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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää ammattipienkoneiden asiakkaiden näkökulmasta taustatekijöitä ammattipienkoneiden jakelumallin perustaksi. Samalla tutkitaan jakelukanavia ja hankintaan liittyviä asiakastyytyväisyystekijöitä sekä jälkimarkkinoinnin merkitystä. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa selvitetään ammattipienkoneiden käyttö, käytetyt merkit ja hankintapaikat. Lisäksi selvitetään hankintaan ja markkinointiin/jälkimarkkinointiin liittyviä asiakastyytyväisyystekijöitä. Lopuksi tutkitaan ammattipienkoneiden käyttäjien tulevaisuuden arvostuksia koskien hankintapaikkaa, markkinointia ja ostokriteerejä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kvantitatiivista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimus suoritettiin joulukuussa 2006 postikyselynä. Perusjoukkona olivat Suomen ammattipienkonekäyttäjät, jotka koostuivat kaupunkien ja kuntien palveluksessa olevista, kiinteistönhuoltoyhtiöiden palveluksessa olevista ja alan yksityisyrittäjistä. Otos oli systemaattinen eli tasaväliotanta. Perusjoukko oli 1650 ihmistä ja otos 465 ihmistä. Vastausprosentiksi tuli 27,1 %. Tutkimuksen tulokseksi saatiin, että ammattipienkoneasiakkaat hankkivat jo tänä päivänä ja haluavat hankkia tulevaisuudessakin tuotteet lähinnä erikoispienkoneliikkeistä. Jälleenmyyjän varaosapalvelukyky, ammattitaito ja palveluhalukkuus sekä liikkeen yhteydessä oleva huolto ovat tärkeimpiä asiakastyytyväisyyteen johtavia tekijöitä. Johtopäätöksenä tästä voidaan todeta, että ammattipienkonemaahantuojien kannattaa tulevaisuudessakin panostaa erikoisliikkeisiin tuotteiden jakelussa. Markkinoinnissa kannattaa mainonnan sijasta kouluttaa ja opastaa jälleenmyyjää, koska hän on tärkein tiedon hankinnan lähde tulevaisuudessa ammattipienkoneasiakkaille.  


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Cell death is essential for a plethora of physiological processes, and its deregulation characterizes numerous human diseases. Thus, the in-depth investigation of cell death and its mechanisms constitutes a formidable challenge for fundamental and applied biomedical research, and has tremendous implications for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to standardize the experimental procedures that identify dying and dead cells in cell cultures and/or in tissues, from model organisms and/or humans, in healthy and/or pathological scenarios. Thus far, dozens of methods have been proposed to quantify cell death-related parameters. However, no guidelines exist regarding their use and interpretation, and nobody has thoroughly annotated the experimental settings for which each of these techniques is most appropriate. Here, we provide a nonexhaustive comparison of methods to detect cell death with apoptotic or nonapoptotic morphologies, their advantages and pitfalls. These guidelines are intended for investigators who study cell death, as well as for reviewers who need to constructively critique scientific reports that deal with cellular demise. Given the difficulties in determining the exact number of cells that have passed the point-of-no-return of the signaling cascades leading to cell death, we emphasize the importance of performing multiple, methodologically unrelated assays to quantify dying and dead cells.


