987 resultados para Pascal transforms.


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OBJECTIVES: There is previous epidemiological evidence that intake of polyphenol-rich foods has been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk. We aimed to investigate the effect of increasing dietary polyphenol intake on microvascular function in hypertensive participants.

METHODS: All participants completed a 4-week run-in phase, consuming <2 portions of fruit and vegetables (F&V) daily and avoiding berries and dark chocolate. Subjects were then randomised to continue with the low-polyphenol diet for 8 weeks or to consume a high-polyphenol diet of six portions F&V (including one portion of berries/day and 50 g of dark chocolate). Endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine, ACh) and endothelium-independent (sodium nitroprusside) vasodilator responses were assessed by venous occlusion plethysmography. Compliance with the intervention was measured using food diaries and biochemical markers.

RESULTS: Final analysis of the primary endpoint was conducted on 92 participants. Between-group comparison of change in maximum % response to ACh revealed a significant improvement in the high-polyphenol group (p=0.02). There was a significantly larger increase in vitamin C, carotenoids and epicatechin in the high-polyphenol group (between-group difference p<0.001; p<0.001; p=0.008, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that increasing the polyphenol content of the diet via consumption of F&V, berries and dark chocolate results in a significant improvement in an established marker of cardiovascular risk in hypertensive participants.


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The energy of a graph G is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of G. The Laplacian (respectively, the signless Laplacian) energy of G is the sum of the absolute values of the differences between the eigenvalues of the Laplacian (respectively, signless Laplacian) matrix and the arithmetic mean of the vertex degrees of the graph. In this paper, among some results which relate these energies, we point out some bounds to them using the energy of the line graph of G. Most of these bounds are valid for both energies, Laplacian and signless Laplacian. However, we present two new upper bounds on the signless Laplacian which are not upper bounds for the Laplacian energy. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nesta dissertação é apresentada uma abordagem a polinómios de Appell multidimensionais dando-se especial relevância à estrutura da sua função geradora. Esta estrutura, conjugada com uma escolha adequada de ordenação dos monómios que figuram nos polinómios, confere um carácter unificador à abordagem e possibilita uma representação matricial de polinómios de Appell por meio de matrizes particionadas em blocos. Tais matrizes são construídas a partir de uma matriz de estrutura simples, designada matriz de criação, subdiagonal e cujas entradas não nulas são os sucessivos números naturais. A exponencial desta matriz é a conhecida matriz de Pascal, triangular inferior, onde figuram os números binomiais que fazem parte integrante dos coeficientes dos polinómios de Appell. Finalmente, aplica-se a abordagem apresentada a polinómios de Appell definidos no contexto da Análise de Clifford.


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This thesis studies properties and applications of different generalized Appell polynomials in the framework of Clifford analysis. As an example of 3D-quasi-conformal mappings realized by generalized Appell polynomials, an analogue of the complex Joukowski transformation of order two is introduced. The consideration of a Pascal n-simplex with hypercomplex entries allows stressing the combinatorial relevance of hypercomplex Appell polynomials. The concept of totally regular variables and its relation to generalized Appell polynomials leads to the construction of new bases for the space of homogeneous holomorphic polynomials whose elements are all isomorphic to the integer powers of the complex variable. For this reason, such polynomials are called pseudo-complex powers (PCP). Different variants of them are subject of a detailed investigation. Special attention is paid to the numerical aspects of PCP. An efficient algorithm based on complex arithmetic is proposed for their implementation. In this context a brief survey on numerical methods for inverting Vandermonde matrices is presented and a modified algorithm is proposed which illustrates advantages of a special type of PCP. Finally, combinatorial applications of generalized Appell polynomials are emphasized. The explicit expression of the coefficients of a particular type of Appell polynomials and their relation to a Pascal simplex with hypercomplex entries are derived. The comparison of two types of 3D Appell polynomials leads to the detection of new trigonometric summation formulas and combinatorial identities of Riordan-Sofo type characterized by their expression in terms of central binomial coefficients.


