874 resultados para Rêgo, José Lins do, 1901-1957 - Água-mãe - Crítica e interpretação
Se realizó una investigación en las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas que se dedican a la fabricación de muebles de madera, la cual nace de la importancia que tiene para toda empresa contar con información que permita al empresario tomar decisiones importantes para poder competir en el mundo de los negocios actuales. En la misma, se planteó la necesidad de una guía que les facilite el costeo de sus productos de forma estimada, es decir; ir más allá de lo tradicional, que son los Costos Históricos, además para atender la demanda de estudiantes que necesiten contar con una guía clara de Costos Estimados y cualquier otro interesado en consultar información, ya sea referente al funcionamiento de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa en El Salvador, o de la aplicación de los costos en ellas. Los objetivos que se plantearon, fueron analizar la forma de operar de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa Industrial dedicada a la Fabricación de Muebles de Madera, sus debilidades y el potencial con que cuentan; así mismo el desarrollo de un caso práctico de Costos Estimados por Ordenes de Producción, desde que se establece la hoja de costos estimados, hasta el tratamiento de las desviaciones que resultan en ellas, así como también la elaboración de un Estado de Costo de Producción y Venta. En la metodología utilizada en la investigación, predominó la observación directa y documental, en la que además, se aplicó la técnica de la Encuesta, utilizando como instrumentos principales el Cuestionario y la Entrevista; por medio de los cuales se recolectó información de la comunidad de San José Cortéz jurisdicción de Ciudad Delgado, en la cual se observaron las debilidades y fortalezas con las que estos empresarios cuentan. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación de campo, demostraron que las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas Industriales de Muebles de Madera, son empresas que carecen de apoyo gubernamental y privado, además que se enfrentan con una enorme competencia dentro del mercado nacional y extranjero; pero que cuentan de la misma forma con un mercado potencial y con deseos de crecer; por lo que el establecimiento de un método de costos estimados les facilitará su desarrollo y visión ante la competencia que presenta la Globalización y los Tratados de Libre Comercio. Se ha establecido que los precios de las materias primas y materiales son bajos, ya que las obtienen de un mercado clandestino y esto les crea temor para legalizar sus negocios, lo cual es un peligro que pone en duda la continuidad de sus empresas. A la vez, poseen otra desventaja importante ya que ellos compiten entre ellos mismos, lo cual no les permite obtener mejores precios en las materias primas que transforman y por otra parte obtener mejores precios de venta al momento de comercializar sus productos.
The response of zooplankton assemblages to variations in the water quality of four man-made lakes, caused by eutrophication and siltation, was investigated by means of canonical correspondence analysis. Monte Carlo simulations using the CCA eingenvalues as test statistics revealed that changes in zooplankton species composition along the environmental gradients of trophic state and abiogenic turbidity were highly significant. The species Brachionus calyciflorus, Thermocyclops sp. and Argyrodiaptomus sp. were good indicators of eutrophic conditions while the species Brachionus dolabratus, Keratella tropica and Hexarthra sp. were good indicators of high turbidity due to suspended sediments. The rotifer genus Brachionus was the most species-rich taxon, comprising five species which were associated with different environmental conditions. Therefore, we tested whether this genus alone could potentially be a better biological indicator of these environmental gradients than the entire zooplankton assemblages or any other random set of five species. The ordination results show that the five Brachionus species alone did not explain better the observed pattern of environmental variation than most random sets of five species. Therefore, this genus could not be selected as a target taxon for more intensive environmental monitoring as has been previously suggested by Attayde and Bozelli (1998). Overall, our results show that changes in the water quality of man-made lakes in a tropical semi-arid region have significant effects on the structure of zooplankton assemblages that can potentially affect the functioning of these ecosystems
Se realiza un estudio de corte transversal en el periodo de enero a septiembre del año 2016 en la unidad coronaria del Hospital San José Centro de la Ciudad de Bogotá; en pacientes con sospecha de enfermedad coronaria (Síndrome coronario agudo y angina estable) y antecedente de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, se recolectaron 42 pacientes con los criterios de inclusión a quienes se realizó angiografía coronaria como parte del protocolo de estudio y manejo de la unidad, el objetivo primario fue demostrar la posible correlación entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y la escala de severidad SYNTAX Score I y II de enfermedad coronaria, como objetivos secundarios; caracterizar las variables sociodemográficas, comorbilidades y posible relación con el tipo de presentación de enfermedad coronaria. Como hallazgos relevantes no se encontró correlación importante ni significativa entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y la escala Syntax score II ni Syntax score I, a pesar de que la mayoría de pacientes mostraban mal control crónico de su diabetes mellitus tipo 2, con niveles mayores > 7%, como hallazgo positivo se encontro asociación estadísticamente significativa con niveles de LDL y las diferentes formas de presentación de enfermedad coronaria, a mayor niveles de LDL mayor probabilidad de IAM e IAM con elevación del segmento ST. Se considera que con estudios multicentricos en diferentes ciudades y unidades de cuidado cardiovascular con diferentes niveles de riesgo, se podría demostrar la posible correlación entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y los grados de severidad de enfermedad coronaria representados por las escalas Syntax score I y II.
