982 resultados para Rosenblatt Landa, Esther , 1912-
El presente trabajo intenta constituir un primer intento de sistematización de algunos antecedentes sobre las creaciones de las propuestas formativas de profesores de educación física en Argentina entre 1912 y 2014. Para ello, a partir del trabajo con diferentes fuentes primarias y secundarias, se desarrollará el devenir de la creación de las distintas propuestas formativas en el ámbito civil en: el ámbito del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, las Universidades Naciones y los Ministerios de Educación Provinciales. Para ello se inscribirá tales actos, en las tramas locales y de los lineamientos políticos-educativos nacionales y provinciales. Buscando sentar algunas bases para futuros análisis
While coaching and customer involvement can enhance the improvement of health and social care, many organizations struggle to develop their improvement capability; it is unclear how best to accomplish this. We examined one attempt at training improvement coaches. The program, set in the Esther Network for integrated care in rural Jonkoping County, Sweden, included eight 1-day sessions spanning 7 months in 2011. A senior citizen joined the faculty in all training sessions. Aiming to discern which elements in the program were essential for assuming the role of improvement coach, we used a case-study design with a qualitative approach. Our focus group interviews included 17 informants: 11 coaches, 3 faculty members, and 3 senior citizens. We performed manifest content analysis of the interview data. Creating will, ideas, execution, and sustainability emerged as crucial elements. These elements were promoted by customer focusembodied by the senior citizen trainershared values and a solution-focused approach, by the supportive coach network and by participants' expanded systems understanding. These elements emerged as more important than specific improvement tools and are worth considering also elsewhere when seeking to develop improvement capability in health and social care organizations.
Los excluídos durante el Porfiriato encontraron en los comicios realizados dentro de la coyuntura política del maderismo, una plataforma de acción
El estudio procura desvelar la función de El pájaro azul (traducción de Roberto Brenes Mesén) dentro del contexto histórico en que surge. Tras describir y analizar las especificidades ideológicas, sociales y literarias de contexto, individuos y textos involucrados, se concluye que la traducción pudo haber funcionado como un instrumento para promover cambios ideológicos, sociales y estéticos dentro de la sociedad costarricense de principios del siglo veinte.This study seeks to describe the role of El pájaro azul (translated by Roberto Brenes Mesén) when it first appeared in Costa Rica in 1912. A description is provided of the ideological, social and literary features present in the context, and of the agents and texts involved in the production of El pájaro azul. The analysis of these features makes it possible to state that the text is likely to have been an instrument used to promote ideological, social and aesthetic changes within the 20th century Costa Rican society.
Encontrar a la madre es, aparte de una aspiración del feminismo de la diferencia, la piedra angular de la escritura regresiva de Esther Tusquets Guillén. Una búsqueda afectiva que le sitúa, junto a su progenitora, en el centro de todas sus ficciones. Esta característica, denominada por la crítica como autoficcionalización, ofrece el marco analítico de esta investigación que se propone buscar en su narrativa los pilares de su motivación. A partir de esta premisa abductiva se analiza, con especial atención, el binomio espacio-tiempo. Su eminente discursividad dio pie a localizar, como si del ombligo del sueño freudiano se tratase, las fisuras metonímicas y metafóricas por las que acceder al inconsciente de la autora. Éste, visto y estructurado como un lenguaje gracias a Lacan, pudo ser analizado a través del Edipo freudiano y del estadio del espejo lacaniano; permitiendo localizar el origen del trauma materno-filial entre los ocho y los doce meses de edad. Cuando la escritora no recibió, en términos de la psicología del desarrollo, la mirada subjetivante de su madre. Un afecto que nunca obtuvo y que le marcó de por vida. Su escritura es el resultado de esa frustración.
Resumen Analizar los diversos mecanismos de intervención empleados por las compañías bananeras para ejercer presión e intervenir en la vida política en Costa Rica y Honduras, durante la primera década del siglo XX. Abstract Analyses the diverse mechanisms of intervention used by the banana companies to exert pressure and to interfere in the political live in Costa Rica and Honduras during the first decades of the 20 th century.
ResumenSelección de 15 documentos sobre las tipógrafas josefinas, que salieron a la luz en los periódicos La Prensa Libre y El Día, entre 1903 y 1912.AbstractA selection of 15 documents on typographers in San Jose, published in La Prensa Libre and El Dia, in 1903 and 1912.
Sylvia Orthof (1932-1997) consagrou-se como uma das mais importantes escritoras da literatura infantil brasileira. Entre suas temáticas recorrentes, os animais não humanos figuram em profusão, assim sendo, este estudo objetiva verificar a destacada presença dos gatos na obra da autora arrolada, e mais especificamente os bichanos não domésticos vivenciando momentos de especial cumplicidade com outros seres não humanos. Para tanto, realiza a análise dos seguintes textos zooliterários - o conto de animais História engatada e da fábula poética Gato pra cá, rato pra lá. As formulações críticas e teóricas, nomeadamente, de Jacques Derrida (2011) e (2003), Nelly Novaes Coelho (1991) e Fanny Abramovich (1999) fundamentam a leitura.
