887 resultados para Photo Sharing


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Photopionproduktion (PPP) und Elektropionproduktion (EPP) im Rahmen der manifest lorentzinvarianten baryonischen chiralen Störungstheorie untersucht. Dabei werden zwei verschiedene Ansätze verfolgt. Zum einen wird eine Rechnung auf Einschleifenniveau bis zur chiralen Ordnung O(q^4) mit Pionen und Nukleonen als Freiheitsgrade durchgeführt, um die Energieabhängigkeit der Reaktionen über einen möglichst großen Bereich zu beschreiben. Um die Abhängigkeit von der Photonvirtualität in der EPP zu verbessern, werden zum anderen in einer zweiten Rechnung Vektormesonen in die Theorie einbezogen. Diese Rechnung wird bis zur chiralen Ordnung O(q^3) auf Einschleifenniveau durchgeführt. rnrnVon den vier physikalischen Prozessen in PPP und EPP sind nur drei experimentell zugänglich. Untersucht werden diese Reaktionen an mehreren verschiedenen Anlagen, z.B. in Mainz, Bonn oder Saskatoon. Die dort gewonnenen Daten werden hier verwendet, um die Grenzen der chiralen Störungstheorie auszuloten. rnrnDiese Arbeit stellt die erste, vollständige, manifest lorentzinvariante Rechnung in O(q^4) für PPP und EPP, und die erste jemals durchgeführte Rechnung mit Vektormesonen als Freiheitsgrade für diesen Prozess, dar. Neben der Berechnung der physikalischen Observablen wird auch eine Partialwellenzerlegung durchgeführt und die wichtigsten Multipole untersucht. Diese lassen sich aus den gewonnenen Amplituden extrahieren und bieten eine gute Möglichkeit das Nukleon und Resonanzen zu untersuchen. rnrnUm das Matrixelement für die Prozesse berechnen zu können, wurden verschiedene Routinen für das Computeralgebrasystem Mathematica entwickelt, da die Anzahl der zu bestimmenden Diagramme sehr groß ist. Für die Multipolzerlegung werden zwei verschiedene Programme verwendet. Zum einen das bereits existierende Programm XMAID, welches für diese Arbeit entsprechend modifiziert wurde. Zum anderen wurden vergleichbare Routinen für Mathematica entwickelt. Am Ende der Analysen werden die verschiedenen Rechnungen bezüglich ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf PPP und EPP verglichen.


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Polymer nanoparticles functionalized on the surface with photo-responsive labels were synthesized. In a first synthetic step, polystyrene was copolymerized with the cross-linker divinylbenzene and poly(ethylene glycol) acrylate in a miniemulsion, to produce nano-sized spheres (~ 60 nm radius) with terminal hydroxyl groups, which were functionalized in a subsequent synthetic step with photo-responsive labels. For this purpose, two photo-active molecular structures were separately used: anthracene, which is well known to form covalently bonded dimers upon photo-excitation; and pyrene, which only forms short lived excited state dimers (excimers). Acid derivatives of these labels (9-anthracene carboxylic acid and 1-pyrene butyric acid) were bonded to the hydroxyl terminal groups of the nanoparticles through an esterification reaction, via the intermediate formation of the corresponding acid chloride.rnThe obtained labeled nanoparticles appeared to be highly hydrophobic structures. They formed lyophobic suspensions in water, which after analysis by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and ultramicroscopic particle tracking, appeared to equilibrate as a collection of singly dispersed nanoparticles, together with a few nanoparticle aggregates. The relative amount of aggregates decreased with increasing amounts of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), thus confirming that aggregation is an equilibrated state resulting from lyophobicity. The formation of such aggregates was corroborated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photo-irradiation of the lyophobic aqueous suspensions of anthracene labeled nanoparticles (An-NP) resulted in the formation of higher aggregates, as evidenced by DLS and ultramicroscopy. The obtained state of aggregation could be reverted by sonication. The possibility to re-aggregate the system in subsequent photo-excitation and sonication cycles was established. Likewise, the photo-irradiation of lyophobic aqueous suspensions of pyrene-labeled nanoparticles (Py-NP) resulted in the formation of higher aggregates, as evidenced by DLS and ultramicroscopy. These appeared to remain aggregated due to hydrophobic interactions. This system could also be re-dispersed by sonication and re-aggregated in subsequent cycles of photo-excitation and sonication.


