947 resultados para Rehabilitation of hearing impaired
This work proposes to seek for the factors related to the choices that people with special educational needs make as the result of the visual impairment, during the transition stage from high school to advanced education. Therefore, we have taken into consideration that Vocational Guidance and the transition towards adulthood get specific characteristics in case of visually impaired young people, particularly in what's related to continue with advanced education. The focus of this work is to be able to clarify the existence of factors that make this transition stage easier or harder, through the observation of visually impaired and blind people who complete high school. This matter has aroused interest and concern about the strategies to follow to ensure the successful entrance and remaining in the selected advanced education. However, if we don?t know the factors involved in the described fact, it's difficult to design an appropriate intervention strategy. Then, in order to take acknowledge about the specific issues of visually impaired young people who complete high school, we chose a special school for this disability and some students who will join this project
This paper provides some results on the potential to minimize environmental impacts in residential buildings life cycle, through faade design strategies, analyzing also their impact on costs from a lifecycle perspective. On one hand, it assesses the environmental damage produced by the materials of the building envelope, and on the other, the benefits they offer in terms of habitability and liveability in the use phase. The analysis includes several design parameters used both for rehabilitation of existing facades, as for new facades, trying to cover various determinants and proposing project alternatives. With this study we intended to contribute to address the energy challenges for the coming years, trying also to propose pathways for innovative solutions for the building envelope.
This paper describes the design and development of a system for cardio rehabilitation of patients that suffered a myocardial infarction. The proposed solution focuses on exercise prescriptions and the encouragement of healthy behaviors. The innovative strategy of the design takes into account health promotion models to provide safe, assistive exercise training sessions, personalized feedbacks, and educational contents.
This study introduces the concept design and analysis of a robotic system for the assistance and rehabilitation of disabled people. Based on the statistical data of the most common types of disabilities in Spain and other industrialized countries, the different tasks that the device must be able to perform have been determined. In this study, different robots for rehabilitation and assistance previously introduced have been reviewed. This survey is focused on those robots that assist with gait, balance and standing up. The structure of the ROAD robot presents various advantages over these robots, we discuss some of them. The performance of the proposed architecture is analyzed when it performs the sit to stand activity.
La Directiva 2003/10/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, del 6 de febrero de 2003, especfica con arreglo al apartado 1 del artculo 16 de la Directiva 89/391/CEE las disposiciones mnimas de seguridad y de salud relativas a la exposicin de los trabajadores a los riesgos derivados de los agentes fsicos (ruido). En la industria musical, y en concreto en los msicos de orquesta, una exposicin de ms de ocho horas al da a un nivel de presin sonora de 80dB(A) o ms es algo muy comn. Esta situacin puede causar a los trabajadores daos auditivos como la hiperacusia, hipoacusia, tinitus o ruptura de la membrana basilar entre otros. Esto significa que deben tomarse medidas para implementar las regulaciones de la forma ms razonable posible para que la interpretacin del msico, la dinmica y el concepto musical que se quiere transmitir al pblico se vea lo menos afectada posible. Para reducir la carga auditiva de los msicos de orquesta frente a fuertes impactos sonoros provenientes de los instrumentos vecinos, se est investigando sobre el uso de unos paneles acsticos que colocados en puntos estratgicos de la orquesta pueden llegar a reducir el impacto sonoro sobre el odo hasta 20dB. Los instrumentos de viento metal y de percusin son los responsables de la mayor emisin de presin sonora. Para proteger el odo de los msicos frente a estos impactos, se colocan los paneles en forma de barrera entre dichos instrumentos y los msicos colocados frente a ellos. De esta forma se protege el odo de los msicos ms afectados. Para ver el efecto prctico que producen estos paneles en un conjunto orquestal, se realizan varias grabaciones en los ensayos y conciertos de varias orquestas. Los micrfonos se sitan a la altura del odo y a una distancia de no ms de 10cm de la oreja de varios de los msicos ms afectados y de los msicos responsables de la fuerte emisin sonora. De este modo se puede hacer una comparacin de los niveles de presin sonora que percibe cada msico y evaluar las diferencias de nivel existentes entre ambos. As mismo se utilizan configuraciones variables de los paneles para comparar las diferencias de presin sonora que existen entre las distintas posibilidades de colocarlos y decidir as sobre la mejor ubicacin y configuracin de los mismos. A continuacin, una vez obtenidos las muestras de audio y los diferentes archivos de datos medidos con un analizador de audio en distintas posiciones de la orquesta, todo ello se calibra y analiza utilizando un programa desarrollado en Matlab, para evaluar el efecto de los paneles sobre la percepcin auditiva de los msicos, haciendo especial hincapi en el anlisis de las diferencias de nivel de presin sonora (SPL). Mediante el clculo de la envolvente de las diferencias de nivel, se evala de un modo estadstico el efecto de atenuacin de los paneles acsticos en los msicos de orquesta. El mtodo est basado en la probabilidad estadstica de varias muestras musicales ya que al tratarse de msica tocada en directo, la dinmica y la sincronizacin entre los msicos vara segn el momento en que se toque. Estos factores junto con el hecho de que la partitura de cada msico es diferente dificulta la comparacin entre dos seales grabadas en diferentes puntos de la orquesta. Se necesita por lo tanto de varias muestras musicales para evaluar el efecto de atenuacin de los paneles en las distintas configuraciones mencionadas anteriormente. El estudio completo del efecto de los paneles como entorno que influye en los msicos de orquesta cuando estn sobre el escenario, tiene como objetivo la mejora de sus condiciones de trabajo. Abstract For several years, the European Union has been adopting many laws and regulations to protect and give more security to people who are exposed to some risk in their job. Being exposed to a loud sound pressure level during many hours in the job runs the risk of hearing damage. Particularly in the field of music, the ear is the most important working tool. Not taking care of the ear can cause some damage such as hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis, diplacusis, etc. This could have an impact on the efficiency and satisfaction of the musicians when they are playing, which could also cause stress problems. Orchestra musicians, as many other workers in this sector, are usually exposed to a sound level of 80dB(A) or more during more than eight hours per day. It means that they must satisfy the law and their legal obligations to avoid health problems proceeding from their job. Putting into practice the new regulations is a challenge for orchestras. They must make sure that the repertoire, with its dynamic, balance and feeling, is not affected by the reduction of sound levels imposed by the law. This study tries to investigate the benefits and disadvantages of using shields as a hearing protector during rehearsals and orchestral concerts.