In Central Portugal (westernmost Eurasia) the transition from the traditional Pleistocene hunter–gatherer societies to the complex Mesolithic societies of the Holocene has been debated for decades. While some argue that these differences were a progressive phenomenon that started with the shift from the Pleistocene to the Holocene, others defend that the Late Pleistocene patterns were fairly similar to those of the Epipaleolithic and that the major shift was rapid, dramatic and triggered by the necessary adaptation to the 8.2 ka cal BP (8.09–8.25 ka cal BP) climatic event. The study of lithic raw material provenance might be useful for this discussion, since it has been suggested that the Magdalenian and Epipaleolithic populations from this region were collecting this resources within a close range territory, whereas the Mesolithic populations were acquiring them at longer distances. In this paper, we present the results from p-XRF, VP-SEM-EDS and μ-XRD analysis done on the Epipaleolithic lithic assemblage from Pena d'Água Rockshelter, and in some geological samples from secondary sources located ∼14 km from this site. This layer is of major relevance for this debate since it is dated from 8.19 ka cal BP. If the transition was gradual, it would be expected that this assemblage would show some traits of higher-complexity seen in the Mesolithic, namely of longer distance acquisition. However, our results indicate correspondence between the archaeological chert types and some of the geological sources. The differences seen between the archaeological specimens and geological samples are mostly present in traits that can be related with manufacture, handling and post-depositional phenomena. The results suggest that, in what concerns to the economy of abiotic resources, the Epipaleolithic populations living at the time of the dramatic 8.2 ka cal BP cold event, were performing a short range acquisition of lithic raw materials which reinforces the idea of continuity from the Late Pleistocene to the 8.2 ka cal BP event and an abrupt and dramatic shift soon after this phenomena.
Esta publicação aborda, pela primeira vez de um modo mais concentrado, a trajectória de Helena Roque Gameiro (Lisboa, 1895 - Lisboa, 1986). Aguarelista e professora de Desenho, Pintura e Artes Aplicadas, Discípula de seu pai, Alfredo Roque Gameiro (1864-1935), seria mestra muito jovem, aos 14 anos no atelier da Rua D. Pedro V, em Lisboa. Expôs em diversos salões da Sociedade Nacional de Belas-Artes, individualmente e com o seu pai e sua irmã Raquel e irmão Manuel. Em 1919 foi contratada como a primeira professora da Escola de Artes Aplicadas de Lisboa que viria a dar origem à actual Escola Artística António Arroio. Juntamente com seu pai expôs, com muito sucesso, no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo, em 1920. Casou, em 1923, com o criador de imagens José Leitão de Barros (1896-1967) e também nesse ano expôs em Madrid. Helena Roque Gameiro viveu momentos históricos de grande riqueza e contraste. Atravessou a monarquia, a república, a ditadura e de novo a república em democracia e criou a sua própria evasão. Filiada na estética Naturalista, trilhou os seus longos caminhos até ao fim, aceitando simplesmente embelezar o mundo através das paisagens, flores e tantos outros trabalhos que as suas mãos privilegiadas conceberam. Autora de uma obra serena quer na temática, quer na técnica, em total acerto com o gosto dominante do tempo, reconhecida pelos seus pares, foi acompanhada por boa fortuna crítica e êxito comercial.
