981 resultados para PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS


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Investigación elaborada a partir de una estancia en la Columbia Law School of New York, Estados Unidos, entre los meses de septiembre y noviembre del 2006. El Derecho comunitario europeo y español regulan la reparación de los daños causados por el uso o la proximidad de un producto defectuoso mediante gracias al impulso ideológico ejercido por la jurisprudencia norteamericana. El principio de responsabilidad objetiva rector de la directiva europea es fruto de un transfondo operado en los Estados Unidos en los años sesenta, coincidiendo con la revolución tecnològica y el inicio de la producción y del consumo masivos. Tales fenómenos suscitaron la búsqueda de mecanismos jurídicos aptos para canalizar la reparación de los daños inherentes a las actividades industriales tecnológicamente avanzadas. Su principal efecto fue la preocupación por una más justa distribución social de los llamados “costes del progreso”, preocupación que, jurídicamente, desembocó en la solución de la responsabilidad aun sin culpa del fabricante por los daños derivados de su producción industrial. El mérito de tal solución corresponde a determinados teóricos norteamericanos de la responsabilidad empresarial, quienes, inspirándose en ideas formuladas a inicios del siglo XX por los especialistas en Derecho laboral, concluyeron que es la empresa productora quien está en mejor situación de soportar el coste del accidente industrial: al imponerse al fabricante una responsabildad desvinculada de su eventual culpa en la causación del accidente, repercutirá en el precio de sus productos el coste del seguro de responsabilidad civil que se verá abocado a contratar para hacer frente a su responsabilidad objetiva o por riesgo, de manera que el coste de los accidentes acabará siendo soportado por el público consumidor al pagar el sobreprecio de los productos que adquiere. Las repercusiones de tal construcción han sido tanto normativas como judiciales.


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Résumé Avec 8% des accidents en Suisse, le genou est une articulation fréquemment blessée. Si la majorité des traumatismes surviennent lors de la pratique du sport, les conséquences sur la reprise de l'activite professionnelle sont relativement méconnues. Pourtant, en 2002, un quart des patients hospitalises dans le service de rééducation de l'appareil locomoteur de la CRR, présentait une lésion du genou responsable d'une limitation fonctionnelle significative. Les diagnostics principaux sont les entorses graves et les lésions dégénératives. Une majorité de patients est issue du secteur secondaire et exerce souvent une profession exigeante d'un point de vue physique. Le but de cet article est d'une part de présenter aux praticiens des repères utiles à la compréhension de cette problématique particulière; d'autre part d'initier une reflexion pratique sur la réadaptation professionnelle de ces patients, par la discussion d'un cas clinique. From approximately 8% of the accidents in Switzerland, the knee is a frequently wounded articulation. If the majority of the traumas occur whilst playing sport, the effects on the resumption of professional activity are relatively ignored. However, in 2002, a quarter of the patients hospitalized in the locomotor service of rehabilitation at the CRR, presented a lesion of the knee as factor most commonly responsible for their functional limitations. The principal diagnoses consisted of serious distorsions and degenerative lesions. A majority of patients come from industry which, from a physical point of view, is generally a demanding occupation. The goals of this article are to present information concerning the comprehension of these particular problems as well as to initiate practises for the vocational rehabilitation of these patients, by the discussion of a clinical case.


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Road safety has become an increasing concern in developed countries due to the significant amount of mortal victims and the economic losses derived. Only in 2005 these losses rose to 200.000 million euros, a significant amount - approximately the 2% of its GDP- that easily justifies any public intervention. One tool used by governments to face this challenge is the enactment of stricter policies and regulations. Since drunk driving is one of the most important concerns of public authorities on this field, several European countries decided to lower their illegal Blood Alcohol Content levels to 0.5 mg/ml during the last decade. This study evaluates for the first time the effectiveness of this transition using European panel-based data (CARE) for the period 1991-2003 using the Differences-in-Differences method in a fixed effects estimation that allows for any pattern of correlation (Cluster-Robust). My results show the existence of positive impacts on certain groups of road users and for the whole population when the policy is accompanied by some enforcement interventions. Moreover, a time lag of more than two years is found in that effectiveness. Finally, I also assert the importance of controlling for serial correlation in the evaluation of this kind of policies.


