997 resultados para Piles de pont


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Tra i temi di attualità, quello del risparmio energetico è tra i più dibattuti negli ultimi anni; tale tema è strettamente correlato al problema del riscaldamento globale, infatti, mentre sul prossimo esaurimento delle risorse energetiche tradizionali non vi sono ancora certezze assolute, per quanto riguarda l’azione nociva dei gas serra, la Comunità Scientifica Internazionale si ritrova d’accordo su una netta presa di posizione contro l’emissione di tali sostanze, provocata in larga parte dall’utilizzo dei combustibili fossili. In questo contesto, l’Unione Europea sta promuovendo la diffusione di tecnologie che non prevedano l’utilizzo di gas, petrolio o carbone, soprattutto per il settore dell’edilizia, ove una corretta progettazione e l’utilizzo di tecnologie non convenzionali può portare alla riduzione anche dell’80% dei consumi, con conseguente abbattimento delle emissioni. Tra questi interventi innovativi, il più comune e conosciuto è sicuramente quello del solare termico e fotovoltaico; ma ne esistono anche di altri, ancora non molto pubblicizzati in Italia, ma ampiamente conosciuti e utilizzati in altri paesi dell’Unione. Tra questi, vi è il sistema di riscaldamento analizzato in questa tesi: la pompa di calore geotermica. Tale sistema, come verrà spiegato nell’elaborato di laurea, ha indubbi vantaggi economici, energetici ed ambientali, a fronte di una non trascurabile spesa iniziale. Attualmente, nel Nord Italia, si incominciano a vedere impianti di questo tipo, sulla scia del successo riscontrato nei paesi confinanti (in particolare Austria e Svizzera). La progettazione si basa attualmente su modelli statici, sviluppati dall’Università Svizzera del Canton Ticino, per l’utilizzo della pompa di calore nel territorio alpino. Obiettivo della tesi, è la verifica di tali modelli, di cui si è venuto a conoscenza grazie alla collaborazione con l’Università SUPSI, sulle condizioni idrogeologiche della Pianura Padana, soffermandosi su alcuni parametri fondamentali della progettazione di una pompa di calore geotermica, quali la conduttività e la capacità termica volumetrica dei terreni incontrati, la presenza di falde, ed i parametri geometrici del pozzo, al fine di dare una valutazione tecnica ed economica dell’impianto. Tali analisi è stata infatti fino ad ora affrontata in maniera sommaria dai perforatori, che eseguono generalmente sempre lo stesso modello di pozzo geotermico, sulla base degli esempi consolidati di Svizzera e Germania. Alcune misure di temperatura in situ sono state rilevate in collaborazione con la società Geotermia SRL di Mantova, ditta specializzata nella perforazione di pozzi geotermici (tale esperienza è parte centrale dell’estratto “Laboratorio di Tesi Ls”), mentre la parte modellistica della tesi è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con lo studio di progettazione Studio Seta SRL di Faenza, il cui stabile è climatizzato in parte con una pompa di calore geotermica.


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[EN]This Ph. D. thesis presents a simple and stable procedure for the estimation of periods and dampings of pile shear buildings taking soil-structure interaction into account. The coupled-system response is obtained by using a substructuring model. A boundary element-finite element coupling formulation is used to compute impedances and kinematic interaction factors of the pile group configurations under investigation. The proposed procedure is applied to perform parametric analyses to determine the influence of the main parameters of soil-structure interaction problems on the dynamic response of the superstructure. The scope of this thesis also encompasses the study of foundations including battered piles.


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[EN] 3D BEM-FEM coupling model is used to study the dynamic behavior of piled foundations in elastic layered soils in presenceof a rigid bedrock. Piles are modelled by FEM as beams according to the Bernoulli hpothesis, and every layer of the soil is modelled by BEM as a cointinuum, semi-infinite, isotropic, homogeneous, linear, viscoelastic medium.


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[EN]The dynamic throug-soil interaction between nearby pile supported structures in a viscoelastic half-space, under incident S and Rayleigh waves, is numerically studied. To this end, a three-dimensional viscoelastic BEM-FEM formulation for the dynamic analysis of piles and pile groups in the frequency domain is used, where soil is modelled by BEM and piles are simulated by one-dimensional finite elements as Bernouilli beams.


