966 resultados para Rhenium(I) tricarbonyl complex
A major challenge in the engineering of complex and critical systems is the management of change, both in the system and in its operational environment. Due to the growing of complexity in systems, new approaches on autonomy must be able to detect critical changes and avoid their progress towards undesirable states. We are searching for methods to build systems that can tune the adaptability protocols. New mechanisms that use system-wellness requirements to reduce the influence of the outer domain and transfer the control of uncertainly to the inner one. Under the view of cognitive systems, biological emotions suggests a strategy to configure value-based systems to use semantic self-representations of the state. A method inspired by emotion theories to causally connect to the inner domain of the system and its objectives of wellness, focusing on dynamically adapting the system to avoid the progress of critical states. This method shall endow the system with a transversal mechanism to monitor its inner processes, detecting critical states and managing its adaptivity in order to maintain the wellness goals. The paper describes the current vision produced by this work-in-progress.
The new reactor concepts proposed in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) are conceived to improve the use of natural resources, reduce the amount of high-level radioactive waste and excel in their reliability and safe operation. Among these novel designs sodium fast reactors (SFRs) stand out due to their technological feasibility as demonstrated in several countries during the last decades. As part of the contribution of EURATOM to GIF the CP-ESFR is a collaborative project with the objective, among others, to perform extensive analysis on safety issues involving renewed SFR demonstrator designs. The verification of computational tools able to simulate the plant behaviour under postulated accidental conditions by code-to-code comparison was identified as a key point to ensure reactor safety. In this line, several organizations employed coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic system codes able to simulate complex and specific phenomena involving multi-physics studies adapted to this particular fast reactor technology. In the “Introduction” of this paper the framework of this study is discussed, the second section describes the envisaged plant design and the commonly agreed upon modelling guidelines. The third section presents a comparative analysis of the calculations performed by each organisation applying their models and codes to a common agreed transient with the objective to harmonize the models as well as validating the implementation of all relevant physical phenomena in the different system codes.
This work proposes an automatic methodology for modeling complex systems. Our methodology is based on the combination of Grammatical Evolution and classical regression to obtain an optimal set of features that take part of a linear and convex model. This technique provides both Feature Engineering and Symbolic Regression in order to infer accurate models with no effort or designer's expertise requirements. As advanced Cloud services are becoming mainstream, the contribution of data centers in the overall power consumption of modern cities is growing dramatically. These facilities consume from 10 to 100 times more power per square foot than typical office buildings. Modeling the power consumption for these infrastructures is crucial to anticipate the effects of aggressive optimization policies, but accurate and fast power modeling is a complex challenge for high-end servers not yet satisfied by analytical approaches. For this case study, our methodology minimizes error in power prediction. This work has been tested using real Cloud applications resulting on an average error in power estimation of 3.98%. Our work improves the possibilities of deriving Cloud energy efficient policies in Cloud data centers being applicable to other computing environments with similar characteristics.
The relationship between structural controllability and observability of complex systems is studied. Algebraic and graph theoretic tools are combined to prove the extent of some controller/observer duality results. Two types of control design problems are addressed and some fundamental theoretical results are provided. In addition new algorithms are presented to compute optimal solutions for monitoring large scale real networks.
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 causes olive knot disease and is a model pathogen for exploring bacterial infection of woody hosts. The type III secretion system (T3SS) effector repertoire of this strain includes 31 effector candidates plus two novel candidates identified in this study which have not been reported to translocate into plant cells. In this work, we demonstrate the delivery of seven NCPPB 3335 effectors into Nicotiana tabacum leaves, including three proteins from two novel families of the P. syringae complex effector super-repertoire (HopBK and HopBL), one of which comprises two proteins (HopBL1 and HopBL2) that harbor a SUMO protease domain. When delivered by P. fluorescens heterologously expressing a P. syringae T3SS, all seven effectors were found to suppress the production of defense-associated reactive oxygen species. Moreover, six of these effectors, including the truncated versions of HopAA1 and HopAZ1 encoded by NCPPB 3335, suppressed callose deposition. The expression of HopAZ1 and HopBL1 by functionally effectorless P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000D28E inhibited the hypersensitive response in tobacco and, additionally, expression of HopBL2 by this strain significantly increased its competitiveness in N. benthamiana. DNA sequences encoding HopBL1 and HopBL2 were uniquely detected in a collection of 31 P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains and other P. syringae strains isolated from woody hosts, suggesting a relevant role of these two effectors in bacterial interactions with olive and other woody plants.
