939 resultados para Richter, Dave
Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) regulate key signaling events in eukaryotic cells. In the genomes of protozoan Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, two genes encoding kinases with significant homology to other eukaryotic MAPKs have been identified (mapk1, mapk2). In this work, we show that both genes are transcribed during Plasmodium berghei liver stage development, and analyze expression and subcellular localization of the PbMAPK1 protein in liver stage parasites. Live cell imaging of transgenic parasites expressing GFP-tagged PbMAPK1 revealed a nuclear localization of PbMAPK1 in the early schizont stage mediated by nuclear localization signals in the C-terminal domain. In contrast, a distinct localization of PbMAPK1 in comma/ring-shaped structures in proximity to the parasite's nuclei and the invaginating parasite membrane was observed during the cytomere stage of parasite development as well as in immature blood stage schizonts. The PbMAPK1 localization was found to be independent of integrity of a motif putatively involved in ATP binding, integrity of the putative activation motif and the presence of a predicted coiled-coil domain in the C-terminal domain. Although PbMAPK1 knock out parasites showed normal liver stage development, the kinase may still fulfill a dual function in both schizogony and merogony of liver stage parasites regulated by its dynamic and stage-dependent subcellular localization.
Abstract Purpose: There is evidence that depressed mood and perception of pain are related in patients with chronic illness. However, how individual resources such as self-efficacy and social support play a role in this association remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of both variables as either moderator or mediator. Method: In a longitudinal study, 274 injured workers (M = 43.24 years) were investigated. Data were collected on sociodemographics, depressed mood, pain, social support, and self-efficacy at three months post-injury, and depressed mood one year post-injury. Results: Hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses revealed that pain (β = 0.14; p < 0.01) and social support (β = -0.18; p < 0.001) were significant predictors of depressed mood. Self-efficacy moderated the relationship of pain (β = -0.12; p < 0.05) and depressed mood after one year. Lower self-efficacy in combination with pain had a stronger impact than higher self-efficacy and pain on depressed mood. Social support did not moderate the association. Conclusions: Self-efficacy for managing pain is important in the development of depressed mood. According to the results of this study, we suggest that the detection of low social support and low self-efficacy might be important in long-term rehabilitation process. Implications for Rehabilitation Risk for depressed mood one year after an accident is high: One in five workers report depressed mood. Protective factors for depressed mood in injured workers needs to be considered in the rehabilitation. Focusing on resources like social support and self-efficacy could be protective against depressed mood. The early detection of low social support and low self-efficacy might be important in long-term rehabilitation processes
Die vorliegenden Beiträge in deutscher und französischer Sprache befassen sich mit Aspekten der Rechtshilfe in internationalen Zivil- und Handelsprozessen. Zur Zustellung von gerichtlichen und aussergerichtlichen Urkunden sowie zur rechtshilfeweisen Beweiserhebung (z. B. Einvernahme mittels Videokonferenz) äussern sich Dr. Alexander Markus sowie Dr. Danielle Gauthey Ladner. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die neue Wegleitung des Bundesamtes für Justiz zu den verschiedenen Haager Übereinkommen eingegangen. Alexander Hilfiker erläutert die Möglichkeiten der Internet-Recherche. Die menschlich vielfach schwierigen Probleme der Kindesentführungen behandeln David Urwyler, Sonja Hauser und Hervé Boéchat. Auf aktuelle Fragen der Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Zivilurteilen gehen Dr. Samuel Baumgartner und Jean-Marc Wichser ein. Das Thema Vollstreckung von ausländischen Konkurserkenntnissen ist Gegenstand der Beiträge von Prof. Dr. Karl Spühler und von Prof. Dr. Sylvain Marchand.
The Rosetta spacecraft will arrive at comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko in 2014 and will escort the comet along its journey around the Sun. The predicted outgassing rate of the comet and the solar wind properties close to its perihelion at 1.24 AU lead to the expectation that a cometary bow shock will form during the escort phase. Since the forecasts of the subsolar stand off distances differ, this study revisits selected models and presents hybrid simulations of the comet–solar wind interaction region performed with the A.I.K.E.F. code. It is shown that small variations of the solar wind parameters will shift the bow shock position considerably. In addition, a model is presented that reproduces the bow shock distances observed in the hybrid simulations.
Der vorliegende Sammelband wurde dem bekannten Versicherungsrechtler Prof. Dr. iur. Moritz W. Kuhn zu seinem 65. Geburtstag gewidmet. Sein Wirken hat über zwanzig Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Rechtsprechung wie Versicherungsbranche motiviert, mit einem Beitrag eine Plattform für die Erweiterung des bisherigen Wissensstands zu schaffen. Die Rechtsanwendung im Spannungsfeld von Rechtsetzung und AGB-Praxis, Innovation und Wandel, Europa als Chance für Schweizer Versicherer, Nachhaltigkeit, Gesetzgebung auf Abwegen, Richter und Gesetz, Lebensversicherung als Instrument der Nachlassplanung, Anwalt und Versicherung, zum Begriff der Summenversicherung, Versicherungskollisionsrecht, Schadensregulierung im Zeichen der Globalisierung sowie Gefängnismedizin sind Themen, die in diesem Buch behandelt werden. Es richtet sich an Vertreter der Versicherungsbranche, Richter, Anwälte, Versicherungsjuristen und ganz generell jedermann, der sich gegen die finanziellen Folgen schädigender Ereignisse versichert hat.