El objetivo principal del presente proyecto es proporcionar al ingeniero de telecomunicaciones una visin general de las tcnicas que se utilizan en el modelado del sistema auditivo. El modelado del sistema auditivo se realiza con los siguientes objetivos: a) Interpretar medidas directas, b)unificar el entendimiento de diferentes fenmenos, c) guiar estrategias de amplificacin para suplir prdidas auditivas y d) tener predicciones experimentalmente comprobables de comportamientos, con diferentes niveles de complejidad. En este trabajo se tratarn y explicarn brevemente las diferentes tcnicas utilizadas para modelar las partes del sistema auditivo, desde las analogas electroacsticas, modelos biofsicos, binaurales, hasta la implementacin de filtros auditivos mediante procesado de seal. Podemos concluir que el modelado mediante analogas electroacsticas permite una rpida implementacin y entendimiento, pero tiene ciertas limitaciones. Las simulaciones mediante anlisis numricos son precisas y de gran utilidad tanto para del odo medio como para el interno. El procesado de seal es el procedimiento ms completo y utilizado ya que permite modelar odo externo y medio adems de permitir la implementacin de filtros cocleares muy precisos y coherentes con la realidad incluyndolos en modelos perceptivos. ABSTRACT. The main aim of the Project is to provide the Telecommunications Engineer an overview about the approaches for modelling the auditory system. The auditory system modelling is done for the next objectives: a) Interpret direct measures, b) Understand different phenomena c) get strategies of amplification for hearing impaired people and d) Obtain testable predictions experimentally about some behaviors with different complexity levels. Inside this document, several approaches about modeling of the auditory system parts will be explained: analog circuits, biophysics models, binaural models, and auditory filters made through signal processing. In conclusion, analog circuits are made quickly and they are easier to understand but they have many limitations. Simulations through numerical analysis are accurate and useful in middle and inner ear models. Signal processing is the more versatile approach because it lets to make a model of external and middle ear and then it allows to make complex auditory filters. Perceptive models can be made entirely through this method.
Tradicionalmente, el uso de tcnicas de anlisis de datos ha sido una de las principales vas para el descubrimiento de conocimiento oculto en grandes cantidades de datos, recopilados por expertos en diferentes dominios. Por otra parte, las tcnicas de visualizacin tambin se han usado para mejorar y facilitar este proceso. Sin embargo, existen limitaciones serias en la obtencin de conocimiento, ya que suele ser un proceso lento, tedioso y en muchas ocasiones infructfero, debido a la dificultad de las personas para comprender conjuntos de datos de grandes dimensiones. Otro gran inconveniente, pocas veces tenido en cuenta por los expertos que analizan grandes conjuntos de datos, es la degradacin involuntaria a la que someten a los datos durante las tareas de anlisis, previas a la obtencin final de conclusiones. Por degradacin quiere decirse que los datos pueden perder sus propiedades originales, y suele producirse por una reduccin inapropiada de los datos, alterando as su naturaleza original y llevando en muchos casos a interpretaciones y conclusiones errneas que podran tener serias implicaciones. Adems, este hecho adquiere una importancia trascendental cuando los datos pertenecen al dominio mdico o biolgico, y la vida de diferentes personas depende de esta toma final de decisiones, en algunas ocasiones llevada a cabo de forma inapropiada. sta es la motivacin de la presente tesis, la cual propone un nuevo framework visual, llamado MedVir, que combina la potencia de tcnicas avanzadas de visualizacin y minera de datos para tratar de dar solucin a estos grandes inconvenientes existentes en el proceso de descubrimiento de informacin vlida. El objetivo principal es hacer ms fcil, comprensible, intuitivo y rpido el proceso de adquisicin de conocimiento al que se enfrentan los expertos cuando trabajan con grandes conjuntos de datos en diferentes dominios. Para ello, en primer lugar, se lleva a cabo una fuerte disminucin en el tamao de los datos con el objetivo de facilitar al experto su manejo, y a la vez preservando intactas, en la medida de lo posible, sus propiedades originales. Despus, se hace uso de efectivas tcnicas de visualizacin para representar los datos obtenidos, permitiendo al experto interactuar de forma sencilla e intuitiva con los datos, llevar a cabo diferentes tareas de anlisis de datos y as estimular visualmente su capacidad de comprensin. De este modo, el objetivo subyacente se basa en abstraer al experto, en la medida de lo posible, de la complejidad de sus datos originales para presentarle una versin ms comprensible, que facilite y acelere la tarea final de descubrimiento de conocimiento. MedVir se ha aplicado satisfactoriamente, entre otros, al campo de la magnetoencefalografa (MEG), que consiste en la prediccin en la rehabilitacin de lesiones cerebrales traumticas (Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) rehabilitation prediction). