941 resultados para Outstanding housewives
This work presents the preliminary study of new carbonaceous materials (CMs) obtained from exhausted sludge, their use in the heterogeneous anaerobic process of biodecolorization of azo dyes and the comparison of their performance with one commercial active carbon. The preparation of carbonaceous materials was conducted through chemical activation and carbonization. Chemical activation was carried out through impregnation of sludge-exhausted materials with ZnCl2 and the activation by means of carbonization at different temperatures (400, 600 and 800°C). Their physicochemical and surface characteristics were also investigated. Sludge based carbonaceous (SBC) materials SBC400, SBC600 and SBC800 present values of 13.0, 111.3 and 202.0m(2)/g of surface area. Biodecolorization levels of 76% were achieved for SBC600 and 86% for SBC800 at space time (τ) of 1.0min, similar to that obtained with commercial activated carbons in the continuous anaerobic up-flow packed bed reactor (UPBR). The experimental data fit well to the first order kinetic model and equilibrium data are well represented by the Langmuir isotherm model. Carbonaceous materials show high level of biodecolorization even at very short space times. Results indicate that carbonaceous materials prepared from sludge-exhausted materials have outstanding textural properties and significant degradation capacity for treating textile effluents.
Sport-motor tests play an important role in football talent selections. However, single tests represent only parts of the complex game performance. The best game performance therefore does not necessarily need to go hand in hand with the best results in all tests of a test battery. Considering the complexity of the game performance appropriately, a holistic perspective together with a person-oriented approach are applied. Thereby, systems consisting of several variables are identified and analysed in a longitudinal study. Following this idea, six sport-motor tests were aggregated into a subsystem. 106 young male elite football players were tested three times (2011, 2012, 2013; Mage, t2011=12.26, SD=0.29). One year later (2014) their performance level was enquired. Data were analysed using the LICUR method, a cluster analytical method. Four patterns were identified, which remained stable at all measuring points. The players frequently show intraindividual and structurally similar patterns over time. At the third measuring point, a pattern occurred out of which the players are significantly more likely to advance to the highest performance level one year later. This pattern appears consistently above average, but does not always show best test performances. The significantly frequent development along structurally stable patterns suggests a predictive validity of the subsystem sport-motor tests between the ages of 12 to 15. Above average, but not necessarily outstanding performances both in the motor abilities as well as in the football specific tests appears to be particularly promising. This finding emphasizes the need of a holistic perspective in the talent selection.
Whereas the genetic background of horn growth in cattle has been studied extensively, little is known about the morphological changes in the developing fetal horn bud. In this study we histologically analyzed the development of horn buds of bovine fetuses between ~70 and ~268 days of pregnancy and compared them with biopsies taken from the frontal skin of the same fetuses. In addition we compared the samples from the wild type (horned) fetuses with samples taken from the horn bud region of age-matched genetically hornless (polled) fetuses. In summary, the horn bud with multiple layers of vacuolated keratinocytes is histologically visible early in fetal life already at around day 70 of gestation and can be easily differentiated from the much thinner epidermis of the frontal skin. However, at the gestation day (gd) 212 the epidermis above the horn bud shows a similar morphology to the epidermis of the frontal skin and the outstanding layers of vacuolated keratinocytes have disappeared. Immature hair follicles are seen in the frontal skin at gd 115 whereas hair follicles below the horn bud are not present until gd 155. Interestingly, thick nerve bundles appear in the dermis below the horn bud at gd 115. These nerve fibers grow in size over time and are prominent shortly before birth. Prominent nerve bundles are not present in the frontal skin of wild type or in polled fetuses at any time, indicating that the horn bud is a very sensitive area. The samples from the horn bud region from polled fetuses are histologically equivalent to samples taken from the frontal skin in horned species. This is the first study that presents unique histological data on bovine prenatal horn bud differentiation at different developmental stages which creates knowledge for a better understanding of recent molecular findings.
The WTO is one of the most important intergovernmental organizations in the world, yet the way in which it functions as an organization and the scope of its authority and power are still poorly understood. This comprehensively revised new edition of the acclaimed work by an outstanding team of WTO law specialists provides a complete overview of the law and practice of the WTO.