A major challenge in the engineering of complex and critical systems is the management of change, both in the system and in its operational environment. Due to the growing of complexity in systems, new approaches on autonomy must be able to detect critical changes and avoid their progress towards undesirable states. We are searching for methods to build systems that can tune the adaptability protocols. New mechanisms that use system-wellness requirements to reduce the influence of the outer domain and transfer the control of uncertainly to the inner one. Under the view of cognitive systems, biological emotions suggests a strategy to configure value-based systems to use semantic self-representations of the state. A method inspired by emotion theories to causally connect to the inner domain of the system and its objectives of wellness, focusing on dynamically adapting the system to avoid the progress of critical states. This method shall endow the system with a transversal mechanism to monitor its inner processes, detecting critical states and managing its adaptivity in order to maintain the wellness goals. The paper describes the current vision produced by this work-in-progress.
Increased variability in performance has been associated with the emergence of several neurological and psychiatric pathologies. However, whether and how consistency of neuronal activity may also be indicative of an underlying pathology is still poorly understood. Here we propose a novel method for evaluating consistency from non-invasive brain recordings. We evaluate the consistency of the cortical activity recorded with magnetoencephalography in a group of subjects diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition sometimes prodromal of dementia, during the execution of a memory task. We use metrics coming from nonlinear dynamics to evaluate the consistency of cortical regions. A representation known as parenclitic networks is constructed, where atypical features are endowed with a network structure, the topological properties of which can be studied at various scales. Pathological conditions correspond to strongly heterogeneous networks, whereas typical or normative conditions are characterized by sparsely connected networks with homogeneous nodes. The analysis of this kind of networks allows identifying the extent to which consistency is affected in the MCI group and the focal points where MCI is especially severe. To the best of our knowledge, these results represent the first attempt at evaluating the consistency of brain functional activity using complex networks theory.
El presente trabajo de investigación se ocupa del estudio de las vibraciones verticales inducidas por vórtices (VIV) en aquellos puentes que, por sus características geométricas y propiedades dinámicas, muestran cierta sensibilidad este tipo de fenómeno aeroelástico. El objeto principal es el análisis del mecanismo de interacción viento-estructura sobre secciones no fuseladas de geometría simple, con objeto de realizar una adecuada caracterización del problema y poder abordar posteriormente el análisis de otras secciones de geometría más compleja, representativas de los principales elementos estructurales de los puentes, como arcos, tableros, torres y pilas. Este aspecto es fundamental durante la fase de diseño del puente, donde deberán tenerse en cuenta también una serie de detalles que pueden influir significativamente su sensibilidad ante problemas aerodinámicos, como la morfología y dimensiones principales de la sección transversal del tablero, la disposición de barreras de seguridad y barreras cortaviento, o las riostras que unen diferentes elementos estructurales. La configuración de dos elementos en tándem o la construcción de un puente en las inmediaciones de otro existente son otros aspectos a considerar respecto a la sensibilidad frente a efectos aeroelásticos. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo principalmente mediante la implementación de simulaciones numéricas que reproducen la interacción entre la corriente de aire y secciones representativas de modelos estructurales, a partir de un código CFD basado en el método de las partículas de vórtices (VPM), siguiendo por tanto un esquema Lagrangiano. Los resultados han sido validados con datos experimentales existentes, valores procedentes de ensayos en túnel de viento y registros reales a partir de diferentes casos de estudio: Alconétar (2006), Niterói (1980), Trans- Tokyo Bay (1995) y Volgogrado (2010). Finalmente, se propone un modelo semi-empírico para la estimación del rango de velocidades críticas y amplitudes de oscilación basado en la utilización de las derivadas de flameo de Scanlan, y la densidad espectral de las fuerzas aerodinámicas en el dominio de la frecuencia. The present research work concerns the study of vertical vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) in bridges which show certain sensitivity to this type of aeroelastic phenomenon. It focuses on the analysis of the