1000 resultados para Pandur II (8x8)
Na Usina Hidrelátrica Salto Osório foram examinados 88 peixes, dos quais 24 (27,3%) encontravam-se parasitados por oito espécies de nematóides: Capillaria sp., formas imaturas de Contracoecum sp., Procamallanus peraccuratus Pinto et al., 1976, Procamallanus petterae Kohn & Fernandes, 1988, Raphidascaris sp., Spirocamallanus intermedius Pinto et al., 1974, Spirocamallanus pintoi Kohn & Fernandes, 1988 e Spirocamallanus sp., além de uma forma imatura de cestóide. Na Usina Hidrelétrica de Salto Santiago, dos 83 peixes examinados, 32 (38,5%) apresentaram-se parasitados por três espécies de nematóides: Contracoecum sp. (forma larvar), Procamallanus peraccuratus e Raphydascaris sp., e uma especie de cestóide (forma larvar).
PURPOSE: Several studies observed a female advantage in the prognosis of cutaneous melanoma, for which behavioral factors or an underlying biologic mechanism might be responsible. Using complete and reliable follow-up data from four phase III trials of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Melanoma Group, we explored the female advantage across multiple end points and in relation to other important prognostic indicators. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients diagnosed with localized melanoma were included in EORTC adjuvant treatment trials 18832, 18871, 18952, and 18961 and randomly assigned during the period of 1984 to 2005. Cox proportional hazard models were used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs for women compared with men, adjusted for age, Breslow thickness, body site, ulceration, performed lymph node dissection, and treatment. RESULTS: A total of 2,672 patients with stage I/II melanoma were included. Women had a highly consistent and independent advantage in overall survival (adjusted HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.83), disease-specific survival (adjusted HR, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.62 to 0.88), time to lymph node metastasis (adjusted HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.96), and time to distant metastasis (adjusted HR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.81). Subgroup analysis showed that the female advantage was consistent across all prognostic subgroups (with the possible exception of head and neck melanomas) and in pre- and postmenopausal age groups. CONCLUSION: Women have a consistent and independent relative advantage in all aspects of the progression of localized melanoma of approximately 30%, most likely caused by an underlying biologic sex difference.
Third instar larvae of Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) were treated with precocene II, ecdysone and juvenile hormone. The larvae were allowed to develop until pupation and when it occurred, determination of glycogen levels was assayed. The administration of those three substances have interfered on the clycogen concentration. the precocene II causing a decrease whereas the ecdysone and juvenile hormone causing an increase. The ecdysone administered together withprecocene II reverses the effect of the latter. This does not happen when precocene II is administered together with the juvenile hormone. Ecdysone administered together with juvenilehormone causes reduction of the glycogen concentration.
We assessed the blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) achieved with 2 angiotensin (Ang) antagonists given either alone at different doses or with an ACE inhibitor. First, 20 normotensive subjects were randomly assigned to 100 mg OD losartan (LOS) or 80 mg OD telmisartan (TEL) for 1 week; during another week, the same doses of LOS and TEL were combined with 20 mg OD lisinopril. Then, 10 subjects were randomly assigned to 200 mg OD LOS and 160 mg OD TEL for 1 week and 100 mg BID LOS and 80 mg BID TEL during the second week. Blockade of the RAS was evaluated with the inhibition of the pressor effect of exogenous Ang I, an ex vivo receptor assay, and the changes in plasma Ang II. Trough blood pressure response to Ang I was blocked by 35+/-16% (mean+/-SD) with 100 mg OD LOS and by 36+/-13% with 80 mg OD TEL. When combined with lisinopril, blockade was 76+/-7% with LOS and 79+/-9% with TEL. With 200 mg OD LOS, trough blockade was 54+/-14%, but with 100 mg BID it increased to 77+/-8% (P<0.01). Telmisartan (160 mg OD and 80 mg BID) produced a comparable effect. Thus, at their maximal recommended doses, neither LOS nor TEL blocks the RAS for 24 hours; hence, the addition of an ACE inhibitor provides an additional blockade. A 24-hour blockade can be achieved with an angiotensin antagonist alone, provided higher doses or a BID regimen is used.
Se redescribe la hembra y el macho de Lutzomya Yencanensis OOrtiz, 1965) utilizando 11 topotipos. Se presentan las medidas e ilustraciones de las estructuras morfológicas. Se hace un análiseis comparativo con las especies afines y se registra la presencia de L. yencanensis en la región Andino-Venezolana.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of fulvestrant, an estrogen receptor antagonist, in postmenopausal women with hormone-responsive tumors progressing after aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a phase II, open, multicenter, noncomparative study. Two patient groups were prospectively considered: group A (n=70) with AI-responsive disease and group B (n=20) with AI-resistant disease. Fulvestrant 250 mg was administered as intramuscular injection every 28 (+/-3) days. RESULTS: All patients were pretreated with AI and 84% also with tamoxifen or toremifene; 67% had bone metastases and 45% liver metastases. Fulvestrant administration was well tolerated and yielded a clinical benefit (CB; defined as objective response or stable disease [SD] for >or=24 weeks) in 28% (90% confidence interval [CI] 19% to 39%) of patients in group A and 37% (90% CI 19% to 58%) of patients in group B. Median time to progression (TTP) was 3.6 (95% CI 3.0 to 4.8) months in group A and 3.4 (95% CI 2.5 to 6.7) months in group B. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, 30% of patients who had progressed following prior AI treatment gained CB with fulvestrant, thereby delaying indication to start chemotherapy. Prior response to an AI did not appear to be predictive for benefit with fulvestrant.
