904 resultados para PASSIVE FIT
Aim: To compare soft-tissue dissolution by sodium hypochlorite, with an EDTA intermediate rinse, with or without activation with passive ultrasonic activation (PUI) or sonic activation using the Endoactivator (EA) or Eddy tips (ED). Methodology: The root canals of eighty-three human maxillary central incisors were chemo-mechanically prepared and the teeth split. A standardized longitudinal intracanal groove was created in one of the root halves. Eighty-three porcine palatal mucosa samples were collected, adapted to fit into the grooves and weighed. The re-assembled specimens were randomly divided into four experimental groups (n = 20), based on the final rinse: no activation; EA; PUI; ED, using 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, with an EDTA intermediate rinse. A control group (n = 3) was irrigated with distilled water without activation. The solutions were delivered using a syringe and needle 2 mm from working length. Total irrigation time was 150 s, including 60 s of activation in the specific groups. The study was carried out at 36 ± 2 °C. The porcine palatal mucosa samples were weighed after completion of the assays. Student paired t-test and anova were used to assess the intra- and intergroup weight changes. The multiple comparisons were evaluated using Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05). Results: Weight loss occurred in all experimental groups. Irrigant activation resulted in greater weight loss when compared to the nonactivated group [vs. EA (P = 0.001); vs. PUI (P < 0.001); vs. ED (P < 0.001)]. No significant differences were found amongst the different activation systems. Conclusions: Activation increased the tissue-dissolving activity of irrigants from artificial grooves in root canals of maxillary central incisors. © 2016 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The intent of this project is to determine if a candidate's physical fitness impacts their success academically and physically during training at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. This will be accomplished by comparing the time of the Physical Abilities Test to the numeric written tests scores and the pass rate of the proficiency tests. The averages will be compared to see if there is a trend to prove that one's physical fitness does affect success during their training .
Personal Fit es una plataforma web y aplicación dedicada al diseño personalizado de rutinas de ejercicio con su respectiva dieta alimenticia. El propósito principal de Personal Fit es ayudar a jóvenes y adultos, con capacidad económica que trabajen y/o estudien y que quieren cambiar su aspecto físico y mejorar su estilo de vida, a lograr por medio del establecimiento de metas precisas y constante seguimiento a que cada uno alcance su objetivo en el menor tiempo posible.
Model misspecification affects the classical test statistics used to assess the fit of the Item Response Theory (IRT) models. Robust tests have been derived under model misspecification, as the Generalized Lagrange Multiplier and Hausman tests, but their use has not been largely explored in the IRT framework. In the first part of the thesis, we introduce the Generalized Lagrange Multiplier test to detect differential item response functioning in IRT models for binary data under model misspecification. By means of a simulation study and a real data analysis, we compare its performance with the classical Lagrange Multiplier test, computed using the Hessian and the cross-product matrix, and the Generalized Jackknife Score test. The power of these tests is computed empirically and asymptotically. The misspecifications considered are local dependence among items and non-normal distribution of the latent variable. The results highlight that, under mild model misspecification, all tests have good performance while, under strong model misspecification, the performance of the tests deteriorates. None of the tests considered show an overall superior performance than the others. In the second part of the thesis, we extend the Generalized Hausman test to detect non-normality of the latent variable distribution. To build the test, we consider a seminonparametric-IRT model, that assumes a more flexible latent variable distribution. By means of a simulation study and two real applications, we compare the performance of the Generalized Hausman test with the M2 limited information goodness-of-fit test and the Likelihood-Ratio test. Additionally, the information criteria are computed. The Generalized Hausman test has a better performance than the Likelihood-Ratio test in terms of Type I error rates and the M2 test in terms of power. The performance of the Generalized Hausman test and the information criteria deteriorates when the sample size is small and with a few items.