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la efectividad del framework a la hora de acelerar y facilitar el proceso de descubrimiento de conocimiento sobre conjuntos de datos reales. ABSTRACT Traditionally, the use of data analysis techniques has been one of the main ways of discovering knowledge hidden in large amounts of data, collected by experts in different domains. Moreover, visualization techniques have also been used to enhance and facilitate this process. However, there are serious limitations in the process of knowledge acquisition, as it is often a slow, tedious and many times fruitless process, due to the difficulty for human beings to understand large datasets. Another major drawback, rarely considered by experts that analyze large datasets, is the involuntary degradation to which they subject the data during analysis tasks, prior to obtaining the final conclusions. Degradation means that data can lose part of their original properties, and it is usually caused by improper data reduction, thereby altering their original nature and often leading to erroneous interpretations and conclusions that could have serious implications. Furthermore, this fact gains a trascendental importance when the data belong to medical or biological domain, and the lives of people depends on the final decision-making, which is sometimes conducted improperly. This is the motivation of this thesis, which proposes a new visual framework, called MedVir, which combines the power of advanced visualization techniques and data mining to try to solve these major problems existing in the process of discovery of valid information. Thus, the main objective is to facilitate and to make more understandable, intuitive and fast the process of knowledge acquisition that experts face when working with large datasets in different domains. To achieve this, first, a strong reduction in the size of the data is carried out in order to make the management of the data easier to the expert, while preserving intact, as far as possible, the original properties of the data. Then, effective visualization techniques are used to represent the obtained data, allowing the expert to interact easily and intuitively with the data, to carry out different data analysis tasks, and so visually stimulating their comprehension capacity. Therefore, the underlying objective is based on abstracting the expert, as far as possible, from the complexity of the original data to present him a more understandable version, thus facilitating and accelerating the task of knowledge discovery. MedVir has been succesfully applied to, among others, the field of magnetoencephalography (MEG), which consists in predicting the rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The results obtained successfully demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework to accelerate and facilitate the process of knowledge discovery on real world datasets.
This research in Cordoba's mosque tower main objective was to analyze and characterize the foundations and the underlying soil, calculating the stability of the monument as well as the settlement and deformations performed, using traditional calculation methods and also by finite elements, and to determine differences between both, as well as the stability factor of the Minaret Tower. The works done to study the soil, were drill bores and dynamic penetration tests, classification of samples by size, Atterberg limits, physical and chemical analysis, showing the typical geotechnical composition of the Guadalquivir valley: an alluvial material composed by sand, gravels and silt clays. To study the foundations, inclined bore samples were extracted with 10-65, showing calcarenite stone ashlars and lime concrete alternating with stone and brick masonry.
Adobe is commonly found in Aveiro's ancient constructions. Preservation and rehabilitation of those constructions, some of them with architectural and historical interest, has been forgotten for many years. As a result, in Aveiro region, the majority of existing constructions in adobe is structurally weak, and, in several cases, they are in the threshold of ruin. Rehabilitation and/or strengthening urge. Despite some efforts has been made, a great difficulty for technicians working on the rehabilitation of these constructions relies on the lack of knowledge on adobe's mechanical behaviour. In fact, in order to properly describe the structural behaviour of those constructions, there is a need to investigate the mechanical behaviour of adobe. Hence, this paper is based on a study intended to characterise the behaviour of adobe brick units. Specimens were prepared from selected representative constructions of the Aveiro region. The prepared specimens were tested in order to evaluate their mechanical behaviour in compression and tension