O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar como o manejo inadequado do solo e da água, principalmente nas atividades agrícolas, tem interferido na qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas de São José de Ubá, município do Noroeste Fluminense. Foram realizadas cinco campanhas para monitorar 31 pontos de coleta de água, estes incluíram poços profundos e rasos, nascentes e pontos superficiais. Nas amostras coletadas foram analisados diversos cátions e ânions, materiais sólidos da água, alcalinidade total, nitrogênio total, fósforo total, parâmetros biológicos, temperatura, pH e Condutividade Elétrica. Os resultados das análises foram confrontados com os limites estabelecidos pelo CONAMA 357/05 (classe 2) para águas superficiais e CONAMA 396/08 para águas subterrâneas (consumo humano) e apontam para o comprometimento da qualidade das águas do município. Esta degradação está ligada as atividades antrópicas, principalmente as relacionadas a agropecuária. O uso excessivo de fertilizantes e pesticidas, excrementos de animais e esgotos domésticos estão entre as principais fontes poluidoras da área de estudo. Portanto, as águas de São José de Ubá devem continuar sendo monitoradas, para que a avaliação da qualidade de seus recursos hídricos continue sendo realizada, a fim de se evitar um maior comprometimento da diversidade dos sistemas aquáticos, bem como da saúde humana.
Os GEE produzidos pelas atividades humanas podem ser neutralizados com o plantio de árvores, que transformam CO2 em biomassa. O presente trabalho objetivou contabilizar todos os GEE originados da organização e produção da XVII Reunião Brasileira de Manejo e Conservação do Solo e da Água, incluindo transportes e consumo de energia elétrica. A Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima (CQNUMC) é o principal órgão fornecedor de metodologias para mitigação das mudanças climáticas. Com base nestas e em dados fornecidos pelo Hotel Glória, pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) e Comissão Organizadora da XVI RBMCSA foi possível estimar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa da XVII RBMCSA. Foi estimado que 48,2 Mg de CO2 equivalentes (CO2eq) serão emitidas entre o período de junho de 2007 e agosto de 2008 devido à elaboração e produção do evento.
Este trabalho se refere à análise da situação dos sistemas hídricos e a ocupação da terra pelos assentados do Projeto de Assentamento Vila Amazônia. Tem por objetivo apresentar os riscos de escassez de água azul e água verde, bem como, sugestões para a conservação e preservação nesse projeto de assentamento agrário. A metodologia utilizada foi o trabalho de campo, conjuntamente com a análise documental do Plano de Recuperação do P. A. Vila Amazônia (2005-2007). Os resultados obtidos foram a ocupação da terra com monocultivos e monoatividades, a erosão nas áreas de proteção dos sistemas hídricos, obstáculos de navegabilidade no período sazonal/anual de vazante, escassez de água potável na época sazonal de vazante. Tecendo considerações gerais, concorda-se com Christofidis (2006a), quando escreve que, para evitar o risco de escassez hídrica é importante superar os desafios por meio da gestão das águas, onde se promova a harmonia entre a oferta e as necessidades para atender aos usos consuntivos e não-consuntivos, e, principalmente, à sustentabilidade ambiental desses e de outros ecossistemas da Amazônia.
What is the secret mesmerism that death possesses and under the operation of which a modern architect – strident, confident, resolute – becomes rueful, pessimistic, or melancholic?1 Five years before Le Corbusier’s death at sea in 1965, the architect reluctantly agreed to adopt the project for L’Église Saint-Pierre de Firminy in Firminy-Vert (1960–2006), following the death of its original architect, André Sive, from leukemia in 1958.2 Le Corbusier had already developed, in 1956, the plan for an enclave in the new “green” Firminy town, which included his youth and culture center and a stadium and swimming pool; the church and a “boîte à miracles” near the youth center were inserted into the plan in the ’60s. (Le Corbusier was also invited, in 1962, to produce another plan for three Unités d’Habitation outside Firminy-Vert.) The Saint-Pierre church should have been the zenith of the quartet (the largest urban concentration of works by Le Corbusier in Europe, and what the architect Henri Ciriani termed Le Corbusier’s “acropolis”3) but in the early course of the project, Le Corbusier would suffer the diocese’s serial objections to his vision for the church – not unlike the difficulties he experienced with Notre Dame du Haut at Ronchamp (1950–1954) and the resistance to his proposed monastery of Sainte-Marie de la Tourette (1957–1960). In 1964, the bishop of Saint-Étienne requested that Le Corbusier relocate the church to a new site, but Le Corbusier refused and the diocese subsequently withdrew from the project. (With neither the approval, funds, nor the participation of the bishop, by then the cardinal archbishop of Lyon, the first stone of the church was finally laid on the site in 1970.) Le Corbusier’s ambivalence toward the project, even prior to his quarrels with the bishop, reveals...
