905 resultados para Problems of consumption


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This article outlines the outcome of work that set out to provide one of the specified integral contributions to the overarching objectives of the EU- sponsored LIFE98 project described in this volume. Among others, these included a requirement to marry automatic monitoring and dynamic modelling approaches in the interests of securing better management of water quality in lakes and reservoirs. The particular task given to us was to devise the elements of an active management strategy for the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir. This is one of the larger reservoirs supplying the population of the London area: after purification and disinfection, its water goes directly to the distribution network and to the consumers. The quality of the water in the reservoir is of primary concern, for the greater is the content of biogenic materials, including phytoplankton, then the more prolonged is the purification and the more expensive is the treatment. Whatever good that phytoplankton may do by way of oxygenation and oxidative purification, it is eventually relegated to an impurity that has to be removed from the final product. Indeed, it has been estimated that the cost of removing algae and microorganisms from water represents about one quarter of its price at the tap. In chemically fertile waters, such as those typifying the resources of the Thames Valley, there is thus a powerful and ongoing incentive to be able to minimise plankton growth in storage reservoirs. Indeed, the Thames Water company and its predecessor undertakings, have a long and impressive history of confronting and quantifying the fundamentals of phytoplankton growth in their reservoirs and of developing strategies for operation and design to combat them. The work to be described here follows in this tradition. However, the use of the model PROTECH-D to investigate present phytoplankton growth patterns in the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir questioned the interpretation of some of the recent observations. On the other hand, it has reinforced the theories underpinning the original design of this and those Thames-Valley storage reservoirs constructed subsequently. The authors recount these experiences as an example of how simulation models can hone the theoretical base and its application to the practical problems of supplying water of good quality at economic cost, before the engineering is initiated.


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Results of the investigation on certain problems of the nutrition of Leptodora and Bythotrephes in Rybinsk Reservoir (Russia) are reviewed. To clarify the composition of the food of Leptodora and Bythotrephes in this period, experiments were provided on their nutrition by cyclopids and rotifers.


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By now a great deal of work is known concerning the methods of determining the production of bacteria or similar questions; among these the problems of a common terminology is discussed. The article discusses formulae of production of bacterial populations over time.


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A droga na atualidade é considerada uma ameaça para a humanidade. Nos países em desenvolvimento, o álcool é o principal fator de risco, dentre as demais substâncias psicoativas. Existem poucos estudos sobre a prevalência do uso de drogas nos locais de trabalho no Brasil, e sobre os meios de enfrentamento das instituições empregadoras frente ao consumo de drogas por seus trabalhadores e as condições que levam a tal uso. O estudo foi estruturado em duas etapas: 1) revisão bibliográfica de instrumentos auto-aplicáveis sobre drogas entre trabalhadores e 2) elaboração e aplicação de um questionário auto-aplicável sobre o consumo de drogas entre trabalhadores. Foi traçado os seguintes objetivos: 1 etapa - Levantar os estudos publicados, que apresentam como objeto o uso de álcool e drogas por trabalhadores, entre os anos de 1998 e 2008; Identificar e analisar os instrumentos auto-aplicáveis, que mensuram a prevalência e o padrão de consumo de drogas em trabalhadores, utilizados pelos estudos; e Subsidiar o desenvolvimento de um questionário auto-aplicável sobre o padrão de consumo de álcool e drogas entre trabalhadores; 2 etapa - Desenvolver um questionário auto-aplicável que permite identificar a prevalência e padrão de consumo de álcool e drogas entre profissionais de saúde, assim como, as formas de enfrentamento por parte do trabalhador e das instituições empregadoras; Realizar análise descritiva do questionário desenvolvido e de seus principais resultados; e Avaliar a compreensão das perguntas do questionário desenvolvido, a partir das sugestões e respostas marcadas pelos sujeitos do estudo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e exploratória realizada com 111 alunos de pós-graduação latu sensu de uma Faculdade Pública de Enfermagem situada na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Através da revisão bibliográfica verificamos que existem poucos instrumentos auto-aplicáveis sobre o padrão de consumo de álcool e drogas entre trabalhadores. Foi construído um questionário visando identificar informações sócio-demográficas, a história profissional, informações sobre o consumo de álcool e outras drogas, informações sobre o estresse laboral, e informações sobre as formas de enfrentamento por parte do trabalhador e das instituições empregadoras sobre o consumo de drogas. Pela análise do questionário aplicado, observou-se que algumas questões foram de difícil compreensão e precisam ser reformuladas, a fim de melhorar a compreensão dos respondentes, já que um questionário auto-aplicável deve ser auto-explicativo. As escalas AUDIT e Job Stress Scale se mostraram importantes para identificar problemas relacionados ao álcool e o estresse laboral. O álcool foi a droga mais utilizada pelos profissionais de saúde, seguido pelas substâncias psicoativas. Portanto, deve-se dar um enfoque sobressalente para a questão do fenômeno das drogas no ambiente de trabalho, promovendo programas de prevenção e de qualidade de vida ao trabalhador. Ressalta-se, também, a importância de abordar as questões sobre drogas nas graduações da área da saúde, promovendo o conhecimento do futuro profissional quanto aos riscos e danos decorrentes do uso e abuso de drogas.