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Remerciements -- Introduction générale: sortie du colonialisme et enjeux de l’édification des sociétés postcoloniales / Patrick Dramé, Pascal Scallon-Chouinard et Françoise Nozati.-- I. Le crépuscule du colonialisme: Les missionnaires catholiques à l’assaut des colonisés africains : un bilan historiographique / Benoît Chartier -- Gandhi, l’Inde coloniale et la philosophie de la non-violence / Julie-Anne Gaudreau -- L’Indonésie en quête d’indépendance : une étude historiographique / Jean-Philippe Martel. II. Les enjeux de l’affirmation d’une identité politique et culturelle : Les nouvelles constitutions africaines : influences et objectifs. Étude de cas du Bénin, du Ghana et du Sénégal / Victor Bilodeau -- La politique culturelle : porte-étendard de l’État et de la nation malienne / Pauline Fougère.—III Quand le Québec s’émancipe : Nègres blancs d’Amérique : entre critiques et dénonciations / Michael Bergeron -- Socialisme et décolonisation dans le Québec de la Révolution tranquille à travers La Revue socialiste et Parti Pris / Stéphanie Jodoin-- La dernière année de la guerre d’Algérie vue par Le Devoir / Myriam Alarie.-- IV. Mémoire traumatique et construction nationale : Les mémoires du génocide de 1904 dans le Sud-Ouest africain allemand / Estelle Bourbeau -- Une équipe, un pays : la réconciliation raciale post apartheid autour du rugby sud-africain / Marie-Claude Beauregard --Biographies des auteurs.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Ausgehend von der Theorie der digitalen Signalsynthese wird in diesem Beitrag ein rechnergestützter Funktionsgenerator vorgestellt, der den Entwickler in die Lage versetzt, diverse periodische Zeitfunktionen mit beliebig komplizierten spektralen Eigenschaften zu generieren. Die dabei relevanten Hard- und Softwaregesichtspunkte, die zur Berechnung einer Stützstellenfolge über Fouriersynthese mit einem IBM-PC in Turbo-Pascal erforderlich sind, werden in der folgenden Abhandlung näher erläutert.


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L’étude de la guérison des plaies à l’aide de substituts produits par génie tissulaire est un domaine en plein essor. Dans ces travaux, les effets de pansements biologiques produits en laboratoire à partir de cellules souches/stromales du tissu adipeux (CSTA) différenciées ou non en adipocytes ont été évalués sur des plaies cutanées in vivo. Un modèle de souris possédant un épiderme fluorescent a permis de démontrer que les plaies traitées avec les pansements biologiques guérissent plus rapidement que les plaies non traitées, et ce, de manière indépendante de la réépithélialisation. Une augmentation de la formation du tissu de granulation et une angiogenèse accrue ont également été observées dans les groupes traités. Ces résultats établissent que les substituts contenant des CSTA ou des adipocytes fonctionnels favorisent la réparation tissulaire. À terme, ces travaux pourraient mener au développement de nouvelles indications cliniques pour le traitement des ulcères cutanés.


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Coming from the need to express an image – aphomoioo – is more than a dissertation trying to prove its argument. It is the result of an experimentation born from within an anguish felt through an image. An uncontrollable desire that transforms my need into an answer to my craft. Through a discursive organization of speech enmeshed by psychoanalytic, biological, philosophical and linguistic concepts, we are allowed to discover that existing is more than agreeing on a target with an end but, as the relationship that it is, it does not define us as beings, but as an active/interactive limit. And this identity which puts us face to face with the reality - constructed and constructive - seeking to describe the similarity of the existence of things, the images. These beings from the reality that sends us to the symbolic place of our existence, the mundanity. A restlessness that is embedded into every action of knowing that, through language, establishes as true everything which silences the symbolic through a rule of conduct - the principle of reason - a formal rule of all knowledge that establishes the contemplative way for all knowledge originally set up as one signification event. The nature of our organization as living beings, our structural coupling, is what enables us to conclude that all formalities established as knowledge are born into a delirium that is expressed in the conformity of an answer. That being the end of an aphomoioo. The purpose of a "doing" that expresses itself into an image that is projected into a representation. A "doing" made after an image through an ergo genesis – the "artwork" – an answer to my making that expresses the image of my separation from myself as an image of ego established in a represented projection of my hallucinatory image


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Concert program for UW Composers' Workshop, March 9, 2012


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Concert Program


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In this paper we consider a complex-order forced van der Pol oscillator. The complex derivative Dα1jβ, with α, β ∈ ℝ+, is a generalization of the concept of an integer derivative, where α = 1, β = 0. The Fourier transforms of the periodic solutions of the complex-order forced van der Pol oscillator are computed for various values of parameters such as frequency ω and amplitude b of the external forcing, the damping μ, and parameters α and β. Moreover, we consider two cases: (i) b = 1, μ = {1.0, 5.0, 10.0}, and ω = {0.5, 2.46, 5.0, 20.0}; (ii) ω = 20.0, μ = {1.0, 5.0, 10.0}, and b = {1.0, 5.0, 10.0}. We verified that most of the signal energy is concentrated in the fundamental harmonic ω0. We also observed that the fundamental frequency of the oscillations ω0 varies with α and μ. For the range of tested values, the numerical fitting led to logarithmic approximations for system (7) in the two cases (i) and (ii). In conclusion, we verify that by varying the parameter values α and β of the complex-order derivative in expression (7), we accomplished a very effective way of perturbing the dynamical behavior of the forced van der Pol oscillator, which is no longer limited to parameters b and ω.


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In this paper a complex-order van der Pol oscillator is considered. The complex derivative Dα±ȷβ , with α,β∈R + is a generalization of the concept of integer derivative, where α=1, β=0. By applying the concept of complex derivative, we obtain a high-dimensional parameter space. Amplitude and period values of the periodic solutions of the two versions of the complex-order van der Pol oscillator are studied for variation of these parameters. Fourier transforms of the periodic solutions of the two oscillators are also analyzed.


