelización de la estructura. En esta tesis se ha abordado, mediante la modelización por elementos finitos, la resolución de una serie de casos tipo representativos de las uniones más comúnmente ejecutadas en obras de edificación, como son las uniones viga-pilar, estableciendo el comportamiento de estas uniones en función de las variables que comúnmente se presentan, y que son: •Ejecución de uniones viga-pilar soldando solo por el alma (unión por el alma), o bien soldando la viga al pilar por todo su perímetro (unión total). •Disposición o no de rigidizadores en los pilares •Uso de pilares de sección 2UPN en cajón o de tipo HEB, que son los tipos de soporte utilizados en casi el 100% de los casos en edificación. Para establecer la influencia de estas variables en el comportamiento de las uniones, y su repercusión en las vigas, se ha realizado un análisis comparativo entre las variables de resultado de los casos estudiados:•Estados tensionales en vigas y uniones. •Momentos en extremo de vigas •Giros totales y relativos en nudos. •Flechas. Otro de los aspectos que nos permite analizar la casuística planteada, es la valoración, desde un punto de vista de costos de ejecución, de la realización de uniones por todo el perímetro frente a las uniones por el alma, o de la disposición o no de rigidizadores en las uniones por todo el perímetro. Los resultados a este respecto, son estrictamente desde un punto de vista económico, sin perjuicio de que la seguridad o las preferencias de los proyectistas aconsejen una solución determinada. Finalmente, un tercer aspecto que nos ha permitido abordar el estudio planteado, es la comparación de resultados que se obtienen por el método de los elementos finitos, más próximos a la realidad, ya que se tiene en cuenta los giros relativos en las uniones, frente a los resultados obtenidos con programas de nudos y barras. De esta forma, podemos seguir usando el modelo de nudos y barras, más versátil y rápido, pero conociendo cuáles son sus limitaciones, y en qué aspectos y en qué medida, debemos ponderar sus resultados. En el último apartado de la tesis se apuntan una serie de temas sobre los que sería interesante profundizar en posteriores estudios, mediante modelos de elementos finitos, con el objeto de conocer mejor el comportamiento de las uniones estructurales metálicas, en aspectos que no se pueden abordar con los programas de nudos y barras. For the project and calculation of steel structures, mainly building frames and cover lattices, the tool more commonly used are the node and bars model computer programs. In these programs we define the geometry and section of the bars, whose mechanical characteristics are perfectly known, and from which we obtain the all calculation results of stresses and displacements. Nevertheless, the other component of the model, the nodes, are much more difficulty for establishing their mechanical properties, mainly the rotation fixity coefficients, as well as the stresses and displacements. This "ignorance" about the real performance of the nodes, is commonly saved by assimilating to them the condition of fixed or articulated. Though the calculation programs offer the possibility to introducing nodes with an intermediate fixity (half-fixed nodes), the fixity of every node will depend on the real connection’s geometry, which, given the great variety of connections geometries that in a project exist, makes practically unviable to introduce the coefficients corresponding to every node in the models of nodes and bars. Both Eurocode and the CTE, establish that every connection will have a typical moment-rotation associated curve, which will have to be determined for the designers by calculation tools or experimental procedures. Nevertheless, this one is an exposition difficult to carry out for each project. The consequence of this, is that in the practice, in projects are extensive checking and calculation reports about the bars of the structures, trusting in hands of the common practice the solution and execution of the connections, resulting without justification and verification their safety and their real behaviour. Another aspect that carries the lack of the connections characterization, is that we don´t know how affects the connections real behaviour in the stresses and displacements of the bars that attack them, doubts that often assault us, not only in the project phase, but also at the moment of solving the execution problems that inevitably happen in the development of the construction works. The calculation by finite element model is a tool that allows us to introduce the real profiles and connections geometry, and allows us to know about the real behaviour of the connections, which is determined by their geometry. Typical example is a beam-plate or beam-support connection welding only by the web. It is usual to assimilate this connection to an articulation or simple support. Nevertheless, the finite element model determines its real performance, which is between articulated and fixed, since a moment is transmitted and the relative rotation is less than the articulation’s rotation. Nevertheless, the application of the finite element model, introducing the geometry of all the structural elements of a metallic structure, does not also turn out to be viable from a practical point of view, provided that it needs to invest a lot of time in comparison with the precision increase that we obtain opposite the node and bars programs, which are much more faster in the structure modelling phase. In this thesis it has been approached, by finite element modelling, the resolution of a representative type cases of the connections commonly used in works of building, since are the beam-support connections, establishing the performance of these connections depending on the variables that commonly are present, which are: •Execution of beam-support connections welding only the web, or welding the beam to the support for the whole perimeter. •Disposition of stiffeners in the supports •Use 2UPN in box section or HEB section, which are the support types used in almost 100% building cases. To establish the influence of these variables in the connections performance, and the repercussion in the beams, a comparative analyse has been made with the resulting variables of the studied cases: •Stresses states in beams and connections. •Bending moments in beam ends. •Total and relative rotations in nodes. •Deflections in beams. Another aspect that the study allows us to analyze, is the valuation, from a costs point of view, of the execution of connections for the whole perimeter opposite to the web connections, or the execution of stiffeners. The results of this analyse, are strictly from an economic point of view, without prejudice that the safety or the preferences of the designers advise a certain solution. Finally, the third aspect that the study has allowed us to approach, is the comparison of the results that are obtained by the finite element model, nearer to the real behaviour, since the relative rotations in the connections are known, opposite to the results obtained with nodes and bars programs. So that, we can use the nodes and bars models, more versatile and quick, but knowing which are its limitations, and in which aspects and measures, we must weight the results. In the last part of the tesis, are relationated some of the topics on which it would be interesting to approach in later studies, with finite elements models, in order to know better the behaviour of the structural steel connections, in aspects that cannot be approached by the nodes and bars programs.