This work examines the urban modernization of San José, Costa Rica, between 1880 and 1930, using a cultural approach to trace the emergence of the bourgeois city in a small Central American capital, within the context of order and progress. As proposed by Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and Edward Soja, space is given its rightful place as protagonist. The city, subject of this study, is explored as a seat of social power and as the embodiment of a cultural transformation that took shape in that space, a transformation spearheaded by the dominant social group, the Liberal elite. An analysis of the product built environment allows us to understand why the city grew in a determined manner: how the urban space became organized and how its infrastructure and services distributed. Although the emphasis is on the Liberal heyday from 1880-1930, this study also examines the history of the city since its origins in the late colonial period through its consolidation as a capital during the independent era, in order to characterize the nineteenth century colonial city that prevailed up to 1890 s. A diverse array of primary sources including official acts, memoirs, newspaper sources, maps and plans, photographs, and travelogues are used to study the initial phase of San Jose s urban growth. The investigation places the first period of modern urban growth at the turn of the nineteenth century within the prevailing ideological and political context of Positivism and Liberalism. The ideas of the city s elite regarding progress were translated into and reflected in the physical transformation of the city and in the social construction of space. Not only the transformations but also the limits and contradictions of the process of urban change are examined. At the same time, the reorganization of the city s physical space and the beginnings of the ensanche are studied. Hygiene as an engine of urban renovation is explored by studying the period s new public infrastructure (including pipelines, sewer systems, and the use of asphalt pavement) as part of the Saneamiento of San José. The modernization of public space is analyzed through a study of the first parks, boulevards and monuments and the emergence of a new urban culture prominently displayed in these green spaces. Parks and boulevards were new public and secular places of power within the modern city, used by the elite to display and educate the urban population into the new civic and secular traditions. The study goes on to explore the idealized image of the modern city through an analysis of European and North American travelogues and photography. The new esthetic of theatrical-spectacular representation of the modern city constructed a visual guide of how to understand and come to know the city. A partial and selective image of generalized urban change presented only the bourgeois facade and excluded everything that challenged the idea of progress. The enduring patterns of spatial and symbolic exclusion built into Costa Rica s capital city at the dawn of the twentieth century shed important light on the long-term political social and cultural processes that have created the troubled urban landscapes of contemporary Latin America.
Aims: The older the youngsters are, the more important role hobbies and leisure time activities have in their life. That is why various activities organized by the non-profit organizations have an important role concerning the development of food habits of youngsters. This study has three main themes. The themes and their respective study questions are: 1. The youngsters' conceptions on healthy eating and food choice: What kind of food do youngsters consider as healthy? How do they see their own eating habits from this point of view? 2. The youngsters and the significance of everyday food-related information: How do the youngsters perceive the role of different actors and these actors' role regarding their own food habits and food choice? 3. The possibilities of the organizations that work with youngsters to improve their food habits: What kind of role do the non-profit organizations have on the youngsters' food habits and healthy food choice? Methods: This study comprises of two types of data. First, a quantitative internet-based survey (N=582) was used to collect data on the 9th graders conceptions and understandings. The data was analyzed with the SPSS-program. Means, cross-tabulations, Pearson´s correlations and t-test were calculated from the data. The qualitative data was collected using interviews. The respondents were 12 experts from non-profit organizations. The interviews were analyzed with the qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: The non-profit organizations studied have good possibilities to communicate with youngsters through their hobbies. As part of their activities these organizations are able to influence on health-promoting lifestyle and food habits of youngsters. In order to reach more youngsters, these organizations should actively act e.g. in virtual societies of youngsters. Youngsters will participate when activities are voluntary and exhilarating. From the point of food habits doing, learning and identifying are the most important factors to engage the young. Also the models of peers and adults are important. Non-profit organizations should offer youngsters activities but these organizations should also influence on society.
Photocopy of family tree of Mauerberger and related families.
Collection consists largely of minutes and correspondence from the office of the Jewish Immigrant Information Bureau which administered the Galveston Immigration Plan. Includes correspondence among members of the JIIB, the Industrial Removal Office, the Hilfsverein de Deutschen Juden (Relief Organization of German Jews), the Jewish Colonization Society (ICA), and various Jewish organizations in the United States. Collection also contains many ship passenger lists.