830 resultados para Refrigeration of system
IEEE 802.15.4 standard has been proposed for low power wireless personal area networks. It can be used as an important component in machine to machine (M2M) networks for data collection, monitoring and controlling functions. With an increasing number of machine devices enabled by M2M technology and equipped with 802.15.4 radios, it is likely that multiple 802.15.4 networks may be deployed closely, for example, to collect data for smart metering at residential or enterprise areas. In such scenarios, supporting reliable communications for monitoring and controlling applications is a big challenge. The problem becomes more severe due to the potential hidden terminals when the operations of multiple 802.15.4 networks are uncoordinated. In this paper, we investigate this problem from three typical scenarios and propose an analytic model to reveal how performance of coexisting 802.15.4 networks may be affected by uncoordinated operations under these scenarios. Simulations will be used to validate the analytic model. It is observed that uncoordinated operations may lead to a significant degradation of system performance in M2M applications. With the proposed analytic model, we also investigate the performance limits of the 802.15.4 networks, and the conditions under which coordinated operations may be required to support M2M applications. © 2012 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.
To solve multi-objective problems, multiple reward signals are often scalarized into a single value and further processed using established single-objective problem solving techniques. While the field of multi-objective optimization has made many advances in applying scalarization techniques to obtain good solution trade-offs, the utility of applying these techniques in the multi-objective multi-agent learning domain has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Agents learn the value of their decisions by linearly scalarizing their reward signals at the local level, while acceptable system wide behaviour results. However, the non-linear relationship between weighting parameters of the scalarization function and the learned policy makes the discovery of system wide trade-offs time consuming. Our first contribution is a thorough analysis of well known scalarization schemes within the multi-objective multi-agent reinforcement learning setup. The analysed approaches intelligently explore the weight-space in order to find a wider range of system trade-offs. In our second contribution, we propose a novel adaptive weight algorithm which interacts with the underlying local multi-objective solvers and allows for a better coverage of the Pareto front. Our third contribution is the experimental validation of our approach by learning bi-objective policies in self-organising smart camera networks. We note that our algorithm (i) explores the objective space faster on many problem instances, (ii) obtained solutions that exhibit a larger hypervolume, while (iii) acquiring a greater spread in the objective space.
The system of the automated carrying out of examinations is described. Opportunities of system, its architecture and structure of communications between functional subsystems are resulted. Features of the subsystems making system are described. Types of questions which can be used at carrying out of examination are listed. In the near future the working version of system will be ready to input in commercial operation.
This article describes the process of prototyping adaptive online learning using the authoring tool for developers, which is based on ontologies. The article also gives a brief overview of contemporary situation and describes modern trends of evolution e-learning courses and present standards in this area. It also describes architecture of system VITA II.
Original method and technology of systemological «Unit-Function-Object» analysis for solving complete ill-structured problems is proposed. The given visual grapho-analytical UFO technology for the fist time combines capabilities and advantages of the system and object approaches and can be used for business reengineering and for information systems design. UFO- technology procedures are formalized by pattern-theory methods and developed by embedding systemological conceptual classification models into the system-object analysis and software tools. Technology is based on natural classification and helps to investigate deep semantic regularities of subject domain and to take proper account of system-classes essential properties the most objectively. Systemological knowledge models are based on method which for the first time synthesizes system and classification analysis. It allows creating CASE-toolkit of a new generation for organizational modelling for companies’ sustainable development and competitive advantages providing.
A general technique for transforming a timed finite state automaton into an equivalent automated planning domain based on a numerical parameter model is introduced. Timed transition automata have many applications in control systems and agents models; they are used to describe sequential processes, where actions are labelling by automaton transitions subject to temporal constraints. The language of timed words accepted by a timed automaton, the possible sequences of system or agent behaviour, can be described in term of an appropriate planning domain encapsulating the timed actions patterns and constraints. The time words recognition problem is then posed as a planning problem where the goal is to reach a final state by a sequence of actions, which corresponds to the timed symbols labeling the automaton transitions. The transformation is proved to be correct and complete and it is space/time linear on the automaton size. Experimental results shows that the performance of the planning domain obtained by transformation is scalable for real world applications. A major advantage of the planning based approach, beside of the solving the parsing problem, is to represent in a single automated reasoning framework problems of plan recognitions, plan synthesis and plan optimisation.