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L?objectif de ce travail de thèse est l?étude des changements conformationels des biomacromolecules à l?échelle d?une molécule unique. Pour cela on a utilisé la Microscopie à Force Atomique (AFM) appliqué à l?étude des protéines et des acides nucléiques déposés sur une surface. Dans ce type de microscopie, une pointe très fine attachée à l?extrémité d?un levier est balayée au dessus d?une surface. L?interaction de la pointe avec la surface de l?échantillon induit la déflection du levier et ce phénomène permet de reconstruire la topographie de l?échantillon. Très importante dans cette technique est la possibilité de travailler en liquide. Cela permet de étudier les biomolécules en conditions quasi-physiologiques sans qu?elles perdent leur activité. On a étudié GroEL, la chaperonin de E.coli, qui est un homo oligomère avec une structure à double anneau qui joue un rôle très important dans le repliement des protéines dénaturées et celles qui viennent d?être synthétisées. En particulier on a focalisé notre attention sur la stabilité mécanique et sur les changements conformationels qui ont lieu pendant l?activité de GroEL. Une analyse détaillée des changements dans la stabilité mécanique et des effets produits par la liaison et l?hydrolyse de l?ATP est présentée dans ce travail. On a montré que le point le plus faible dans la structure de GroEL est l?interface entre les deux anneaux et que l?étape critique dans l?affaiblissement de la structure est l?hydrolyse de l?ATP. En ce qui concerne le changement conformationel, le passage d?une surface hydrophobe à hydrophile, induit par l?hydrolyse de l?ATP, a été montré. Ensuite on a étudié le changement dans la conformation et dans la topologie de l?ADN résultant de l?interaction avec des molécules spécifiques et en réponse à l?exposition des cellules de E.coli à des conditions de stress. Le niveau de surenroulement est un paramètre très sensible, de façon variée, à tous ces facteurs. Les cellules qui ont crus à de températures plus élevées que leur température optimale ont la tendance à diminuer le nombre de surenroulements négatif pour augmenter la stabilité thermique de leur plasmides. L?interaction avec des agents intercalant induit une transition d?un surenroulement négatif à un surenroulement positif d?une façon dépendante de la température. Finalement, l?effet de l?interaction de l?ADN avec des surfaces différentes a été étudié et une application pratique sur les noeuds d?ADN est présentée.<br/><br/>The aim of the present thesis work is to study the conformational changes of biomacromolecules at the single molecule level. To that end, Atomic Force Microcopy (AFM) imaging was performed on proteins and nucleic acids adsorbed onto a surface. In this microcopy technique a very sharp tip attached at the end of a soft cantilever is scanned over a surface, the interaction of the tip with the sample?s surface will induce the deflection of the cantilever and thus it will make possible to reconstruct the topography. A very important feature of AFM is the possibility to operate in liquid, it means with the sample immersed in a buffer solution. This allows one to study biomolecules in quasi-physiological conditions without loosing their activity. We have studied GroEL, the chaperonin of E.coli, which is a double-ring homooligomer which pays a very important role in the refolding of unfolded and newly synthetized polypeptides. In particular we focus our attention on its mechanical stability and on the conformational change that it undergoes during its activity cycle. A detailed analysis of the change in mechanical stability and how it is affected by the binding and hydrolysis of nucleotides is presented. It has been shown that the weak point of the chaperonin complex is the interface between the two rings and that the critical step to weaken the structure is the hydrolysis of ATP. Concerning the conformational change we have directly measured, with a nanometer scale resolution, the switching from a hydrophobic surface to a hydrophilic one taking place inside its cavity induced by the ATP hydrolysis. We have further studied the change in the DNA conformation and topology as a consequence of the interaction with specific DNA-binding molecules and the exposition of the E.coli cells to stress conditions. The level of supercoiling has been shown to be a very sensitive parameter, even if at different extents, to all these factors. Cells grown at temperatures higher than their optimum one tend to decrease the number of the negative superhelical turns in their plasmids in order to increase their thermal stability. The interaction with intercalating molecules induced a transition from positive to negative supercoiling in a temperature dependent way. The effect of the interaction of the DNA with different surfaces has been investigated and a practical application to DNA complex knots is reported.<br/><br/>Observer les objets biologiques en le touchant Schématiquement le Microscope a Force Atomique (AFM) consiste en une pointe très fine fixée a l?extrémité d?un levier Lors de l?imagerie, la pointe de l?AFM gratte la surface de l?échantillon, la topographie de celui-ci induit des déflections du levier qui sont enregistrées au moyen d?un rayon laser réfléchi par le levier. Ces donnés sont ensuit utilisés par un ordinateur pour reconstituer en 3D la surface de l?échantillon. La résolution de l?instrument est fonction entre autre de la dureté, de la rugosité de l?échantillon et de la forme de la pointe. Selon l?échantillon et la pointe utilisée la résolution de l?AFM peut aller de 0.1 A (sur des cristaux) a quelque dizaine de nanomètres (sur des cellules). Cet instrument est particulierment intéressant en biologie en raison de sa capacité à imager des échantillons immergés dans un liquide, c?est à dire dans des conditions quasiphysiologiques. Dans le cadre de ce travail nous avons étudié les changements conformationels de molécules biologiques soumises à des stimulations externes. Nous avons essentielment concentré notre attention sur des complexes protéiques nommé Chaperons Moléculaires et sur des molécules d?ADN circulaire (plasmides). Les Chaperons sont impliqués entre autre dans la résistance des organismes vivants aux stress thermiques et osmotiques. Leur activité consiste essentielment à aider les autres protéines à être bien pliés dans leur conformation finale et, en conséquence, à eviter que ils soient dénaturées et que ils puissent s?agréger. L?ADN, quant à lui est la molécule qui conserve, dans sa séquence, l?information génétique de tous les organismes vivants. Ce travail a spécifiquement concerné l?étude des changements conformationels des chaperonins suit a leur activation par l?ATP. Ces travaux ont montrés a l?échelle de molécule unique la capacité de ces protéines de changer leur surface de hydrophobique a hydrophilique. Nous avons également utilisé l?AFM pour étudier le changement du nombre des surenroulements des molécules d?ADN circulaire lors d?une exposition à un changement de température et de force ionique. Ces travaux ont permis de montrer comment la cellule regle le nombre de surenroulements dans ces molécules pour répondre et contrôler l?expression génétique même dans de conditions extrêmes. Pour les deux molécules en général, c?était très important d?avoir la possibilité de observer leur transitions d?une conformation a l?autre directement a l?échelle d?une seul molécule et, surtout, avec une résolution largement au dessous des la longueur d?onde de la lumière visible que représente le limite pour l?imagerie optique.