wind-structure interaction mechanism on bluff sections, with the objective of making a good characterisation of the problem and subsequently addressing the analysis of sections with a complex geometry, which are representative of the bridge structural elements, such as arches, decks, towers and piers. This issue is of relative importance during the bridge design phase, since minor details of the aforementioned elements can significantly influence its sensitivity to aerodynamic problems. The shape and main dimensions of the deck cross section, the addition of safety barriers and windshields, the presence of braces to enhance the structure mechanical properties, the utilisation of cross sections in tandem arrangement, or the erection of a new bridge in the vicinity of another existing one are some of the aspects to be considered regarding the sensitivity to the aeroelastic effects. The study has been carried out mainly through the implementation of numerical simulations that reproduces the interaction between the airflow and the representative cross section of a structural bridge model, by the use of a CFD code based on the vortex particle method (VPM), thus following a Lagrangian scheme. The results have been validated with existing experimental data, values from wind tunnel tests and full scale observations from the different case studies: Alconétar (2006), Niterói (1980), Trans-Tokyo Bay (1995) and Volgograd (2010). Finally, a new semi-empirical model is proposed for the estimation of the critical wind velocity ranges and oscillation amplitudes based on the use of the Scanlan’s flutter derivatives and the power spectral density of aerodynamic force time history in the frequency domain.
RESUMEN En los últimos años, debido al incremento en la demanda por parte de las empresas de tecnologías que posibiliten la monitorización y el análisis de un gran volumen de datos en tiempo real, la tecnología CEP (Complex Event Processing) ha surgido como una potencia en alza y su uso se ha incrementado notablemente en ciertos sectores como, por ejemplo, la gestión y automatización de procesos de negocios, finanzas, monitorización de redes y aplicaciones, así como redes de sensores inteligentes como el caso de estudio en el que nos centraremos. CEP se basa en un lenguaje de procesamiento de eventos (Event Processing Language,EPL) cuya utilización puede resultar bastante compleja para usuarios inexpertos. Esta complejidad supone un hándicap y, por lo tanto, un problema a la hora de que su uso se extienda. Este Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG) pretende dar una solución a este problema, acercando al usuario la tecnología CEP mediante técnicas de abstracción y modelado. Para ello, este PFG ha definido un lenguaje de modelado específico dominio, sencillo e intuitivo para el usuario inexperto, al que se ha dado soporte mediante el desarrollo de una herramienta de modelado gráfico (CEP Modeler) en la que se pueden modelar consultas CEP de forma gráfica, sencilla y de manera más accesible para el usuario. ABSTRACT Over recent years, more and more companies demand technology for monitoring and analyzing a vast volume of data in real time. In this regard, the CEP technology (Complex Event Processing) has emerged as a novel approach to that end, and its use has increased dramatically in certain domains, such as, management and automation of business processes, finance, monitoring of networks and applications, as well as smart sensor networks as the case study in which we will focus. CEP is based on in the Event Processing Language (EPL). This language can be rather difficult to use for new users. This complexity can be a handicap, and therefore, a problem at the time of extending its use. This project aims to provide a solution to this problem, trying to approach the CEP technology to users through abstraction and modelling techniques. To that end, this project has defined an intuitive and simple domain-specific modelling language for new users through a web tool (CEP Modeler) for graphically modeling CEP queries, in an easier and more accessible way.
In the process of value creation, organizations perform an intense intra-organizational dialog through which internal VS alignment is achieved towards certain strategic objectives. Within the context of complex organizational networks, were goal conflicts are preprogrammed through incentive structures, VS alignment as legitimation of action towards strategic goals has special interest. On the one hand it facilitates the access to necessary resources for goal achievement and on the other it increases the sustainability and supports commonly agreed upon decisions leading to success. This paper provides a winnerless process (WLP) differential equations model for quantifying intra-organizational value stream (VS) alignment dynamics that can help design sustainable lean management solutions. This paper presents ongoing research results that show how the model was implemented in one industrial facility.
