906 resultados para Revolutionary Armed Forces


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Direct measurements of a long-range force between charged solid surfaces in a nonpolar liquid are presented for the first time. Measurements were made between mica surfaces in solutions of the anionic surfactant sodium di-2-ethylhexylsulfosuccinate (AOT) at millimolar concentrations in n-decane using a surface force apparatus which has been modified to improve its sensitivity for detecting a weak and long-range force. Modifications include a magnetic drive system, the use of a weak cantilever spring with the apparatus mounted in a vertical configuration, and a detailed consideration of the interference optics to allow accurate measurements of surface separations up to several micrometers. The results show a repulsion that is well fitted by theoretical curves based on a model in which only counterions enter the calculation, in other words, in the absence of a reservoir of ions in the solvent. Fitting the theory to the data allows an estimate of the mica surface charge density of ∼1 mC/m2. A mechanism for surface charging of mica in this solution is proposed, which includes a role for trace amounts of water that are inevitably present and adsorbed surface aggregates of AOT. The relevance of the results to previously observed charge stabilization of colloids in nonaqueous solvents is discussed.


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Soft matter deforms in response to imposed external forces. Here we demonstrate how dynamic surface forces are linked to far-field deformations. This offers a new paradigm for determining forces between soft particles in colloidal systems. The particular example we use to illustrate this concept is that of a fluid drop interacting with a solid wall through hydrodynamic drainage flow coupled with repulsive or attractive dissimilar electrical double layer interactions. The force can be deduced from a simple analysis of the drop surface geometry outside the interaction zone.


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Measurements are presented of the force as a function of separation between two molecularly smooth mica surfaces immersed in ethylene glycol, and in solutions of lithium chloride and sulfuric acid in ethylene glycol. At surface separations greater than 3 nm the measured force is in very good agreement with double-layer theory, but at smaller separations there is an oscillatory solvation force which is superimposed on the double-layer repulsion. In contrast to the case in water, the adsorption of hydrogen ions at the mica surface does not markedly affect the short-range forces.


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Direct measurements of the force between two molecularly smooth mica sheets immersed in cyclohexane show not a monotonic van der Waals attraction, but an oscillatory function of distance, where the spacing between successive minima corresponds to the molecular diameter of cyclohexane. As surface separation increases the oscillations become less pronounced, and beyond 5 nm (typically seven or eight oscillations) they are no longer detected. These results accord with theoretical ideas on structural forces resulting from the inhomogeneous arrangement of molecules of the liquid near the solid surface. In n-octane the force law does not show the same pronounced oscillations, except at very small separations where repulsive barriers are found. These are attributed to the difficulty of removing the last layers of adsorbed molecules of the liquid from the mica surfaces, and they reduce the mice-mica adhesion significantly. Small amounts of water in the hydrocarbon liquids condense to form a bridge between the surfaces at small separations, causing a very strong adhesion between them. Some implications of these results for the stability of colloids in organic media are discussed.


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Forces between mica surfaces immersed in Me4NBr, Pr4NBr, and Pe4NBr solutions over a wide concentration range are reported (Me = methyl, Pr = propyl, Pe = pentyl). In each case the cation adsorbs quite strongly onto the negatively charged mica surface and determines the double-layer potential. However, this strong adsorption does not cause complete neutralization of the negative lattice charge apparently because of packing constraints due to the large size of these ions. Adsorption of Me4N+ ions gives rise to a short-range (<2 nm) repulsive force similar to that previously observed between bilayers of CTAB and may be due to the residual hydration of these ions. The large rations also, unexpectedly, give rise to short-range repulsive forces but of a somewhat different nature. In this case, the repulsive forces can be explained by assuming that the large adsorbed ions shift the plane of charge a distance of one ion diameter from the mica surface. At all but very high concentrations these larger ions could be displaced from the mica surfaces on forcing them together. No evidence of any “hydrophobic attraction” was observed between surfaces containing these adsorbed ions. Previous studies on coagulation are discussed in the light of our results.


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It is well-known that hydrodynamic pressures in a thin draining liquid film can cause inversion of the curvature of a drop or bubble surface as it approaches another surface, creating a so-called “dimple”. Here it is shown that a more complicated rippled shape, dubbed a “wimple”, can be formed if a fluid drop that is already close to a solid wall is abruptly pushed further toward it. The wimple includes a central region in which the film remains thin, surrounded by a ring of greater film thickness that is bounded at the outer edge by a barrier rim where the film is thin. This shape later evolves into a conventional dimple bounded by the barrier rim, which then drains in the normal way. During the evolution from wimple to dimple, some of the fluid in the thicker part of the film ring flows toward the central region before eventually draining in the opposite direction. Although the drop is pressed toward the wall, the central part of the drop moves away from the wall before approaching it again. This is observed even when the inward push is too small to create a wimple.


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An experiment is described in which a mica surface is driven towards a mercury drop immersed in aqueous electrolyte. Under appropriate conditions, hydrodynamic pressure in the aqueous film creates a classical dimple in the mercury drop. The use of optical interferometry and video recording to monitor the shape of the drop and the thickness of the aqueous film with sub-nanometre resolution yields a high density of precise data showing the formation and evolution of the dimple as the film drains. Variation of electrical potential applied to the mercury phase allows control of the surface forces acting between the drop and the mica surface, so that the effect of surface forces on the film drainage process is highlighted. It is found that the film thickness at the centre of the dimple and the lateral extent of the dimple are not significantly affected by surface forces. On the other hand, the minimum film thickness at the edge of the dimple is sensitive even to weak surface forces. Since this minimum film thickness is a major determinant of the film drainage rate, it is shown that surface forces have an important effect on the overall drainage process.


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An atomic force microscope was used to measure the forces acting between two polystyrene latex spheres in aqueous media. The results show an electrostatic repulsion at large separations which is overtaken by an attractive “hook” that pulls the two spheres into contact from a considerable range (20−400 nm), much larger than could be expected for a van der Waals attraction. The range of operation of this attraction varies from one experiment to another and is not correlated with electrolyte concentration. However, the range is found to decrease significantly when the level of dissolved gas in the water is reduced.


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Force measurements between silica surfaces in aqueous solutions of NaCl are reported. Silica is prepared with one of three surface treatments: (i) flaming, (ii) exposure to steam for 150 h, and (iii) brief exposure to ammonia vapor. Analysis of electrical double-layer interactions indicates that the surface density of silanol groups increases with steam treatment, and that exposure to ammonia etches the surface slightly and renders it porous. The force at short range is dominated by a strong repulsion which is attributed to hydration of the surface. The hydration component of the force is not significantly affected by the surface treatments, nor by electrolyte concentration over the range investigated (up to 0.1 M).


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A descriptive account is given of the surface forces acting between two solids. Different contributions to the force are outlined, with particular attention paid to the underlying mechanisms, and how they are affected by the nature of the medium between the surfaces. This is followed by a discussion of the areas of ceramic science and engineering in which surface forces play a role.