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[EN]The effectiveness and accuracy of the superposition method in assessing the dynamic stiffness and damping functions of embedded footings supported by vertical piles in homogeneous viscoelastic soil is addressed. To the end, the impedances of piled embedded footings are compared to those obtained by suporposing the impedance functions of the corresponding pile groups and embedded footing treated separately.


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[EN]Different phenomena such a soil consolidation, erosion, and scour beneath an embedded footing supported on piles may lead to loss of contact between soil and the pile cap underside. The importance of this separation on the dynamic stiffness and damping of the foundation is assessed in this work.


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[EN]A boundary element-finite element model is presented for the three-dimensional dynamic analysis of piled buildings in the frequency domain. Piles are modelled as compressible Euler-Bernoulli beams founded on a linear, isotropic, viscoelastic, zoned-homogeneous, unbounded layered soil, while multi-storey buildings are assumed to be comprised of vertical compressible piers and rigid slabs.


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[EN] This paper aims to contribute to clarify whether the use of battered piles has a positive or negative influence on the dynamic response of deep foundations and superstructures. For this purpose, the dynamic response of slender and non-slender structures supported on several configurations of 2X2 and 3X3 pile groups including battered elements is obtained through a procedure based on a substructuring model whick takes soil-structure interaction into account.


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We need a large amount of energy to make our homes pleasantly warm in winter and cool in summer. If we also consider the energy losses that occur through roofs, perimeter walls and windows, it would be more appropriate to speak of waste than consumption. The solution would be to build passive houses, i.e. buildings more efficient and environmentally friendly, able to ensure a drastic reduction of electricity and heating bills. Recently, the increase of public awareness about global warming and environmental pollution problems have “finally” opened wide possibility in the field of sustainable construction by encouraging new renewable methods for heating and cooling space. Shallow geothermal allows to exploit the renewable heat reservoir, present in the soil at depths between 15 and 20 m, for air-conditioning of buildings, using a ground source heat pump. This thesis focuses on the design of an air-conditioning system with geothermal heat pump coupled to energy piles, i.e. piles with internal heat exchangers, for a typical Italian-family building, on the basis of a geological-technical report about a plot of Bologna’s plain provided by Geo-Net s.r.l. The study has involved a preliminary static sizing of the piles in order to calculate their length and number, then the project was completed making the energy sizing, where it has been verified if the building energy needs were met with the static solution obtained. Finally the attention was focused on the technical and economical validity compared to a traditional system (cost-benefit analysis) and on the problem of the uncertainty data design and their effects on the operating and initial costs of the system (sensitivity analysis). To evaluate the performance of the thermal system and the potential use of the piles was also used the PILESIM2 software, designed by Dr. Pahud of the SUPSI’s school.


