985 resultados para Parasitized Hosts


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A variety of host immunogenetic factors appear to influence both an individual's susceptibility to infection with Mycobacterium leprae and the pathologic course of the disease. Animal models can contribute to a better understanding of the role of immunogenetics in leprosy through comparative studies helping to confirm the significance of various identified traits and in deciphering the underlying mechanisms that may be involved in expression of different disease related phenotypes. Genetically engineered mice, with specific immune or biochemical pathway defects, are particularly useful for investigating granuloma formation and resistance to infection and are shedding new light on borderline areas of the leprosy spectrum which are clinically unstable and have a tendency toward immunological complications. Though armadillos are less developed in this regard, these animals are the only other natural hosts of M. leprae and they present a unique opportunity for comparative study of genetic markers and mechanisms associable with disease susceptibility or resistance, especially the neurological aspects of leprosy. In this paper, we review the recent contributions of genetically engineered mice and armadillos toward our understanding of the immunogenetics of leprosy.


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Heliconema hainanensis sp. nov. collected from Uroconger lepturus (Richardson) (Anguilliformes: Congridae), Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) and Congresox talabonoides (Bleeker) (Anguilliformes: Muraenesocidae) in the South China Sea was described using light and scanning electron microscopy. The new species differs from its congeners by the following morphology: pseudolabia, the number and arrangement of caudal papillae (4 pairs of pedunculate precloacal papillae arranged in 2 groups of 2 and 2 pairs and 6 pairs of pedunculate postcloacal papillae arranged in 4 groups of 1, 2, 1 and 2 pairs), the length of spicules [left spicule 0.51-0.69 mm, right spicule 0.20-0.27 mm, spicule (right:left) ratio 1:2.20-2.69] and the morphology of the female tail tip. In addition, specimens of the new species collected from the three different hosts and specimens of an unidentified species of Heliconema collected from U. lepturus were characterised using molecular methods by sequencing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. Analyses and comparison of the ITS sequence of H. hainanensis sp. nov. with Heliconema sp. support the validity of the new species based on morphological observations. An identification key to the species of Heliconema is also provided.


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Given the intimate association in host-parasite systems, parasites are expected to initiate their own reproduction when vulnerable hosts become abundant and/or when adult hosts are less resistant. In this study, we examined the variation in the intensities of a blood-sucking mite (Spinturnix myoti, Acarina) with respect to the reproductive cycle and immunocompetence of its host, the greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis. Reproductive, pregnant females were less immunocompetent and harboured more parasites than nonreproductive females, whilst, during lactation, immunocompetence was positively associated with female body mass. There was a dramatic increase in the T-cell response of gravid females with the advancement of gestation, which coincided with a diminution of individual parasite loads and a progressive switch of parasites from adults to juveniles. The latter not only harboured greater numbers of mites than adult female bats, but they also exhibited gravid parasites in higher proportions, indicating that juvenile hosts are more attractive for parasite reproduction than adult females.


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Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Corynebacterium ulcerans and Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis constitute a group of potentially toxigenic microorganisms that are related to different infectious processes in animal and human hosts. Currently, there is a lack of information on the prevalence of disease caused by these pathogens, which is partially due to a reduction in the frequency of routine laboratory testing. In this study, a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) assay that can simultaneously identify and determine the toxigenicity of these corynebacterial species with zoonotic potential was developed. This assay uses five primer pairs targeting the following genes: rpoB (Corynebacterium spp), 16S rRNA (C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis), pld (C. pseudotuberculosis), dtxR (C. diphtheriae) and tox [diphtheria toxin (DT) ]. In addition to describing this assay, we review the literature regarding the diseases caused by these pathogens. Of the 213 coryneform strains tested, the mPCR results for all toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains of C . diphtheriae, C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis were in 100% agreement with the results of standard biochemical tests and PCR-DT. As an alternative to conventional methods, due to its advantages of specificity and speed, the mPCR assay used in this study may successfully be applied for the diagnosis of human and/or animal diseases caused by potentially toxigenic corynebacterial species.


