997 resultados para Optical frequency combs


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The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified formaldehyde as carcinogenic to humans because there is “sufficient epidemiological evidence that it causes nasopharyngeal cancer in humans”. Genes involved in DNA repair and maintenance of genome integrity are critically involved in protecting against mutations that lead to cancer and/or inherited genetic disease. Association studies have recently provided evidence for a link between DNA repair polymorphisms and micronucleus (MN) induction. We used the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN assay) in peripheral lymphocytes and MN test in buccal cells to investigate the effects of XRCC3 Thr241Met, ADH5 Val309Ile, and Asp353Glu polymorphisms on the frequency of genotoxicity biomarkers in individuals occupationally exposed to formaldehyde (n = 54) and unexposed workers (n = 82). XRCC3 participates in DNA double-strand break/recombination repair, while ADH5 is an important component of cellular metabolism for the elimination of formaldehyde. Exposed workers had significantly higher frequencies (P < 0.01) than controls for all genotoxicity biomarkers evaluated in this study. Moreover, there were significant associations between XRCC3 genotypes and nuclear buds, namely XRCC3 Met/Met (OR = 3.975, CI 1.053–14.998, P = 0.042) and XRCC3 Thr/Met (OR = 5.632, CI 1.673–18.961, P = 0.005) in comparison with XRCC3 Thr/Thr. ADH5 polymorphisms did not show significant effects. This study highlights the importance of integrating genotoxicity biomarkers and genetic polymorphisms in human biomonitoring studies.


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A replicate evaluation of increased micronucleus (MN) frequencies in peripheral lymphocytes of workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde (FA) was undertaken to verify the observed effect and to determine scoring variability. May–Grünwald–Giemsa-stained slides were obtained from a previously performed cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (CBMNT) with 56 workers in anatomy and pathology laboratories and 85 controls. The first evaluation by one scorer (scorer 1) had led to a highly significant difference between workers and controls (3.96 vs 0.81 MN per 1000 cells). The slides were coded before re-evaluation and the code was broken after the complete re-evaluation of the study. A total of 1000 binucleated cells (BNC) were analysed per subject and the frequency of MN (in ‰) was determined. Slides were distributed equally and randomly between two scorers, so that the scorers had no knowledge of the exposure status. Scorer 2 (32 exposed, 36 controls) measured increased MN frequencies in exposed workers (9.88 vs 6.81). Statistical analysis with the two-sample Wilcoxon test indicated that this difference was not significant (p = 0.17). Scorer 3 (20 exposed, 46 controls) obtained a similar result, but slightly higher values for the comparison of exposed and controls (19.0 vs 12.89; p = 0.089). Combining the results of the two scorers (13.38 vs 10.22), a significant difference between exposed and controls (p = 0.028) was obtained when the stratified Wilcoxon test with the scorers as strata was applied. Interestingly, the re-evaluation of the slides led to clearly higher MN frequencies for exposed and controls compared with the first evaluation. Bland–Altman plots indicated that the agreement between the measurements of the different scorers was very poor, as shown by mean differences of 5.9 between scorer 1 and scorer 2 and 13.0 between scorer 1 and scorer 3. Calculation of the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) revealed that all scorer comparisons in this study were far from acceptable for the reliability of this assay. Possible implications for the use of the CBMNT in human biomonitoring studies are discussed.


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This paper reports on optical filters based on a-SiC:H tandem pi'n/pin heterostructures. The spectral sensitivity is analyzed. Steady state optical bias with different wavelengths are applied from each front and back sides and the photocurrent is measured. Results show that it is possible to control the sensitivity of the device and to tune a specific wavelength range by combining radiations with complementary light penetration depths. The transfer characteristics effects due to changes in the front and back optical bias wavelength are discussed. Depending on the wavelength of the external background and irradiation side, the device acts either as a short- or a long-pass band filter or as a band-stop filter. The output waveform presents a nonlinear amplitude-dependent response to the wavelengths of the input channels.


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Amorphous SiC tandem heterostructures are used to filter a specific band, in the visible range. Experimental and simulated results are compared to validate the use of SiC multilayered structures in applications where gain compensation is needed or to attenuate unwanted wavelengths. Spectral response data acquired under different frequencies, optical wavelength control and side irradiations are analyzed. Transfer function characteristics are discussed. Color pulsed communication channels are transmitted together and the output signal analyzed under different background conditions. Results show that under controlled wavelength backgrounds, the device sensitivity is enhanced in a precise wavelength range and quenched in the others, tuning or suppressing a specific band. Depending on the background wavelength and irradiation side, the device acts either as a long-, a short-, or a band-rejection pass filter. An optoelectronic model supports the experimental results and gives insight on the physics of the device.


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Optical fiber microwires (OFMs) are nonlinear optical waveguides that support several spatial modes. The multimodal generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation (MM-GNLSE) is deduced taking into account the linear and nonlinear modal coupling. A detailed theoretical description of four-wave mixing (FWM) considering the modal coupling is developed. Both, the intramode and the intermode phase-matching conditions is calculated for an optical microwire in a strong guiding regime. Finally, the FWM dynamics is studied and the amplitude evolution of the pump beams, the signal and the idler are analyzed.