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Due to the intense international competition, demanding, and sophisticated customers, and diverse transforming technological change, organizations need to renew their products and services by allocating resources on research and development (R&D). Managing R&D is complex, but vital for many organizations to survive in the dynamic, turbulent environment. Thus, the increased interest among decision-makers towards finding the right performance measures for R&D is understandable. The measures or evaluation methods of R&D performance can be utilized for multiple purposes; for strategic control, for justifying the existence of R&D, for providing information and improving activities, as well as for the purposes of motivating and benchmarking. The earlier research in the field of R&D performance analysis has generally focused on either the activities and considerable factors and dimensions - e.g. strategic perspectives, purposes of measurement, levels of analysis, types of R&D or phases of R&D process - prior to the selection of R&Dperformance measures, or on proposed principles or actual implementation of theselection or design processes of R&D performance measures or measurement systems. This study aims at integrating the consideration of essential factors anddimensions of R&D performance analysis to developed selection processes of R&D measures, which have been applied in real-world organizations. The earlier models for corporate performance measurement that can be found in the literature, are to some extent adaptable also to the development of measurement systemsand selecting the measures in R&D activities. However, it is necessary to emphasize the special aspects related to the measurement of R&D performance in a way that make the development of new approaches for especially R&D performance measure selection necessary: First, the special characteristics of R&D - such as the long time lag between the inputs and outcomes, as well as the overall complexity and difficult coordination of activities - influence the R&D performance analysis problems, such as the need for more systematic, objective, balanced and multi-dimensional approaches for R&D measure selection, as well as the incompatibility of R&D measurement systems to other corporate measurement systems and vice versa. Secondly, the above-mentioned characteristics and challenges bring forth the significance of the influencing factors and dimensions that need to be recognized in order to derive the selection criteria for measures and choose the right R&D metrics, which is the most crucial step in the measurement system development process. The main purpose of this study is to support the management and control of the research and development activities of organizations by increasing the understanding of R&D performance analysis, clarifying the main factors related to the selection of R&D measures and by providing novel types of approaches and methods for systematizing the whole strategy- and business-based selection and development process of R&D indicators.The final aim of the research is to support the management in their decision making of R&D with suitable, systematically chosen measures or evaluation methods of R&D performance. Thus, the emphasis in most sub-areas of the present research has been on the promotion of the selection and development process of R&D indicators with the help of the different tools and decision support systems, i.e. the research has normative features through providing guidelines by novel types of approaches. The gathering of data and conducting case studies in metal and electronic industry companies, in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, and in non-profit organizations helped us to formulate a comprehensive picture of the main challenges of R&D performance analysis in different organizations, which is essential, as recognition of the most importantproblem areas is a very crucial element in the constructive research approach utilized in this study. Multiple practical benefits regarding the defined problemareas could be found in the various constructed approaches presented in this dissertation: 1) the selection of R&D measures became more systematic when compared to the empirical analysis, as it was common that there were no systematic approaches utilized in the studied organizations earlier; 2) the evaluation methods or measures of R&D chosen with the help of the developed approaches can be more directly utilized in the decision-making, because of the thorough consideration of the purpose of measurement, as well as other dimensions of measurement; 3) more balance to the set of R&D measures was desired and gained throughthe holistic approaches to the selection processes; and 4) more objectivity wasgained through organizing the selection processes, as the earlier systems were considered subjective in many organizations. Scientifically, this dissertation aims to make a contribution to the present body of knowledge of R&D performance analysis by facilitating dealing with the versatility and challenges of R&D performance analysis, as well as the factors and dimensions influencing the selection of R&D performance measures, and by integrating these aspects to the developed novel types of approaches, methods and tools in the selection processes of R&D measures, applied in real-world organizations. In the whole research, facilitation of dealing with the versatility and challenges in R&D performance analysis, as well as the factors and dimensions influencing the R&D performance measure selection are strongly integrated with the constructed approaches. Thus, the research meets the above-mentioned purposes and objectives of the dissertation from the scientific as well as from the practical point of view.