Neolithic and Bronze Age wetland sites around the Alps (so called pile-dwellings, Pfahlbauten or palafittes in German/French) are of outstanding universal value (UNESCO-world heritage since 2011). Typical sites are in lakes, rivers and bogs, dating between 5300 and 800 BC. Of common character is the perfect conservation of wood, textiles from plant fabrics and many other organic materials. Larger quantities of sub-fossilized wood, as in the peri-alpine sites, offer the possibility of high-precision dating by dendrochronology. Research in these wetland sites started in the mid-19th century. Through large scale rescue excavations since the 1970s and the evolution of underwater archaeology in the same period the Swiss accumulated a thorough experience with these specific sites. Research in wetland sites is shared between cantonal institutions and universities and led to a worldwide unique accumulation of knowledge. Comparable sites exist outside of the Alpine area, but in much smaller quantities. Regions like Russia (small lakes in NW-Russia) and Macedonia (medium size lakes in the border zone of Macedonia, Albania and Greece) have a high scientific potential; rivers in Ukraine are supposed to have the same type of sites.
The saddlepoint method provides accurate approximations for the distributions of many test statistics, estimators and for important probabilities arising in various stochastic models. The saddlepoint approximation is a large deviations technique which is substantially more accurate than limiting normal or Edgeworth approximations, especially in presence of very small sample sizes or very small probabilities. The outstanding accuracy of the saddlepoint approximation can be explained by the fact that it has bounded relative error.
Herbert E Wright Jr was one of the foremost Quaternary scientists of the last century. He made wide ranging contributions to our understanding of the late-Quaternary of North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. This was based largely on reconstructing palaeoenvironments from lake sediments and included the important implications for glacial, vegetational, fire and climatic history, geoarchaeology and conservation. Many of his inter-disciplinary research projects involved fieldwork with his graduate students and co-workers from the University of Minnesota where he created and led the renowned Limnological Research Center. Perhaps his most outstanding contribution was as an instigator of the Co-operative Holocene Mapping Project (COHMAP). This triggered a paradigm shift in Holocene climatic research involving the comparison of climate-model simulations of past climates with palaeoclimatic data.
This paper analyzes interbank markets under currency boards. Under such an environment, problematic endogeneity issues common to other monetary regimes do not arise. Using daily data from the interbank markets in Bulgaria and Lithuania we show, that contrary to the existing literature, overnight interest rates tend to decrease towards the end of the reserve holding period. Empirical results are supported by a finite horizon heterogeneous agents model showing that interest rates tend to decrease in the case of excess aggregate reserves in the banking system. Results contrast with Quir'os and Mendiz'abal (2006) who find that interest rates should be increasing regardless of the outstanding aggregate liquidity in the market. We also show that responsiveness of banks to interest rate changes diminishes as the end of reserve holding period approaches. Under certain circumstances this could lead to multiple equilibria with increasing or decreasing interest rates.
There is currently much interest in the appropriate use of obstetrical technology, cost containment and meeting consumers' needs for safe and satisfying maternity care. At the same time, there has been an increase in professionally unattended home births. In response, a new type of service, the out-of-hospital childbearing center (CBC) has been developed which is administratively and structurally separate from the hospital. In the CBC, maternity care is provided by certified nurse-midwives to carefully screened low risk childbearing families in conjunction with physician and hospital back-up.^ It was the purpose of this study to accomplish the following objectives: (1) To describe in a historical prospective study the demographic and medical-obstetric characteristics of patients laboring in eleven selected out-of-hospital childbearing centers in the United States from May 1, 1972, to December 15, 1979. Labor is defined as the onset of regular contractions as determined by the patient. (2) To describe any differences between those patients who require transfer to a back-up hospital and those who do not. (3) To describe administrative and service characteristics of eleven selected out-of-hospital childbearing centers in the United States. (4) To compare the demographic and medical-obstetric characteristics of women laboring in eleven selected out-of-hospital childbearing centers with a national sample of women of similar obstetric risk who according to birth certificates delivered legitimate infants in a hospital setting in the United States in 1972.^ Research concerning CBCs and supportive to the development of CBCs including studies which identified factors associated with fetal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, obstetrical risk screening, and the progress of technological development in obstetrics were reviewed. Information concerning the organization and delivery of care at each selected CBC was also collected and analyzed.^ A stratified, systematic sample of 1938 low risk women who began labor in a selected CBC were included in the study. These women were not unlike those described previously in small single center studies reported in the literature. The mean age was 25 years. Sixty-three per cent were white, 34 per cent Hispanic, 88 per cent married, 45 per cent had completed at least two years of college, nearly one-third were professionals and over a third were housewives. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of school.) UMI ^
Greetings Pacesetter Grads Feel Boost in Entry to Nursing Workforce UTHealth-UH Dual Bachelors Program for First-Time Students UTHealth School of Nursing – By the Numbers 2012 PARTNERS Spring Luncheon – honored “Generations of Nurses” – guest speaker Naomi Judd UT Health Services Expands Care for Patients When I Grow Up, – A UTHealth Nursing Student’s Story Donors Support Start of New Accelerated Family Nurse Practitioner Program Giuseppe Colasurdo, M.D. – Appointed Sixth President in U THealth’s 40-Year History Dean Starck Named to UT Academy of Health Science Education, Marcus Honored by Regents for Outstanding Teaching Students Select Two for 2012 McGovern Awards Endowed scholarships Former home of School of Nursing for 30 years disappears in dust cloud Ruppert Named 2012 FAAN
No attempt has been made for a comprehensive coverage of the many outstanding illustrated botanical books for this three hundred year period. Rather the aim has been for a combination of interesting illustrators and famous botanists. Like the exhibit on fine bird books, these books on display have been taken from the Rare Books division of Special Collections.
