997 resultados para Root-formation


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This paper proposes an analysis of training courses and their connection to other biographical lines, by highlighting their evolution according to social origin and gender. The variable of having received a diploma does not fully explain the longitudinal characteristics of the courses: the social inequalities prove to be also inequalities from the point of view of the followed itinerary. The range of available trajectories as well as the possibility of deviating in order to fulfil a custom trajectory depends on the social characteristics. The training course is connected to other biographical lines, in particular the family and the profession.


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This paper presents our investigation on iterativedecoding performances of some sparse-graph codes on block-fading Rayleigh channels. The considered code ensembles are standard LDPC codes and Root-LDPC codes, first proposed in and shown to be able to attain the full transmission diversity. We study the iterative threshold performance of those codes as a function of fading gains of the transmission channel and propose a numerical approximation of the iterative threshold versus fading gains, both both LDPC and Root-LDPC codes.Also, we show analytically that, in the case of 2 fading blocks,the iterative threshold root of Root-LDPC codes is proportional to (α1 α2)1, where α1 and α2 are corresponding fading gains.From this result, the full diversity property of Root-LDPC codes immediately follows.


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Bisphosphonates are known for their strong inhibitory effect on bone resorption. Their influence on bone formation however is less clear. In this study we investigated the spatio-temporal effect of locally delivered Zoledronate on peri-implant bone formation and resorption in an ovariectomized rat femoral model. A cross-linked hyaluronic acid hydrogel was loaded with the drug and applied bilaterally in predrilled holes before inserting polymer screws. Static and dynamic bone parameters were analyzed based on in vivo microCT scans performed first weekly and then biweekly. The results showed that the locally released Zoledronate boosted bone formation rate up to 100% during the first 17 days after implantation and reduced the bone resorption rate up to 1000% later on. This shift in bone remodeling resulted in an increase in bone volume fraction (BV/TV) by 300% close to the screw and 100% further away. The double effect on bone formation and resorption indicates a great potential of Zoledronate-loaded hydrogel for enhancement of peri-implant bone volume which is directly linked to improved implant fixation.


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The paper examines the relationship between family formation (i.e., living with a partner and having children) and women’s occupational career in southern Europe (i.e., Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain). The relationship is explored by analysing the impact that different family structures and male [nvolvement in caring activities have on women’s early occupational trajectories (i.e., remaining in the same occupational status, experiencing downward or upward mobility, or withdrawing from paid work). This research shows that male involvement in caring activities does not really push women ahead in their career, but the absolute lack of male support seems to negatively affect women’s permanence in paid work. These results apply to all southern European countries except Portugal, where the absolute absence of the partners’ support in caring activities does not seem to alter women’s determination to remain in paid work. The methodology applied consists of the estimation of multinomial logit regression models and the analysis is based on eight waves (1994-2001) of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP).


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This paper lays down some theoretical framework for further research to be made on the subject of how identity of young Slovenian and Catalan users is forming within the social networking website Facebook. The author pursues his interest based on observation of how communicationand thus interaction between users is changing and how this is reflected in everyday practices. In so doing he tries to identify the connections between the individual, society and technology, asthese are more and more interwoven, and we cannot think one without the other in thecontemporary globalised world.


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The detailed geological mapping and structural study of a complete transect across the northwestern Himalaya allow to describe the tectonic evolution of the north Indian continental margin during the Tethys ocean opening and the Himalayan Orogeny. The Late Paleozoic Tethys rifting is associated with several tectonomagmatic events. In Upper Lahul and SE Zanskar, this extensional phase is recorded by Lower Carboniferous synsedimentary transtensional faults, a Lower Permian stratigraphic unconformity, a Lower Permian granitic intrusion and middle Permian basaltic extrusions (Panjal Traps). In eastern Ladakh, a Permian listric normal fault is also related to this phase. The scarcity of synsedimentary faults and the gradual increase of the Permian syn-rift sediment thickness towards the NE suggest a flexural type margin. The collision of India and Asia is characterized by a succession of contrasting orogenic phases. South of the Suture Zone, the initiation of the SW vergent Nyimaling-Tsarap Nappe corresponds to an early phase of continental underthrusting. To the S, in Lahul, an opposite underthrusting within the Indian plate is recorded by the NE vergent Tandi Syncline. This structure is associated with the newly defined Shikar Beh Nappe, now partly eroded, which is responsible for the high grade (amphibolite facies) regional metamorphism of South Lahul. The main thrusting of the Nyimaling-Tsarap Nappe followed the formation of the Shikar Beh Nappe. The Nyimaling-Tsarap Nappe developed by ductile shear of the upper part of the subducted Indian continental margin and is responsible for the progressive regional metamorphism of SE Zanskar, reaching amphibolite facies below the frontal part of the nappe, near Sarchu. In Upper Lahul, the frontal parts of the Nyimaling-Tsarap and Shikar Beh nappes are separated by a zone of low grade metamorphic rocks (pumpellyite-actinolite facies to lower greenschist facies). At high structural level, the Nyimaling-Tsarap Nappe is characterized by imbricate structures, which grade into a large ductile shear zone with depth. The related crustal shortening is about 87 km. The root zone and the frontal part of this nappe have been subsequently affected by two zones of dextral transpression and underthrusting: the Nyimaling Shear Zone and the Sarchu Shear Zone. These shear zones are interpreted as consequences of the counterclockwise rotation of the continental underthrusting direction of India relative to Asia, which occurred some 45 and 36 Ma ago, according to plate tectonic models. Later, a phase of NE vergent `'backfolding'' developed on these two zones of dextral transpression, creating isoclinal folds in SE Zanskar and more open folds in the Nyimaling Dome and in the Indus Molasse sediments. During a late stage of the Himalayan Orogeny, the frontal part of the Nyimaling-Tsarap Nappe underwent an extension of about 15 km. This phase is represented by two types of structures, responsible for the tectonic unroofing of the amphibolite facies rocks of the Sarchu area: the Sarchu high angle Normal Fault, cutting a first set of low angle normal faults, which have been created by reactivation of older thrust planes related to the Nyimaling-Tsarap Nappe.