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Proyecto de investigación elaborado a partir de una estancia en el Dipartamento di Emergencia e Accetazione del E.O. Ospedalli Galliera, Italia, entre marzo y octubre del 2006. En los últimos años ha habido un aumento de la población extranjera en los servicios sanitarios de urgencias. Este estudio se propone la observación de las modalidades de llegada en la urgencia de los Latinos, profundizando las manifestaciones, las expresiones de los trastornos y las descripciones de los síntomas por medio de entrevistas profundas llevada a cabo con una muestra de treinta latinoamericanos.


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El projecte exposat té com a propòsit definir i implementar un model de simulació basat en la coordinació i assignació dels serveis d’emergència en accidents de trànsit. La definició del model s’ha realitzat amb l’ús de les Xarxes de Petri Acolorides i la implementació amb el software Rockwell Arena 7.0. El modelatge de la primera simulació ens mostra un model teòric basat en cues mentre que el segon, mostra un model més complet i real gràcies a la connexió mitjançant la plataforma Corba a una base de dades amb informació geogràfica de les flotes i de les rutes. Com a resultat de l’estudi i amb l’ajuda de GoogleEarth, podem realitzar simulacions gràfiques per veure els accidents generats, les flotes dels serveis i el moviment dels vehicles des de les bases fins als accidents.


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Public authorities and road users alike are increasingly concerned by recent trends in road safety outcomes in Barcelona, which is the European city with the highest number of registered Powered Two-Wheel (PTW) vehicles per inhabitant,. In this study we explore the determinants of motorcycle and moped accident severity in a large urban area, drawing on Barcelona’s local police database (2002-2008). We apply non-parametric regression techniques to characterize PTW accidents and parametric methods to investigate the factors influencing their severity. Our results show that PTW accident victims are more vulnerable, showing greater degrees of accident severity, than other traffic victims. Speed violations and alcohol consumption provide the worst health outcomes. Demographic and environment-related risk factors, in addition to helmet use, play an important role in determining accident severity. Thus, this study furthers our understanding of the most vulnerable vehicle types, while our results have direct implications for local policy makers in their fight to reduce the severity of PTW accidents in large urban areas.


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This paper engages in an interdisciplinary survey of the current state of knowledge related to the theory, determinants and consequences of occupational safety and health (OSH). First, it synthesizes the available theoretical frameworks used by economists and psychologists to understand the issues related to the optimal provision of OSH in the labour market. Second, it reviews the academic literature investigating the correlates of a comprehensive set of OSH indicators, which portray the state of OSH infrastructure (social security expenditure, prevention, regulations), inputs (chemical and physical agents, ergonomics, working time, violence) and outcomes (injuries, illnesses, absenteeism, job satisfaction) within workplaces. Third, it explores the implications of the lack of OSH in terms of the economic and social costs that are entailed. Finally, the survey identifies areas of future research interests and suggests priorities for policy initiatives that can improve the health and safety of workers.


