902 resultados para Professores de ciencia - Formação


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This text is in theoretical study, with consideration of the authors of the critical perspective of education and training of science teachers. We indicate a set of principles and concepts of some philosophers, like Habermas and Gramsci and theoretical education in a critical bias, as Freire, Saviani, Giroux and Duarte, which can enrich the discussions in the field of science teacher education. Some of these concepts: organic intellectual philosophy of praxis, inconclusiveness, incompleteness, dialogue and problematization, communicative action, critical pedagogies of learning to learn, dialectical relationship between theory, culture and depth psychology. Thus, we intend to explain the richness of the dialogue among this perspective and its implications for the training of science teachers.


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The study aimed to analyze the vision of teachers in conducting a continuing education course in level of expertise in the field of special education, focusing on Global Development Disorders, through the modality of distance education. The current study was provided by the Network Program São Paulo Teacher Training - REDEFOR in partnership with Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, for teachers of the state of São Paulo. The survey went through some steps, namely: a) literature review a brief history of Distance Education in Brazil and in the world thus seeking to understand their development to the present day, including legislation that regulates; b) study and survey of potential and limiting factors for distance education in teacher training. Was observed of initial and continuing teacher education in the distance mode, focusing on education and training policies implemented by the state of São Paulo, in recent years; c) data collection with 33 teachers in the continuing education process, e-mail and performed with the use of Google Drive tool that enabled the creation of online search form; d) organization, analysis and interpretation of data and its consequences. Through the results it observed that distance education is considered a favorable mode of education for the continuing education of teachers. The course was offered via Moodle and tools were considered easy to assimilate and elaborate activities in general, favored the construction of knowledge, and some questioned for its effectiveness. It follows therefore, that distance education provides continuing education for teachers, but it is necessary in the preparation of these courses is taken into consideration the tools and resources available in their construction, contributing to a dynamic and interactive model between all participants in which the exchange of experiences, questions, doubts, can effectively contribute to the construction of knowledge and possible developments in..


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This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...


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The study aimed to analyze the vision of teachers in conducting a continuing education course in level of expertise in the field of special education, focusing on Global Development Disorders, through the modality of distance education. The current study was provided by the Network Program São Paulo Teacher Training - REDEFOR in partnership with Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, for teachers of the state of São Paulo. The survey went through some steps, namely: a) literature review a brief history of Distance Education in Brazil and in the world thus seeking to understand their development to the present day, including legislation that regulates; b) study and survey of potential and limiting factors for distance education in teacher training. Was observed of initial and continuing teacher education in the distance mode, focusing on education and training policies implemented by the state of São Paulo, in recent years; c) data collection with 33 teachers in the continuing education process, e-mail and performed with the use of Google Drive tool that enabled the creation of online search form; d) organization, analysis and interpretation of data and its consequences. Through the results it observed that distance education is considered a favorable mode of education for the continuing education of teachers. The course was offered via Moodle and tools were considered easy to assimilate and elaborate activities in general, favored the construction of knowledge, and some questioned for its effectiveness. It follows therefore, that distance education provides continuing education for teachers, but it is necessary in the preparation of these courses is taken into consideration the tools and resources available in their construction, contributing to a dynamic and interactive model between all participants in which the exchange of experiences, questions, doubts, can effectively contribute to the construction of knowledge and possible developments in..


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This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...


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O artigo traz dados de uma investigação cujo objetivo foi contribuir para a compreensão das formas por meio das quais a Psicologia vem sendo apropriada pelos projetos de formação de professores em serviço. Mediante o exame do projeto de formação do município de São Paulo, o "Programa Ler e Escrever, Prioridade na escola. Projeto Toda Força ao 1º Ano", analisam-se as concepções psicológicas em suas formas de conceber as crianças, a aprendizagem e o projeto de sua iniciação na cultura escrita. A partir das reconceitualizações sobre a aprendizagem, em que esta é considerada uma decorrência da natureza construtiva da mente infantil, é pertinente perguntar em que medida essas ideias rompem com aquelas anteriores, pertencentes ao assim chamado "ensino tradicional". Para responder a essas perguntas, recorreu-se a algumas das contribuições da história da leitura.