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In this paper we portray the features of the Catalan textiles labour market in a period of technological change. Supply and demand for labour as well as a gendered view of living standards are presented. A first set of results is that labour supply adjusts to changes in labour demand trough the spread of new demographic attitudes. In this respect we imply that labour economic agents (or labour population) were able to modify the economic condition of their children. A second set of results refers to living standards and income distribution inequality. In this respect we see that unemployment and protectionism were the main sources breeding income inequality. A third set of results deals with the extreme labour market segmentation according to gender. Since women s real wages did not obey to an economic rationale we conclude that women were outside the labour market.


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A successful bone tissue engineering strategy entails producing bone-scaffold constructs with adequate mechanical properties. Apart from the mechanical properties of the scaffold itself, the forming bone inside the scaffold also adds to the strength of the construct. In this study, we investigated the role of in vivo cyclic loading on mechanical properties of a bone scaffold. We implanted PLA/β-TCP scaffolds in the distal femur of six rats, applied external cyclic loading on the right leg, and kept the left leg as a control. We monitored bone formation at 7 time points over 35 weeks using time-lapsed micro-computed tomography (CT) imaging. The images were then used to construct micro-finite element models of bone-scaffold constructs, with which we estimated the stiffness for each sample at all time points. We found that loading increased the stiffness by 60% at 35 weeks. The increase of stiffness was correlated to an increase in bone volume fraction of 18% in the loaded scaffold compared to control scaffold. These changes in volume fraction and related stiffness in the bone scaffold are regulated by two independent processes, bone formation and bone resorption. Using time-lapsed micro-CT imaging and a newly-developed longitudinal image registration technique, we observed that mechanical stimulation increases the bone formation rate during 4-10 weeks, and decreases the bone resorption rate during 9-18 weeks post-operatively. For the first time, we report that in vivo cyclic loading increases mechanical properties of the scaffold by increasing the bone formation rate and decreasing the bone resorption rate.


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Abstract : The role of order effects has been widely shown and discussed in areas such as memory and social impression formation. This work focuses in a first half on order effects influencing the verdict chosen at the end of a criminal trial. Contrary to impression formation but according to trial's characteristics, it has been hypothesised that a recency effect would influence the verdict's choice. Three groups of students (N = 576) received a mock trial resume with a specific order stemming from the combination of three witnesses, one expert and two ocular witnesses. Results show a recency effect, the last testimony provoking significantly more acquittals if discriminating, and more condemnations if incriminating. The second half of this work starts from Gestalt and sociopsychological researches presenting numerous insights into cognitive organization of perceptions and opinions. It has been postulated that a witness probative value will change according to the emitted verdict, an incriminating witness or expert possessing a higher probative value in a condemning verdict than in an innocenting one, on the other hand a discriminating witness or expert having a higher probative value in an acquittal than in a condemnation. Results using a seven points scale measuring witnesses' probative value confirm this hypothesis. Argumentations written by the subjects to explain their verdict and refering to the accusing expert also show a congruency effect as categories of arguments are identical in case of condemnation or acquittal, the only difference between both types of verdicts residing in the frequency of these categories following the judgement, higher use of incriminating arguments in case of guiltiness and higher use of discriminating ones if the accused is found innocent. Résumé : L'intervention des effets sériels a fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches dans le domaine de la mémoire et de la formation d'impression en psychologie sociale. Ce travail s'intéresse dans une première partie aux effets d'ordre pouvant influencer le choix du verdict à la fin d'un procès pénal. Contrairement aux résultats obtenus en matière de formation d'impression, mais conformément aux caractéristiques d'un procès, l'hypothèse de l'intervention d'un effet de récence a été formulée, affirmant que les derniers témoins influencent le plus le choix du verdict. Trois groupes d'étudiants (N = 576) ont lu le résumé d'un procès fictif présentant trois témoignages, deux témoins visuels à décharge et un expert à charge. Chaque groupe recevait un ordre spécifique de présentation des témoins de sorte que l'expert se trouvait en première, deuxième ou troisième position. Les résultats montrent un effet de récence, le dernier témoin provoquant davantage d'acquittements s'il est disculpant et davantage de condamnations s'il est inculpant. La seconde partie de ce travail émane des recherches effectuées dans le domaine de la théorie de la forme et de la psychologie sociale ayant un intérêt marqué pour l'organisation cognitive de nos perceptions et de nos opinions. L'hypothèse que nous avons posée souligne le lien entretenu entre l'évaluation de la force probante d'un témoin et le verdict émis : un témoignage discriminant possédera plus de poids en cas d'acquittement qu'en cas de condamnation, inversement un témoignage incriminant aura plus de poids en cas de condamnation qu'en cas d'acquittement. L'utilisation d'une échelle en sept points mesurant la force probante des deux types de témoins confirme cette hypothèse, l'estimation de la valeur accordée à un même témoin variant selon le type de verdict choisi. Les argumentations de chaque verdict ont également montré que les catégories d'arguments se référant à l'expert étaient identiques en cas de condamnation ou d'acquittement de l'inculpé, par contre les fréquences de ces catégories entretiennent un lien congruent avec le verdict, celles inculpantes étant majoritairement utilisées pour asseoir la culpabilité mais peu représentées en cas d'acquittement, inversement celles disculpantes apparaissant bien plus lorsqu'il s'agit d'innocenter l'inculpé que pour le condamner.