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La prova informatica richiede l’adozione di precauzioni come in un qualsiasi altro accertamento scientifico. Si fornisce una panoramica sugli aspetti metodologici e applicativi dell’informatica forense alla luce del recente standard ISO/IEC 27037:2012 in tema di trattamento del reperto informatico nelle fasi di identificazione, raccolta, acquisizione e conservazione del dato digitale. Tali metodologie si attengono scrupolosamente alle esigenze di integrità e autenticità richieste dalle norme in materia di informatica forense, in particolare della Legge 48/2008 di ratifica della Convenzione di Budapest sul Cybercrime. In merito al reato di pedopornografia si offre una rassegna della normativa comunitaria e nazionale, ponendo l’enfasi sugli aspetti rilevanti ai fini dell’analisi forense. Rilevato che il file sharing su reti peer-to-peer è il canale sul quale maggiormente si concentra lo scambio di materiale illecito, si fornisce una panoramica dei protocolli e dei sistemi maggiormente diffusi, ponendo enfasi sulla rete eDonkey e il software eMule che trovano ampia diffusione tra gli utenti italiani. Si accenna alle problematiche che si incontrano nelle attività di indagine e di repressione del fenomeno, di competenza delle forze di polizia, per poi concentrarsi e fornire il contributo rilevante in tema di analisi forensi di sistemi informatici sequestrati a soggetti indagati (o imputati) di reato di pedopornografia: la progettazione e l’implementazione di eMuleForensic consente di svolgere in maniera estremamente precisa e rapida le operazioni di analisi degli eventi che si verificano utilizzando il software di file sharing eMule; il software è disponibile sia in rete all’url http://www.emuleforensic.com, sia come tool all’interno della distribuzione forense DEFT. Infine si fornisce una proposta di protocollo operativo per l’analisi forense di sistemi informatici coinvolti in indagini forensi di pedopornografia.


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L'elaborato si propone di indagare il tema della Sharing Economy e i relativi presupposti di sviluppo, studiando casi realmente esistenti. Si affronta la ricerca validando i modelli ipotizzati per ricercare e confrontare le soluzioni esistenti al fine di trovare le caratteristiche ritenute fondamentali per la digital sharing economy.


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Biomass transformation into high-value chemicals has attracted attention according to the “green chemistry” principles. Low price and high availability make biomass one of the most interesting renewable resources as it provides the means to create sustainable alternatives to the oil-derived building blocks of the chemical industry In recent year, the need for alternative environmentally friendly routes to drive chemical reactions has in photocatalytic processes an interesting way to obtain valuable chemicals from various sources using the solar light as energy source. The purpose of this work was to use supported noble metal nanoparticles in the selective photo-oxidation of glucose through using visible light. Glucose was chosen as model molecule because it is the cheapest and the most common monosaccharide. Few studies about glucose photo oxidation have been conducted so far, and reaction mechanism is still not totally explained. The aim of this work was to systematically analyze and assess the impact of several parameters (eg. catalyst/substrate ratio, reaction time, effect of the solvent and light source) on the reaction pathway and to monitor the product distribution in order to draw a general reaction scheme for the photo oxidation of glucose under visible light. This study regards the reaction mechanism and the influence of several parameters, such as solvent, light power and substrate concentration. Furthermore, the work focuses on the influence of gold and silver nanoparticles and on the influence of metal loading. The glucose oxidation was monitored through the mass balance and the products selectivity. Reactions were evaluated in terms of glucose conversion, mass balance and selectivities towards arabinose and gluconic acid. In conclusion, this study is able to demonstrate that the photo oxidation of glucose under visible light is feasible; the full identification of the main products allows, for the first time, a comprehensive reaction mechanism scheme.


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La seguente tesi tratta: nel primo capitolo la sharing economy, nel secondo si focalizza sul modello di sviluppo Android, mentre nel terzo viene presentata un'applicazione da me ideata e sviluppata che consente la condivisione di parcheggi.


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Sviluppo di un modello di ottimizzazione per lo scheduling dei veicoli elettrici in car sharing dell'Università di Bologna.


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Shared Decision Making (SDM) is widely accepted as the preferred method for reaching treatment decisions in the oncology setting including those about clinical trial participation: however, there is some disagreement between researchers over the components of SDM. Specific standardized coding systems are needed to help overcome this difficulty.


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To assess the relative impact of cognitive and emotional aspects of shared decision making (SDM) on patient outcomes.


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