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Pretende-se nesta comunicaçao apresentar perspectivas de ensino da língua materna com base em fundamentos da Linguística Interacional. Esta se alicerça no princípio etnometodológico de que a análise da conversaçao visa a reconstruir a ordem segundo a qual os falantes desenvolvem o processo conversacional. Nessa perspectiva, as interaçoes entre as pessoas nao estao invariavelmente subordinadas a categorias linguísticas preestabelecidas. As conversas se estruturam segundo categorias do grupo estudado. Isso implica que, no planejamento do ensino linguístico, é preciso previamente definir as categorias pertinentes aos envolvidos nas atividades de ensino. Essas categorias sao determinadas pelas injunçoes do desdobramento interacional, sempre na perspectiva dos objetivos conversacionais em jogo, que vao ser identificados, descritos, caracterizados, definidos na própria realizaçao linguística. Para esse trabalho, exige-se do linguista sensibilidade e flexibilidade para perceber e admitir que as nuanças da dinâmica conversacional nao raro abalam a solidez de preceitos e convicçoes teóricas gerais, definidas, quase sempre com base em textos escritos da língua. Na análise da conversa, muitos desses fundamentos se renovam, se reconfiguram, na medida em que atestam as especificidades da realizaçao linguística no aqui e agora das interaçoes face a face. Conflita com os procedimentos da Linguística Interacional o fato de o pesquisador querer explicar e enquadrar os fenômenos da fala à luz de uma teoria preestabelecida. Cabe-lhe dar, sim, evidência às categorias e estruturas emergentes das especificidades da conversa em análise e estabelecer um diálogo entre elas e as suas, para definir diretrizes reais para o ensino da língua materna


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O Programa Institucional de Bolsa a Iniciaçao a Docência possui grande relevância enquanto programa de formaçao de professores em universidades, fortalecendo a integraçao ensino, pesquisa e extensao na formaçao inicial e continuada de professores. Diante do contexto, a realizaçao desta pesquisa teve como objetivo apresentar dados referentes ao Programa Institucional de Bolsa a Iniciaçao a Docência do Curso de Educaçao Física Licenciatura da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de estudo de documentos relativos à constituiçao do Programa Institucional de Bolsa a Iniciaçao a Docência da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Pôde-se observar que o programa abrange um grande número de participantes, entre coordenadores, supervisores, professores e acadêmicos bolsistas e, devido aos grandes benefícios proporcionados à formaçao de docentes, torna-se necessário ampliar o número de envolvidos para que mais sujeitos sejam favorecidos com o programa


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Trata de uma pesquisa que toma como eixo de reflexao a açao docente de professores de Educaçao Física em início de carreira. A investigaçao analisou as mediaçoes, tensoes e açoes pedagógicas, saber-fazer, desses professores no momento de suas aulas confrontando-os com a formaçao inicial e os saberes constituídos durante as suas trajetórias docentes, que aqui denominaremos de saberes da experiência. A pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a formaçao inicial e a experiência docente e toma como sujeitos da pesquisa três professores com menos de cinco anos de atuaçao na educaçao básica, em escolas da cidade da Grande Vitória/ES - Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, caracterizada como um estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico. Os instrumentos metodológicos utilizados foram: observaçoes de aulas, durante três meses, entrevistas semiestruturadas com os sujeitos da pesquisa e grupo focal. A análise contribuiu para reflexao sobre a formaçao inicial vinculada aos aspectos didático-metodológicos da experiência docente. Espera-se com este estudo contribuir com a discussao acerca da formaçao inicial de Professores Licenciados em Educaçao Física


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Pretende-se nesta comunicaçao apresentar perspectivas de ensino da língua materna com base em fundamentos da Linguística Interacional. Esta se alicerça no princípio etnometodológico de que a análise da conversaçao visa a reconstruir a ordem segundo a qual os falantes desenvolvem o processo conversacional. Nessa perspectiva, as interaçoes entre as pessoas nao estao invariavelmente subordinadas a categorias linguísticas preestabelecidas. As conversas se estruturam segundo categorias do grupo estudado. Isso implica que, no planejamento do ensino linguístico, é preciso previamente definir as categorias pertinentes aos envolvidos nas atividades de ensino. Essas categorias sao determinadas pelas injunçoes do desdobramento interacional, sempre na perspectiva dos objetivos conversacionais em jogo, que vao ser identificados, descritos, caracterizados, definidos na própria realizaçao linguística. Para esse trabalho, exige-se do linguista sensibilidade e flexibilidade para perceber e admitir que as nuanças da dinâmica conversacional nao raro abalam a solidez de preceitos e convicçoes teóricas gerais, definidas, quase sempre com base em textos escritos da língua. Na análise da conversa, muitos desses fundamentos se renovam, se reconfiguram, na medida em que atestam as especificidades da realizaçao linguística no aqui e agora das interaçoes face a face. Conflita com os procedimentos da Linguística Interacional o fato de o pesquisador querer explicar e enquadrar os fenômenos da fala à luz de uma teoria preestabelecida. Cabe-lhe dar, sim, evidência às categorias e estruturas emergentes das especificidades da conversa em análise e estabelecer um diálogo entre elas e as suas, para definir diretrizes reais para o ensino da língua materna