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Logic programming (LP) is a family of high-level programming languages which provides high expressive power. With LP, the programmer writes the properties of the result and / or executable specifications instead of detailed computation steps. Logic programming systems which feature tabled execution and constraint logic programming have been shown to increase the declarativeness and efficiency of Prolog, while at the same time making it possible to write very expressive programs. Tabled execution avoids infinite failure in some cases, while improving efficiency in programs which repeat computations. CLP reduces the search tree and brings the power of solving (in)equations over arbitrary domains. Similarly to the LP case, CLP systems can also benefit from the power of tabling. Previous implementations which take ful advantage of the ideas behind tabling (e.g., forcing suspension, answer subsumption, etc. wherever it is necessary to avoid recomputation and terminate whenever possible) did not offer a simple, well-documented, easy-to-understand interface. This would be necessary to make the integratation of arbitrary CLP solvers into existing tabling systems possible. This clearly hinders a more widespread usage of the combination of both facilities. In this thesis we examine the requirements that a constraint solver must fulfill in order to be interfaced with a tabling system. We propose and implement a framework, which we have called Mod TCLP, with a minimal set of operations (e.g., entailment checking and projection) which the constraint solver has to provide to the tabling engine. We validate the design of Mod TCLP by a series of use cases: we re-engineer a previously existing tabled constrain domain (difference constraints) which was connected in an ad-hoc manner with the tabling engine in Ciao Prolog; we integrateHolzbauer’s CLP(Q) implementationwith Ciao Prolog’s tabling engine; and we implement a constraint solver over (finite) lattices. We evaluate its performance with several benchmarks that implement a simple abstract interpreter whose fixpoint is reached by means of tabled execution, and whose domain operations are handled by the constraint over (finite) lattices, where TCLP avoids recomputing subsumed abstractions.---ABSTRACT---La programación lógica con restricciones (CLP) y la tabulación son extensiones de la programación lógica que incrementan la declaratividad y eficiencia de Prolog, al mismo tiempo que hacen posible escribir programasmás expresivos. Las implementaciones anteriores que integran completamente ambas extensiones, incluyendo la suspensión de la ejecución de objetivos siempre que sea necesario, la implementación de inclusión (subsumption) de respuestas, etc., en todos los puntos en los que sea necesario para evitar recomputaciones y garantizar la terminación cuando sea posible, no han proporcionan una interfaz simple, bien documentada y fácil de entender. Esta interfaz es necesaria para permitir integrar resolutores de CLP arbitrarios en el sistema de tabulación. Esto claramente dificulta un uso más generalizado de la integración de ambas extensiones. En esta tesis examinamos los requisitos que un resolutor de restricciones debe cumplir para ser integrado con un sistema de tabulación. Proponemos un esquema (y su implementación), que hemos llamadoMod TCLP, que requiere un reducido conjunto de operaciones (en particular, y entre otras, entailment y proyección de almacenes de restricciones) que el resolutor de restricciones debe ofrecer al sistema de tabulación. Hemos validado el diseño de Mod TCLP con una serie de casos de uso: la refactorización de un sistema de restricciones (difference constraints) previamente conectado de un modo ad-hoc con la tabulación de Ciao Prolog; la integración del sistema de restricciones CLP(Q) de Holzbauer; y la implementación de un resolutor de restricciones sobre retículos finitos. Hemos evaluado su rendimiento con varios programas de prueba, incluyendo la implementación de un intérprete abstracto que alcanza su punto fijo mediante el sistema de tabulación y en el que las operaciones en el dominio son realizadas por el resolutor de restricciones sobre retículos (finitos) donde TCLP evita la recomputación de valores abstractos de las variables ya contenidos en llamadas anteriores.