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The application of a-SiC:H/a-Si:H pinpin photodiodes for optoelectronic applications as a WDM demultiplexer device has been demonstrated useful in optical communications that use the WDM technique to encode multiple signals in the visible light range. This is required in short range optical communication applications, where for costs reasons the link is provided by Plastic Optical Fibers. Characterization of these devices has shown the presence of large photocapacitive effects. By superimposing background illumination to the pulsed channel the device behaves as a filter, producing signal attenuation, or as an amplifier, producing signal gain, depending on the channel/background wavelength combination. We present here results, obtained by numerical simulations, about the internal electric configuration of a-SiC:H/a-Si:H pinpin photodiode. These results address the explanation of the device functioning in the frequency domain to a wavelength tunable photo-capacitance due to the accumulation of space charge localized at the bottom diode that, according to the Shockley-Read-Hall model, it is mainly due to defect trapping. Experimental result about measurement of the photodiode capacitance under different conditions of illumination and applied bias will be also presented. The combination of these analyses permits the description of a wavelength controlled photo-capacitance that combined with the series and parallel resistance of the diodes may result in the explicit definition of cut off frequencies for frequency capacitive filters activated by the light background or an oscillatory resonance of photogenerated carriers between the two diodes. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we present results on the use of a semiconductor heterostructure based on a-SiC:H as a wavelength-division demultiplexer for the visible light spectrum. The proposed device is composed of two stacked p-i-n photodiodes with intrinsic absorber regions adjusted to short and long wavelength absorption and carrier collection. An optoelectronic characterisation of the device was performed in the visible spectrum. Demonstration of the device functionality for WDM applications was done with three different input channels covering the long, the medium and the short wavelengths in the visible range. The recovery of the input channels is explained using the photocurrent spectral dependence on the applied voltage. An electrical model of the WDM device is proposed and supported by the solution of the respective circuit equations. Short range optical communications constitute the major application field however other applications are foreseen. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Red, green and blue optical signals were directed to an a-SiC:H multilayered device, each one with a specific transmission rate. The combined optical signal was analyzed by reading out, under different applied voltages, the generated photocurrent. Results show that when a chromatic time dependent wavelength combination with different transmission rates irradiates the multilayered structure, the device operates as a tunable wavelength filter and can be used in wavelength division multiplexing systems for short range communications. An application to fluorescent proteins detection is presented. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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This work reports on the optoelectronic properties and device application of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-Si(1-x)C(x):H) films grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). The films with an optical bandgap ranging from about 1.8 to 2.0 eV were deposited in hydrogen diluted silane-methane plasma by varying the radio frequency power. Several n-i-p structures with an intrinsic a-Si(1-x)C(x):H layer of different optical gaps were also fabricated. The optimized devices exhibited a diode ideality factor of 1.4-1.8, and a leakage current of 190-470 pA/cm(2) at -5 V. The density of deep defect states in a-Si(1-x)C(x):H was estimated from the transient dark current measurements and correlated with the optical bandgap and carbon content. Urbach energies for the valence band tail were also determined by analyzing the spectral response within sub-bandgap energy range. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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We report within this paper the development of a fiber-optic based sensor for Hg(II) ions. Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles were synthesized by laser ablation and functionalized with PEG200 and N-acetyl-l-cysteine so they can be anionic in nature. This characteristic facilitated their deposition by the layer-by-layer assembly method into thin alternating films along with a cationic polyelectrolyte, poly(ethyleneimine). Such films could be immobilized onto the tip of a glass optical fiber, allowing the construction of an optical fluorescence sensor. When immobilized on the fiber-optic tip, the resultant sensor was capable of selectively detecting sub-micromolar concentrations of Hg(II) with an increased sensitivity compared to carbon dot solutions. The fluorescence of the carbon dots was quenched by up to 44% by Hg(II) ions and interference from other metal ions was minimal.


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In this paper we present results on the use of a multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructure as a wavelength-division demultiplexing device (WDM) for the visible light spectrum. The WDM device is a glass/ITO/a-SiC:H (p-i-n)/ a-SiC:H(-p) /Si:H(-i)/SiC:H (-n)/ITO heterostructure in which the generated photocurrent at different values of the applied bias can be assigned to the different optical signals. The device was characterized through spectral response measurements, under different electrical bias. Demonstration of the device functionality for WDM applications was done with three different input channels covering wavelengths within the visible range. The recovery of the input channels is explained using the photocurrent spectral dependence on the applied voltage. The influence of the optical power density was also analysed. An electrical model, supported by a numerical simulation explains the device operation. Short range optical communications constitute the major application field, however other applications are also foreseen.


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A pi'n/pin a-SiC:H voltage and optical bias controlled device is presented and its behavior as image and color sensor, optical amplifier and demux device is discussed. The design and the light source properties are correlated with the sensor output characteristics. Different readout techniques are used. When a low power monochromatic scanner readout the generated carriers the transducer recognizes a color pattern projected on it acting as a direct color and image sensor. Scan speeds up to 10(4) lines per second are achieved without degradation in the resolution. If the photocurrent generated by different monochromatic pulsed channels is readout directly, the information is demultiplexed. Results show that it is possible to decode the information from three simultaneous color channels without bit errors at bit rates per channel higher than 4000 bps. Finally, when triggered by light of appropriated wavelength, it can amplify or suppress the generated photocurrent working as an optical amplifier (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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Agência Financiadora - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - PTDC/CTM NAN/113021/2009


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An optical fiber sensor for Hg(II) in aqueous solution based on sol–gel immobilized carbon dots nanoparticles functionalized with PEG200 and N-acetyl-l-cysteine is described. This sol–gel method generated a thin (about 750 nm), homogenous and smooth (roughness of 2.7±0.7 a˚ ) filmthat immobilizes the carbon dots and allows reversible sensing of Hg(II) in aqueous solution. A fast (less than 10 s), reversible and stable (the fluorescence intensity measurements oscillate less than 1% after several calibration cycles) sensor system was obtained. The sensor allow the detection of submicron molar concentrations of Hg(II) in aqueous solution. The fluorescence intensity of the immobilized carbon dots is quenched by the presence of Hg(II) with a Stern-Volmer constant (pH = 6.8) of 5.3×105M−1.