Application of neural network algorithm for increasing the accuracy of navigation systems are showing. Various navigation systems, where a couple of sensors are used in the same device in different positions and the disturbances act equally on both sensors, the trained neural network can be advantageous for increasing the accuracy of system. The neural algorithm had used for determination the interconnection between the sensors errors in two channels to avoid the unobservation of navigation system. Representation of thermal error of two- component navigation sensors by time model, which coefficients depend only on parameters of the device, its orientations relative to disturbance vector allows to predict thermal errors change, measuring the current temperature and having identified preliminary parameters of the model for the set position. These properties of thermal model are used for training the neural network and compensation the errors of navigation system in non- stationary thermal fields.
Intrusion detection is a critical component of security information systems. The intrusion detection process attempts to detect malicious attacks by examining various data collected during processes on the protected system. This paper examines the anomaly-based intrusion detection based on sequences of system calls. The point is to construct a model that describes normal or acceptable system activity using the classification trees approach. The created database is utilized as a basis for distinguishing the intrusive activity from the legal one using string metric algorithms. The major results of the implemented simulation experiments are presented and discussed as well.
The verification and validation of engineering designs are of primary importance as they directly influence production performance and ultimately define product functionality and customer perception. Research in aspects of verification and validation is widely spread ranging from tools employed during the digital design phase, to methods deployed for prototype verification and validation. This paper reviews the standard definitions of verification and validation in the context of engineering design and progresses to provide a coherent analysis and classification of these activities from preliminary design, to design in the digital domain and the physical verification and validation of products and processes. The scope of the paper includes aspects of system design and demonstrates how complex products are validated in the context of their lifecycle. Industrial requirements are highlighted and research trends and priorities identified. © 2010 CIRP.
We present comprehensive design rules to optimize the process of spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation in an optical fiber. Extensive numerical simulations are used to predict the performance characteristics of the process as well as to identify the optimal operational conditions within the space of system parameters. It is shown that the group velocity dispersion of the fiber is not detrimental and, in fact, helps achieve optimum compression. We also demonstrate that near-transform-limited rectangular and parabolic pulses can be generated in the region of optimum compression.
One of the reasons for using variability in the software product line (SPL) approach (see Apel et al., 2006; Figueiredo et al., 2008; Kastner et al., 2007; Mezini & Ostermann, 2004) is to delay a design decision (Svahnberg et al., 2005). Instead of deciding on what system to develop in advance, with the SPL approach a set of components and a reference architecture are specified and implemented (during domain engineering, see Czarnecki & Eisenecker, 2000) out of which individual systems are composed at a later stage (during application engineering, see Czarnecki & Eisenecker, 2000). By postponing the design decisions in such a manner, it is possible to better fit the resultant system in its intended environment, for instance, to allow selection of the system interaction mode to be made after the customers have purchased particular hardware, such as a PDA vs. a laptop. Such variability is expressed through variation points which are locations in a software-based system where choices are available for defining a specific instance of a system (Svahnberg et al., 2005). Until recently it had sufficed to postpone committing to a specific system instance till before the system runtime. However, in the recent years the use and expectations of software systems in human society has undergone significant changes.Today's software systems need to be always available, highly interactive, and able to continuously adapt according to the varying environment conditions, user characteristics and characteristics of other systems that interact with them. Such systems, called adaptive systems, are expected to be long-lived and able to undertake adaptations with little or no human intervention (Cheng et al., 2009). Therefore, the variability now needs to be present also at system runtime, which leads to the emergence of a new type of system: adaptive systems with dynamic variability.
System efficiency and cost effectiveness are of critical importance for photovoltaic (PV) systems. This paper addresses the two issues by developing a novel three-port dc-dc converter for stand-alone PV systems, based on an improved Flyback-Forward topology. It provides a compact single-unit solution with a combined feature of optimized maximum power point tracking (MPPT), high step-up ratio, galvanic isolation, and multiple operating modes for domestic and aerospace applications. A theoretical analysis is conducted to analyze the operating modes followed by simulation and experimental work. This paper is focused on a comprehensive modulation strategy utilizing both PWM and phase-shifted control that satisfies the requirement of PV power systems to achieve MPPT and output voltage regulation. A 250-W converter was designed and prototyped to provide experimental verification in term of system integration and high conversion efficiency.