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Las patologías de la voz se han transformado en los últimos tiempos en una problemática social con cierto calado. La contaminación de las ciudades, hábitos como el de fumar, el uso de aparatos de aire acondicionado, etcétera, contribuyen a ello. Esto alcanza más relevancia en profesionales que utilizan su voz de manera frecuente, como, por ejemplo, locutores, cantantes, profesores o teleoperadores. Por todo ello resultan de especial interés las técnicas de ayuda al diagnóstico que son capaces de extraer conclusiones clínicas a partir de una muestra de la voz grabada con un micrófono, frente a otras invasivas que implican la exploración utilizando laringoscopios, fibroscopios o videoendoscopios, técnicas en cualquier caso mucho más molestas para los pacientes al exigir la introducción parcial del instrumental citado por la garganta, en actuaciones consideradas de tipo quirúrgico. Dentro de aquellas técnicas se ha avanzado mucho en un período de tiempo relativamente corto. En lo que se refiere al diagnóstico de patologías, hemos pasado en los últimos quince años de trabajar principalmente con parámetros extraídos de la señal de voz –tanto en el dominio del tiempo como en el de la frecuencia– y con escalas elaboradas con valoraciones subjetivas realizadas por expertos a hacerlo también con parámetros procedentes de estimaciones de la fuente glótica. La importancia de utilizar la fuente glótica reside, a grandes rasgos, en que se trata de una señal vinculada directamente al estado de la estructura laríngea del locutor y también en que está generalmente menos influida por el tracto vocal que la señal de voz. Es conocido que el tracto vocal guarda más relación con el mensaje hablado, y su presencia dificulta el proceso de detección de patología vocal. Estas estimaciones de la fuente glótica han sido obtenidas a través de técnicas de filtrado inverso desarrolladas por nuestro grupo de investigación. Hemos conseguido, además, profundizar en la naturaleza de la señal glótica: somos capaces de descomponerla y relacionarla con parámetros biomecánicos de los propios pliegues vocales, obteniendo estimaciones de elementos como la masa, la pérdida de energía o la elasticidad del cuerpo y de la cubierta del pliegue, entre otros. De las componentes de la fuente glótica surgen también los denominados parámetros biométricos, relacionados con la forma de la señal, que constituyen por sí mismos una firma biométrica del individuo. También trabajaremos con parámetros temporales, relacionados con las diferentes etapas que se observan dentro de la señal glótica durante un ciclo de fonación. Por último, consideraremos parámetros clásicos de perturbación y energía de la señal. En definitiva, contamos ahora con una considerable cantidad de parámetros glóticos que conforman una base estadística multidimensional, destinada a ser capaz de discriminar personas con voces patológicas o disfónicas de aquellas que no presentan patología en la voz o con voces sanas o normofónicas. Esta tesis doctoral se ocupa de varias cuestiones: en primer lugar, es necesario analizar cuidadosamente estos nuevos parámetros, por lo que ofreceremos una completa descripción estadística de los mismos. También estudiaremos cuestiones como la distribución de los parámetros atendiendo a criterios como el de normalidad estadística de los mismos, ocupándonos especialmente de la diferencia entre las distribuciones que presentan sujetos sanos y sujetos con patología vocal. Para todo ello emplearemos diferentes técnicas estadísticas: generación de elementos y diagramas descriptivos, pruebas de normalidad y diversos contrastes de hipótesis, tanto paramétricos como no paramétricos, que considerarán la diferencia entre los grupos de personas sanas y los grupos de personas con alguna patología relacionada con la voz. Además, nos interesa encontrar relaciones estadísticas entre los parámetros, de cara a eliminar posibles redundancias presentes en el modelo, a reducir la dimensionalidad del problema y a establecer un criterio de importancia relativa en los parámetros en cuanto a su capacidad discriminante para el criterio patológico/sano. Para ello se aplicarán técnicas estadísticas como la Correlación Lineal Bivariada y el Análisis Factorial basado en Componentes Principales. Por último, utilizaremos la conocida técnica de clasificación Análisis Discriminante, aplicada a diferentes combinaciones de parámetros y de factores, para determinar cuáles de ellas son las que ofrecen tasas de acierto más prometedoras. Para llevar a cabo la experimentación se ha utilizado una base de datos equilibrada y robusta formada por doscientos sujetos, cien de ellos pertenecientes al género femenino y los restantes cien al género masculino, con una proporción también equilibrada entre los sujetos que presentan patología vocal y aquellos que no la presentan. Una de las aplicaciones informáticas diseñada para llevar a cabo la recogida de muestras también es presentada en esta tesis. Los distintos estudios estadísticos realizados nos permitirán identificar aquellos parámetros que tienen una mayor contribución a la hora de detectar la presencia de patología vocal. Alguno de los estudios, además, nos permitirá presentar una ordenación de los parámetros en base a su importancia para realizar la detección. Por otra parte, también concluiremos que en ocasiones es conveniente realizar una reducción de la dimensionalidad de los parámetros para mejorar las tasas de detección. Por fin, las propias tasas de detección constituyen quizá la conclusión más importante del trabajo. Todos los análisis presentes en el trabajo serán realizados para cada uno de los dos géneros, de acuerdo con diversos estudios previos que demuestran que los géneros masculino y femenino deben tratarse de forma independiente