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Viri is a system for automatic distribution and execution of Python code on remote machines. This is especially useful when dealing with a large group of hosts.With Viri, Sysadmins can write their own scripts, and easily distribute and execute them on any number of remote machines. Depending on the number of computers to administrate, Viri can save thousands of hours, that Sysadmins would spend transferring files, logging into remote hosts, and waiting for the scripts to finish. Viri automates the whole process.Viri can also be useful for remotely managing host settings. It should work together with an application where the information about hosts would be maintained. This information can include cron tasks, firewall rules, backup settings,... After a simple Integration of this application with your Viri infrastructure, you can change any settings in the application, and see how it gets applied on the target host automatically.


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RESUME La mémoire immunologique est essentielle durant la vie et permet aux lymphocytes de répondre plus rapidement et efficacement lors d'une deuxième rencontre avec un antigène connu. Les facteurs contrôlant l'homéostasie des cellules T CD8 mémoires in vivo ne sont pas encore bien définis. Cependant, la prolifération homéostatique de ces cellules dans un hôte déplété en cellules hématopoietiques nécessite l'intéraction du TCR avec les molecules du MHC de class I du soi. De plus, le rôle de cytokines, telles que 1'IL-15 et l'IL-7, est essentiel dans ce mécanisme, aussi bien que dans la maintenance des cellules T CD8 mémoires. Puisque la protéine c-Myc - impliquée dans des mécanismes tells que la division, la prolifération, l'apoptose et la differentiation - a été définie comme étant impliquée dans la réponse à différentes cytokines, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'analyse de l'homéostasie des lymphocytes T CD8 mémoires dans des souris déficientes en c-Myc (c_rnycΔORF/+), qui expriment un niveau réduit de cette protéine. Bien que le développement des cellules T dans le thymus soit normal dans les souris c_rnycΔORF/+, nous avons observé une réduction de 2 à 3 fois dans la population des cellules T CD8 de phenotype mémoire (CD44+) dans les organes lymphoïdes de la périphérie de ces souris. Cette différence ne correspond pas à une réduction de prolifération ou d'expression de protéines de survie telles que Bel-2. Cependant, la prolifération homéostatique de cellules T CD8 c_rnycΔORF/+, mais pas T CD4 c_rnycΔORF/+, est reduite de manière dramatique lorsqu'elles sont transférées dans un hôte irradié. De plus, le transfert adoptif de lymphocytes T dans des souris irradiées déficientes en l'IL-15 nous a permis de montrer que la prolifération homéostatique dépendante de l'IL-15 des cellules T CD8 nécessite l'expression de c-Myc. De plus, contrairement aux cellules T CD8 CD44+ de type sauvage, nous avons observé que l'expansion induite par l'IL-15 des cellules T CD8 CD44+ c_rnycΔORF/+ est altérée aussi bien in vivo (en réponse à une injection de polyI:C) et in vitro. Par conséquent, nos résultats identifient c-Myc comme une nouvelle protéine régulatrice de la signalisation par l'IL-15 impliquée dans l'homéostasie des cellules T CD8 CD44+. SUMMARY Immunological memory is essential throughout life and allows memory lymphocytes to respond faster and more efficiently upon re-encounter of a known antigen. Factors controlling homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells under steady-state conditions in vivo are currently not well defined. However, the homeostatic proliferation of memory CD8 T cells in lymphopenic hosts requires the interaction of the TCR with self MHC class I molecules. In addition, cytokines, such as IL-15 and to a lesser extent IL-7, are essential for both homeostatic proliferation and maintenance of memory CD8 T cells. Since c-Myc, a proto-oncogene involved in cell division, proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation, has been widely implicated in responsiveness to cytokines, we were interested in analyzing homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells in c-myc hypomorph (c_rnycΔORF/+) mice, which express reduced levels of c-Myc. Although T cell development in the thymus was normal in c_rnycΔORF/+ mice, we found a selective 2- to 3-fold reduction in the memory-phenotype CD44high CD8 T cell population in the periphery. Reduced numbers of CD44high CD8 T cells did not correlate with decreased steady-state turnover rate or low expression of survival factors such as Bcl- 2. However, homeostatic proliferation of c_rnycΔORF/+ CD8 T cells, but not c_rnycΔORF/+ CD4 T cells, was dramatically reduced upon transfer into sublethally irradiated wild-type recipients. In addition, upon transfer of c_rnycΔORF/+ and c-myc WT cells into IL-15-/- mice, we observed that IL-15-induced homeostatic proliferation of CD8 T cells requires c-Myc. Moreover, in contrast to c-myc WT CD44high CD8 T cells, IL-15-induced expansion of c_rnycΔORF/+ CD44high CD8 T cells was strongly impaired both in vivo (in response to polyI:C injection) and in vitro. Collectively, our data identify c-Myc as a novel downstream regulator of IL-15 signaling involved in homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells.