Los objetivos de esta tesis fueron 1) obtener y validar ecuaciones de prediccin para determinar in vivo la composicin corporal y de la canal de conejos en crecimiento de 25 a 77 das de vida utilizando la tcnica de la Impedancia Bioelctrica (BIA), y 2) evaluar su aplicacin para determinar diferencias en la composicin corporal y de la canal, as como la retencin de nutrientes de animales alimentados con diferentes fuentes y niveles de grasa. El primer estudio se realiz para determinar y despus validar, usando datos independientes, las ecuaciones de prediccin obtenidas para determinar in vivo la composicin corporal de los conejos en crecimiento. Se utilizaron 150 conejos a 5 edades distintas (25, 35, 49, 63 y 77 das de vida), con un rango de pesos entre 231 y 3138 g. Para determinar los valores de resistencia (Rs,) and reactancia (Xc,) se us un terminal (Model BIA-101, RJL Systems, Detroit, MI USA) con cuatro electrodos. Igualmente se registr la distancia entre electrodos internos (D), la longitud corporal (L) y el peso vivo (PV) de cada animal. En cada edad, los animales fueron molidos y congelados (-20 C) para su posterior anlisis qumico (MS, grasa, protena, cenizas y EB). El contenido en grasa y energa de los animales se increment, mientras que los contenidos en protena, cenizas y agua de los animales disminuyeron con la edad. Los valores medios de Rs, Xc, impedancia (Z), L y D fueron 83.5 23.1 , 18.2 3.8 , 85.6 22.9 , 30.6 6.9 cm y 10.8 3.1 cm. Se realiz un anlisis de regresin lineal mltiple para determinar las ecuaciones de prediccin, utilizando los valores de PV, L and Z como variables independientes. Las ecuaciones obtenidas para estimar los contenidos en agua (g), PB (g), grasa (g), cenizas (g) and EB (MJ) tuvieron un coeficiente de determinacin de (R2) de 0.99, 0.99, 0.97, 0.98 y 0.99, y los errores medios de prediccin relativos (EMPR) fueron: 2.79, 6.15, 24.3, 15.2 y 10.6%, respectivamente. Cuando el contenido en agua se expres como porcentaje, los valores de R2 y EMPR fueron 0.85 and 2.30%, respectivamente. Al predecir los contenidos en protena (%MS), grasa (%MS), cenizas (%MS) y energa (kJ/100 g MS), se obtuvieron valores de 0.79, 0.83, 0.71 y 0.86 para R2, y 5.04, 18.9, 12.0 y 3.19% para EMPR. La reactancia estuvo negativamente correlacionada con el contenido en agua, cenizas y PB (r = -0.32, P < 0.0001; r = -0.20, P < 0.05; r = -0.26, P < 0.01) y positivamente correlacionada con la grasa y la energa (r = 0.23 y r = 0.24; P < 0.01). Sin embargo, Rs estuvo positivamente correlacionada con el agua, las cenizas y la PB (r = 0.31, P < 0.001; r = 0.28, P < 0.001; r = 0.37, P < 0.0001) y negativamente con la grasa y la energa (r = -0.36 y r = -0.35; P < 0.0001). Igualmente la edad estuvo negativamente correlacionada con el contenido en agua, cenizas y protena (r = -0.79; r = -0.68 y r = -0.80; P < 0.0001) y positivamente con la grasa y la energa (r = 0.78 y r = 0.81; P < 0.0001). Se puede concluir que el mtodo BIA es una tcnica buena y no invasiva para estimar in vivo la composicin corporal de conejos en crecimiento de 25 a 77 das de vida. El objetivo del segundo estudio fue determinar y validar con datos independientes las ecuaciones de prediccin obtenidas para estimar in vivo la composicin de la canal eviscerada mediante el uso de BIA en un grupo de conejos de 25 a 77 das, as como testar su aplicacin para predecir la retencin de nutrientes y calcular las eficacias de retencin de la energa y del nitrgeno. Se utilizaron 75 conejos agrupados en 5 edades (25, 35, 49, 63 y 77 das de vida) con unos pesos que variaron entre 196 y 3260 g. Para determinar los valores de resistencia (Rs, ) y reactancia (Xc, ) se us un terminal (Model BIA-101, RJL Systems, Detroit, MI USA) con cuatro electrodos. Igualmente se registr la distancia entre electrodos internos (D), la longitud corporal (L) y el peso vivo (PV) del cada animal. En cada edad, los animales fueron aturdidos y desangrados. Su piel, vsceras y contenido digestivo fueron retirados, y la canal oreada fue pesada y molida para posteriores anlisis (MS, grasa, PB, cenizas y EB). Los contenidos en energa y grasa aumentaron mientras que los de agua, cenizas y protena disminuyeron con la edad. Los valores medios de Rs, Xc, impedancia (Z), L y D fueron 95.923.9 , 19.54.7 , 98.023.8 , 20.66.3 cm y 13.73.1 cm. Se realiz un anlisis de regresin linear mltiple para determinar las ecuaciones de prediccin, utilizando los valores de PV, L and Z como variables independientes. Los coeficientes de determinacin (R2) de las ecuaciones obtenidas para estimar los contenidos en agua (g), PB (g), grasa (g), cenizas (g) and EB (MJ) fueron: 0.99, 0.99, 0.95, 0.96 y 0.98, mientras que los errores medios de prediccin relativos (EMPR) fueron: 4.20, 5.48, 21.9, 9.10 y 6.77%, respectivamente. Cuando el contenido en agua se expres como porcentaje, los valores de R2 y EMPR fueron 0.79 y 1.62%, respectivamente. Cuando se realiz la prediccin de los contenidos en protena (%MS), grasa (%MS), cenizas (%MS) y energa (kJ/100 g MS), los valores de R2 fueron 0.68, 0.76, 0.66 and 0.82, y los de RMPE: 3.22, 10.5, 5.82 and 2.54%, respectivamente. La reactancia estuvo directamente correlacionada con el contenido en grasa (r = 0.24, P < 0.05), mientras que la resistencia guard una correlacin positiva con los contenidos en agua, cenizas y protena (r = 0.55, P < 0.001; r = 0.54, P < 0.001; r = 0.40, P < 0.005) y negativa con la grasa y la energa (r = -0.44 y r = -0.55; P < 0.001). Igualmente la edad estuvo negativamente correlacionada con los contenidos en agua, cenizas y PB (r = -0.94; r = -0.85 y r = -0.75; P < 0.0001) y positivamente con la grasa y la energa (r = 0.89 y r = 0.90; P < 0.0001). Se estudi la eficacia global de retencin de la energa (ERE) y del nitrgeno (ERN) durante todo el periodo de cebo (35-63 d), Los valores de ERE fueron 20.47.29%, 21.04.18% and 20.82.79% en los periodos 35 a 49, 49 a 63 y 35 a 63 d, respectivamente. ERN fue 46.911.7%, 34.57.32% y 39.13.23% para los mismos periodos. La energa fue retenida en los tejidos para crecimiento con una eficiencia del 52.5% y la eficiencia de retencin de la energa como protena y grasa fue de 33.3 y 69.9% respectivamente. La eficiencia de utilizacin del nitrgeno para crecimiento fue cercana al 77%. Este trabajo muestra como el mtodo BIA es tcnica buena y no invasiva para determinar in vivo la composicin de la canal y la retencin de nutrientes en conejos en crecimiento de 25 a 77 das de vida. En el tercer estudio, se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos con el fin de investigar los efectos del nivel de inclusin y de la fuente de grasa, sobre los rendimientos productivos, la mortalidad, la retencin de nutrientes y la composicin corporal total y de la canal eviscerada de conejos en crecimiento de 34 a 63 d de vida. En el Exp. 1 se formularon 3 dietas con un diseo experimental factorial 3 x 2 con el tipo de grasa utilizada: Aceite de Soja (SBO), Lecitinas de Soja (SLO) y Manteca (L) y el nivel de inclusin (1.5 y 4%) como factores principales. El Exp. 2 tambin fue diseado con una estructura factorial 3 x 2, pero usando SBO, Aceite de Pescado (FO) y Aceite de Palmiste como fuentes de grasa, incluidas a los mismos niveles que en el Exp. 1. En ambos experimentos 180 animales fueron alojados en jaulas individuales (n=30) y 600 en jaulas colectivas en grupos de 5 animales (n=20). Los animales alimentados con un 4% de grasa aadida tuvieron unos consumos diarios y unos ndices de conversin ms bajos que aquellos alimentados con las dietas con un 1.5% de grasa. En los animales alojados en colectivo del Exp. 1, el consumo fue un 4.8% ms alto en los que consumieron las dietas que contenan manteca que en los animales alimentados con las dietas SBO (P = 0.036). La inclusin de manteca tendi a reducir la mortalidad (P = 0.067) en torno al 60% y al 25% con respecto a las dietas con SBO y SLO, respectivamente. La mortalidad aument con el nivel mximo de inclusin de SLO (14% vs. 1%, P < 0.01), sin observarse un efecto negativo sobre la mortalidad con el nivel ms alto de inclusin de las dems fuentes de grasa utilizadas. En los animales alojados colectivo del Exp. 2 se encontr una disminucin del consumo (11%), peso vivo a 63 d (4.8%) y de la ganancia diaria de peso (7.8%) con la inclusin de aceite de pescado con respecto a otras dietas (P < 0.01). Los dos ltimos parmetros se vieron especialmente ms reducidos cuando en las dietas se incluy el nivel ms alto de FO (5.6 y 9.5%, respectivamente, (P < 0.01)). Los animales alojados individualmente mostraron unos resultados productivos muy similares. La inclusin de aceite pescado tendi (P = 0.078) a aumentar la mortalidad (13.2%) con respecto al aceite de palmiste (6.45%), siendo intermedia para las dietas que contenan SBO (8.10%). La fuente o el nivel de grasa no afectaron la composicin corporal total o de la canal eviscerada de los animales. Un incremento en el nivel de grasa dio lugar a una disminucin de la ingesta de nitrgeno digestible (DNi) (1.83 vs. 1.92 g/d; P = 0.068 en Exp. 1 y 1.79 vs. 1.95 g/d; P = 0.014 en Exp. 2). Debido a que el nitrgeno retenido (NR) en la canal fue similar para ambos niveles (0.68 g/d (Exp. 1) y 0.71 g/d (Exp. 2)), la eficacia total de retencin del nitrgeno (ERN) aument con el nivel mximo de inclusin de grasa, pero de forma significativa nicamente en el Exp. 1 (34.9 vs. 37.8%; P < 0.0001), mientras que en el Exp. 2 se encontr una tendencia (36.2 vs. 38.0% en Exp. 2; P < 0.064). Como consecuencia, la excrecin de nitrgeno en heces fue menor en los animales alimentados con el nivel ms alto de grasa (0.782 vs. 0.868 g/d; P = 0.0001 en Exp. 1, y 0.745 vs. 0.865 g/d; P < 0.0001 en Exp.2) al igual que el nitrgeno excretado en orina (0.702 vs. 0.822 g/d; P < 0.0001 en Exp. 1 y 0.694 vs. 0.7999 g/d; P = 0.014 en Exp.2). Aunque no hubo diferencias en la eficacia total de retencin de la energa (ERE), la energa excretada en heces disminuy al aumentar el nivel de inclusin de grasa (142 vs. 156 Kcal/d; P = 0.0004 en Exp. 1 y 144 vs. 154 g/d; P = 0.050 