debido a las diferencias orgánicas observadas entre ambos. Sin embargo, en lo referente a la detección de patología vocal contemplaremos también la posibilidad de trabajar con la base de datos unificada, comprobando que las tasas de acierto son también elevadas. Abstract Voice pathologies have become recently in a social problem that has reached a certain concern. Pollution in cities, smoking habits, air conditioning, etc. contributes to it. This problem is more relevant for professionals who use their voice frequently: speakers, singers, teachers, actors, telemarketers, etc. Therefore techniques that are capable of drawing conclusions from a sample of the recorded voice are of particular interest for the diagnosis as opposed to other invasive ones, involving exploration by laryngoscopes, fiber scopes or video endoscopes, which are techniques much less comfortable for patients. Voice quality analysis has come a long way in a relatively short period of time. In regard to the diagnosis of diseases, we have gone in the last fifteen years from working primarily with parameters extracted from the voice signal (both in time and frequency domains) and with scales drawn from subjective assessments by experts to produce more accurate evaluations with estimates derived from the glottal source. The importance of using the glottal source resides broadly in that this signal is linked to the state of the speaker's laryngeal structure. Unlike the voice signal (phonated speech) the glottal source, if conveniently reconstructed using adaptive lattices, may be less influenced by the vocal tract. As it is well known the vocal tract is related to the articulation of the spoken message and its influence complicates the process of voice pathology detection, unlike when using the reconstructed glottal source, where vocal tract influence has been almost completely removed. The estimates of the glottal source have been obtained through inverse filtering techniques developed by our research group. We have also deepened into the nature of the glottal signal, dissecting it and relating it to the biomechanical parameters of the vocal folds, obtaining several estimates of items such as mass, loss or elasticity of cover and body of the vocal fold, among others. From the components of the glottal source also arise the so-called biometric parameters, related to the shape of the signal, which are themselves a biometric signature of the individual. We will also work with temporal parameters related to the different stages that are observed in the glottal signal during a cycle of phonation. Finally, we will take into consideration classical perturbation and energy parameters. In short, we have now a considerable amount of glottal parameters in a multidimensional statistical basis, designed to be able to discriminate people with pathologic or dysphonic voices from those who do not show pathology. This thesis addresses several issues: first, a careful analysis of these new parameters is required, so we will offer a complete statistical description of them. We will also discuss issues such as distribution of the parameters, considering criteria such as their statistical normality. We will take special care in the analysis of the difference between distributions from healthy subjects and the distributions from pathological subjects. To reach these goals we will use different statistical techniques such as: generation of descriptive items and diagramas, tests for normality and hypothesis testing, both parametric and nonparametric. These latter techniques consider the difference between the groups of healthy subjects and groups of people with an illness related to voice. In addition, we are interested in finding statistical relationships between parameters. There are various reasons behind that: eliminate possible redundancies in the model, reduce the dimensionality of the problem and establish a criterion of relative importance in the parameters. The latter reason will be done in terms of discriminatory power for the criterion pathological/healthy. To this end, statistical techniques such as Bivariate Linear Correlation and Factor Analysis based on Principal Components will be applied. Finally, we will use the well-known technique of Discriminant Analysis classification applied to different combinations of parameters and factors to determine which of these combinations offers more promising success rates. To perform the experiments we have used a balanced and robust database, consisting of two hundred speakers, one hundred of them males and one hundred females. We have also used a well-balanced proportion where subjects with vocal pathology as well as subjects who don´t have a vocal pathology are equally represented. A computer application designed to carry out the collection of samples is also presented in this thesis. The different statistical analyses performed will allow us to determine which parameters contribute in a more decisive way in the detection of vocal pathology. Therefore, some of the analyses will even allow us to present a ranking of the parameters based on their importance for the detection of vocal pathology. On the other hand, we will also conclude that it is sometimes desirable to perform a dimensionality reduction in order to improve the detection rates. Finally, detection rates themselves are perhaps the most important conclusion of the work. All the analyses presented in this work have been performed for each of the two genders in agreement with previous studies showing that male and female genders should be treated independently, due to the observed functional differences between them. However, with regard to the detection of vocal pathology we will consider the possibility of working with the unified database, ensuring that the success rates obtained are also high.