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La radiologie post-­‐mortem a suivi les développements de la radiologie conventionnelle depuis ses débuts. De nos jours, ce sont les dernières techniques de radiologie qui prennent de plus en plus de place en médecine légale, avec les nouveaux outils que sont le scanner et l'imagerie par résonance magnétique. Le centre universitaire romand de médecine légal (CURML) à Lausanne réalise ainsi de façon systématique un examen tomodensitométrique (TDM) complet de chaque corps avant l'autopsie depuis 2008. Cette étude cherche à éprouver l'utilité de la nouvelle méthode de l'imagerie tomodensitométrique dans la détection des fractures de la face par rapport à l'autopsie, méthode traditionnelle. Pour ce faire, les constatations des rapports d'autopsie ont été comparées à celles des rapports de radiologie tomodensitométrique si ces derniers existaient. Ces rapports d'autopsie ont d'abord été sélectionnés s'ils présentaient une forte suspicion de traumatisme facial. Les causes de décès non traumatiques pour la face ont d'abord été exclues (noyade, strangulation volontaire, intoxication, etc.). Les causes les plus traumatiques (accidents de la voie publique, arme à feu, hétéro-­‐agression, etc.) ont été retenues dans un premier temps. Par la suite, les dossiers n'ont pas été retenus si l'autopsie faisait état de lésions traumatiques ne concernant pas la face ou de lésions bénignes de la face. Les constatations des rapports d'autopsie ont finalement été comparées avec ces rapports de radiologie tomodensitométriques s'ils existaient, soit 69 dossiers. Dans un deuxième temps, une seconde lecture des images radiologiques a été effectuée par un radiologue formé. Sur les 146 fractures répertoriées parmi les 69 dossiers restant, 62 (42,4%) ont été décrites à l'autopsie et à la radiologie. 42 (28,8%) ont été décrites dans le rapport d'autopsie uniquement et 42 (28,8%) par la radiologie uniquement. Parmi toutes les fractures de la face détectées uniquement à l'autopsie, toutes sauf une seule ont été retrouvées sur les images d'archive par un radiologue formé. La contribution dans le processus diagnostique de chacune de ces fractures, notée sur une échelle de 1 à 6 par deux médecins-­‐légistes expérimentés, est légère (notes de 1 à 2 dans 98% des cas) concernant la cause du décès. En revanche, concernant les circonstances du décès, on observe une différence entre les deux examinateurs avec des notes de 5 à 6 dans 77% des cas chez l'un, et 19% chez l'autre examinateur. Les deux examinateurs ne sont pas d'accord au sujet de l'importance des fractures dans les cas de traumatismes à haute énergie, l'un jugeant qu'elles sont alors évidentes et l'autre qu'elles permettent d'en savoir plus sur la force exacte de l'impact considéré. Cependant, bien que les fractures de la face ne contribuent que modestement au processus judiciaire suivant un décès, notre étude permet de démontrer la performance de la méthode de l'imagerie tomodensitométrique dans la détection desdites fractures par rapport à l'autopsie avec un taux de détection supérieur.


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Background: Distinguishing postmortem gas accumulations in the body due to natural decomposition and other phenomena such as gas embolism can prove a difficult task using purely Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT). The Radiological Alteration Index (RAI) was created with the intention to be able to identify bodies undergoing the putrefaction process based on the quantity of gas detected within the body. The flaw in this approach is the inability to absolutely determine putrefaction as the origin of gas volumes in cases of moderate alteration. The aim of the current study is to identify percentage compositions of O2, N2, CO2 and the presence of gases such as H2 and H2S within these sampling sites in order to resolve this complication. Materials and methods: All cases investigated in our University Center of Legal Medicine are undergoing a Post-Mortem Computed Tomography (PMCT)-scan before external examination or autopsy as a routine investigation. In the obtained images, areas of gas were characterized as 0, I, II or III based on the amount of gas present according to the RAI (1). The criteria for these characterizations were dependent of the site of gas, for example thoracic and abdominal cavities were graded as I (1 - 3cm gas), II (3 - 5cm gas) and III (>5cm gas). Cases showing gaseous sites with grade II or III were selected for this study. The sampling was performed under CT-guidance to target the regions to be punctured. Luer-lock PTFE syringes equipped with a three-way valve and needles were used to sample the gas directly (2). Gaseous samples were then analysed using gas chromatography coupled to a thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD). The components present in the samples were expressed as a percentage of the overall gas present. Results: Up to now, we have investigated more than 40 cases using our standardized procedure for sampling and analysis of gas. O2, N2 and CO2 were present in most samples. The following distributions were found to correlate to gas origins of gas embolism/scuba diving accidents, trauma and putrefaction: ? Putrefaction → O2 = 1 - 5%; CO2 > 15%; N2 = 10 - 70%; H2 / H2S / CH4 variable presence ? Gas embolism/Scuba diving accidents → O2 and N2= varying percentages; CO2 > 20% ? Trauma → O2 = small percentage; CO2 < 15%; N2 > 65% H2 and H2S indicated levels of putrefaction along with methane which can also gauge environmental conditions or conditions of body storage/burial. Many cases showing large RAI values (advanced alteration) did reveal a radiological diagnosis which was in concordance with the interpretation of the gas composition. However, in certain cases (gas embolism, scuba divers) radiological interpretation was not possible and only chemical gas analysis was found to lead to the correct diagnosis, meaning that it provided complementary information to the radiological diagnosis. Conclusion: Investigation of postmortem gases is a useful tool to determine origin of gas generation which can aid the diagnosis of the cause of death. Levels of gas can provide information on stage of putrefaction and help to perform essential medico-legal diagnosis such as vital gas embolism.