en Exp. 2). Sin embargo, la energa excretada como orina y en forma de calor fue mayor en el los animales del Exp. 1 alimentados con el nivel ms alto de grasa (216 vs. 204 Kcal/d; P < 0.017). Se puede concluir que la manteca y el aceite de palmiste pueden ser considerados como fuentes alternativas al aceite de soja debido a la reduccin de la mortalidad, sin efectos negativos sobre los rendimientos productivos o la retencin de nutrientes. La inclusin de aceite de pescado empeor los rendimientos productivos y la mortalidad durante el periodo de crecimiento. Un aumento en el nivel de grasa mejor el ndice de conversin y la eficacia total de retencin de nitrgeno. ABSTRACT The aim of this Thesis is: 1) to obtain and validate prediction equations to determine in vivo whole body and carcass composition using the Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA) method in growing rabbits from 25 to 77 days of age, and 2) to study its application to determine differences on whole body and carcass chemical composition, and nutrient retention of animals fed different fat levels and sources. The first study was conducted to determine and later validate, by using independent data, the prediction equations obtained to assess in vivo the whole body composition of growing rabbits. One hundred and fifty rabbits grouped at 5 different ages (25, 35, 49, 63 and 77 days) and weighing from 231 to 3138 g were used. A four terminal body composition analyser was used to obtain resistance (Rs, ) and reactance (Xc, ) values (Model BIA-101, RJL Systems, Detroit, MI USA). The distance between internal electrodes (D, cm), body length (L, cm) and live BW of each animal were also registered. At each selected age, animals were slaughtered, ground and frozen (-20 C) for later chemical analyses (DM, fat, CP, ash and GE). Fat and energy body content increased with the age, while protein, ash, and water decreased. Mean values of Rs, Xc, impedance (Z), L and D were 83.5 23.1 , 18.2 3.8 , 85.6 22.9 , 30.6 6.9 cm and 10.8 3.1 cm. A multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the prediction equations, using BW, L and Z data as independent variables. Equations obtained to estimate water (g), CP (g), fat (g), ash (g) and GE (MJ) content had, respectively, coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.99, 0.99, 0.97, 0.98 and 0.99, and the relative mean prediction error (RMPE) was: 2.79, 6.15, 24.3, 15.2 and 10.6%, respectively. When water was expressed as percentage, the R2 and RMPE were 0.85 and 2.30%, respectively. When prediction of the content of protein (%DM), fat (%DM), ash (%DM) and energy (kJ/100 g DM) was done, values of 0.79, 0.83, 0.71 and 0.86 for R2, and 5.04, 18.9, 12.0 and 3.19% for RMPE, respectively, were obtained. Reactance was negatively correlated with water, ash and CP content (r = -0.32, P < 0.0001; r = -0.20, P < 0.05; r = -0.26, P < 0.01) and positively correlated with fat and GE (r = 0.23 and r = 0.24; P < 0.01). Otherwise, resistance was positively correlated with water, ash and CP (r = 0.31, P < 0.001; r = 0.28, P < 0.001; r = 0.37, P < 0.0001) and negatively correlated with fat and energy (r = -0.36 and r = -0.35; P < 0.0001). Moreover, age was negatively correlated with water, ash and CP content (r = -0.79; r = -0.68 and r = -0.80; P < 0.0001) and positively correlated with fat and energy (r = 0.78 and r = 0.81; P < 0.0001). It could be concluded that BIA is a non-invasive good method to estimate in vivo whole body composition of growing rabbits from 25 to 77 days of age. The aim of the second study was to determine and validate with independent data, the prediction equations obtained to estimate in vivo carcass composition of growing rabbits by using the results of carcass chemical composition and BIA values in a group of rabbits from 25 to 77 days. Also its potential application to predict nutrient retention and overall energy and nitrogen retention efficiencies was analysed. Seventy five rabbits grouped at 5 different ages (25, 35, 49, 63 and 77 days) with weights ranging from 196 to 3260 g were used. A four terminal body composition analyser (Model BIA-101, RJL Systems, Detroit, MI USA) was used to obtain resistance (Rs, ) and reactance (Xc, ) values. The distance between internal electrodes (D, cm), body length (L, cm) and live weight (BW, g) were also registered. At each selected age, all the animals were stunned and bled. The skin, organs and digestive content were removed, and the chilled carcass were weighed and processed for chemical analyses (DM, fat, CP, ash and GE). Energy and fat increased with the age, while CP, ash, and water decreased. Mean values of Rs, Xc, impedance (Z), L and D were 95.923.9 , 19.54.7 , 98.023.8 , 20.66.3 cm y 13.73.1 cm. A multiple linear regression analysis was done to determine the equations, using BW, L and Z data as parameters. Coefficient of determination (R2) of the equations obtained to estimate water (g), CP (g), fat (g), ash (g) and GE (MJ) content were: 0.99, 0.99, 0.95, 0.96 and 0.98, and relative mean