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There is a broad consensus among economists that technologicalchange has been a major contributor to the productivity growth and, hence, to the growth of the material welfare in western industrialized countries at least over the last century. Paradoxically, this issue has not been the focal point of theoretical economics. At the same time, we have witnessed the rise of the importance of technological issues at the strategic management level of business firms. Interestingly, the research has not accurately responded to this challenge either. The tension between the overwhelming empirical evidence of the importance of technology and its relative omission in the research offers a challenging target for a methodological endeavor. This study deals with the question of how different theories cope with technology and explain technological change. The focusis at the firm level and the analysis concentrates on metatheoretical issues, except for the last two chapters, which examine the problems of strategic management of technology. Here the aim is to build a new evolutionary-based theoreticalframework to analyze innovation processes at the firm level. The study consistsof ten chapters. Chapter 1 poses the research problem and contrasts the two basic approaches, neoclassical and evolutionary, to be analyzed. Chapter 2 introduces the methodological framework which is based on the methodology of isolation. Methodological and ontoogical commitments of the rival approaches are revealed and basic questions concerning their ways of theorizing are elaborated. Chapters 3-6 deal with the so-called substantive isolative criteria. The aim is to examine how different approaches cope with such critical issues as inherent uncertainty and complexity of innovative activities (cognitive isolations, chapter 3), theboundedness of rationality of innovating agents (behavioral isolations, chapter4), the multidimensional nature of technology (chapter 5), and governance costsrelated to technology (chapter 6). Chapters 7 and 8 put all these things together and look at the explanatory structures used by the neoclassical and evolutionary approaches in the light of substantive isolations. The last two cpahters of the study utilize the methodological framework and tools to appraise different economics-based candidates in the context of strategic management of technology. The aim is to analyze how different approaches answer the fundamental question: How can firms gain competitive advantages through innovations and how can the rents appropriated from successful innovations be sustained? The last chapter introduces a new evolutionary-based technology management framework. Also the largely omitted issues of entrepreneurship are examined.


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Membrane filtration has become increasingly attractive in the processing of both foodand biotechnological products. However, the poor selectivity of the membranes and fouling are the critical factors limiting the development of UF systems for the specific fractionation of protein mixtures. This thesis gives an overview on fractionation of proteins from model protein solutions or from biological solutions. An attempt was made to improve the selectivity of the available membranes by modifying the membranes and by exploiting the different electrostatic interactions between the proteins and the membrane pore surfaces. Fractionation and UF behavior of proteins in the model solutions and in the corresponding biological solutions were compared. Characterization of the membranes and protein adsorptionto the membrane were investigated with combined flux and streaming potential studies. It has been shown that fouling of the membranes can be reduced using "self-rejecting" membranes at pH values where electrostatic repulsion is achieved between the membrane and the proteins in solution. This effect is best shown in UF of dilute single protein solutions at low ionic strengths and low pressures. Fractionation of model proteins in single, binary, and ternary solutionshas been carried out. The results have been compared to the results obtained from fractination of biological solutions. It was generally observed that fractination of proteins from biological solutions are more difficult to carry out owingto the presence of non studied protein components with different properties. Itcan be generally concluded that it is easier to enrich the smaller protein in the permeate but it is also possible to enrich the larger protein in the permeateat pH values close to the isoelectric point of the protein. It should be possible to find an optimal flux and modification to effectively improve the fractination of proteins even with very similar molar masses.


