975 resultados para Rituais e performances
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">As opposed to the standard detective quantum efficiency (DQE), effective DQE (eDQE) is a figure of merit that allows comparing the performances of imaging systems in the presence of scatter rejection devices. The geometry of the EOS™ slot-scanning system is such that the detector is self-collimated and rejects scattered radiation. In this study, the EOS system was characterised using the eDQE in imaging conditions similar to those used in clinical practice: with phantoms of different widths placed in the X-ray beam, for various incident air kerma and tube voltages corresponding to the phantom thickness. Scatter fractions in EOS images were extremely low, around 2 % for all configurations. Maximum eDQE values spanned 9-14.8 % for a large range of air kerma at the detector plane from 0.01 to 1.34 µGy. These figures were obtained with non-optimised EOS setting but still over-performed most of the maximum eDQEs recently assessed for various computed radiology and digital radiology systems with antiscatter grids.
L'économie de mouvement en course à pied est un paramètre essentiel pour la performance et de nouvelles méthodes d'entrainement essaient aujourd'hui de le cibler. La mesure de cette économie de course se fait habituellement en laboratoire par la consommation d'oxygène nécessaire au déplacement à une vitesse donnée sous-maximale. La question de cette étude est de voir dans quelle mesure l'oeil averti d'un entraineur en course à pied peut estimer l'économie de course, en comparaison à une mesure objective de la consommation d'oxygène. Au total, 22 coureurs de niveaux différents et 9 entraineurs ont pris part à cette étude. Elle s'est dans un premier temps déroulée avec les coureurs sur le site du Stade de Coubertin à Vidy (VD). Cette étape a permis les enregistrements vidéo et la mesure de leur économie de course respective ainsi que l'établissement des notes d'économies de référence. Dans un second temps, les évaluations par les entraineurs ont été faites en ligne sur la base des vidéos. Les résultats ont été traités de telle manière à obtenir des coefficients (corrélation intraclasse et kappa de Cohen) estimant la concordance des évaluations de chaque entraineur avec les notes de référence. La concordance au sein du groupe d'entraineurs a aussi été évaluée. L'étude présente en conclusion des résultats étonnants, remettant en question la capacité des entraineurs à évaluer l'économie de course de coureurs issus d'un groupe de performances hétérogènes par rapport à des mesures objectives. En revanche, l'étude présente des résultats indiquant une bonne concordance des entraineurs entre eux.
PURPOSE: To compare hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) changes during an 18-d live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training camp in normobaric hypoxia (NH) and hypobaric hypoxia (HH). METHODS: Twenty-eight well-trained male triathletes were split into three groups (NH: n = 10, HH: n = 11, control [CON]: n = 7) and participated in an 18-d LHTL camp. NH and HH slept at 2250 m, whereas CON slept, and all groups trained at altitudes <1200 m. Hbmass was measured in duplicate with the optimized carbon monoxide rebreathing method before (pre-), immediately after (post-) (hypoxic dose: 316 vs 238 h for HH and NH), and at day 13 in HH (230 h, hypoxic dose matched to 18-d NH). Running (3-km run) and cycling (incremental cycling test) performances were measured pre and post. RESULTS: Hbmass increased similar in HH (+4.4%, P < 0.001 at day 13; +4.5%, P < 0.001 at day 18) and NH (+4.1%, P < 0.001) compared with CON (+1.9%, P = 0.08). There was a wide variability in individual Hbmass responses in HH (-0.1% to +10.6%) and NH (-1.4% to +7.7%). Postrunning time decreased in HH (-3.9%, P < 0.001), NH (-3.3%, P < 0.001), and CON (-2.1%, P = 0.03), whereas cycling performance changed nonsignificantly in HH and NH (+2.4%, P > 0.08) and remained unchanged in CON (+0.2%, P = 0.89). CONCLUSION: HH and NH evoked similar Hbmass increases for the same hypoxic dose and after 18-d LHTL. The wide variability in individual Hbmass responses in HH and NH emphasizes the importance of individual Hbmass evaluation of altitude training.
BACKGROUND: For the past decade (18)F-fluoro-ethyl-l-tyrosine (FET) and (18)F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) have been used for the assessment of patients with brain tumor. However, direct comparison studies reported only limited numbers of patients. Our purpose was to compare the diagnostic performance of FET and FDG-PET. METHODS: We examined studies published between January 1995 and January 2015 in the PubMed database. To be included the study should: (i) use FET and FDG-PET for the assessment of patients with isolated brain lesion and (ii) use histology as the gold standard. Analysis was performed on a per patient basis. Study quality was assessed with STARD and QUADAS criteria. RESULTS: Five studies (119 patients) were included. For the diagnosis of brain tumor, FET-PET demonstrated a pooled sensitivity of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.79-0.98) and pooled specificity of 0.88 (95% CI: 0.37-0.99), with an area under the curve of 0.96 (95% CI: 0.94-0.97), a positive likelihood ratio (LR+) of 8.1 (95% CI: 0.8-80.6), and a negative likelihood ratio (LR-) of 0.07 (95% CI: 0.02-0.30), while FDG-PET demonstrated a sensitivity of 0.38 (95% CI: 0.27-0.50) and specificity of 0.86 (95% CI: 0.31-0.99), with an area under the curve of 0.40 (95% CI: 0.36-0.44), an LR+ of 2.7 (95% CI: 0.3-27.8), and an LR- of 0.72 (95% CI: 0.47-1.11). Target-to-background ratios of either FDG or FET, however, allow distinction between low- and high-grade gliomas (P > .11). CONCLUSIONS: For brain tumor diagnosis, FET-PET performed much better than FDG and should be preferred when assessing a new isolated brain tumor. For glioma grading, however, both tracers showed similar performances.