prediction error (RMPE) were: 4.20, 5.48, 21.9, 9.10 and 6.77%, respectively. When water content was expressed as percentage, the R2 and RMPE were 0.79 and 1.62%, respectively. When prediction of protein (%DM), fat (%DM), ash (%DM) and energy (kJ/100 g DM) content was done, R2 values were 0.68, 0.76, 0.66 and 0.82, and RMPE: 3.22, 10.5, 5.82 and 2.54%, respectively. Reactance was positively correlated with fat content (r = 0.24, P < 0.05) while resistance was positively correlated with water, ash and protein carcass content (r = 0.55, P < 0.001; r = 0.54, P < 0.001; r = 0.40, P < 0.005) and negatively correlated with fat and energy (r = -0.44 and r = -0.55; P < 0.001). Moreover, age was negatively correlated with water, ash and CP content (r = -0.97, r = -0.95 and r = -0.89, P < 0.0001) and positively correlated with fat and GE (r = 0.95 and r = 0.97; P < 0.0001). In the whole growing period (35-63 d), overall energy retention efficiency (ERE) and nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE) were studied. The ERE values were 20.47.29%, 21.04.18% and 20.82.79%, from 35 to 49, 49 to 63 and from 35 to 63 d, respectively. NRE was 46.911.7%, 34.57.32% and 39.13.23% for the same periods. Energy was retained in body tissues for growth with an efficiency of approximately 52.5% and efficiency of the energy for protein and fat retention was 33.3 and 69.9%, respectively. Efficiency of utilization of nitrogen for growth was near to 77%. This work shows that BIA its a non-invasive and good method to estimate in vivo carcass composition and nutrient retention of growing rabbits from 25 to 77 days of age. In the third study, two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of the fat addition and source, on performance, mortality, nutrient retention, and the whole body and carcass chemical composition of growing rabbits from 34 to 63 d. In Exp. 1 three diets were arranged in a 3 x 2 factorial structure with the source of fat: Soybean oil (SBO), Soya Lecithin Oil (SLO) and Lard (L) and the dietary fat inclusion level (1.5 and 4%) as the main factors. Exp. 2 had also arranged as a 3 x 2 factorial design, but using SBO, Fish Oil (FO) and Palmkernel Oil (PKO) as fat sources, and included at the same levels than in Exp. 1. In both experiments 180 animals were allocated in individual cages (n=30) and 600 in collectives cages, in groups of 5 animals (n=20). Animals fed with 4% dietary fat level showed lower DFI and FCR than those fed diets with 1.5%. In collective housing of Exp. 1, DFI was a 4.8% higher in animals fed with diets containing lard than SBO (P = 0.036), being intermediate for diet with SLO. Inclusion of lard also tended to reduce mortality (P = 0.067) around 60% and 25% with respect SBO and SLO diets, respectively. Mortality increased with the greatest level of soya lecithin (14% vs. 1%, P < 0.01). In Exp. 2 a decrease of DFI (11%), BW at 63 d (4.8%) and DWG (7.8%) were observed with the inclusion of fish oil with respect the other two diets (P < 0.01). These last two traits impaired with the highest level of fish oil (5.6 and 9.5%, respectively, (P < 0.01)). Animals housed individually showed similar performance results. The inclusion of fish oil also tended to increase (P = 0.078) mortality (13.2%) with respect palmkernel oil (6.45%), being mortality of SBO intermediate (8.10%). Fat source and level did not affect the whole body or carcass chemical composition. An increase of the fat sources addition led to a decrease of the digestible nitrogen intake (DNi) (1.83 vs. 1.92 g/d; P = 0.068 in Exp. 1 and 1.79 vs. 1.95 g/d; P = 0.014 in Exp. 2). As the nitrogen retained (NR) in the carcass was similar for both fat levels (0.68 g/d (Exp. 1) and 0.71 g/d (Exp. 2)), the overall efficiency of N retention (NRE) increased with the highest level of fat, but only reached significant level in Exp. 1 (34.9 vs. 37.8%; P < 0.0001), while in Exp. 2 a tendency was found (36.2 vs. 38.0% in Exp. 2; P < 0.064). Consequently, nitrogen excretion in faeces was lower in animals fed with the highest level of fat (0.782 vs. 0.868 g/d; P = 0.0001 in Exp. 1, and 0.745 vs. 0.865 g/d; P < 0.0001 in Exp.2). The same effect was observed with the nitrogen excreted as urine (0.702 vs. 0.822 g/d; P < 0.0001 in Exp. 1 and 0.694 vs. 0.7999 g/d; P = 0.014 in Exp.2). Although there were not differences in ERE, the energy excreted in faeces decreased as fat level increased (142 vs. 156 Kcal/d; P = 0.0004 in Exp. 1 and 144 vs. 154 g/d; P = 0.050 in Exp. 2). In Exp. 1 the energy excreted as urine and heat production was significantly higher when animals were fed with the highest level of dietary fat (216 vs. 204 Kcal/d; P < 0.017). It can be concluded that lard and palmkernel oil can be considered as alternative sources to soybean oil due to the reduction of the mortality, without negative effects on performances or nutrient retention. Inclusion of fish impaired animals productivity and mortality. An increase of the dietary fat level improved FCR and overall protein efficiency retention.