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El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de métodos de síntesis de diagramas de radiación de agrupaciones de antenas, en donde se realiza una caracterización electromagnética rigurosa de los elementos radiantes y de los acoplos mutuos existentes. Esta caracterización no se realiza habitualmente en la gran mayoría de métodos de síntesis encontrados en la literatura, debido fundamentalmente a dos razones. Por un lado, se considera que el diagrama de radiación de un array de antenas se puede aproximar con el factor de array que únicamente tiene en cuenta la posición de los elementos y las excitaciones aplicadas a los mismos. Sin embargo, como se mostrará en esta tesis, en múltiples ocasiones un riguroso análisis de los elementos radiantes y del acoplo mutuo entre ellos es importante ya que los resultados obtenidos pueden ser notablemente diferentes. Por otro lado, no es sencillo combinar un método de análisis electromagnético con un proceso de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. Los métodos de análisis de agrupaciones de antenas suelen ser costosos computacionalmente, ya que son estructuras grandes en términos de longitudes de onda. Generalmente, un diseño de un problema electromagnético suele comprender varios análisis de la estructura, dependiendo de las variaciones de las características, lo que hace este proceso muy costoso. Dos métodos se utilizan en esta tesis para el análisis de los arrays acoplados. Ambos están basados en el método de los elementos finitos, la descomposición de dominio y el análisis modal para analizar la estructura radiante y han sido desarrollados en el grupo de investigación donde se engloba esta tesis. El primero de ellos es una técnica de análisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximación de array infinito. Su uso es indicado para arrays planos de grandes dimensiones con elementos equiespaciados. El segundo caracteriza el array y el acoplo mutuo entre elementos a partir de una expansión en modos esféricos del campo radiado por cada uno de los elementos. Este método calcula los acoplos entre los diferentes elementos del array usando las propiedades de traslación y rotación de los modos esféricos. Es capaz de analizar agrupaciones de elementos distribuidos de forma arbitraria. Ambas técnicas utilizan una formulación matricial que caracteriza de forma rigurosa el campo radiado por el array. Esto las hace muy apropiadas para su posterior uso en una herramienta de diseño, como los métodos de síntesis desarrollados en esta tesis. Los resultados obtenidos por estas técnicas de síntesis, que incluyen métodos rigurosos de análisis, son consecuentemente más precisos. La síntesis de arrays consiste en modificar uno o varios parámetros de las agrupaciones de antenas buscando unas determinadas especificaciones de las características de radiación. Los parámetros utilizados como variables de optimización pueden ser varios. Los más utilizados son las excitaciones aplicadas a los elementos, pero también es posible modificar otros parámetros de diseño como son las posiciones de los elementos o las rotaciones de estos. Los objetivos de las síntesis pueden ser dirigir el haz o haces en una determinada dirección o conformar el haz con formas arbitrarias. Además, es posible minimizar el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios o del rizado en las regiones deseadas, imponer nulos que evitan posibles interferencias o reducir el nivel de la componente contrapolar. El método para el análisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximación de array infinito considera un array finito como un array infinito con un número finito de elementos excitados. Los elementos no excitados están físicamente presentes y pueden presentar tres diferentes terminaciones, corto-circuito, circuito abierto y adaptados. Cada una de estas terminaciones simulará mejor el entorno real en el que el array se encuentre. Este método de análisis se integra en la tesis con dos métodos diferentes de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. En el primero de ellos se presenta un método basado en programación lineal en donde es posible dirigir el haz o haces, en la dirección deseada, además de ejercer un control sobre los lóbulos secundarios o imponer nulos. Este método es muy eficiente y obtiene soluciones óptimas. El mismo método de análisis es también aplicado a un método de conformación de haz, en donde un problema originalmente no convexo (y de difícil solución) es transformado en un problema convexo imponiendo restricciones de simetría, resolviendo de este modo eficientemente un problema complejo. Con este método es posible diseñar diagramas de radiación con haces de forma arbitraria, ejerciendo un control en el rizado del lóbulo principal, así como en el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios. El método de análisis de arrays basado en la expansión en modos esféricos se integra en la tesis con tres técnicas de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. Se propone inicialmente una síntesis de conformación del haz basado en el método de la recuperación de fase resuelta de forma iterativa mediante métodos convexos, en donde relajando las restricciones del problema original se consiguen unas soluciones cercanas a las óptimas de manera eficiente. Dos métodos de síntesis se han propuesto, donde las variables de optimización son las posiciones y las rotaciones de los elementos respectivamente. Se define una función de coste basada en la intensidad de radiación, la cual es minimizada de forma iterativa con el método del gradiente. Ambos métodos reducen el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios minimizando una función de coste. El gradiente de la función de coste es obtenido en términos de la variable de optimización en cada método. Esta función de coste está formada por la expresión rigurosa de la intensidad de radiación y por una función de peso definida por el usuario para imponer prioridades sobre las diferentes regiones de radiación, si así se desea. Por último, se presenta un método en el cual, mediante técnicas de programación entera, se buscan las fases discretas que generan un diagrama de radiación lo más cercano posible al deseado. Con este método se obtienen diseños que minimizan el coste de fabricación. En cada uno de las diferentes técnicas propuestas en la tesis, se presentan resultados con elementos reales que muestran las capacidades y posibilidades que los métodos ofrecen. Se comparan los resultados con otros métodos disponibles en la literatura. Se muestra la importancia de tener en cuenta los diagramas de los elementos reales y los acoplos mutuos en el proceso de síntesis y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con herramientas de software comerciales. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of optimization methods for the radiation pattern synthesis of array antennas in which a rigorous electromagnetic characterization of the radiators and the mutual coupling between them is performed. The electromagnetic characterization is usually overlooked in most of the available synthesis methods in the literature, this is mainly due to two reasons. On the one hand, it is argued that the radiation pattern of an array is mainly influenced by the array factor and that the mutual coupling plays a minor role. As it is shown in this thesis, the mutual coupling and the rigorous characterization of the array antenna influences significantly in the array performance and its computation leads to differences in the results obtained. On the other hand, it is difficult to introduce an analysis procedure into a synthesis technique. The analysis of array antennas is generally expensive computationally as the structure to analyze is large in terms of wavelengths. A synthesis method requires to carry out a large number of analysis, this makes the synthesis problem very expensive computationally or intractable in some cases. Two methods have been used in this thesis for the analysis of coupled antenna arrays, both of them have been developed in the research group in which this thesis is involved. They are based on the finite element method (FEM), the domain decomposition and the modal analysis. The first one obtains a finite array characterization with the results obtained from the infinite array approach. It is specially indicated for the analysis of large arrays with equispaced elements. The second one characterizes the array elements and the mutual coupling between them with a spherical wave expansion of the radiated field by each element. The mutual coupling is computed using the properties of translation and rotation of spherical waves. This method is able to analyze arrays with elements placed on an arbitrary distribution. Both techniques provide a matrix formulation that makes them very suitable for being integrated in synthesis techniques, the results obtained from these synthesis methods will be very accurate. The array synthesis stands for the modification of one or several array parameters looking for some desired specifications of the radiation pattern. The array parameters used as optimization variables are usually the excitation weights applied to the array elements, but some other array characteristics can be used as well, such as the array elements positions or rotations. The desired specifications may be to steer the beam towards any specific direction or to generate shaped beams with arbitrary geometry. Further characteristics can be handled as well, such as minimize the side lobe level in some other radiating regions, to minimize the ripple of the shaped beam, to take control over the cross-polar component or to impose nulls on the radiation pattern to avoid possible interferences from specific directions. The analysis method based on the infinite array approach considers an infinite array with a finite number of excited elements. The infinite non-excited elements are physically present and may have three different terminations, short-circuit, open circuit and match terminated. Each of this terminations is a better simulation for the real environment of the array. This method is used in this thesis for the development of two synthesis methods. In the first one, a multi-objective radiation pattern synthesis is presented, in which it is possible to steer the beam or beams in desired directions, minimizing the side lobe level and with the possibility of imposing nulls in the radiation pattern. This method is very efficient and obtains optimal solutions as it is based on convex programming. The same analysis method is used in a shaped beam technique in which an originally non-convex problem is transformed into a convex one applying symmetry restrictions, thus solving a complex problem in an efficient way. This method allows the synthesis of shaped beam radiation patterns controlling the ripple in the mainlobe and the side lobe level. The analysis method based on the spherical wave expansion is applied for different synthesis techniques of the radiation pattern of coupled arrays. A shaped beam synthesis is presented, in which a convex formulation is proposed based on the phase retrieval method. In this technique, an originally non-convex problem is solved using a relaxation and solving a convex problems iteratively. Two methods are proposed based on the gradient method. A cost function is defined involving the radiation intensity of the coupled array and a weighting function that provides more degrees of freedom to the designer. The gradient of the cost function is computed with respect to the positions in one of them and the rotations of the elements in the second one. The elements are moved or rotated iteratively following the results of the gradient. A highly non-convex problem is solved very efficiently, obtaining very good results that are dependent on the starting point. Finally, an optimization method is presented where discrete digital phases are synthesized providing a radiation pattern as close as possible to the desired one. The problem is solved using linear integer programming procedures obtaining array designs that greatly reduce the fabrication costs. Results are provided for every method showing the capabilities that the above mentioned methods offer. The results obtained are compared with available methods in the literature. The importance of introducing a rigorous analysis into the synthesis method is emphasized and the results obtained are compared with a commercial software, showing good agreement.


