999 resultados para Pessoas com deficiencia motora


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Abstract Intellectual disability is development atypical conditions that involve issues on a number of factors, such as intellectual skills, adaptive behavior, interactions and social roles. Furthermore, they report higher rates of physical inactivity than the general population, as well as participating less and less of regular physical activity, as they grow and age. The participation of people with intellectual disabilities in physical activity programs promotes, benefits of prevention of diseases, particularly cardiovascular, improvement of intellectual and cognitive ability in addition, regular physical activity promotes reduction of body fat. Therefore the aim of this study was to identify through a systematic review, physical activity programs for adults with intellectual disabilities and their extension of the benefits, limitations and recommendations, moreover, the following objectives: to analyze the types of physical activity programs and determine which is the most suitable for adults with intellectual disabilities, and to determine the benefits that physical exercises programs entail for adults with intellectual disabilities. The initial electronic search resulted in 2808 manuscripts. The predetermined exclusion criteria were: review process of the studies involved reading titles, abstracts and full texts checking. After all these phases, eight manuscripts met the inclusion criteria of the review. Articles presented participants aged between 18 and 67 years with mild to moderate intellectual disability. The intervention period was from 2.5 months studies ranged up to 9 months and the weekly frequency was from one to three times a week. The intervention types differ between the articles analyzed, including leisure and recreation activities, combined exercises of strength and muscular endurance, aerobic activities of hiking, with races and exercise bikes, widespread activities and sports specialization, athletics and...


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente modelo de utilidade descreve uma disposição construtiva em cadeira de banho para indivíduos com deficiência física motora e/ou com falta de estabilidade ou sustentação do tronco corporal que apresenta a estrutura do assento e do encosto de espuma de polietileno expandido de alta densidade, substituindo os convencionais revestimentos de material sintético, que não garante conforto ao usuário quando molhado e que se degenera rapidamente tendo em vista a umidade a que se encontra exposto, e alavancas dispostas nas laterais do assento interligadas à braços que se projetam descendentes com porção extrema inferior dotada de um batente que envolve a porção anterior das rodas frontais, evitando os tombamentos frontais nas situações de alteração do posicionamento do usuário em relação ao centro de gravidade da cadeira.


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Based on the precepts of social inclusion, this research objected to examine the employment of people with disability(PWD), according to decree nº 3.298 which establishes hiring quotas for PWD in companies with 100 or moreemployees. Interviews were made with employees of HR departments in 12 different companies located in the westside of the state of São Paulo, based on a structured script. All the interviews were transcripted and gathered inanalysis categories. The results showed that one third of private companies comply with the regulation foremployment of PWD. Corporate policies prioritize hiring of people whose disabilities do not demand structuralmodifications in the work environment, or those whose disabilities represent a positive aspect for production lines.The majority of the interviewed understand disabilities as an individual phenomenon. Although they have talkedabout equal rights for everyone, the majority of them do not present a consistent speech based on the precepts ofsocial inclusion, for they fail to promote actions for supporting the population with disabilities and expecting thatthose with disabilities are the ones responsible to adjust themselves to all imposed conditions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O Projeto de Extensão Universitária “EQUOTERAPIA: uma atividade motora para o desenvolvimento de Pessoas com deficiências” tem como objetivo oferecer atividades motoras para pessoas com deficiências, promovendo o desenvolvimento dos aspectos neuropsicomotor com a utilização do cavalo. Os resultados encontrados até o momento foram: em relação a praticante do sexo feminino (6 anos) com paralisia cerebral teve como objetivo do programa controle motor, equilíbrio e interação, encontrando-se como resultados parciais: avaliação da postura – evolução de ruim para regular; melhora no posicionamento de cabeça e realinhamento do tronco; controle de tônus muscular; interação - diminuiu a insegurança e aumentou o contato tátil com o cavalo. O praticante do sexo masculino de 10 anos sem quadro clínico conclusivo teve como objetivo controle de tronco, diminuição dos reflexos patológicos, diminuição da hipotonia. Os resultados parciais apresentaram: diferenças quanto aos reflexos patológicos; controle de tronco; equilíbrio; coordenação motora; diminuição da hipotonia. A praticante do sexo feminino de 12 anos com distúrbio emocional teve como objetivo auto-confiança, auto-estima, aprendizagem, relacionamento interpessoal. Em seus resultados parciais observou-se superação da dificuldade com a fase de aproximação e montaria. O praticante do sexo masculino de 12 anos com deficiência visual objetivou em seu programa maiores interesses pelas atividades escolares e equilíbrio corporal. Foi possível analisar nos resultados parciais: melhor relacionamento com familiares; melhora no equilíbrio e coordenação motora; melhora na utilização do Braille. Pudemos assim verificar que a mudança de ambiente (casa e/ou escola – ambiente equoterápico) teve relação com a capacidade de aprendizagem dos praticantes, além disto, analisamos diferenças no comportamento motor dos praticantes, sendo observadas evoluções posturais, coordenação motora, equilíbrio. Conclui-se a importância de desenvolver o projeto de equoterapia, sendo possível aprimorar conhecimentos científicos e analisar diferentes casos.