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The fetal and larval development of many freshwater fish is already relatively well covered. Coverage of the morphology of fish-species' eggs is very sparse. For this reason the authors have attempted to prepare a key on fish eggs which covers the bulk of German Teleostei fish. The key also includes a discussion of problems of categorization and terminology.


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The rapid growth and development of Los Angeles City and County has been one of the phenomena of the present age. The growth of a city from 50,600 to 576,000, an increase of over 1000% in thirty years is an unprecedented occurrence. It has given rise to a variety of problems of increasing magnitude.

Chief among these are: supply of food, water and shelter development of industry and markets, prevention and removal of downtown congestion and protection of life and property. These, of course, are the problems that any city must face. But in the case of a community which doubles its population every ten years, radical and heroic measures must often be taken.


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Experimental studies were carried out on the transformation of matter and energy during embryonic development of the isopod Crustacea Asellus aquaticus L. under two constant temperatures. Material for the experiments was collected in the quarry lakes of the Kurasovshchin-zone (city-Minsk) at 9°C in April and at 18°C in June, 1977. The rate of consumption of oxygen per specimen by eggs and embryos of Asellus aquaticus was observed and dynamics of the basic biological characteristics during embryonic development studied.


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Several patients of P. J. Vogel who had undergone cerebral commissurotomy for the control of intractable epilepsy were tested on a variety of tasks to measure aspects of cerebral organization concerned with lateralization in hemispheric function. From tests involving identification of shapes it was inferred that in the absence of the neocortical commissures, the left hemisphere still has access to certain types of information from the ipsilateral field. The major hemisphere can still make crude differentiations between various left-field stimuli, but is unable to specify exact stimulus properties. Most of the time the major hemisphere, having access to some ipsilateral stimuli, dominated the minor hemisphere in control of the body.

Competition for control of the body between the hemispheres is seen most clearly in tests of minor hemisphere language competency, in which it was determined that though the minor hemisphere does possess some minimal ability to express language, the major hemisphere prevented its expression much of the time. The right hemisphere was superior to the left in tests of perceptual visualization, and the two hemispheres appeared to use different strategies in attempting to solve the problems, namely, analysis for the left hemisphere and synthesis for the right hemisphere.

Analysis of the patients' verbal and performance I.Q.'s, as well as observations made throughout testing, suggest that the corpus callosum plays a critical role in activities that involve functions in which the minor hemisphere normally excels, that the motor expression of these functions may normally come through the major hemisphere by way of the corpus callosum.

Lateral specialization is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation which overcame problems of a functional antagonism between the abilities normally associated with the two hemispheres. The tests of perception suggested that this function lateralized into the mute hemisphere because of an active counteraction by language. This latter idea was confirmed by the finding that left-handers, in whom there is likely to be bilateral language centers, are greatly deficient on tests of perception.