To change unadapted water governing systems, and water users’ traditional conducts in line with climate change, understanding of systems’ structures and users’ behaviors is necessary. To this aim, comprehensive and pragmatic research was designed and implemented in the Urmia Lake Basin where due to the severe droughts, and human-made influences, especially through the agricultural development, the lake has been shrunken drastically. To analyze the water governance and conservation issues in the basin, an innovative framework was developed based on mathematical physics concepts and pro-environmental behavior theories. Accordingly, in system level (macro/meso), the problem of fit of the early-shaped water governing system associating with the function of “political-security” and “political-economic” factors in the basin was identified through mean-field models. Furthermore, the effect of a “political-environmental” factor, the Urmia Lake Restoration Program (ULRP), on reforming the system structure and hence its fit was assessed. The analysis results revealed that by revising the provincial boundaries (horizontal alternation) for the entity of Kurdistan province to permit that interact with the headquarter of West Azerbaijan province for its water demand-supply initiatives, the system fit can increase. Also, the constitution of the ULRP (vertical arrangement) not only could increase the structural fit of the water governing system to the basin, but also significantly could enhance the system fit through its water-saving policy. Besides, in individual level (micro), the governing factors of water conservation behavior of the major users/farmers were identified through rational and moral socio-psychological models. In rational approach, incorporating PMT and TPB, the SEM results demonstrated that “Perceived Vulnerability”, “Self-Efficacy”, “Response Efficacy”, “Response Cost”, “Subjective Norms” and “Institutional Trust” significantly affect the water-saving intention/behavior. Likewise, NAM based analysis as a moral approach, uncovered the significant effects of “Awareness of Consequences”, “Appraisal of Responsibility”, “Personal Norms” as well as “Place Attachment” and “Emotions” on water-saving intention.
Le galassie passive sono sistemi dominati da popolazioni stellari vecchie, non mostrano tracce di formazione stellare (spettri compatibili con assenza di righe in emissione e caratterizzati da righe in assorbimento), e ci sono evidenze osservative che indicano che le galassie passive abbiano iniziato ad assemblare la loro massa stellare a z. Gli spettri delle galassie passive conservano traccia dei meccanismi fisici ed evolutivi della loro popolazione stellare. Laddove si hanno a disposizione spettri di buona qualità, ovvero che abbiano un rapporto segnale-rumore elevato, l’informazione contenuta in tali spettri può essere dedotta dalla misura dell’intensità di alcune righe in assorbimento. Burstein et al. (1984) hanno costruito un insieme di indici spettroscopici, chiamato sistema di indici di Lick, i quali misurano l’intensità delle principali righe in assorbimento (nella regione di lunghezze d’onda ottiche tra 4000-6000 Å), in termini di larghezza equivalente. in questa tesi è stato adottato il metodo degli indici di Lick per stimare i parametri evolutivi di un campione di galassie passive. Gli obiettivi principali di questa tesi sono due: 1.) studiare l’evoluzione col redshift dei parametri di età, metallicità totale e abbondanze relative di elementi α rispetto al ferro di un campione di galassie estratto spettroscopicamente dalla SDDS (Moresco et al., 2011). L’obiettivo finale è quello di dedurre informazioni sulla storia di formazione stellare delle galassie del campione. 2.) realizzare una simulazione per valutare la possibilità di misurare gli indici di Lick negli spettri di galassie passive che verranno osservate con la missione futura Euclid. Da questo studio è emerso un chiaro andamento evolutivo del campione in linea con quello previsto dallo scenario evolutivo del mass-downsizing, per il quale la SFH di una popolazione stellare è fortemente vincolata dalla massa della popolazione stessa, nel senso che al crescere della massa la formazione delle galassie passive si colloca in epoche progressivamente più remote, e l’assemblaggio della loro massa stellare avviene in tempi scala via via inferiori. Dalla simulazione è emerso un risultato molto importante che deriva dalla robustezza delle misure del D4000 e riguarda la possibilità di determinare il redshift di galassie a z ≥ 1.5 con Euclid.