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Fuzzy set theory and Fuzzy logic is studied from a mathematical point of view. The main goal is to investigatecommon mathematical structures in various fuzzy logical inference systems and to establish a general mathematical basis for fuzzy logic when considered as multi-valued logic. The study is composed of six distinct publications. The first paper deals with Mattila'sLPC+Ch Calculus. THis fuzzy inference system is an attempt to introduce linguistic objects to mathematical logic without defining these objects mathematically.LPC+Ch Calculus is analyzed from algebraic point of view and it is demonstratedthat suitable factorization of the set of well formed formulae (in fact, Lindenbaum algebra) leads to a structure called ET-algebra and introduced in the beginning of the paper. On its basis, all the theorems presented by Mattila and many others can be proved in a simple way which is demonstrated in the Lemmas 1 and 2and Propositions 1-3. The conclusion critically discusses some other issues of LPC+Ch Calculus, specially that no formal semantics for it is given.In the second paper the characterization of solvability of the relational equation RoX=T, where R, X, T are fuzzy relations, X the unknown one, and o the minimum-induced composition by Sanchez, is extended to compositions induced by more general products in the general value lattice. Moreover, the procedure also applies to systemsof equations. In the third publication common features in various fuzzy logicalsystems are investigated. It turns out that adjoint couples and residuated lattices are very often present, though not always explicitly expressed. Some minor new results are also proved.The fourth study concerns Novak's paper, in which Novak introduced first-order fuzzy logic and proved, among other things, the semantico-syntactical completeness of this logic. He also demonstrated that the algebra of his logic is a generalized residuated lattice. In proving that the examination of Novak's logic can be reduced to the examination of locally finite MV-algebras.In the fifth paper a multi-valued sentential logic with values of truth in an injective MV-algebra is introduced and the axiomatizability of this logic is proved. The paper developes some ideas of Goguen and generalizes the results of Pavelka on the unit interval. Our proof for the completeness is purely algebraic. A corollary of the Completeness Theorem is that fuzzy logic on the unit interval is semantically complete if, and only if the algebra of the valuesof truth is a complete MV-algebra. The Compactness Theorem holds in our well-defined fuzzy sentential logic, while the Deduction Theorem and the Finiteness Theorem do not. Because of its generality and good-behaviour, MV-valued logic can be regarded as a mathematical basis of fuzzy reasoning. The last paper is a continuation of the fifth study. The semantics and syntax of fuzzy predicate logic with values of truth in ana injective MV-algerba are introduced, and a list of universally valid sentences is established. The system is proved to be semanticallycomplete. This proof is based on an idea utilizing some elementary properties of injective MV-algebras and MV-homomorphisms, and is purely algebraic.


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The aim of this study is to provide an instrument for measuring service quality in sports enterprises from the point of view of the customers. For this purpose we intend to elaborate an enquiry starting out from a more general scale called SERVIQUAL. We have limited our research project to sports enterprises where the customer participates actively, i.e., we have excluded sports clubs and other organizations which offer sport as entertainment. Our choice is mainly due to the fact that few studies have been carried out in this area and that sports has been earning an increasing amount of adepts during the last decades in Spain. The DELPHI method has been applied with the collaboration of a panel of experts in order to evaluate the viability and adequacy of the modified SERVQUAL scale.


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The geometric characterisation of tree orchards is a high-precision activity comprising the accurate measurement and knowledge of the geometry and structure of the trees. Different types of sensors can be used to perform this characterisation. In this work a terrestrial LIDAR sensor (SICK LMS200) whose emission source was a 905-nm pulsed laser diode was used. Given the known dimensions of the laser beam cross-section (with diameters ranging from 12 mm at the point of emission to 47.2 mm at a distance of 8 m), and the known dimensions of the elements that make up the crops under study (flowers, leaves, fruits, branches, trunks), it was anticipated that, for much of the time, the laser beam would only partially hit a foreground target/object, with the consequent problem of mixed pixels or edge effects. Understanding what happens in such situations was the principal objective of this work. With this in mind, a series of tests were set up to determine the geometry of the emitted beam and to determine the response of the sensor to different beam blockage scenarios. The main conclusions that were drawn from the results obtained were: (i) in a partial beam blockage scenario, the distance value given by the sensor depends more on the blocked radiant power than on the blocked surface area; (ii) there is an area that influences the measurements obtained that is dependent on the percentage of blockage and which ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 m with respect to the foreground target/object. If the laser beam impacts on a second target/object located within this range, this will affect the measurement given by the sensor. To interpret the information obtained from the point clouds provided by the LIDAR sensors, such as the volume occupied and the enclosing area, it is necessary to know the resolution and the process for obtaining this mesh of points and also to be aware of the problem associated with mixed pixels.