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The hippotherapy is a therapeutic and educational method that uses the horse within an interdisciplinary approach in the areas of health, education and riding, seeking the biopsychosocial development of people with disabilities and/or special needs. The method generates the practitioner positive effects, such as physical, social and psychological benefits. The goal of this study was to investigate alterations with a practitioner with visual impairment during their participation in a hippotherapy program. The study is characterized by a qualitative and descriptive research, in the form of case study. Data were collected through interviews with the mother of the practitioner and filming, photographs and systematic observation of the sessions. Improvements were found in the behavior of practicing at home, and there was progress in motor performance, and self-confidence generated by the domain horse. It is concluded that the hippotherapy program generated physical, psychological and social benefits to the practitioner.


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There is little information on Caribbean soccer players. Thus, the aim this study was to descriptive and to compare the anthropometric, motor and aerobic fitness profile between Trinidad and Tobago team professional and junior soccer players. Twenty six soccer players were evaluated (14 professional and 12 junior): anthropometric (height, body mass, BMI, body fat percent), flexibility (sit and reach), velocity (30 m), explosive strength (horizontal and vertical jump), anaerobic power (maximum, mean and minimum power, index of fatigue) and maximum aerobic power. Student Test-t to independent sample was used in statistical analyzes, considering 5% of significance (p<0,05). Results of professional and junior players were, respectively: height (180,6 ± 8,1; 175,0 ± 6,9 cm), body mass (77,1 ± 7,5; 70,6 ± 8,7 kg); BMI (23,6 ± 1,5 / 23,0 ± 1,6 kgm 2 ); body fat (11,9 ± 1,7; 11,6 ± 1,2 %); sitting and reaching (24,9 ± 10,3; 24,9 ± 7,7 cm); velocity (30 m) (4,61 ± 0,14; 4,66 ± 0,15 s); horizontal jump (263,4 ± 14,9; 239,7 ± 12,1 cm); vertical jump (58,7 ± 4,3; 54,6 ± 6,6 cm); maximum power (7,9 ± 0,9; 6,6 ± 0,8 w∙kg-1 ); mean power (6,5 ± 0,7; 5,4 ± 0,9 w∙kg-1 ); minimum power (5,3 ± 0,7; 4,3 ± 1,1 w∙kg-1 ); index of fatigue (33,0 ± 7,9; 34,8 ± 12,8 %); aerobic power (55,0 ± 3,2; 57,2 ± 4,8 ml∙kg-1 ∙min-1 ). Professional players presented higher horizontal jump and maximum, mean and minimum anaerobic power in comparing to the junior players. The highest values of power tests for the lower limbs may be relationship to the longer time of practice in the modality of professional players, which can also indicate a higher level of specialization, which gives priority to the training of power (force and velocity).


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Professors of Architecture on the Subject of Human Development and Social Inclusion of People With Disabilities Historical-Cultural Psychology believes that the people appropriate the culture and develop themselves by social interactions. The architect acts indirectly on human development by producing spaces that allow varying levels of interaction between individuals. To know if the Brazilian Architecture courses are graduating professionals who facilitate the social inclusion of people with disabilities, this research aimed to investigate the concepts of Architecture teachers of a public university about this theme. After the interviews, the reports obtained were submitted to the categorical-content analysis method. Technical concepts predominated over reflective ones, except for the architecture concept, classified as a knowledge area which brings gains to human life.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effects of an intervention in social skills were assessed in four university students with ages between 19 and 31, with social phobia diagnosis. The performance in social skills as well as performance-compatible disorder was assessed before, after the intervention, and follow-up in four months later, by the instruments: SCID-I, Mini-SPIN, QACC-VU and IHS in a multiple baseline design among participants. The intervention programmed twelve weekly meetings in which the researcher discussed socially skilled alternatives to the described difficulties; leaded dialogued theoretical explanations about the theme of the meeting and also performed functional assessments and repertory training of the participants. It was observed deficits such as public speaking, starting and maintaining conversation in the participants’ social skills repertory, which are consistent with the criteria for social phobia and the difficulties into the adapting to university. After the intervention, the participants left difficulties in public speaking, performance characteristic compatible with the social phobia diagnosis and they also increased social repertory, although it is still necessary the improvement of other skills, such as expressing positive feeling.


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The objective of this study was to determine which method (randomor block practice) has been used by physical education teachers working inschool sports with children from six to seven years, making use of descriptiveresearch, we apply a semi-structured questionnaire applied to ten (n=10)Physical Education Teachers, graduates of both sexes (04 men and 06 women)age between 24 and 41 years. Based on data collected across the sourcesfound in our literature we find that there is a teaching methodology for motorlearning among teachers in common showing that factors such as the numberof students in each class and especially the response of this group tasksguide the methodology to be applied is thus based on the skill of the teacher’sperception of the whole.