Diplomityön ensisijaisena tavoitteena on luoda yleinen vaatimustiedon hallinnan malli, jonka avulla yrityksen toimintaympäristössä vaikuttavat vaatimukset voidaan tunnistaa ja kommunikoida koko organisaation tietoisuuteen. Kohdeyrityksen näkökulmasta mielenkiinto kohdistuu erityisesti käytännön työn kautta saataviin lopputuloksiin. Tavoitteena on luoda yritykseen pohja vaatimustiedon hallinnalle sekä samalla kehittää sähköistä vaatimustietojärjestelmää. Diplomityö on toteutettu konstruktiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkittavasta aiheesta on saatavilla teoriatietoa hyvin rajallisesti. Tämän vuoksi vaatimustiedon hallinnan malli toteutetaan vahvasti käytännön työn havaintojen ja analysoinnin pohjalta. Lähtökohdaksi käytännön työlle esitellään laadunhallinnan, tiedonhallinnan sekä prosessien näkökulmia sekä perinteisiä vaatimusten hallinnan teorioita. Tiedot, joiden avulla valmis malli on luotu, kerättiin haastattelemalla yrityksen prosessien omistajia. Työn tuloksina esitellään vaatimustiedon hallinnan malli sekä yrityksessä saatuja käytännön työn lopputuloksia. Vaatimustiedon hallinnalla tarkoitetaan yrityksen toimintaympäristössä, prosesseissa sekä tuotteissa vaikuttavien vaatimusten saattamista organisaation tietoisuuteen mahdollisimman käyttäjäystävällisellä tavalla. Mallissa esiintyvät vaatimukset ovat sidosryhmien tai yrityksen itsensä ilmaisuja liittyen tuotteen tai palvelun ominaisuuksiin sekä suorituskykyyn. Valmis malli voidaan jakaa neljään eri vaiheeseen, jotka ovat suunnittelu ja esitutkimus, toteutus, käyttöönotto, sekä muutostenhallinta ja ylläpito. Laajimmillaan toteutettuna vaatimustiedon hallinta auttaa yritystä parhaiden käytäntöjen tunnistamisessa ja prosessien kehittämisessä, mahdollistaa tasalaatuisen toiminnan ja tuotteet sekä toimivan tiedon ja osaamisen hallinnan.
A new approach to mammographic mass detection is presented in this paper. Although different algorithms have been proposed for such a task, most of them are application dependent. In contrast, our approach makes use of a kindred topic in computer vision adapted to our particular problem. In this sense, we translate the eigenfaces approach for face detection/classification problems to a mass detection. Two different databases were used to show the robustness of the approach. The first one consisted on a set of 160 regions of interest (RoIs) extracted from the MIAS database, being 40 of them with confirmed masses and the rest normal tissue. The second set of RoIs was extracted from the DDSM database, and contained 196 RoIs containing masses and 392 with normal, but suspicious regions. Initial results demonstrate the feasibility of using such approach with performances comparable to other algorithms, with the advantage of being a more general, simple and cost-effective approach
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin nanosuodatuskalvojen puhdistusta ja kestävyyttä alkalipesuissa. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään kalvojen likaantumista ja eri puhdistusmenetelmiä, sekä vertaillaan kolmen nanosuodatuskalvon erotusominaisuuksia. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin emäksisten pesukemikaalien vaikutusta kirjallisuusosassa esitettyihin kalvoihin. Käytetyt suodatuskalvot olivat Dow FilmTecTM NF-270, GE Osmonics Desal-5 DL ja Trisep XN45. Kalvojen puhdistukseen käytettiin Ecolabin P3-ultasil 110 ja 112 alkalipesukemikaaleja. Suodatuskokeet tehtiin laboratoriomittakaavan tasokalvojen suodatinlaitteistolla. Alkalikäsittelyitä tehtiin sekä liottamalla kalvoja säilytysastiassa että altistamalla näitä virtauksen ja paineen alaisuudessa. Vaihdettuja muuttujia oliat: pesuainekonsentraatio, lämpötila ja vaikutusaika. Kalvoissa tapahtuneita muutoksia arvioitiin mittaamalla permeabiliteettia sekä magnesiumsulfaatti- ja glukoosiretentioita. Suodatuslämpötilan nostaminen kasvatti lineaarisesti permeabiliteettia ja vastaavasti laski lineaarisesti retentiota. Kalvojen välillä ei ollut eroja permeabiliteettien lämpötilariippuvuuksissa. DL:n retentio laski vähiten lämpötilaa nostettaessa. Liotuskokeiden perusteella kestävät DL- ja NF-270-kalvot noin 1 % P3-ultrasil 110 liuoksia, sekä XN-kalvo 1,2–1,5 %:sia liuoksia, kun lämpötilana on 44 ºC ja vaikutusaikana 50 vrk. Käytettyjen pesukemikaalien välillä ei havaittu eroja. Pienen paineen ja virtauksen alla suoritetuissa käsittelyissä havaittiin alkalihajoamisen noudattavan likimain ensimmäisen kertaluvun reaktiokinetiikkaa ja käyttäytyvän likimain Arrheniuksen yhtälön ennustamalla tavalla. Myös näissä kokeissa XN45 osoittautui kestävimmäksi. Retentioiden heikkenemistä ei pystytty luotettavasti ennustamaan permeabiliteetin perusteella. Työssä osoitettiin että kalvojen muutoksia alkalipesuissa ajan funktiona voidaan ennustaa ja näin teollisuudessa voidaan ennakoida kalvojen vaihtotarvetta.