La historia de la arquitectura se ha medido - en parte - por la evolución de las modas, épocas y estilos de la arquitectura religiosa. En la aparición de las nuevas capillas interreligiosas universitarias de los años '50 de Norteamérica, la capilla del M.I.T., bautizada tras su inauguración como “Kresge Chapel” en honor al apellido de su benefactor, fue el máximo exponente como prototipo en esta época marcada por la aparición nuevas conciencias de posguerra. (II Guerra Mundial). La tesis centra su investigación en esta capilla, cómo nació en respuesta a la necesidad de compatibilizar la enseñanza reglada científico tecnológica con una formación religiosa y humanista, para el programa impuesto como ampliación del campus universitario del MIT en el barrio universitario de Cambridge, Boston, Massachussets, en torno a dos edificios principales a proyectar: capilla y auditorio. Desde el trabajo de investigación se aporta la información documental necesaria para saber cómo evolucionó desde sus primeros bocetos hasta su construcción. Su nacimiento como necesidad en la sociedad universitaria no fue nada espontáneo, quedando a medias entre la influencia escandinavo - alemana y la tradición americano-luterana de anteriores iglesias neoclásicas herederas del “Plan Akron”. La formación académica y profesional dirigida por su padre, Eliel Saarinen, suman junto a los viajes del arquitecto, una herencia “genética” para con este prototipo ajeno al emergente “estilo internacional” y ayudan a comprender la dimensión compleja de lo que es capaz de representar la capilla. La capilla es refugio emocional de la luz y es un punto de inflexión notable en la recuperación del tipo centrado renovado y evolucionado, que junto con el doble recurso lumínico - efectista, de la vertical para el altar y horizontal inferior, distribuido desde el perímetro ondulado en el interior, el ejemplo es muestra la promoción de una cierta sensibilidad para con las nuevas formas de la "religión" emergentes en la Norteamérica de los años 50. Desde el sincretismo como mecanismo y principal “modus operandi” proyectual, FE versus RAZÓN, aparecen como dualismo permanente en todas las fases del proyecto, desde un proceso de búsqueda de la armonía de ambos y para cada uno de ellos. Con el estudio del modelo prototípico del MIT, buscamos el "patrón" empleado por el arquitecto en su proyección de "nueva iglesia" adaptado a la diversidad cultural y religiosa y de las nuevas y diferentes sensibilidades humanistas para el proyecto. ----------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY--------------------------------------------------- The history of architecture is measured - in part - by the evolution of fashion, periods and styles of religious architecture. In the emergence of the new interfaith university chapel of the 1950s in North America, the chapel of MIT, named after its inauguration as "Kresge Chapel" in honor of its benefactor, was the best example of a prototype, in this time so marked by the emergence of new postwar consciousnesses. The thesis focuses its research on this chapel; how it came about in response to the need to reconcile formal scientific and technological education with religious and humanist training for the program imposed as an extension of the campus of MIT in the university district of Cambridge, Boston Massachusetts, around two main projected buildings : Chapel and auditorium. From research work has been obtained the documentary information necessary to know how it evolved from the first sketches to its construction. Its creation as a necessity of the university society was not at all spontaneous, being halfway between the Scandinavian influence - German and the American Lutheran tradition of neoclassical churches, the heirs to the "Akron Plan". The academic and professional training directed by his father, Eliel Saarinen, together with the travels of the architect, a "genetic" heritage with this external prototype for the emerging "international style", and help to understand the complex dimension of what the chapel is capable of representing. The chapel is an emotional refuge of light and is a remarkable turning point in the recovery of such focused renewed and evolved, along with the double lumen resource - gimmicky, vertical to the altar and lower horizontal, distributed from the undulating perimeter inside, the example is shown to promote a certain sensitivity to the new forms of "religion" but vague religious profile emerging in the America of the 50s. From the syncretism as a mechanism and main "modus operandi" of the project, FAITH versus REASON appears as permanent dualism in all phases of the project from a process of finding the harmony of both and for each of them. With the study of the prototypical model of MIT, we seek the "pattern" used by the architect in his projection of "new church" adapted to the cultural and religious diversity and new and different humanist sensitivities for the project. El desarrollo vierte la luz suficiente para entender los patrones de lo arquitectónico en la capilla, que