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The Algarve Region (AR) in southern Portugal, which is an international tourist destination, has been considered an endemic region of zoonotic leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum since the 1980s. In the present study, phlebotomine and canine surveys were conducted to identify sandfly blood meal sources and to update the occurrence of Leishmania infection in vectors and dogs. Four sandfly species were captured: Phlebotomus perniciosus, Phlebotomus ariasi, Phlebotomus sergenti and Sergentomyia minuta. In one P. perniciosus female, L. infantum DNA was detected. Blood meal tests showed that this species had no host preferences and was an opportunistic feeder. An overall canine leishmaniasis (CanL) seroprevalence of 16.06% was found; the seroprevalence was 3.88% in dogs housed in kennels and 40.63% in dogs that attended veterinary clinics. The simultaneous occurrence of dogs and P. perniciosus infected with L. infantum in the AR indicates that the region continues to be an endemic area for CanL. Our results reinforce the need for the systematic spatial distribution of phlebotomine populations and their Leishmania infection rates and the need to simultaneously perform pathogen monitoring in both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts to investigate the transmission, distribution and spreading of Leishmania infection.


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One of the major problems when using non-dedicated volunteer resources in adistributed network is the high volatility of these hosts since they can go offlineor become unavailable at any time without control. Furthermore, the use ofvolunteer resources implies some security issues due to the fact that they aregenerally anonymous entities which we know nothing about. So, how to trustin someone we do not know?.Over the last years an important number of reputation-based trust solutionshave been designed to evaluate the participants' behavior in a system.However, most of these solutions are addressed to P2P and ad-hoc mobilenetworks that may not fit well with other kinds of distributed systems thatcould take advantage of volunteer resources as recent cloud computinginfrastructures.In this paper we propose a first approach to design an anonymous reputationmechanism for CoDeS [1], a middleware for building fogs where deployingservices using volunteer resources. The participants are reputation clients(RC), a reputation authority (RA) and a certification authority (CA). Users needa valid public key certificate from the CA to register to the RA and obtain thedata needed to participate into the system, as now an opaque identifier thatwe call here pseudonym and an initial reputation value that users provide toother users when interacting together. The mechanism prevents not only themanipulation of the provided reputation values but also any disclosure of theusers' identities to any other users or authorities so the anonymity isguaranteed.


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A single polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reaction targeting the spliced-leader intergenic region of Trypanosoma cruzi I was standardised by amplifying a 231 bp fragment in domestic (TcIDOM) strains or clones and 450 and 550 bp fragments in sylvatic strains or clones. This reaction was validated using 44 blind coded samples and 184 non-coded T. cruzi I clones isolated from sylvatic triatomines and the correspondence between the amplified fragments and their domestic or sylvatic origin was determined. Six of the nine strains isolated from acute cases suspected of oral infection had the sylvatic T. cruzi I profile. These results confirmed that the sylvatic T. cruzi I genotype is linked to cases of oral Chagas disease in Colombia. We therefore propose the use of this novel PCR reaction in strains or clones previously characterised as T. cruziI to distinguish TcIDOMfrom sylvatic genotypes in studies of transmission dynamics, including the verification of population selection within hosts or detection of the frequency of mixed infections by both T. cruzi I genotypes in Colombia.


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Many arthropod species have adopted vertebrate blood as their main food source. Blood is rich in nutrients and, except for the presence of parasites, sterile. However, this food source is not freely available, nor is obtaining it devoid of risk. It circulates inside vessels hidden underneath the skin of mobile hosts that are able to defend themselves and even predate the insects that try to feed on them. Thus, the haematophagous lifestyle is associated with major morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations that have accumulated throughout the evolutionary history of the various lineages of blood-sucking arthropods. These adaptations have significant consequences for the evolution of parasites as well as for the epidemiology of vector-transmitted diseases. In this review article, we analyse various aspects of the behaviour of triatomine bugs to illustrate how each behavioural trait represents a particular adaptation to their close association with their hosts, which may easily turn into predators. Our aim is to offer to the reader an up-to-date integrative perspective on the behaviour of Chagas disease vectors and to propose new research avenues to encourage both young and experienced colleagues to explore this aspect of triatomine biology.