Nel presente lavoro di tesi viene selezionato e analizzato un campione di galassie passive estratte dalla survey VANDELS, con cui condurre uno studio cosmologico basato sul metodo dei cronometri cosmici. Tale metodo rappresenta una sonda cosmologica non standard, che consente di misurare il parametro di Hubble in maniera indipendente dalla cosmologia valutando l’invecchiamento di una popolazione di galassie molto massive e in evoluzione passiva in un dato intervallo di redshift. Per applicare il metodo viene selezionato un campione di cronometri cosmici incrociando diversi criteri complementari, sia fotometrici che spettroscopici, tali da minimizzare la contaminazione da formazione stellare attiva. Il campione ottenuto ha ⟨log(M⋆/M⊙)⟩=10.86±0.03, ⟨log(sSFR/yr−1)⟩=-11.9±0.1 e ⟨EW[OII]⟩=3.3±0.2 Å. Dallo studio delle proprietà spettroscopiche, in particolare degli indici sensibili all’età, esso mostra un progressivo invecchiamento al diminuire del redshift ed evidenza di mass-downsizing. Per la stima delle età si adotta la tecnica del full-spectral fitting, sia sugli spettri che sulla fotometria disponibili, utilizzando il codice Bagpipes. Dai risultati del fit emerge che le galassie individuate hanno, come atteso, metallicità mediamente sotto-solari (⟨Z/Z⊙⟩=0.44±0.01), bassa estinzione da polvere (⟨AV,dust⟩=0.43±0.02 mag) e una fase di formazione stellare breve (⟨τ⟩=0.28±0.02 Gyr). A partire da questi viene costruita la relazione età-redshift mediana per il campione finale di 39 galassie, esplorandone la robustezza con diverse assunzioni di prior e binnaggio. Fittata con un modello fΛCDM, essa permette di ricavare una stima per la costante di Hubble pari a H0 = 67^+14_−15 km/s/Mpc. Infine, con la stessa relazione si applica il metodo dei cronometri cosmici, ottenendo una nuova stima del parametro di Hubble, H(z=1.26) = 135±62 km/s/Mpc. Nell’errore si è tenuto conto anche degli effetti sistematici introdotti dalla scelta del binning e della SFH nel modello di fit.
The radiopacity of esthetic root canal posts may impair the assessment of their fit to the root canal when using radiographic images. This study determined in vitro the radiographic density of esthetic root canal posts using digital images. Thirty-six roots of human maxillary canines were assigned to six groups (N=6 per group): Reforpost (RP); Aestheti-Plus (AP); Reforpost MIX (RPM); D.T. Light Post (LP); Reforpost Radiopaque (RPR); and White Post DC (WP). Standardized digital images of the posts were obtained in different conditions: outside the root canal, inside the canal before and after cementation using luting material, and with a tissue simulator. Analysis of variance was used to compare the radiopacity mean values among the posts outside the root canal and among the posts under the other conditions, and the t unpaired test to compare the radiopacity between the posts and the dentin, and between the posts and the root canal space. There was no statistically significant difference in radiopacity between RP and RPM, and LP and WP. AP posts showed radiopacity values significantly lower than those for dentin. No statistically significant difference was found between posts (RP and AP) and the root canal space. A statistically significant difference was observed between the luted and non-luted posts; additionally, luted posts with and without tissue simulator showed no significant differences. Most of the cement-luted posts analyzed in this study were distinguishable from the density of adjacent dentin surfaces, allowing radiographic confirmation of the fit of the post in the canal. The success of using esthetic root canal posts depends mainly on the fit of the post within the canal.[1] The radiopacity of a post allows for radiographic imaging to be used to determine the fit, an important factor in a clinical perspective.