Iniciado el siglo XXI, la denominación Literatura Juvenil y el campo epistemológico específico y de investigación que abarca, no han sido todavía suficientemente definidos. Con este estudio se pretende aproximar algunas de las características más notorias de esta área de la Literatura, que tiene como principales destinatarios los lectores adolescentes. Sin duda, fue Paul Hazard, con Los libros, los niños y los hombres (trad. 1950) quien se atrevió a defender la enseñanza a través de libros recreativos y de imaginación para la infancia, desplazando así el centro de lo didáctico moralizante al ámbito abierto y rico del sentimiento y de la fantasía. Ocho años más tarde, Enzo Petrini, con su Estudio crítico de la Literatura Juvenil (1958), asentó las primeras bases de diferenciación de literatura para niños y literatura para jóvenes estudian-do los orígenes y evolución de la Literatura Juvenil y destacando la contribución de la pedagogía y de la crítica.
Nos proponemos conmemorar aquí los cien años del nacimiento de uno de los destacados intelectuales del siglo XX, cuya obra fuera ampliamente reconocida en nuestro ámbito cultural: nos referimos al escritor venezolano Arturo Uslar Pietri (1906- 2001) quien dedicara su larga vida a transitar diversos caminos del saber. Publicó su primer artículo periodístico a los catorce años; el último, el de la despedida, en su columna del diario El Nacional, aparecería en enero de 1998. Habían transcurrido setenta y ocho años. Cumplirá este aspecto relevante de su producción desde la mirada que le imprime el comunicador social, tarea que se suma a su labor de educador, en los escritos de la columna semanal que titulara Pizarrón. Dejará registrados así destacados artículos de opinión que darán a conocer las ideas de nuestros grandes hombres, entre los que se encuentra el propio Uslar, al tiempo que contribuyen a formar la opinión pública desde las columnas de la prensa y de este modo procura testimoniar tanto nuestra historia política como los registros más destacados de nuestra cultura.
Este trabajo representa el estudio sistemático del desarrollo cerámico en Mendoza a partir de 1970, con el objetivo de producir un escrito útil a la comunicad y abrir el intercambio cultural con Latinoamérica. La cerámica en Mendoza presenta similitudes con la europea, sin embargo, tienen características surgidas del contexto y de herencias culturales: a partir de 1970, comenzaron a transitar con las vanguardias, pero con rasgos particulares como forma de “resistencia cultural", asumiendo la heterogeneidad de nuestras sociedades Latinoamericanas. La metodología tuvo dos etapas: búsqueda de literatura teórica y entrevistas y los resultados obtenidos fueron excelentes ya que se efectuaron transferencias en congresos y cursos.
La planificación del territorio no puede transcurrir disociado de las actuales estrategias marco del desarrollo rural. Actualmente, el término “territorial" está presente (explícita o implícitamente) en la mayoría de las publicaciones que abordan el tema del desarrollo. Se está dando una revalorización, un resurgimiento del concepto de territorio, no sólo como soporte físico, sino como un “agente" fundamental de desarrollo. En la bibliografía especializada, se afirma que la visión territorial del desarrollo permite superar la mirada sectorial, favoreciendo una interpretación ampliada de lo rural, incorporando elementos de otras actividades no agrícolas y de la economía de los recursos naturales. En tal contexto y dada la revalorización del “territorio" entendido ahora como un factor estratégico en el desarrollo de las zonas rurales, es justamente que las premisas de ordenamiento territorial toman un lugar destacado en los procesos de desarrollo rural. El presente artículo tiene por finalidad comparar brevemente los procesos evolutivos de los conceptos de desarrollo rural y ordenamiento territorial, como así también resaltar la estrecha vinculación entre ambos. Para ello se analizan, en primer lugar, las principales características de las estrategias de Desarrollo Rural aplicadas en América Latina, hasta llegar a las actuales implicancias del modelo territorial de desarrollo. Luego, se avanza sobre las concepciones del ordenamiento territorial para terminar posteriormente, reafirmando las vinculaciones que existen entre ambos conceptos.