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The rural population is getting smaller as percentage of the total population in the countries. There is a constant depopulation of rural areas to urban areas. The most extreme data are in countries like USA, where the rural population is 1.5%, from which 1% of that amount is part time and only 0.5% full time. On the other side, we have countries with more than 50% rural population. Related to training, cultural development, business and specific weight in society, rural residents have no significance in their societies. As they are few, and separated across the territory they have no influence on their societies. Comparing the USA farmer with one from the EU, we see that the American one is a businessperson and the European one, in most cases is a farm worker. To reduce this gap between these different farmers, we believe that we must train the new generations of children belonging to farming Europe. They must have a common language, English; they must know other countries culture and farming systems, live and network with other young Europeans colleagues,future young farmers. It is what we have coined as AGRO-ERASMUS. A project to be placed within the EU Common Agriculture Policies. The project must be designed before its implementation. Even some previous experience should make better viability. It should make use of a network of agricultural universities in several European countries. Each university would build a "farm school" where young people would learn "English?, and visit and work in small agricultural practices with a correct use of the time. One important subject dealing with should be agribusiness. The procedure based on the ?Farm School? (F-S) experience, should start with young people from 13 years up to 18 years. Their attendance, every summer, to the F-S should be rotated between different countries besides their own. The first and second year, with young people 13/14 years old, the Farm School would last less than three weeks in an English speaking country (Ireland, UK or someone else). They should live with a local family the time they stay outside of the Farm School (F-S). This two years period must be devoted to learn and become familiar with the English language and cultural differences. The rest of the four years left, the Farm Schools will have longer duration and be placed in other countries from the network. The living way would be in multinational teams of young people where the only spoken language would be English. After six years of summer oexistence speaking English and learning new competences and skills with colleagues from other countries, we would have a great team of young and future European farmers, able to travel free and confident through the whole Europe and ready to be engaged in productive, commercial and research activities. These new young farmers may revive European agriculture and would not look any more like rural habitants, but international business-farmers, professionally speaking. In a brief survey among the assistants to the Fifth International Academic Conference titled "Alternative Income Sources in Small Agricultural Holdings of the European Union" held in Krakow (PL) in June 2015, participants from universities and countries like Poland, Hungary, Rep. Czech, Portugal, Romania, etc., expressed the necessity of addressing this problem in a new and bold way.


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βarrestins mediate the desensitization of the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) and many other G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Additionally, βarrestins initiate the endocytosis of these receptors via clathrin coated-pits and interact directly with clathrin. Consequently, it has been proposed that βarrestins serve as clathrin adaptors for the GPCR family by linking these receptors to clathrin lattices. AP-2, the heterotetrameric clathrin adaptor protein, has been demonstrated to mediate the internalization of many types of plasma membrane proteins other than GPCRs. AP-2 interacts with the clathrin heavy chain and cytoplasmic domains of receptors such as those for epidermal growth factor and transferrin. In the present study we demonstrate the formation of an agonist-induced multimeric complex containing a GPCR, βarrestin 2, and the β2-adaptin subunit of AP-2. β2-Adaptin binds βarrestin 2 in a yeast two-hybrid assay and coimmunoprecipitates with βarrestins and β2AR in an agonist-dependent manner in HEK-293 cells. Moreover, β2-adaptin translocates from the cytosol to the plasma membrane in response to the β2AR agonist isoproterenol and colocalizes with β2AR in clathrin-coated pits. Finally, expression of βarrestin 2 minigene constructs containing the β2-adaptin interacting region inhibits β2AR endocytosis. These findings point to a role for AP-2 in GPCR endocytosis, and they suggest that AP-2 functions as a clathrin adaptor for the endocytosis of diverse classes of membrane receptors.


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Surmises of how myosin subfragment 1 (S1) interacts with actin filaments in muscle contraction rest upon knowing the relative arrangement of the two proteins. Although there exist crystallographic structures for both S1 and actin, as well as electron microscopy data for the acto–S1 complex (AS1), modeling of this arrangement has so far only been done “by eye.” Here we report fitted AS1 structures obtained using a quantitative method that is both more objective and makes more complete use of the data. Using undistorted crystallographic results, the best-fit AS1 structure shows significant differences from that obtained by visual fitting. The best fit is produced using the F-actin model of Holmes et al. [Holmes, K. C., Popp, D., Gebhard, W. & Kabsch, W. (1990) Nature (London) 347, 44–49]. S1 residues at the AS1 interface are now found at a higher radius as well as being translated axially and rotated azimuthally. Fits using S1 plus loops missing from the crystal structure were achieved using a homology search method to predict loop structures. These improved fits favor an arrangement in which the loop at the 50- to 20-kDa domain junction of S1 is located near the N terminus of actin. Rigid-body movements of the lower 50-kDa domain, which further improve the fit, produce closure of the large 50-kDa domain cleft and bring conserved residues in the lower 50-kDa domain into an apparently appropriate orientation for close interaction with actin. This finding supports the idea that binding of ATP to AS1 at the end of the ATPase cycle disrupts the actin binding site by changing the conformation of the 50-kDa cleft of S1.