We investigate numerically the effect of ultralong Raman laser fiber amplifier design parameters, such as span length, pumping distribution and grating reflectivity, on the RIN transfer from the pump to the transmitted signal. Comparison is provided to the performance of traditional second-order Raman amplified schemes, showing a relative performance penalty for ultralong laser systems that gets smaller as span length increases. We show that careful choice of system parameters can be used to partially offset such penalty. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Az alábbi írás Kornai János életműsorozata közeljövőben megjelenő harmadik kötetének bevezetője alapján készült. (A sorozat első kötete, A hiány és második kötete, A szocialista rendszer 2012-ben jelent meg.) Ritkán fordul elő, hogy életművét rendszerezve, egy szerző maga veszi tételesen sorra írásait, tárja fel az írások megszületésének körülményeit, és elemzi őket több évtized távlatából. Kornai János életműsorozatának összeállításakor erre a rendkívüli feladatra vállalkozott. A kötetben megjelenő 22 íráshoz fűzött gondolatainak közlésekor mai szemmel veszi górcső alá az egy kivételével a rendszerváltás előtt írt cikkeit, valamint 1956-ban írott első könyvét, A túlzott központosítást. Az írásokat rendszerező bevezető a központosításra és a piaci reformra összpontosítja a figyelmet - e témakörről bebizonyosodott, hogy korai még csupán a közgazdaságtani elmélettörténet fejezeteként számon tartani. A kötetben megjelenő írások egy része közvetlenül kapcsolódik a magyar gazdaság tapasztalataihoz, másik része pedig elméleti jellegű. Ennek megfelelően az itt közölt bevezetés is foglalkozik mind a magyar gazdaságtörténet máig is figyelemre méltó és tanulságos gyakorlati problémáival, mind pedig a szocializmust és a kapitalizmust, a centralizált és decentralizált formákat összehasonlító általános elméletekkel. ______ This piece forms the introduction to the forthcoming third volume of János Kor-nai s life s work series reissued in Hungarian. (The first and second volumes, Economics of Shortage and The Political Economy of the Socialist System, ap-peared in 2012.) It is rare for an author to arrange his own life s work, taking his writings item by item, presenting the circumstances in which they arose, and ana-lysing them decades later. His thoughts on the twenty-two writings in the volume, at the time of republication, involve scrutinizing with present-day eyes articles written, with one exception, before the change of system, along with his first book, Overcentralization, written in 1956. The introduction that systematizes these fo-cuses on centralization and on market reform - events show it is still too soon to see these subjects simply as a chapter in the theoretical history of economics. Some of the articles draw directly on experiences with the Hungarian economy, while others have a theoretical nature. So the introduction also deals both with practical problems of Hungarian economic history that remain notable and instructive, and with comparative general theories of socialism and capitalism and centralized and decentralized forms.
Is the Netherlands sustainable or not? The answer inherently involves addressing the issues of system boundaries, statistical units and a vision of sustainability. As an analytical answer we offer the Intenscope (IS), a two-dimensional graphical tool based on dimensionless percentages of triple rate ratios which overcomes several limitations of sustainability analyses. First, it is not sensitive to the size of statistical units so an area with twice the amount of resources of another, with double the population (and double the total consumption) would have the same triple ratio of population:biocapacity:consumption. Second, the IS is sensitive to anomalies which may originate either from the use of arbitrary statistical units (e.g. the boundaries of a city) or those which may indicate truly unsustainable practices. To judge spatial sustainability we use ecological footprint data from which we construct a plausible country plot based on the IS. Despite the relative nature of IS-analyses, the employed consumption:biocapacity ratio inherently refers to the absolute limit of sustainability: we cannot continually use more resources on a global scale than nature provides us with. The analysis introduces some associations of human preferences and attributions of settlement types which may help to elaborate sustainability policies based on voluntary action.