Using numerical simulations, we compare properties of knotted DNA molecules that are either torsionally relaxed or supercoiled. We observe that DNA supercoiling tightens knotted portions of DNA molecules and accentuates the difference in curvature between knotted and unknotted regions. The increased curvature of knotted regions is expected to make them preferential substrates of type IIA topoisomerases because various earlier experiments have concluded that type IIA DNA topoisomerases preferentially interact with highly curved DNA regions. The supercoiling-induced tightening of DNA knots observed here shows that torsional tension in DNA may serve to expose DNA knots to the unknotting action of type IIA topoisomerases, and thus explains how these topoisomerases could maintain a low knotting equilibrium in vivo, even for long DNA molecules.
Em prosseguimento ao estudo da biologia do Triatoma vitticeps (Gonçalves et al., 1988), foram feitas observações sobre a sua resistência ao jejum. Dos 286 ovos obtidos, apenas 201 eclodiram e atingiram o estádio pretendido para as observações. Os demais não eclodiram, não completaram a muda ou morreram sem motivo aparente. As ninfas foram acondicionadas, individualmente em frascos de Borrel, devidamente registrados. Para a alimentação foram utilizados camundongos e a medida que as ninfas atingiam o estágio pretendido a alimentação era suspensa até ocorrer a morte. A avaliação da resistência ao jejum foi feita da seguinte forma: o intervalo de dias entre o último repasto e a morte e entre a muda e a morte. Verificou-se que a resistência está diretamente relacionada com a fase de desenvolvimento. Para os parâmetros último repasto/morte e muda/morte, ambos os sexos foram menos resistentes do que as ninfas de 3º e 2º estádios, respectivamente. O experimento teve duração de 15 meses e neste período as temperaturas máxima e mínima e a umidade relativa do ar variaram em média de 25 ± 2ºC e 81 ± 3% UR, respectivamente. O material foi proveniente da criação de triatomíneos mantida no Departamento de Entomologia do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.
BACKGROUND: We conducted a randomized, phase II, multicenter study to evaluate the anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mAb panitumumab (P) in combination with chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with standard-dose capecitabine as neoadjuvant treatment for wild-type KRAS locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with wild-type KRAS, T3-4 and/or N+ LARC were randomly assigned to receive CRT with or without P (6 mg/kg). The primary end-point was pathological near-complete or complete tumor response (pNC/CR), defined as grade 3 (pNCR) or 4 (pCR) histological regression by Dworak classification (DC). RESULTS: Forty of 68 patients were randomly assigned to P + CRT and 28 to CRT. pNC/CR was achieved in 21 patients (53%) treated with P + CRT [95% confidence interval (CI) 36%-69%] versus 9 patients (32%) treated with CRT alone (95% CI: 16%-52%). pCR was achieved in 4 (10%) and 5 (18%) patients, and pNCR in 17 (43%) and 4 (14%) patients. In immunohistochemical analysis, most DC 3 cells were not apoptotic. The most common grade ≥3 toxic effects in the P + CRT/CRT arm were diarrhea (10%/6%) and anastomotic leakage (15%/4%). CONCLUSIONS: The addition of panitumumab to neoadjuvant CRT in patients with KRAS wild-type LARC resulted in a high pNC/CR rate, mostly grade 3 DC. The results of both treatment arms exceeded prespecified thresholds. The addition of panitumumab increased toxicity.
Se realizó estudio seroepidemiológico sobre la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en habitantes de cuatro comunidades rurales de Venezuela, que presentan diferentes situaciones epidemiológicas en relación a la Enfermedad de Chagas, con la finalidad de evaluar la técnica de Dot-ELISA y compararla con las pruebas serológicas convencionales. En los caseríos de Kamana y caño Hondo del estado Zulia, donde no existe transmisión, la seropositividad fue 15,7% en adultos solamente. En las comunidades de las Rosas y Solano del estado Cojedes, área de alta endemicidad, la seropositividad en los menores de 14 años fue 8,9% y en los mayores de 15,51,6%. En el estudio comparativo con las pruebas serolgicas convencionlaes, Dot-ELISA presentó altos índices de co-positividad, co-negatividad y eficiencia. El valor predictivo positivo de la prueba fue de 66% y 60% con al antígeno citoplasmático e integral respectivamente, en el estado Zulia y 100% y 95% en el estado Cojedes. Estos resultados sugieren que Dot-ELISA puede ser una alternativa práctica para estudios seroepidemiológicos sobre la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en los paises en desarrollo.
Species of sandflies in the subgenuys Trichopygomyia of the genus Lutzomyia occurring in Venezuela are reviewd. A new species, Lutzomyia pinna n. sp. is described. A distribution map and a pictorial key for maleds are provided with remarks on the ecological data collected in Venezuela.