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The adjustment of all species, animals and plants, to the Earth’s cyclic environments is ensured by their temporal organisation. The relationships between parasites, vectors and hosts rely greatly upon the synchronisation of their biological rhythms, especially circadian rhythms. In this short note, parasitic infections by Protozoa and by microfilariae have been chosen as examples of the dependence of successful transmission mechanisms on temporal components.


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Undernourished mice infected (UI) submitted to low and long-lasting infections by Schistosoma mansoni are unable to develop the hepatic periportal fibrosis that is equivalent to Symmers’ fibrosis in humans. In this report, the effects of the host’s nutritional status on parasite (worm load, egg viability and maturation) and host (growth curves, biology, collagen synthesis and characteristics of the immunological response) were studied and these are considered as interdependent factors influencing the amount and distribution of fibrous tissue in hepatic periovular granulomas and portal spaces. The nutritional status of the host influenced the low body weight and low parasite burden detected in UI mice as well as the number, viability and maturation of released eggs. The reduced oviposition and increased number of degenerated or dead eggs were associated with low protein synthesis detected in deficient hosts, which likely induced the observed decrease in transformation growth factor (TGF)-β1 and liver collagen. Despite the reduced number of mature eggs in UI mice, the activation of TGF-β1 and hepatic stellate cells occurred regardless of the unviability of most miracidia, due to stimulation by fibrogenic proteins and eggshell glycoproteins. However, changes in the repair mechanisms influenced by the nutritional status in deficient animals may account for the decreased liver collagen detected in the present study.


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Major climatic and geological events but also population history (secondary contacts) have generated cycles of population isolation and connection of long and short periods. Recent empirical and theoretical studies suggest that fast evolutionary processes might be triggered by such events, as commonly illustrated in ecology by the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes (isolation and reconnection of lakes and watersheds) and in epidemiology by the fast adaptation of the influenza virus (isolation and reconnection in hosts). We test whether cyclic population isolation and connection provide the raw material (standing genetic variation) for species evolution and diversification. Our analytical results demonstrate that population isolation and connection can provide, to populations, a high excess of genetic diversity compared with what is expected at equilibrium. This excess is either cyclic (high allele turnover) or cumulates with time depending on the duration of the isolation and the connection periods and the mutation rate. We show that diversification rates of animal clades are associated with specific periods of climatic cycles in the Quaternary. We finally discuss the importance of our results for macroevolutionary patterns and for the inference of population history from genomic data.


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Eosinophilic meningitis (EoM) is an acute disease that affects the central nervous system. It is primarily caused by infection with the nematode Angiostrongylus cantonensis. This infection was previously restricted to certain Asian countries and the Pacific Islands, but it was first reported in Brazil in 2007. Since then, intermediate and definitive hosts infected with A. cantonensis have been identified within the urban areas of many states in Brazil, including those in the northern, northeastern, southeastern and southern regions. The goals of this review are to draw the attention of the medical community and health centres to the emergence of EoM in Brazil, to compile information about several aspects of the human infection and mode of transmission and to provide a short protocol of procedures for the diagnosis of this disease.


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Metabolomics uses high-resolution mass spectrometry to provide a chemical fingerprint of thousands of metabolites present in cells, tissues or body fluids. Such metabolic phenotyping has been successfully used to study various biologic processes and disease states. High-resolution metabolomics can shed new light on the intricacies of host-parasite interactions in each stage of the Plasmodium life cycle and the downstream ramifications on the host’s metabolism, pathogenesis and disease. Such data can become integrated with other large datasets generated using top-down systems biology approaches and be utilised by computational biologists to develop and enhance models of malaria pathogenesis relevant for identifying new drug targets or intervention strategies. Here, we focus on the promise of metabolomics to complement systems biology approaches in the quest for novel interventions in the fight against malaria. We introduce the Malaria Host-Pathogen Interaction Center (MaHPIC), a new systems biology research coalition. A primary goal of the MaHPIC is to generate systems biology datasets relating to human and non-human primate (NHP) malaria parasites and their hosts making these openly available from an online relational database. Metabolomic data from NHP infections and clinical malaria infections from around the world will comprise a unique global resource.