Amphibians have been declining worldwide and the comprehension of the threats that they face could be improved by using mark-recapture models to estimate vital rates of natural populations. Recently, the consequences of marking amphibians have been under discussion and the effects of toe clipping on survival are debatable, although it is still the most common technique for individually identifying amphibians. The passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) is an alternative technique, but comparisons among marking techniques in free-ranging populations are still lacking. We compared these two marking techniques using mark-recapture models to estimate apparent survival and recapture probability of a neotropical population of the blacksmith tree frog, Hypsiboas faber. We tested the effects of marking technique and number of toe pads removed while controlling for sex. Survival was similar among groups, although slightly decreased from individuals with one toe pad removed, to individuals with two and three toe pads removed, and finally to PIT-tagged individuals. No sex differences were detected. Recapture probability slightly increased with the number of toe pads removed and was the lowest for PIT-tagged individuals. Sex was an important predictor for recapture probability, with males being nearly five times more likely to be recaptured. Potential negative effects of both techniques may include reduced locomotion and high stress levels. We recommend the use of covariates in models to better understand the effects of marking techniques on frogs. Accounting for the effect of the technique on the results should be considered, because most techniques may reduce survival. Based on our results, but also on logistical and cost issues associated with PIT tagging, we suggest the use of toe clipping with anurans like the blacksmith tree frog.
The objectives of this study were to develop a questionnaire that evaluates the perception of nursing workers to job factors that may contribute to musculoskeletal symptoms, and to evaluate its psychometric properties. Internationally recommended methodology was followed: construction of domains, items and the instrument as a whole, content validity, and pre-test. Psychometric properties were evaluated among 370 nursing workers. Construct validity was analyzed by the factorial analysis, known-groups technique, and convergent validity. Reliability was assessed through internal consistency and stability. Results indicated satisfactory fit indices during confirmatory factor analysis, significant difference (p < 0.01) between the responses of nursing and office workers, and moderate correlations between the new questionnaire and Numeric Pain Scale, SF-36 and WRFQ. Cronbach's alpha was close to 0.90 and ICC values ranged from 0.64 to 0.76. Therefore, results indicated that the new questionnaire had good psychometric properties for use in studies involving nursing workers.
The present paper describes the synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymer - poly(methacrylic acid)/silica and reports its performance feasibility with desired adsorption capacity and selectivity for cholesterol extraction. Two imprinted hybrid materials were synthesized at different methacrylic acid (MAA)/tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) molar ratios (6:1 and 1:5) and characterized by FT-IR, TGA, SEM and textural data. Cholesterol adsorption on hybrid materials took place preferably in apolar solvent medium, especially in chloroform. From the kinetic data, the equilibrium time was reached quickly, being 12 and 20 min for the polymers synthesized at MAA/TEOS molar ratio of 6:1 and 1:5, respectively. The pseudo-second-order model provided the best fit for cholesterol adsorption on polymers, confirming the chemical nature of the adsorption process, while the dual-site Langmuir-Freundlich equation presented the best fit to the experimental data, suggesting the existence of two kinds of adsorption sites on both polymers. The maximum adsorption capacities obtained for the polymers synthesized at MAA/TEOS molar ratios of 6:1 and 1:5 were found to be 214.8 and 166.4 mg g(-1), respectively. The results from isotherm data also indicated higher adsorption capacity for both imprinted polymers regarding to corresponding non-imprinted polymers. Nevertheless, taking into account the retention parameters and selectivity of cholesterol in the presence of structurally analogue compounds (5-α-cholestane and 7-dehydrocholesterol), it was observed that the polymer synthesized at the MAA/TEOS molar ratio of 6:1 was much more selective for cholesterol than the one prepared at the ratio of 1:5, thus suggesting that selective binding sites ascribed to the carboxyl group from MAA play a central role in the imprinting effect created on MIP.