This thesis focuses on fibre coalescers whose efficiency is based on the surface properties/characteristics. They have the ability to preferentially wet or interact with one or more of the fluids to be separated. Thus, the interfacial phenomena governing the separation efficiency of the coalescers is investigated depending on physical factors such as flowrates, phase ratios and coalescer packing density. Design of process equipment to produce and separate of the emulsions was carried out.The experimentation was carried out to test the separation efficiency of the coalescing medias, namely fibreglass, polyester I and polyester II. The performances of the coalescing medias were assessed via droplet size information. In conclusion, the objectives (design of process equipment and experimentation) were achieved. Fibre glass was the best coalescing media, next was polyester I and then finally polyester II. Droplets sizes increased with decreased flowrates and increased packing density of the coalescer. Phase ratio had effect on the droplet sizes of the feed but had no effect on the coalescence of droplets of the feed.
The aim of this work was to compare the performances of the L'vov and integrated platforms in order to overcome the interferences found on lead determination in zidovudine by ET AAS. Pyrolysis and atomization temperatures found with integrated platform were 700 and 1400°C, respectively. The characteristic masses were 12.7 ± 1.2 pg with integrated platform and 11.1 ± 1.3 pg with grooved platform. The ratio between the slopes of zidovudine and aqueous curves shows a decrease in the interferences when the L'vov platform is used (bAZT/b aq = 0.97 ± 0.10) and the detection limit found was 0.03 µg.g-1. That ratio was 0.85 ± 0.07 with the integrated platform.
Fuel cells are attracting much interest as efficient and clean energy conversion devices. The main components of low temperature fuel cells are the electrocatalysts used to promote the anodic and cathodic reactions, which are based on platinum and platinum alloys. These electrocatalysts are normally prepared in the form of metal nanoparticles supported on a conductive material, usually high surface area carbon, to improve catalyst utilization and reduce cost. This work presents and comments some methods used presently to produce these electrocatalysts. The performances of the produced electrocatalysts are compared to that of state-of-the-art commercial E-TEK electrocatalysts.
The aim of this work is to present the catalytic performance of iridium supported on carbon nanofibers with macroscopic shaping in a 2 N hydrazine microthruster placed inside a vacuum chamber in order to reproduce real-life conditions. The performances obtained are compared to those of the commercial catalyst Shell 405. The carbon-nanofiber based catalyst showed better performance than the commercial catalyst from the standpoint of activity due to its texture and its thermal conductivity.
In this work, the feasibility of employing micelle-mediated extraction for selective separation of homologous or isomeric organic compounds is demonstrated. Firstly, the main parameters controlling extraction performances, such as surfactant concentration and temperature were varied. A Scheffé-type experimental design was demonstrated as a novel and useful method to characterize the various experimental factors. At each point selected in the two-phase domain and for a given solute, extraction percentage (E%), concentration ratio, phase volume ratio, and equilibrium partition coefficient (K C) were determined. The values of E% and K C decrease in the following order: phenol > 1-phenylethanol ~ 2-phenylethanol > benzyl alcohol.
In this work we study the classification of forest types using mathematics based image analysis on satellite data. We are interested in improving classification of forest segments when a combination of information from two or more different satellites is used. The experimental part is based on real satellite data originating from Canada. This thesis gives summary of the mathematics basics of the image analysis and supervised learning , methods that are used in the classification algorithm. Three data sets and four feature sets were investigated in this thesis. The considered feature sets were 1) histograms (quantiles) 2) variance 3) skewness and 4) kurtosis. Good overall performances were achieved when a combination of ASTERBAND and RADARSAT2 data sets was used.