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We report the crystal structures of the copper and nickel complexes of RNase A. The overall topology of these two complexes is similar to that of other RNase A structures. However, there are significant differences in the mode of binding of copper and nickel. There are two copper ions per molecule of the protein, but there is only one nickel ion per molecule of the protein. Significant changes occur in the interprotein interactions as a result of differences in the coordinating groups at the common binding site around His-105. Consequently, the copper- and nickel-ion-bound dimers of RNase A act as nucleation sites for generating different crystal lattices for the two complexes. A second copper ion is present at an active site residue His-119 for which all the ligands are from one molecule of the protein. At this second site, His-119 adopts an inactive conformation (B) induced by the copper. We have identified a novel copper binding motif involving the α-amino group and the N-terminal residues.


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Rhinoviruses are a frequent cause of the common cold. A series of antirhinoviral compounds have been developed that bind into a hydrophobic pocket in the viral capsid, stabilizing the capsid and interfering with cell attachment. The structures of a variety of such compounds, complexed with rhinovirus serotypes 14, 16, 1A, and 3, previously have been examined. Three chemically similar compounds, closely related to a drug that is undergoing phase III clinical trials, were chosen to determine the structural impact of the heteroatoms in one of the three rings. The compounds were found to have binding modes that depend on their electronic distribution. In the compound with the lowest efficacy, the terminal ring is displaced by 1 Å and rotated by 180° relative to the structure of the other two. The greater polarity of the terminal ring in one of the three compounds leads to a small displacement of its position relative to the other compounds in the hydrophobic end of the antiviral compound binding pocket to a site where it makes fewer interactions. Its lower efficacy is likely to be the result of the reduced number of interactions. A region of conserved residues has been identified near the entrance to the binding pocket where there is a corresponding conservation of the mode of binding of these compounds to different serotypes. Thus, variations in residues lining the more hydrophobic end of the pocket are primarily responsible for the differences in drug efficacies.


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Stress fibers were isolated from cultured human foreskin fibroblasts and bovine endothelial cells, and their contraction was demonstrated in vitro. Cells in culture dishes were first treated with a low-ionic-strength extraction solution and then further extracted using detergents. With gentle washes by pipetting, the nucleus and the apical part of cells were removed. The material on the culture dish was scraped, and the freed material was forced through a hypodermic needle and fractionated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Isolated, free-floating stress fibers stained brightly with fluorescently labeled phalloidin. When stained with anti-α-actinin or anti-myosin, isolated stress fibers showed banded staining patterns. By electron microscopy, they consisted of bundles of microfilaments, and electron-dense areas were associated with them in a semiperiodic manner. By negative staining, isolated stress fibers often exhibited gentle twisting of microfilament bundles. Focal adhesion–associated proteins were also detected in the isolated stress fiber by both immunocytochemical and biochemical means. In the presence of Mg-ATP, isolated stress fibers shortened, on the average, to 23% of the initial length. The maximum velocity of shortening was several micrometers per second. Polystyrene beads on shortening isolated stress fibers rotated, indicating spiral contraction of stress fibers. Myosin regulatory light chain phosphorylation was detected in contracting stress fibers, and a myosin light chain kinase inhibitor, KT5926, inhibited isolated stress fiber contraction. Our study demonstrates that stress fibers can be isolated with no apparent loss of morphological features and that they are truly contractile organelle.


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Haptokinetic cell migration across surfaces is mediated by adhesion receptors including β1 integrins and CD44 providing adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) ligands such as collagen and hyaluronan (HA), respectively. Little is known, however, about how such different receptor systems synergize for cell migration through three-dimensionally (3-D) interconnected ECM ligands. In highly motile human MV3 melanoma cells, both β1 integrins and CD44 are abundantly expressed, support migration across collagen and HA, respectively, and are deposited upon migration, whereas only β1 integrins but not CD44 redistribute to focal adhesions. In 3-D collagen lattices in the presence or absence of HA and cross-linking chondroitin sulfate, MV3 cell migration and associated functions such as polarization and matrix reorganization were blocked by anti-β1 and anti-α2 integrin mAbs, whereas mAbs blocking CD44, α3, α5, α6, or αv integrins showed no effect. With use of highly sensitive time-lapse videomicroscopy and computer-assisted cell tracking techniques, promigratory functions of CD44 were excluded. 1) Addition of HA did not increase the migratory cell population or its migration velocity, 2) blocking of the HA-binding Hermes-1 epitope did not affect migration, and 3) impaired migration after blocking or activation of β1 integrins was not restored via CD44. Because α2β1-mediated migration was neither synergized nor replaced by CD44–HA interactions, we conclude that the biophysical properties of 3-D multicomponent ECM impose more restricted molecular functions of adhesion receptors, thereby differing from haptokinetic migration across surfaces.