hacen de ella, la comunión armónica y perfecta de los nombrados opuestos en el campus universitario del MIT. En el camino, además, la investigación arroja luz y orden sobre las fases del proyecto a través de la contribución, recogida, clasificación y orden de los datos, fechas y documentos gráficos, a día de hoy dispersos y confusamente publicados, debido a la no existencia de un estudio profundo y completo como el que pretende ser este trabajo, por ser una obra fundamental en la historia de la arquitectura moderna. El patrón final demostrará el artificio sincrético de cada una de las partes - cada uno en sí misma y cosidas todas - formando el "Ima Summis" de la capilla; resultado de la acción proyectual deducida de su serie genética descifrada. De esta forma, lo sincrético, aparece como el principal atributo del hecho construido, pasando de lo místico a lo científico, de lo intuitivo a lo razonado y siempre con el vehículo de su arquitectura para la interpretación de lo inefable al interior. En cuanto a la estructura de la tesis, se inicia el desarrollo a partir de una introducción en la que se declaran las intenciones y se describe el contexto de lo investigado en torno a la hipótesis principal anunciada en el subtítulo de la tesis. Frente a consideraciones previas de la capilla y de la propia investigación, se expone y explica la hipótesis principal, junto a otros objetivos secundarios. Para finalizar la introducción, se describe el método seguido como estrategia y se justifica la estructura de redacción del documento para la compresión de este trabajo hacia sus conclusiones. Es en el primer capítulo, el C1, donde se inicia el cuerpo central mediante la exposición historiográfica de la situación y contexto previo a la capilla como antecedentes. En un segundo capítulo, el C2, se aborda el estudio del desarrollo del proyecto y de la obra y construcción de la capilla, base documental necesaria. Para ello se inicia con la descripción del lugar, del encargo y del programa, para pasar a mostrar con detalle las distintas propuestas de cada una de las fases del proyecto. En definitiva, qué se proyecto, cómo evolucionó el proyecto y en qué fases transcurrió, para entre otras cuestiones, entender el cambio de estilo desde una fase influenciada por la capilla de Mies construida en el ITT de Chicago, (denominadas en este trabajo por esta influencia como modelos “miesianos”) y la fase reencuentro con el modus de hacer iniciado por su padre Eliel, a través de un modelo a medias de una herencia escandinavo - alemana y la tradición luterano - americana, (denominada en este trabajo como herencia o modelos “saariniana/os”). The development sheds enough light to understand the architectural patterns of the chapel, making it the perfect and harmonic communion named opposites on the campus of MIT. Along the way, furthermore, the research sheds light and order on the phases of the project through the contribution, collection, sorting and order of data, dates and graphic documents, today scattered and confusingly published, due to inexistence of a deep and comprehensive study like this work is meant to be, in the context of such a seminal work in the history of modern architecture. The final pattern will demonstrate the syncretic artifice of each of the parts - each in itself and all together - forming the "Ima Summis" of the chapel; the result of the project action deducted from its deciphered genetic series. Being the SYNCRETIC, the main attribute of the built matter, passing from the mystical to the scientific, from the intuitive to the reasoned and always with the vehicle of architecture as the representation of the ineffable. As for the structure of the thesis, the development starts from an introduction in which the intentions are declared and the context of that which is investigated is described, in terms of the main hypothesis announced in the subtitle of the thesis. Faced with previous considerations of the chapel and the research itself, the principal hypothesis is expressed and explained, along with other secondary objectives. To conclude the introduction, the method followed is described as a strategy and the structuring of the document is justified for the compression of this work towards its conclusions. It is in the first chapter of the thesis, the C1, where the main body of the work is initiated through the historiographical account of the situation and context prior to the chapel as antecedents. A second chapter, C2, addresses the study of the development of the project and of the work and construction of the chapel, based on the necessary documentary evidence. To this end, the analysis begins with the description of the place, the commission and the program, moving on to analyze in detail the various proposals of each phase. What is projected, how it evolved and through what phases passed the project to, among other questions, understand the change in style between the phase of influence of Mies through the projected chapel in the ITT of Chicago chapel (called in this work as "miesian" influences