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The amphipod Gammarus lacustris, a regular representative of lacustrine communities, often plays a significant role in the transformation of matter and energy. The object of the present work was to clarify the quantitative side of the feeding of the amphipod under different conditions of habitation. Experimental works on determination of the rate of consumption of food and its dependence on body-weight were carried out in the summer periods 1975-1978 on three water-bodies of the Krasnoyarsk region, of different conditions of habitation for the amphipods.


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The intent of this study is to provide formal apparatus which facilitates the investigation of problems in the methodology of science. The introduction contains several examples of such problems and motivates the subsequent formalism.

A general definition of a formal language is presented, and this definition is used to characterize an individual’s view of the world around him. A notion of empirical observation is developed which is independent of language. The interplay of formal language and observation is taken as the central theme. The process of science is conceived as the finding of that formal language that best expresses the available experimental evidence.

To characterize the manner in which a formal language imposes structure on its universe of discourse, the fundamental concepts of elements and states of a formal language are introduced. Using these, the notion of a basis for a formal language is developed as a collection of minimal states distinguishable within the language. The relation of these concepts to those of model theory is discussed.

An a priori probability defined on sets of observations is postulated as a reflection of an individual’s ontology. This probability, in conjunction with a formal language and a basis for that language, induces a subjective probability describing an individual’s conceptual view of admissible configurations of the universe. As a function of this subjective probability, and consequently of language, a measure of the informativeness of empirical observations is introduced and is shown to be intuitively plausible – particularly in the case of scientific experimentation.

The developed formalism is then systematically applied to the general problems presented in the introduction. The relationship of scientific theories to empirical observations is discussed and the need for certain tacit, unstatable knowledge is shown to be necessary to fully comprehend the meaning of realistic theories. The idea that many common concepts can be specified only by drawing on knowledge obtained from an infinite number of observations is presented, and the problems of reductionism are examined in this context.

A definition of when one formal language can be considered to be more expressive than another is presented, and the change in the informativeness of an observation as language changes is investigated. In this regard it is shown that the information inherent in an observation may decrease for a more expressive language.

The general problem of induction and its relation to the scientific method are discussed. Two hypotheses concerning an individual’s selection of an optimal language for a particular domain of discourse are presented and specific examples from the introduction are examined.


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A study is made of the accuracy of electronic digital computer calculations of ground displacement and response spectra from strong-motion earthquake accelerograms. This involves an investigation of methods of the preparatory reduction of accelerograms into a form useful for the digital computation and of the accuracy of subsequent digital calculations. Various checks are made for both the ground displacement and response spectra results, and it is concluded that the main errors are those involved in digitizing the original record. Differences resulting from various investigators digitizing the same experimental record may become as large as 100% of the maximum computed ground displacements. The spread of the results of ground displacement calculations is greater than that of the response spectra calculations. Standardized methods of adjustment and calculation are recommended, to minimize such errors.

Studies are made of the spread of response spectral values about their mean. The distribution is investigated experimentally by Monte Carlo techniques using an electric analog system with white noise excitation, and histograms are presented indicating the dependence of the distribution on the damping and period of the structure. Approximate distributions are obtained analytically by confirming and extending existing results with accurate digital computer calculations. A comparison of the experimental and analytical approaches indicates good agreement for low damping values where the approximations are valid. A family of distribution curves to be used in conjunction with existing average spectra is presented. The combination of analog and digital computations used with Monte Carlo techniques is a promising approach to the statistical problems of earthquake engineering.

Methods of analysis of very small earthquake ground motion records obtained simultaneously at different sites are discussed. The advantages of Fourier spectrum analysis for certain types of studies and methods of calculation of Fourier spectra are presented. The digitizing and analysis of several earthquake records is described and checks are made of the dependence of results on digitizing procedure, earthquake duration and integration step length. Possible dangers of a direct ratio comparison of Fourier spectra curves are pointed out and the necessity for some type of smoothing procedure before comparison is established. A standard method of analysis for the study of comparative ground motion at different sites is recommended.