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BACKGROUND: Pneumonia is the biggest cause of deaths in young children in developing countries, but early diagnosis and intervention can effectively reduce mortality. We aimed to assess the diagnostic value of clinical signs and symptoms to identify radiological pneumonia in children younger than 5 years and to review the accuracy of WHO criteria for diagnosis of clinical pneumonia. METHODS: We searched Medline (PubMed), Embase (Ovid), the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and reference lists of relevant studies, without date restrictions, to identify articles assessing clinical predictors of radiological pneumonia in children. Selection was based on: design (diagnostic accuracy studies), target disease (pneumonia), participants (children aged <5 years), setting (ambulatory or hospital care), index test (clinical features), and reference standard (chest radiography). Quality assessment was based on the 2011 Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) criteria. For each index test, we calculated sensitivity and specificity and, when the tests were assessed in four or more studies, calculated pooled estimates with use of bivariate model and hierarchical summary receiver operation characteristics plots for meta-analysis. FINDINGS: We included 18 articles in our analysis. WHO-approved signs age-related fast breathing (six studies; pooled sensitivity 0·62, 95% CI 0·26-0·89; specificity 0·59, 0·29-0·84) and lower chest wall indrawing (four studies; 0·48, 0·16-0·82; 0·72, 0·47-0·89) showed poor diagnostic performance in the meta-analysis. Features with the highest pooled positive likelihood ratios were respiratory rate higher than 50 breaths per min (1·90, 1·45-2·48), grunting (1·78, 1·10-2·88), chest indrawing (1·76, 0·86-3·58), and nasal flaring (1·75, 1·20-2·56). Features with the lowest pooled negative likelihood ratio were cough (0·30, 0·09-0·96), history of fever (0·53, 0·41-0·69), and respiratory rate higher than 40 breaths per min (0·43, 0·23-0·83). INTERPRETATION: Not one clinical feature was sufficient to diagnose pneumonia definitively. Combination of clinical features in a decision tree might improve diagnostic performance, but the addition of new point-of-care tests for diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia would help to attain an acceptable level of accuracy. FUNDING: Swiss National Science Foundation.


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In the specific case of the quince trees, there is lack of information about the emergency of their seedlings, development and time of production of rootstocks to reach the point of the grafting, as well as development of the grafts. Therefore, the objective of the present research was to study the Cydonia and Chaenomeles genera, as well as the development of the grafts during the nursery phase. Seeds of the quince tree cultivars 'Mendoza Inta-37', 'Provence', ' Portugal' and 'Japonês' were obtained from ripe fruits and submitted to cold stratification during 20 days. Soon after, the seeds were sowed in 72-cell polystyrene trays (120 cm³ of capacity/cell) containing vermiculite as substrate. After 60 days, the seedlings were put in plastic bags (3 liters of capacity) filled with a substrate containing soil: sand: manure (1:1:1 v/v). The seedlings were kept in a 50% of shadow nursery and periodically irrigated. After 180 days, the seedlings were grafted by the cleft grafting method, during the winter, using scion sticks from quince 'Portugal'. After 60 days, the percentage of alive and sprouted grafts was evaluated. The length and diameter of the grafts were measured every 30 days, a total of four times. The quince 'Japonês' showed the best performance among all the rootstocks in this experiment, being an excellent alternative as rootstock for quince trees. 'Japonês' and 'Mendoza Inta-37' were also the rootstocks that promoted the best development of the grafts.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the production cost and economic indicators associated with the production and sales of fruits from 20 custard apple progenies during the initial five harvests, in order to identify the harvest season from which custard apple exploitation becomes profitable, as well as the most promising progenies from an economic point of view. The fruit yield data upon which the present work was based were obtained during the period from 2001 to 2005, in an experiment that evaluated 20 custard apple half-sibling progenies, under sprinkler irrigation. The progenies were evaluated in a random block design with five replicates and plots consisting of four plants each. The exploitation of custard apple progenies only showed to be a profitable agribusiness after the fourth year. Before that, only A3 and A4 progenies in the second year, and P3 and P11 in the third year provided profitable incomes. Considering the methodological assumptions imposed concerning the time period analysis and the prices as of July 2007, the most important profitability indicators (operating profit, return index and equilibrium price) evidenced that the A4 progeny is the most recommended, although other progenies are also highlighted, such as FJ1 and FJ2. As already discussed, the progenies showing the highest average yields of five harvests are not always the most economically recommendable ones.