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In dieser Arbeit werden Strukturen beschrieben, die mit Polymeren auf Oberflächen erzeugt wurden. Die Anwendungen reichen von PMMA und PNIPAM Polymerbürsten, über die Restrukturierung von Polystyrol durch Lösemittel bis zu 3D-Strukturen, die aus PAH/ PSS Polyelektrolytmultischichten bestehen. Im ersten Teil werden Polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA) Bürsten in der ionischen Flüssigkeit 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophospat ([Bmim][PF6]) durch kontrollierte radikalische Polymerisation (ATRP) hergestellt. Kinetische Untersuchungen zeigten ein lineares und dichtes Bürstenwachstum mit einer Wachstumsrate von 4600 g/mol pro nm. Die durchschnittliche Pfropfdichte betrug 0.36 µmol/m2. Als Anwendung wurden Mikrotropfen bestehend aus der ionischen Flüssigkeit, Dimethylformamid und dem ATRP-Katalysator benutzt, um in einer definierten Geometrie Polymerbürsten auf Silizium aufzubringen. Auf diese Weise lässt sich eine bis zu 13 nm dicke Beschichtung erzeugen. Dieses Konzept ist durch die Verdampfung des Monomers Methylmethacrylat (MMA) limitiert. Aus einem 1 µl großen Tropfen aus ionischer Flüssigkeit und MMA (1:1) verdampft MMA innerhalb von 100 s. Daher wurde das Monomer sequentiell zugegeben. Der zweite Teil konzentriert sich auf die Strukturierung von Oberflächen mit Hilfe einer neuen Methode: Tintendruck. Ein piezoelektrisch betriebenes „Drop-on-Demand“ Drucksystem wurde verwendet, um Polystyrol mit 0,4 nl Tropfen aus Toluol zu strukturieren. Die auf diese Art und Weise gebildeten Mikrokrater können Anwendung als Mikrolinsen finden. Die Brennweite der Mikrolinsen kann über die Anzahl an Tropfen, die für die Strukturierung verwendet werden, eingestellt werden. Theoretisch und experimentell wurde die Brennweite im Bereich von 4,5 mm bis 0,21 mm ermittelt. Der zweite Strukturierungsprozess nutzt die Polyelektrolyte Polyvinylamin-Hydrochlorid (PAH) und Polystyrolsulfonat (PSS), um 3D-Strukturen wie z.B. Linien, Schachbretter, Ringe, Stapel mit einer Schicht für Schicht Methode herzustellen. Die Schichtdicke für eine Doppelschicht (DS) liegt im Bereich von 0.6 bis 1.1 nm, wenn NaCl als Elektrolyt mit einer Konzentration von 0,5 mol/l eingesetzt wird. Die Breite der Strukturen beträgt im Mittel 230 µm. Der Prozess wurde erweitert, um Nanomechanische Cantilever Sensoren (NCS) zu beschichten. Auf einem Array bestehend aus acht Cantilevern wurden je zwei Cantilever mit fünf Doppelschichten PAH/ PSS und je zwei Cantilever mit zehn Doppelschichten PAH/ PSS schnell und reproduzierbar beschichtet. Die Massenänderung für die individuellen Cantilever war 0,55 ng für fünf Doppelschichten und 1,08 ng für zehn Doppelschichten. Der daraus resultierende Sensor wurde einer Umgebung mit definierter Luftfeuchtigkeit ausgesetzt. Die Cantilever verbiegen sich durch die Ausdehnung der Beschichtung, da Wasser in das Polymer diffundiert. Eine maximale Verbiegung von 442 nm bei 80% Luftfeuchtigkeit wurde für die mit zehn Doppelschichten beschichteten Cantilever gefunden. Dies entspricht einer Wasseraufnahme von 35%. Zusätzlich konnte aus den Verbiegungsdaten geschlossen werden, dass die Elastizität der Polyelektrolytmultischichten zunimmt, wenn das Polymer gequollen ist. Das thermische Verhalten in Wasser wurde im nächsten Teil an nanomechanischen Cantilever Sensoren, die mit Poly(N-isopropylacrylamid)bürsten (PNIPAM) und plasmapolymerisiertem N,N-Diethylacrylamid beschichtet waren, untersucht. Die Verbiegung des Cantilevers zeigte zwei Bereiche: Bei Temperaturen kleiner der niedrigsten kritischen Temperatur (LCST) ist die Verbiegung durch die Dehydration der Polymerschicht dominiert und bei Temperaturen größer der niedrigsten kritischen Temperatur (LCST) reagiert der Cantilever Sensor überwiegend auf Relaxationsprozesse innerhalb der kollabierten Polymerschicht. Es wurde gefunden, dass das Minimum in der differentiellen Verbiegung mit der niedrigsten kritischen Temperatur von 32°C und 44°C der ausgewählten Polymeren übereinstimmt. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurden µ-Reflektivitäts- und µ-GISAXS Experimente eingeführt als neue Methoden, um mikrostrukturierte Proben wie NCS oder PEM Linien mit Röntgenstreuung zu untersuchen. Die Dicke von jedem individuell mit PMMA Bürsten beschichtetem NCS ist im Bereich von 32,9 bis 35,2 nm, was mit Hilfe von µ-Reflektivitätsmessungen bestimmt wurde. Dieses Ergebnis kann mit abbildender Ellipsometrie als komplementäre Methode mit einer maximalen Abweichung von 7% bestätigt werden. Als zweites Beispiel wurde eine gedruckte Polyelektrolytmultischicht aus PAH/PSS untersucht. Die Herstellungsprozedur wurde so modifiziert, dass Goldnanopartikel in die Schichtstruktur eingebracht wurden. Durch Auswertung eines µ-GISAXS Experiments konnte der Einbau der Partikel identifiziert werden. Durch eine Anpassung mit einem Unified Fit Modell wurde herausgefunden, dass die Partikel nicht agglomeriert sind und von einer Polymermatrix umgeben sind.