The high sensitivity and sharp frequency discrimination of hearing depend on mechanical amplification in the cochlea. To explore the basis of this active process, we examined the pharmacological sensitivity of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) in a lizard, the Tokay gecko. In a quiet environment, each ear produced a complex but stable pattern of emissions. These SOAEs were reversibly modulated by drugs that affect mammalian otoacoustic emissions, the salicylates and the aminoglycoside antibiotics. The effect of a single i.p. injection of sodium salicylate depended on the initial power of the emissions: ears with strong control SOAEs displayed suppression at all frequencies, whereas those with weak control emissions showed enhancement. Repeated oral administration of acetylsalicylic acid reduced all emissions. Single i.p. doses of gentamicin or kanamycin suppressed SOAEs below 2.6 kHz, while modulating those above 2.6 kHz in either of two ways. For ears whose emission power at 2.65.2 kHz encompassed more than half of the total, individual emissions displayed facilitation as great as 35-fold. For the remaining ears, emissions dropped to as little as one-sixth of their initial values. The similarity of the responses of reptilian and mammalian cochleas to pharmacological intervention provides further evidence for a common mechanism of cochlear amplification.
Nrf2, a member of the cap n collar group of transcription factors, is important for protecting cells against oxidative damage. We investigated its role in the detoxification of acetaminophen [N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (APAP)]-induced hepatotoxicity. When Nrf2 knockout (Nrf2/) and wild-type mice were given APAP by i.p. injection, the Nrf2/ mice were highly susceptible to APAP treatment. With doses of APAP that were tolerated by wild-type mice, the Nrf2/ mice died of liver failure. When hepatic glutathione was depleted after a dose of 400 mg/kg of APAP, the wild-type mice were able to compensate and regain the normal glutathione level. In contrast, the glutathione level in the Nrf2/ mice was not compensated and remained low. This was because of the decrease in the gene expression of gcsH and gcsL as well as gss in the livers of the Nrf2/ mice. In addition, the expression of ugt1a6 and gstpi that detoxify APAP by conjugation was also decreased. This increased susceptibility of the Nrf2/ mice to APAP, because of an impaired capacity to replenish their glutathione stores, compounded with a decreased detoxification capability, highlights the importance of Nrf2 in the regulation of glutathione synthesis and cellular detoxification processes.
The membranous labyrinth of the inner ear establishes a precise geometrical topology so that it may subserve the functions of hearing and balance. How this geometry arises from a simple ectodermal placode is under active investigation. The placode invaginates to form the otic cup, which deepens before pinching off to form the otic vesicle. By the vesicle stage many genes expressed in the developing ear have assumed broad, asymmetrical expression domains. We have been exploring the possibility that these domains may reflect developmental compartments that are instrumental in specifying the location and identity of different parts of the ear. The boundaries between compartments are proposed to be the site of inductive interactions required for this specification. Our work has shown that sensory organs and the endolymphatic duct each arise near the boundaries of broader gene expression domains, lending support to this idea. A further prediction of the model, that the compartment boundaries will also represent lineage-restriction compartments, is supported in part by fate mapping the otic cup. Our data suggest that two lineage-restriction boundaries intersect at the dorsal pole of the otocyst, a convergence that may be critical for the specification of endolymphatic duct outgrowth. We speculate that the patterning information necessary to establish these two orthogonal boundaries may emanate, in part, from the hindbrain. The compartment boundary model of ear development now needs to be tested through a variety of experimental perturbations, such as the removal of boundaries, the generation of ectopic boundaries, and/or changes in compartment identity.
Restoration of the impaired balance between pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines should provide effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Gene therapy has been proposed as an approach for delivery of therapeutic proteins to arthritic joints. Here, we examined the efficacy of antiinflammatory gene therapy in bacterial cell wall-induced arthritis in rats. Human secreted interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (sIL-1ra) was expressed in joints of rats with recurrent bacterial cell wall-induced arthritis by using ex vivo gene transfer. To achieve this, primary synoviocytes were transduced in culture with a retroviral vector carrying the sIL-1ra cDNA. Transduced cells were engrafted in ankle joints of animals prior to reactivation of arthritis. Animals in control groups were engrafted with synoviocytes transduced with lacZ and neo marker genes. Cells continued to express transferred genes for at least 9 days after engraftment. We found that gene transfer of sIL-1ra significantly suppressed the severity of recurrence of arthritis, as assessed by measuring joint swelling and by the gross-observation score, and attenuated but did not abolish erosion of cartilage and bone. The effect of intraarticularly expressed sIL-1ra was essentially local, as there was no significant difference in severity of recurrence between unengrafted contralateral joints in control and experimental groups. We estimate that locally expressed sIL-1ra was about four orders of magnitude more therapeutically efficient than systemically administered recombinant sIL-1ra protein. These findings provide experimental evidence for the feasibility of antiinflammatory gene therapy for arthritis.
Assistive technology involving voice communication is used primarily by people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have speech and/or language disabilities. It is also used to a lesser extent by people with visual or motor disabilities. A very wide range of devices has been developed for people with hearing loss. These devices can be categorized not only by the modality of stimulation [i.e., auditory, visual, tactile, or direct electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve (auditory-neural)] but also in terms of the degree of speech processing that is used. At least four such categories can be distinguished: assistive devices (a) that are not designed specifically for speech, (b) that take the average characteristics of speech into account, (c) that process articulatory or phonetic characteristics of speech, and (d) that embody some degree of automatic speech recognition. Assistive devices for people with speech and/or language disabilities typically involve some form of speech synthesis or symbol generation for severe forms of language disability. Speech synthesis is also used in text-to-speech systems for sightless persons. Other applications of assistive technology involving voice communication include voice control of wheelchairs and other devices for people with mobility disabilities.