or models) and the reunion with the modus of making initiated by his father Eliel, through a model equally at once of Scandinavian-German heritage and of the American-Lutheran tradition, (referred to in this work as "saarinian" inheritance or models). Para el tercer capítulo, el C3, se llevan a estudio y análisis, los elementos más destacables en los que se prueban las particularidades llamadas “genéticas” en cada uno de las partes principales detectadas en la capilla. Desde ellas se rastrean las influencias - a veces sinergias - que ayudan a justificar y conformar una clasificación genética en torno a cuatro patrones principales, de los que poder discernir al final del capítulo, el “patrón matriz” de la propia capilla en base a la concurrencia de los órdenes arquitectónicos que los conforman. Una vez obtenida la información y orden necesario, se puede afrontar el punto álgido de esta tesis con el cuarto capítulo, el C4, en el que se justifica la capacidad sincrética de la capilla como respuesta a la hipótesis principal señalada en el subtítulo. Para ello se inicia el capítulo con el enfoque y contexto del término “sincretismo” y “sincrético”, aportando la justificación de sus usos para con esta investigación, antes de explicar que la capilla es sincrética por la suma de dos claves fundamentales. La clave primera, correspondiente a la capacidad interconfesional y aconfesional de la capilla, y su capacidad de trascender al interior desde ambas situaciones además de ser reconocible por el religioso y a la vez por el científico. Y la clave segunda, que corresponde a la suma de las distintas partes sincréticas, cada una en si mismas, capaz de sumar todas juntas, este edificio sincrético de los nombrados opuestos. Una vez discernido las claves de lo sincrético en la capilla y a pesar de su doble carácter SACRO Y PROFANO, una comparativa posiciona a la capilla como único entre los ejemplos interconfesionales construidos en los ´50, sin haberse repetido de igual manera y mismo resultado en el tiempo, ni en ninguna otra universidad o centro tecnológico. Así la exposición de este trabajo finaliza con el último capítulo, el C5, en el que desde esa comparativa, una serie de cuestiones unen y distancian a la del MIT y dan acierto a la apuesta inicial, concluyendo que la hipótesis y el patrón de la misma, es el patrón de lo sincrético que modela el ”modus operandi ” del arquitecto. Tras el desarrollo, la investigación cierra filas en torno a cuatro conclusiones para los cuatro capítulos principales; C2, C3, C4, C5. La capilla del MIT como modelo prototípico no se repite en el tiempo, ni en ninguna otra universidad y se posiciona como el mejor prototipo – hito de una nueva arquitectura religiosa universitaria. In the third chapter, C3, we study and analyze the most notable elements in which are found those particularities referred to as "genetic" in each of the principal parts, (see above C3.1.1... - C3.1.8), where these influences - sometimes synergies - are traced, helping to justify and form a classification based on four of those principals (see above C3.2), from which, at the end of this chapter may be discerned a matrix pattern, that of the chapel itself (see above. C3.3.), based on concurrent architectural orders. Once the necessary information and order is obtained, we come to the decisive point in the fourth chapter, C4, where the syncretic capacity of the chapel in response to the main hypothesis indicated in the subtitle of the thesis is justified. For this, the chapter beings with the focus and context of the terms "syncretism" and "syncretic", providing justification for their use for this research, going on to assert that the chapel is syncretic from the sum of two fundamental aspects: the first corresponds to the interfaith and non-denominational capacities of the chapel, its ability to transcend both situations and be recognizable by both the religious and the scientific. The second corresponds to the sum of the different syncretic parts, each in themselves, capable of making together a syncretic building with the opposite. Once discerned the keys to the syncretic and epic in the chapel and despite its dual character both SACRED and PROFANE, a comparatison positions the chapel as being unique among interfaith examples built in the 1950s, without being repeated in the same way and with the same result over time or in any other university or centre of technology. So, the exhibition of this work ends with the last chapter, C5, in which from that comparison a number of issues come together and to distance themselves from MIT and bear out the initial proposition, concluding that the hypothesis and its pattern, the pattern of the syncretic which models the "modus operandi" of the architect to contain the ineffable. The research closes ranks around four conclusions for the four main chapters; C2, C3, C4, and C5 The chapel of MIT as a prototypical model is not repeated in time, or any other university and is positioned as the best prototype - a landmark of a new universitary religious architecture.