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Laterally loaded piles are a typical situation for a large number of cases in which deep foundations are used. Dissertation herein reported, is a focus upon the numerical simulation of laterally loaded piles. In the first chapter the best model settings are largely discussed, so a clear idea about the effects of interface adoption, model dimension, refinement cluster and mesh coarseness is reached. At a second stage, there are three distinct parametric analyses, in which the model response sensibility is studied for variation of interface reduction factor, Eps50 and tensile cut-off. In addition, the adoption of an advanced soil model is analysed (NGI-ADP). This was done in order to use the complex behaviour (different undrained shear strengths are involved) that governs the resisting process of clay under short time static loads. Once set a definitive model, a series of analyses has been carried out with the objective of defining the resistance-deflection (P-y) curves for Plaxis3D (2013) data. Major results of a large number of comparisons made with curves from API (America Petroleum Institute) recommendation are that the empirical curves have almost the same ultimate resistance but a bigger initial stiffness. In the second part of the thesis a simplified structural preliminary design of a jacket structure has been carried out to evaluate the environmental forces that act on it and on its piles foundation. Finally, pile lateral response is studied using the empirical curves.


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Tsuga canadensis (eastern hemlock) is a highly shade-tolerant, late-successional, and long-lived conifer species found throughout eastern North America. It is most often found in pure or nearly pure stands, because highly acidic and nutrient poor forest floor conditions are thought to favor T. canadensis regeneration while simultaneously limiting the establishment of some hardwood species with greater nutrient requirements. Once a common species, T. canadensis is currently experiencing widescale declines across its range. The hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) is decimating the population across its eastern distribution. Across the Upper Great Lakes region, where the adelgid is currently being held at bay by cold winter temperatures, T. canadensis has been experiencing failures in regeneration attributed, in part, to herbivory by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Deer utilize T. canadensis stands as winter habitat in areas of high snow depth. Tsuga canadensis, once a major component of these forests, currently exists at just a fraction of its pre-settlement abundance due to historic logging and contemporary forest management practices, and what remains is found in small remnant patches surrounded by second- and third-growth deciduous forests. The deer population across the region, however, is likely double that of pre-European settlement times. In this dissertation I explore the relationship between white-tailed deer use of T. canadensis as winter habitat and the effect this use is having on regeneration and forest succession. For this research I quantified stand composition and structure and abiotic variables of elevation and snow depth in 39 randomly selected T. canadensis stands from across the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I also quantified composition and the configuration of the landscapes surrounding these stands. I measured relative deer use of T. canadensis stands as pellet group piles deposited in each stand during each of three consecutive winters, 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08. The results of this research suggest that deer use of T. canadensis stands as winter habitat is influenced primarily by snow depth, elevation, and the composition and configuration of the greater landscapes surrounding these stands. Specifically, stands with more heterogeneous landscapes surrounding them (i.e., a patchy mosaic of conifer, deciduous, and open cover) had higher relative deer use than stands surrounded by homogenous deciduous forest cover. Additionally, the intensity of use and the number of stands used was greater in years with higher average snow depth. Tsuga canadensis regeneration in these stands was negatively associated with deer use and Acer saccharum (sugar maple) basal area. Of the 39 stands, 17 and 22 stands had no T. canadensis regeneration in small and large sapling categories, respectively. Acer saccharum was the most common understory tree species, and the importance of A. saccharum in the understory (stems < 10 cm dbh) of the stands was positively associated with overstory A. saccharum dominance. Tsuga canadensis establishment was associated with high-decay coarse woody debris and moss, and deciduous leaf litter inputs in these stands may be limiting access to these important microsites. Furthermore, A. saccharum is more tolerant to the effects of deer herbivory than T. canadensis, giving A. saccharum a competitive advantage in stands being utilized as winter habitat by deer. My research suggests that limited microsite availability, in conjunction with deer herbivory, may be leading to an erosion in T. canadensis patch stability and an altered successional trajectory toward one of A. saccharum dominance, an alternately stable climax species.