787 resultados para Ojakangas, Mika
Memristori on yksi elektroniikan peruskomponenteista vastuksen, kondensaattorin ja kelan lisäksi. Se on passiivinen komponentti, jonka teorian kehitti Leon Chua vuonna 1971. Kesti kuitenkin yli kolmekymmentä vuotta ennen kuin teoria pystyttiin yhdistämään kokeellisiin tuloksiin. Vuonna 2008 Hewlett Packard julkaisi artikkelin, jossa he väittivät valmistaneensa ensimmäisen toimivan memristorin. Memristori eli muistivastus on resistiivinen komponentti, jonka vastusarvoa pystytään muuttamaan. Nimens mukaisesti memristori kykenee myös säilyttämään vastusarvonsa ilman jatkuvaa virtaa ja jännitettä. Tyypillisesti memristorilla on vähintään kaksi vastusarvoa, joista kumpikin pystytään valitsemaan syöttämällä komponentille jännitettä tai virtaa. Tämän vuoksi memristoreita kutsutaankin usein resistiivisiksi kytkimiksi. Resistiivisiä kytkimiä tutkitaan nykyään paljon erityisesti niiden mahdollistaman muistiteknologian takia. Resistiivisistä kytkimistä rakennettua muistia kutsutaan ReRAM-muistiksi (lyhenne sanoista resistive random access memory). ReRAM-muisti on Flash-muistin tapaan haihtumaton muisti, jota voidaan sähköisesti ohjelmoida tai tyhjentää. Flash-muistia käytetään tällä hetkellä esimerkiksi muistitikuissa. ReRAM-muisti mahdollistaa kuitenkin nopeamman ja vähävirtaiseman toiminnan Flashiin verrattuna, joten se on tulevaisuudessa varteenotettava kilpailija markkinoilla. ReRAM-muisti mahdollistaa myös useammin bitin tallentamisen yhteen muistisoluun binäärisen (”0” tai ”1”) toiminnan sijaan. Tyypillisesti ReRAM-muistisolulla on kaksi rajoittavaa vastusarvoa, mutta näiden kahden tilan välille pystytään mahdollisesti ohjelmoimaan useampia tiloja. Muistisoluja voidaan kutsua analogisiksi, jos tilojen määrää ei ole rajoitettu. Analogisilla muistisoluilla olisi mahdollista rakentaa tehokkaasti esimerkiksi neuroverkkoja. Neuroverkoilla pyritään mallintamaan aivojen toimintaa ja suorittamaan tehtäviä, jotka ovat tyypillisesti vaikeita perinteisille tietokoneohjelmille. Neuroverkkoja käytetään esimerkiksi puheentunnistuksessa tai tekoälytoteutuksissa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan Ta2O5 -perustuvan ReRAM-muistisolun analogista toimintaa pitäen mielessä soveltuvuus neuroverkkoihin. ReRAM-muistisolun valmistus ja mittaustulokset käydään läpi. Muistisolun toiminta on harvoin täysin analogista, koska kahden rajoittavan vastusarvon välillä on usein rajattu määrä tiloja. Tämän vuoksi toimintaa kutsutaan pseudoanalogiseksi. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että yksittäinen ReRAM-muistisolu kykenee binääriseen toimintaan hyvin. Joiltain osin yksittäinen solu kykenee tallentamaan useampia tiloja, mutta vastusarvoissa on peräkkäisten ohjelmointisyklien välillä suurta vaihtelevuutta, joka hankaloittaa tulkintaa. Valmistettu ReRAM-muistisolu ei sellaisenaan kykene toimimaan pseudoanalogisena muistina, vaan se vaati rinnalleen virtaa rajoittavan komponentin. Myös valmistusprosessin kehittäminen vähentäisi yksittäisen solun toiminnassa esiintyvää varianssia, jolloin sen toiminta muistuttaisi enemmän pseudoanalogista muistia.