The spatial complexity of the distribution of organic matter, chemicals, nutrients, pollutants has been demonstrated to have multifractal nature (Kravchenco et al. [1]). This fact supports the possibility of existence of some emergent heterogeneity structure built under the evolution of the system. The aim of this note is providing a consistent explanation to the mentioned results via an extremely simple model.
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: We conducted environmental niche modeling (ENM) of the Brachypodium distachyon s.l. complex, a model group of two diploid annual grasses ( B. distachyon , B. stacei ) and their derived allotetraploid ( B. hybridum) , native to the circum-Mediterranean region. We (1) investigated the ENMs of the three species in their native range based on present and past climate data; (2) identifi ed potential overlapping niches of the diploids and their hybrid across four Quaternary windows; (3) tested whether speciation was associated with niche divergence/conservatism in the complex species; and (4) tested for the potential of the polyploid outperforming the diploids in the native range. M ETHODS: Geo-referenced data, altitude, and 19 climatic variables were used to construct the ENMs. We used paleoclimate niche models to trace the potential existence of ancestral gene fl ow among the hybridizing species of the complex. KEY RESULTS: Brachypodium distachyon grows in higher, cooler, and wetter places, B. stacei in lower, warmer, and drier places, and B. hybridum in places with intermediate climatic features. Brachypodium hybridum had the largest niche overlap with its parent niches, but a similar distribution range and niche breadth. C ONCLUSIONS: Each species had a unique environmental niche though there were multiple niche overlapping areas for the diploids across time, suggesting the potential existence of several hybrid zones during the Pleistocene and the Holocene. No evidence of niche divergence was found, suggesting that species diversifi cation was not driven by ecological speciation but by evolutionary history, though it could be associated to distinct environmental adaptations.
Over the past few decades, significant scientific progress has influenced clinical allergy practice. The biological standardization of extracts was followed by the massive identification and characterization of new allergens and their progressive use as diagnostic tools including allergen micro arrays that facilitate the simultaneous testing of more than 100 allergen components. Specific diagnosis is the basis of allergy practice and is always aiming to select the best therapeutic or avoidance intervention. As a consequence, redundant or irrelevant information might be adding unnecessary cost and complexity to daily clinical practice. A rational use of the different diagnostic alternatives would allow a significant improvement in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic patients, especially for those residing in complex pollen exposure areas.
Yeast centromeric DNA (CEN DNA) binding factor 3 (CBF3) is a multisubunit protein complex that binds to the essential CDEIII element in CEN DNA. The four CBF3 proteins are required for accurate chromosome segregation and are considered to be core components of the yeast kinetochore. We have examined the structure of the CBF3–CEN DNA complex by atomic force microscopy. Assembly of CBF3–CEN DNA complexes was performed by combining purified CBF3 proteins with a DNA fragment that includes the CEN region from yeast chromosome III. Atomic force microscopy images showed DNA molecules with attached globular bodies. The contour length of the DNA containing the complex is ≈9% shorter than the DNA alone, suggesting some winding of DNA within the complex. The measured location of the single binding site indicates that the complex is located asymmetrically to the right of CDEIII extending away from CDEI and CDEII, which is consistent with previous data. The CEN DNA is bent ≈55° at the site of complex formation. A significant fraction of the complexes are linked in pairs, showing three to four DNA arms, with molecular volumes approximately three times the mean volumes of two-armed complexes. These multi-armed complexes indicate that CBF3 can bind two DNA molecules together in vitro and, thus, may be involved in holding together chromatid pairs during mitosis.