Aware of the diffusion capacity of bleaching in the dental tissues, many orthodontists are subjecting their patients to dental bleaching during orthodontic treatment for esthetic purposes or to anticipate the exchange of esthetic restorations after the orthodontic treatment. For this purpose specific products have been developed in pre-loaded whitening trays designed to fit over and around brackets and wires, with clinical efficacy proven. The objective of this study was to evaluate, through spectrophotometric reflectance, the effectiveness of dental bleaching under orthodontic bracket. Thirty-two bovine incisors crown blocks of 8 mm x 8 mm height lengths were used. Staining of tooth blocks with black tea was performed for six days. They were distributed randomly into 4 groups (1-home bleaching with bracket, 2- home bleaching without bracket, 3- office bleaching with bracket, 4 office bleaching without bracket). The color evaluation was performed (CIE L * a * b *) using color reflectance spectrophotometer. Metal brackets were bonded in groups 1 and 3. The groups 1 and 2 samples were subjected to the carbamide peroxide at 15%, 4 hours daily for 21 days. Groups 3 and 4 were subjected to 3 in-office bleaching treatment sessions, hydrogen peroxide 38%. After removal of the brackets, the second color evaluation was performed in tooth block, difference between the area under the bracket and around it, and after 7 days to verified color stability. Data analysis was performed using the paired t-test and two-way variance analysis and Tukey's. The home bleaching technique proved to be more effective compared to the office bleaching. There was a significant difference between the margin and center color values of the specimens that were subjected to bracket bonding. The bracket bond presence affected the effectiveness of both the home and office bleaching treatments. Key words:Tooth bleaching, spectrophotometry, orthodontics.
We present ΛΛ correlation measurements in heavy-ion collisions for Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV using the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider. The Lednický-Lyuboshitz analytical model has been used to fit the data to obtain a source size, a scattering length and an effective range. Implications of the measurement of the ΛΛ correlation function and interaction parameters for dihyperon searches are discussed.
The aim of this study was to develop a methodology using Raman hyperspectral imaging and chemometric methods for identification of pre- and post-blast explosive residues on banknote surfaces. The explosives studied were of military, commercial and propellant uses. After the acquisition of the hyperspectral imaging, independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to extract the pure spectra and the distribution of the corresponding image constituents. The performance of the methodology was evaluated by the explained variance and the lack of fit of the models, by comparing the ICA recovered spectra with the reference spectra using correlation coefficients and by the presence of rotational ambiguity in the ICA solutions. The methodology was applied to forensic samples to solve an automated teller machine explosion case. Independent component analysis proved to be a suitable method of resolving curves, achieving equivalent performance with the multivariate curve resolution with alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) method. At low concentrations, MCR-ALS presents some limitations, as it did not provide the correct solution. The detection limit of the methodology presented in this study was 50μgcm(-2).
Studies have associated the metabolic syndrome with poor sexual function; the results, however, are controversial. To evaluate the relationship between the metabolic syndrome and sexual function and to identify the factors associated with poor sexual function. A secondary analysis of a cross-sectional cohort study including 256 women of 40-60 years of age receiving care at the outpatient department of a university teaching hospital. A specific questionnaire was applied to collect sociodemographic and behavioral data, and the Short Personal Experience Questionnaire was used to evaluate sexual function, with a score ≤ 7 being indicative of poor sexual function. Anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, fasting glucose, high-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, triglycerides, follicle-stimulating hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone levels were determined. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, as defined by the International Diabetes Federation, was 62.1%, and the prevalence of poor sexual function was 31.4%. The only factor related to female sexual function that was associated with the metabolic syndrome was sexual dysfunction in the woman's partner. The factors associated with poor sexual function in the bivariate analysis were age >50 years (P=0.003), not having a partner (P<0.001), being postmenopausal (P=0.046), the presence of hot flashes (P=0.02), poor self-perception of health (P=0.04), partner's age ≥ 50 years, and time with partner ≥ 21 years. Reported active (P=0.02) and passive (P=0.01) oral sex was associated with an absence of sexual dysfunction. In the multiple regression analysis, the only factor associated with poor sexual function was being 50 years of age or more. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was high and was not associated with poor sexual function in this sample of menopausal women. The only factor associated with poor sexual function was being over 50 years of age.