The ability to accurately predict the lifetime of building components is crucial to optimizing building design, material selection and scheduling of required maintenance. This paper discusses a number of possible data mining methods that can be applied to do the lifetime prediction of metallic components and how different sources of service life information could be integrated to form the basis of the lifetime prediction model
Real-World Data Mining Applications generally do not end up with the creation of the models. The use of the model is the final purpose especially in prediction tasks. The problem arises when the model is built based on much more information than that the user can provide in using the model. As a result, the performance of model reduces drastically due to many missing attributes values. This paper develops a new learning system framework, called as User Query Based Learning System (UQBLS), for building data mining models best suitable for users use. We demonstrate its deployment in a real-world application of the lifetime prediction of metallic components in buildings
This paper deals with the problem of using the data mining models in a real-world situation where the user can not provide all the inputs with which the predictive model is built. A learning system framework, Query Based Learning System (QBLS), is developed for improving the performance of the predictive models in practice where not all inputs are available for querying to the system. The automatic feature selection algorithm called Query Based Feature Selection (QBFS) is developed for selecting features to obtain a balance between the relative minimum subset of features and the relative maximum classification accuracy. Performance of the QBLS system and the QBFS algorithm is successfully demonstrated with a real-world application
Developing a best practice framework for implementing public private partnerships (PPP) in Hong Kong
Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a well established methodology for procuring public works projects. By incorporating the private sector’s expertise, efficiency, innovation, business sense, risk sharing, financing etc. into public works projects, the quality of public services and facilities can be uplifted. Like many jurisdictions, Hong Kong is also keen to take aboard this methodology which is so familiar but yet so distant. Although they have been one of the first jurisdictions to utilise the private sector in public works projects, their comfortable financial reserves has meant that there has been no urge to push the movement until recently. PPP has become increasingly popular amongst governments. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government is no exception. Some of the more active works departments have commissioned studies to investigate the best ways to deliver these projects, others have even trialed the method themselves. The efficiency Unit of the HKSAR government has also become an active arm in conducting research in this area. Although so, the information that is currently available is still very broad. Building from their works there is a need to develop a best practice framework for implementing PPP projects in Hong Kong by incorporating international experiences. To develop a best practice framework will require thorough investigation into the benefits, difficulties and critical success factor of PPP. PPP should also be compared with other procurement methods. In order to do so it is important to clearly understand the local situation by an analysis of projects conducted to date. Lessons learnt can further be derived from other countries and incorporated to those derived locally. Finally the best conditions in terms of project nature, complexity, types, and scales for adopting PPP should be derived. The aim and objectives of this study were achieved via a comprehensive literature review, in-depth case analyses, interview survey with experts from both Hong Kong and overseas, and finally a large scale data collection was conducted via a questionnaire survey with PPP practitioners. These findings were further triangulated before they were used as the basis to form the best practice framework presented in this thesis. The framework was then further validated by PPP experts to ensure it is comprehensive, objective, reliable and practical. This study has presented a methodology that can be adopted for future studies. It has also updated our knowledge on the development trends of PPP as well as opened up the experiences of other jurisdictions. The findings have shown that the local industry is familiar with “what” should be done in PPP projects but they are unsure of “how” these goals can be achieved. This framework has allowed this further knowledge to be delivered to PPP practitioners. As a result, the development of this framework can help to resolve the current economic crisis by encouraging more developments and business opportunities for the private sector. In addition, the correct projects can be delivered by PPP, the advantages of PPP can be maximised, and the general public can benefit from the private sector’s participation.
Abstract: Purpose – Several major infrastructure projects in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) have been delivered by the build-operate-transfer (BOT) model since the 1960s. Although the benefits of using BOT have been reported abundantly in the contemporary literature, some BOT projects were less successful than the others. This paper aims to find out why this is so and to explore whether BOT is the best financing model to procure major infrastructure projects. Design/methodology/approach – The benefits of BOT will first be reviewed. Some completed BOT projects in Hong Kong will be examined to ascertain how far the perceived benefits of BOT have been materialized in these projects. A highly profiled project, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, which has long been promoted by the governments of the People's Republic of China, Macau Special Administrative Region and the HKSAR that BOT is the preferred financing model, but suddenly reverted back to the traditional financing model to be funded primarily by the three governments with public money instead, will be studied to explore the true value of the BOT financial model. Findings – Six main reasons for this radical change are derived from the analysis: shorter take-off time for the project; difference in legal systems causing difficulties in drafting BOT agreements; more government control on tolls; private sector uninterested due to unattractive economic package; avoid allegation of collusion between business and the governments; and a comfortable financial reserve possessed by the host governments. Originality/value – The findings from this paper are believed to provide a better understanding to the real benefits of BOT and the governments' main decision criteria in delivering major infrastructure projects.