887 resultados para Poetic genres
This study try to integrate concepts from referenciation theory to highlight processes of meaning construction of the book A Poesia em Pânico, written by the Brasilian poet Murilo Mendes. The concepts of referenciation, discourse objects and cognitive-experiential schemes were employed to evidence the meanings of the poems in the book, specifing its methods of elaboration and the effects of expression. Parallels beetwen the conception of language proposed by the theories used and that deduced from the poems and poetic pratice of the author studied was traced, making evident its similarities. Equaly, textuals analises are used to demonstrate various aspects of the theories. At the same time, a reading of the main elements of discourse was constructed throughout the study, trying an aproximation beetween the fields of linguistic and literary theory
This study explores the symbolism of evil way in the novel Grande sertão: veredas, by Guimarães Rosa, regarding faustian pact by Goethe, and so tries to understand how the rosiana language are present to the strategies which put in suspense the effectiveness of the demonic agreement and enable, with poetic intensity, different interpretations, especially as regards the anguish of the human condition. This research thus has drawn upon the Mythical Symbolism, in Literary Criticism and aspects of Metaphysics, in addition to analyzing classic literary essays in approaching of Rosa s masterpiece structure. It has also demonstrated that the incorporation of the Faust legend in Grande sertão reflects the same desire for happiness that is not done completely, and in this manner, instigates a discussion about the limits to the satisfaction of being human. Therefore, it has observed that epic narrative of ex-gangster Riobaldo to the doctor of city speculates on human man, in the continuous learning of his passing
O artigo teve como objetivo investigar em que medida a improvisação e a tradição oral permitiram a consolidação do ragtime e do choro em gêneros musicais com aceitação popular na virada do século XIX. A escolha concentrou-se nas semelhanças formais existentes entre ambos e nos caminhos percorridos por ambos para essa consolidação. A partir dos conceitos de territorialização e desterritorialização criados por Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, incorporados à improvisação musical por Rogério Costa, verificamos o tipo de improvisação utilizado nesses dois gêneros. O relato histórico reafirma a ideia de D. Bailey de que a improvisação está sempre presente na criação de novos sistemas notacionais, gêneros e estilos musicais, ainda que nos processos de transmutação, ela saia de cena. O texto é parte da dissertação de mestrado defendida no IA-UNESP.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Entre as diversas semióticas e semiologias atualmente existentes, devem-se distinguir dois projetos gerais: o de origem saussureana e o de origem peirceana. O primeiro recolhe da ciência lingüística seu modo de proceder e as características gerais do signo. O segundo pertence à tradição crítica filosófica. Para a inteligência capaz de aprender com a experiência, a dimensão temporal e histórica é essencial. O signo peirceano implica as relações de um tempo irreversível. À produção presente do signo cabe a função poética, a qual é essencial à vida de toda inteligência. A hipótese cientifica, as revoluções sociais em seu momento originário e a produção artística produzem novos signos, recortam novos objetos e abrem feixes de possibilidades para a conduta futura.
Este artigo aborda a apropriação da imprensa escrita pela escola brasileira, a partir de características de três campos complementares: as tendências políticas e teóricas relativas à formação de professores; os livros didáticos de Língua Portuguesa; e a experiência em sala de aula. Destaca as dificuldades, o caráter incipiente dessa tarefa, e a necessidade de uma ação política articulada para o tratamento da imprensa e dos meios de comunicação na escola.
Por meio da utilização de corpus de textos técnicos, jornalísticos e literários escritos originalmente em inglês e traduzidos para o português, pode-se efetuar uma análise das soluções propostas pelos tradutores ao lidarem com semelhanças e diferenças lingüísticas e culturais dos textos de partida e de chegada. Com esse intuito, aplicou-se o modelo descritivo-comparativo sugerido por Aubert (1984, 1998), o qual se origina das categorias de Vinay e Darbelnet ([1958, 1977] 1995), a fim de, primeiramente, identificar e, depois, classificar os procedimentos ou modalidades empregadas na tradução desses gêneros textuais. Registraram-se como modalidades de maior incidência nos três corpora: a tradução literal, a transposição e a modulação. em virtude de a alta freqüência da tradução literal ocorrer em textos técnicos e, contrariamente ao esperado, incidir com proporção ainda maior em textos jornalísticos, poder-se-ia inferir uma tendência para automatismos na tradução desses dois tipos de textos. Já a necessidade de um emprego acentuado da modulação e da transposição com modulação em textos literários poderia ser decorrente de uma participação mais ativa do tradutor na tentativa de escapar da literalidade e proceder a uma maior reelaboração, a fim de passar características normalmente associadas à linguagem do romance.