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Sufficient stability criteria for classes of parametrically excited differential equations are developed and applied to example problems of a dynamical nature.

Stability requirements are presented in terms of 1) the modulus of the amplitude of the parametric terms, 2) the modulus of the integral of the parametric terms and 3) the modulus of the derivative of the parametric terms.

The methods employed to show stability are Liapunov’s Direct Method and the Gronwall Lemma. The type of stability is generally referred to as asymptotic stability in the sense of Liapunov.

The results indicate that if the equation of the system with the parametric terms set equal to zero exhibits stability and possesses bounded operators, then the system will be stable under sufficiently small modulus of the parametric terms or sufficiently small modulus of the integral of the parametric terms (high frequency). On the other hand, if the equation of the system exhibits individual stability for all values that the parameter assumes in the time interval, then the actual system will be stable under sufficiently small modulus of the derivative of the parametric terms (slowly varying).


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Charged pion pair photoproduction has been investigated up to a gamma energy of 1500 MeV, using the Caltech 12-inch heavy liquid bubble chamber with a small diameter, high intensity photon beam passing through a central beam tube gaseous hydrogen target surrounded by the sensitive Freon. Scanning, analysis, and data reduction techniques have been developed to deal with the problems of two-vie stereo, hidden event origins, absence of magnetic field, and the range-energy and multiple scattering relationships that occur in the heavy materials. Roughly 5700 pictures have been scanned and analyzed, yielding 754 acceptable events. Cross section and parameter distributions are generally consistent with the results of previous experiments. A statistically insignificant “bump” was observed in the dipion mass spectrum in the region of 500 MeV, the disputed σ meson mass. This region was investigated as carefully as the limited statistics would allow; dipion angular distributions are consistent with isotropy, and there is indication that some of the events in this region might come from decay of an intermediate N*11 (1425) into a proton and dipion.

Photographic materials on pp. 18, 20, 22, and 24 are essential and will not reproduce clearly on Xerox copies. Photographic copies should be ordered.


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This thesis presents methods for incrementally constructing controllers in the presence of uncertainty and nonlinear dynamics. The basic setting is motion planning subject to temporal logic specifications. Broadly, two categories of problems are treated. The first is reactive formal synthesis when so-called discrete abstractions are available. The fragment of linear-time temporal logic (LTL) known as GR(1) is used to express assumptions about an adversarial environment and requirements of the controller. Two problems of changes to a specification are posed that concern the two major aspects of GR(1): safety and liveness. Algorithms providing incremental updates to strategies are presented as solutions. In support of these, an annotation of strategies is developed that facilitates repeated modifications. A variety of properties are proven about it, including necessity of existence and sufficiency for a strategy to be winning. The second category of problems considered is non-reactive (open-loop) synthesis in the absence of a discrete abstraction. Instead, the presented stochastic optimization methods directly construct a control input sequence that achieves low cost and satisfies a LTL formula. Several relaxations are considered as heuristics to address the rarity of sampling trajectories that satisfy an LTL formula and demonstrated to improve convergence rates for Dubins car and single-integrators subject to a recurrence task.


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The current situation of regional, rather' than national, problems of eutrophication in standing waters has been widely aired in recent reports. A reliable, quantitative data base is a prerequisite to future trend monitoring, a concensus view of those reports. The objective of this report is to establish requirements, methodology and a minimal data set for nutrient and algae status in water supply reservoirs in England which may be used as a protocol for future trend monitoring.A pilot study has been carried out to assess the relative merits of different sampling strategies, the choice of which has major implications for the cost of sample collection. This short report suggests that consider the possibility of designating a few sites as ”baseline sites” at which detailed changes in trophic status as monitored by the more labour-intensive parameters would be collected on a regular, long term basis to help in the interpretation of the low cost survey results.