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Urate is the metabolic end point of purines in humans. Although supra-physiological plasma urate levels are associated with obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, a causative role is debated. We previously established a mouse model of hyperuricemia by liver-specific deletion of Glut9, a urate transporter that provides urate to the hepatocyte enzyme uricase. These LG9 knockout mice show mild hyperuricemia (120 μmol/l), which can be further increased by the urate precursor inosine. Here, we explored the role of progressive hyperuricemia on the cardiovascular function. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate were periodically measured by telemetry over 6 months in LG9 knockout mice supplemented with incremental amounts of inosine in a normal chow diet. This long-term inosine treatment elicited a progressive increase in uricemia up to 300 μmol/l; however, it did not modify heart rate or mean arterial blood pressure in LG9 knockout compared with control mice. Inosine treatment did not alter cardiac morphology or function measured by ultrasound echocardiography. However, it did induce mild renal dysfunction as revealed by higher plasma creatinine levels, lower glomerular filtration rate, and histological signs of chronic inflammation and fibrosis. Thus, in LG9 knockout mice, inosine-induced hyperuricemia was not associated with hypertension despite partial renal deficiency. This does not support a direct role of urate in the control of blood pressure.


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The Fortress (La Forteresse) is a 2008 documentary film by Fernand Melgar that reports the Swiss asylum reality from a distant but committed point of view. The documentary describes the life of asylum seekers awaiting in a federal centre the decision to grant them-or not-refugee status. It subtly raises the issue of the role that "textual realities", grasped from the spectator's point of view, play in the production of public discourses. Most of all, it subtly poses the question of the (Swiss) spectator as an actor of the asylum policy, in the context of a semi-direct democracy. After evoking the notion of sensible experience for linking spectatorship to politics, we look at how the documentary invites its model spectator to accept the film's moral premises. Furthermore, focusing on the Swiss public sphere, we deliver an account of the reception by empirical spectators, notably by a group of leftist activists that tend to subvert Melgar's intentions. This two-fold analysis leads us to exhibit that, in a context of discursive struggles, The Fortress generates an original space of deliberation and experience, which appeals to the public to exercise their political agency on asylum policy without being constricted by an antagonist framework.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess safety up to 1 year of follow-up associated with prasugrel and clopidogrel use in a prospective cohort of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). METHODS: Between 2009 and 2012, 2286 patients invasively managed for ACS were enrolled in the multicentre Swiss ACS Bleeding Cohort, among whom 2148 patients received either prasugrel or clopidogrel according to current guidelines. Patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) preferentially received prasugrel, while those with non-STEMI, a history of stroke or transient ischaemic attack, age ≥75 years, or weight <60 kg received clopidogrel or reduced dose of prasugrel to comply with the prasugrel label. RESULTS: After adjustment using propensity scores, the primary end point of clinically relevant bleeding events (defined as the composite of Bleeding Academic Research Consortium, BARC, type 3, 4 or 5 bleeding) at 1 year, occurred at a similar rate in both patient groups (prasugrel/clopidogrel: 3.8%/5.5%). Stratified analyses in subgroups including patients with STEMI yielded a similar safety profile. After adjusting for baseline variables, no relevant differences in major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events were observed at 1 year (prasugrel/clopidogrel: cardiac death 2.6%/4.2%, myocardial infarction 2.7%/3.8%, revascularisation 5.9%/6.7%, stroke 1.0%/1.6%). Of note, this study was not designed to compare efficacy between prasugrel and clopidogrel. CONCLUSIONS: In this large prospective ACS cohort, patients treated with prasugrel according to current guidelines (ie, in patients without cerebrovascular disease, old age or underweight) had a similar safety profile compared with patients treated with clopidogrel. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: SPUM-ACS: NCT01000701; COMFORTABLE AMI: NCT00962416.