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En aquest projecte presentem un mètode per generar bases de imatges de vianants, requerides per a l'entrenament o validació de sistemes d'aprenentatge basats en exemples, en un entorn virtual. S'ha desenvolupat una plataforma que permet simular una navegació d'una càmara en una escena virtual i recuperar el fluxe de vídeo amb el seu groundtruth. Amb l'ús d'aquesta plataforma es suprimeix el procés d'anotació, necesari per obtenir el groundtruth en entorns reals, i es redueixen els costos al treballar en un entorn virtual.


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En el territori del Barcelonès les obres han estat a l’ordre del dia. Abans de l’inici de la crisi es van encetar i programar nombroses obres tan d’immobles com de grans infraestructures com la que aquí es presenta: un intercanviador de metro. L’alta densitat demogràfica d’aquesta regió ha fet que aquests treballs realitzats a les obres siguin poc compatibles amb el benestar i la salut de la població. Un dels principals factors causants del malestar als veïns és el soroll. Mitjançant estudis de modelització acústica, com el realitzat en aquest projecte, es pretén preveure i evitar que l’afecció acústica derivada de les obres sigui perjudicial per la persona per tal de compatibilitzar al màxim possible les feines de l’obra amb el benestar general. Mitjançant el programa de monitorització acústica Cadna‐A i nombroses mesures acústiques in situ s’ha pogut preveure la futura afecció sonora de 6 fases d’obra considerades com les més sorolloses i s’han proposat un seguit de mesures preventives i/o correctores per tal d’assolir uns nivells acústics assequibles amb la legislació vigent.


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BACKGROUND: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) among the young is a rare and devastating event, but its exact incidence in many countries remains unknown. An autopsy is recommended in every case because some of the cardiac pathologies may have a genetic origin, which can have an impact on the living family members. The aims of this retrospective study completed in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland were to determine both the incidence of SCD and the autopsy rate for individuals from 5 to 39 years of age. METHODS: The study was conducted from 2000 to 2007 on the basis of official statistics and analysis of the International Classification of Diseases codes for potential SCDs and other deaths that might have been due to cardiac disease. RESULTS: During the 8 year study period there was an average of 292'546 persons aged 5-39 and there were a total of 1122 deaths, certified as potential SCDs in 3.6% of cases. The calculated incidence is 1.71/100'000 person-years (2.73 for men and 0.69 for women). If all possible cases of SCD (unexplained deaths, drowning, traffic accidents, etc.) are included, the incidence increases to 13.67/100'000 person-years. However, the quality of the officially available data was insufficient to provide an accurate incidence of SCD as well as autopsy rates. The presumed autopsy rate of sudden deaths classified as diseases of the circulatory system is 47.5%. For deaths of unknown cause (11.1% of the deaths), the autopsy was conducted in 13.7% of the cases according to codified data. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of presumed SCD in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, is comparable to the data published in the literature for other geographic regions but may be underestimated as it does not take into account other potential SCDs, as unexplained deaths. Increasing the autopsy rate of SCD in the young, better management of information obtained from autopsies as well developing of structured registry could improve the reliability of the statistical data, optimize the diagnostic procedures, and the preventive measures for the family members.


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