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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo a minimização do impacto ambiental do processo de curtume da pele de bovino. A indústria de curtumes transforma a pele, material putrescível, em couro, material nobre, termicamente estável e imputrescível. A transformação da pele em couro origina uma carga poluente apreciável quer quanto a efluentes líquidos quer quanto a resíduos sólidos. O fluxo produtivo da indústria de curtumes pode dividir-se em quatro sectores: ribeira, curtume, tinturaria e acabamento, sendo que os três primeiros geram efluentes líquidos com elevada carga poluente. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas as fases do processo que geram efluentes líquidos: molho, caleiro, curtume e tinturaria. Na avaliação do processo do molho testou-se uma protease e uma lipase contra um molhante e um desengordurante tradicional, agentes químicos normalmente utilizados no molho mas menos biodegradáveis que as enzimas testadas. Salienta-se o bom resultado obtido quanto à eficiência do molho Na avaliação do processo de caleiro testaram-se várias alternativas no sentido da redução da quantidade de sulfureto de sódio utilizada e da minimização da carga poluente. Entre as alternativas, depilação por oxidação, depilação enzimática com e sem destruição do pêlo, elegeu-se a depilação enzimática sem destruição do pêlo que conduziu a resultados com menor impacto ambiental, nomeadamente a redução da % da quantidade de sulfureto de sódio, sendo a redução da carga poluente de 4,19 % de sulfureto, 32.80% de sólidos suspensos totais (SST),27.09% de sólidos totais (ST) e de 76.90% da carência química de oxigénio (CQO) no efluente de caleiro. No processo do curtume da pele é utilizado crómio como agente de curtume em cerca de 80% das peles tratadas, sendo este metal problemático em termos ambientais. No sentido de reduzir a quantidade de crómio utilizada no processo foi realizado um planeamento factorial onde as variáveis a estudar foram a concentração de crómio e a temperatura, tendo este como objectivo observar qual a quantidade mínima de crómio necessária para termos um produto final nas condições desejadas e gerando um menor impacto ambiental. Concluiu-se desenvolvendo um processo que mostra ser possível reduzir a quantidade de sal de crómio de 7% para 5%, além de ter um impacto ambiental claramente menos agressivo nos efluentes de curtume gerado. Este processo quando comparado com o processo tradicional permite a redução de 27% na CQO, 79% nos SST, 11% nos ST e 38% no teor de crómio Na avaliação do processo de tinturaria foi estudado um processo compacto contra o processo tradicional, tendo-se concluído pelo menor impacto ambiental do processo estudado, nomeadamente ao nível da redução do consumo de água e da carga poluente gerada. A comparação dos dois processos, no que respeita à carga poluente gerada, permitiu concluir por uma redução de 39% da CQO, 50% dos SST, e 12% dos ST quando aplicado o processo compacto Por fim foi feita uma avaliação do impacto ambiental do efluente global gerado pelos processos considerados com menor impacto ambiental contra o processo tradicional, normalmente aplicado na indústria. A aplicação do conjunto dos processos desenvolvidos, quando comparada com a aplicação do conjunto dos processos tradicionais, mostra uma redução de 1% no sulfureto, 40% na CQO, 60 % nos SST, 42 % no crómio e 11% nos ST, mostrando claramente que é possível reduzir a carga poluente da indústria de curtumes atuando no processo. Este trabalho mostrou a importância de atuar no processo para minimizar os custos de tratamento e mesmo de investimento dos efluentes da indústria de curtumes. Importa salientar que os processos desenvolvidos necessitam de validação a uma escala semi-industrial.


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BACKGROUND: Highway maintenance workers are constantly and simultaneously exposed to traffic-related particle and noise emissions, and both have been linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in population-based epidemiology studies. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate short-term health effects related to particle and noise exposure. METHODS: We monitored 18 maintenance workers, during as many as five 24-hour periods from a total of 50 observation days. We measured their exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ultrafine particles, noise, and the cardiopulmonary health endpoints: blood pressure, pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic markers in the blood, lung function and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measured approximately 15 hours post-work. Heart rate variability was assessed during a sleep period approximately 10 hours post-work. RESULTS: PM2.5 exposure was significantly associated with C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A, and negatively associated with tumor necrosis factor α. None of the particle metrics were significantly associated with von Willebrand factor or tissue factor expression. PM2.5 and work noise were associated with markers of increased heart rate variability, and with increased HF and LF power. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure on the following morning were significantly associated with noise exposure after work, and non-significantly associated with PM2.5. We observed no significant associations between any of the exposures and lung function or FeNO. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that exposure to particles and noise during highway maintenance work might pose a cardiovascular health risk. Actions to reduce these exposures could lead to better health for this population of workers.