Cet article est fondé sur le concept de société civile développé par le marxiste Antonio Gramsci et propose un dialogue critique avec les autres idées de la société civile qui, de nos jours, cherchent à s'affirmer dans le panorama politique et culturel. Nous nous fondons sur le fait d'être passé, au cours des dernières décennies, d'une idée de société civile prioritairement politique-publique, scène de luttes démocratiques et de nouvelles hégémonies, vers une image qui transforme la société civile soit en ressource de gestion un arrangement de la société destiné à rendre possible différents genres spécifiques de politiques publiques soit en un facteur de reconstruction étique et dialogique de la vie sociale. L'incorporation de l'idée de participation au langage de planification a déplacé la société civile de son champs principal (celui de l'organisation de nouvelles hégémonies) vers un espace de coopération et de gestion de la crise. Par ailleurs, l'expansion de l'activisme social, dans un cadre de crise politique de l'État et de la démocratie représentative a poussé vers la recherche d'une autre «place» à partir de laquelle il serait possible d'établir et de répandre de nouvelles postulations éthiques et de nouvelles procédures collectives. D'une phase où le marxisme était prépondérant et laissait sa marque, nous sommes entrés dans une phase dans laquelle la perspective libérale, affirmée de façon orthodoxe ou nuancée, prévaut et opère comme principale référence.
We contemplated concerning the borders in the social relationships, verifying that way the speech poetic internalizes the moral conventions and it fastens identities when proposing the alterity as a one other radically different. We studied the woman's representation in the poetry of Manoel de Barros, in the grandmother's figures, of the mother, of the women of the people and of the prostitutes. We verified the way as the women are figured and the function that they carry out in the universe of poetic's Barros.
Sebastião Uchoa Leite's work is circumscribed in a field of tension with tradition, which makes impossible is delimitation to anyone who seeks to draw his poetic profile. The undeniable identification with the modernist masters does not mean the enhancement of such standards; on the contrary, they are contaminated by the crossing of the most diverse references. The ambiguity comes from the fact that the poet neither puts limits in a temporal-spaced territory, nor sets defined directions. His is a hybrid textual project, as in a crossing, which the nomad route places, side by side, the referring speeches from tradition and from the contemporary world.
In its first part, this essay looks into basic features of Oswald de Andrade's creative thought; in the second part the poem Soidão is analysed to show some of the poetic procedures used by the poet.
Due to factors such as globalization and the demography of Hispanic countries, the Spanish language has influenced worldwide, especially since the last decade of the 20th century, mainly countries which are geographically close to Spanish American countries, such as Brazil. In this context, it is necessary to think of the linguistic variation of the Spanish language, in which we emphasize the lexical variation. As any language, Spanish has a colossal and wealthy lexicon with different varieties related to the characteristics from each region: history, culture, customs etc. This diversity influences the development, the amplification and the renewal of a language, as well as the teaching-learning process. Thus, we proposed to analyze the lexicon varieties of Spanish language entries in some Spanish-Portuguese bilingual dictionaries for Brazilian learners. In order to achieve this goal, we selected some examples of lexical variety in a corpus organized with texts of different textual genres and we verified if these lexical items are registered in the dictionaries chosen. As the corpus is organized from texts present in didactic manuals used in Brazil, our goal is to verify if the vocabulary which the Brazilian learner has contact in formal education is registered in the analyzed dictionaries.
Musical genre classification has been paramount in the last years, mainly in large multimedia datasets, in which new songs and genres can be added at every moment by anyone. In this context, we have seen the growing of musical recommendation systems, which can improve the benefits for several applications, such as social networks and collective musical libraries. In this work, we have introduced a recent machine learning technique named Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) for musical genre classification, which has been demonstrated to be similar to the state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques, but much faster for some applications. Experiments in two public datasets were conducted against Support Vector Machines and a Bayesian classifier to show the validity of our work. In addition, we have executed an experiment using very recent hybrid feature selection techniques based on OPF to speed up feature extraction process. © 2011 International Society for Music Information Retrieval.
Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853) was a pioneer of German Romanticism alongside figures such as Novalis, Wackenroder, brothers August and Friedrich Schlegel, Schleiermacher, Schelling. A great admirer of Shakespeare and Calderón de la Barca, Tieck envisioned literature as a supranational terrain and an area of convergence of different traditions and perspectives. Thus he absorbed numerous elements from popular culture (fairy tales, legends, superstitions) and merged with the trends of his time, among which the mid eighteenth-century gothic and horror narrative. In Tieck the macabre becomes an expression of questions about the relationship between the subject and on the very notion (based on common sense) that there would be a single reality and independent from the point of view of who observes or describes. Tieck aesthetically formulated questions that echoed throughout German romanticism, expressing concerns and anxieties inseparable from his poetic and literary production.
A program recorded in a theater, with the audience, incorporating all of the improvisations and later televised. That was Sai de Baixo, TV Globos program broadcasted between 1996 and 2002. However, a specific episode limit this article. Toma 0que o filmeéteu, 1998, was made alive. Was it a spasm of the old teleplay Or was it just a common sitcom episode To answer these questions, the paper used a case study, bibliographical and documentary research and concluded that this episode was not a brief return of teleplay, having in mind that the fact of being alive is not a requirement to be teleplay, but there are other criteria.