Study objective: To examine the relationship between work stress, as indicated by the job strain model and the effort-reward imbalance model, and smoking. Setting: Ten municipalities and 21 hospitals in Finland. Design and Participants: Binary logistic regression models for the prevalence of smoking were related to survey responses of 37 309 female and 8881 male Finnish public sector employees aged 17-65. Separate multinomial logistic regression models were calculated for smoking intensity for 8130 smokers. In addition, binary logistic regression models for ex-smoking were fitted among 16 277 former and current smokers. In all analyses, adjustments were made for age, basic education, occupational status, type of employment and marital status. Main results: Respondents with high effort-reward imbalance or lower rewards were more likely to be smokers. Among smokers, an increased likelihood of higher intensity of smoking was associated with higher job strain and higher effort-reward imbalance and their components such as low job control and low rewards. Smoking intensity was also higher in active jobs in women, in passive jobs and among employees with low effort expenditure. Among former and current smokers, high job strain, high effort-reward imbalance and high job demands were associated with a higher likelihood of being a current smoker. Lower effort was associated with a higher likelihood of ex-smoking. Conclusions: This evidence suggests an association between work stress and smoking and implies that smoking cessation programs may benefit from the taking into account the modification of stressful features of work environment. Key words: effort-reward imbalance; job strain; smoking. Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; SES, socioeconomic status
Study Objective: To examine the extent to which justice of decision-making procedures and interpersonal relations is associated with smoking. Setting: Ten municipalities and 21 hospitals in Finland. Design and Participants: Cross-sectional data derived from the Finnish Public Sector Study were analysed with logistic regression analysis models with generalized estimating equations. Analyses of smoking status were based on 34 021 employees. Separate models for heavy smoking (>20 cigarettes per day) were calculated for 6295 current smokers. Main results: After adjustment for age, education, socio-economic position, marital status, job contract, and negative affectivity, smokers who reported low procedural justice were about 1.4 times more likely to smoke >20 cigarettes per day compared with their counterparts with high justice. In a similar way, after adjustments, low justice in interpersonal treatment was significantly associated with an elevated prevalence of heavy smoking (odds ratio (OR) = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.03 to 1.77 for men and OR = 1.41, 95% CI = 1.09 to 1.83 for women). Further adjustment for job strain and effort-reward imbalance had little effect on these results. There were no associations between justice components and smoking status or ex-smoking. Conclusions: The extent to which employees are treated with justice in the workplace seems to be associated with smoking intensity independently of established stressors at work.
Objectives: To investigate whether low perceived organisational injustice predicts heavy drinking among employees. Methods: Data from the prospective occupational cohort study, the 10-Town Study, related to 15 290 Finnish public sector local government employees nested in 2432 work units, were used. Non-drinkers were excluded. Procedural, interactional and total organisational justice, heavy drinking (>=210 g of absolute alcohol per week) and other psychosocial factors were determined by means of questionnaire in 2000-2001 (phase 1) and 2004 (phase 2). Multilevel logistic regression analyses taking into account for the hierarchical structure of the data were conducted and adjustments were made for sex, age, socio-economic position, marital status, baseline heavy drinking, psychological distress and other psychosocial risk factors such as job strain and effort/reward imbalance. Results: After adjustments, participants who reported low procedural justice at phase 1 were about 1.2 times more likely to be heavy drinkers at phase 2 compared with their counterparts with high justice. Low perceived justice in interpersonal treatment and low perceived total organisational justice were associated with an elevated prevalence of heavy drinking only in the socio-demographics adjusted model. Conclusions: This is the first longitudinal study to show that low procedural justice is weakly associated with an increased likelihood of heavy drinking.
What is the secret behind Nokia’s phenomenal success in mobile phones? More generally, how to succeed in a turbulent high technology market? Historical and comparative studies bring understanding not only about past phenomena, but also insights about current and coming ones. In this paper we compare Ford and General Motors in the 1920s and 1930s with Motorola and Nokia in the 1980s and 1990s. The insight from this comparison is how reinvention of the product, category, relative to the market incumbent’s market conceptualization, is a recipe for success. Nokia’s success in the 1990s was based on following the guidelines pioneered by General Motors in the 1920s: market segmentation, embracing the latest technological advances, and brand management in the pursuit of consumer repurchases. The article tells how Nokia addresses both GM’s legacy and changes in the business environment. At the end of our paper, we disuss the generalizability of our findings.
Objectives: To investigate the association between effort-reward imbalance (ERI) at work and sedentary lifestyle. Methods: Cross-sectional data from the ongoing Finnish Public Sector Study related to 30 433 women and 7718 men aged 17-64 were used (n = 35 918 after exclusion of participants with missing values in covariates). From the responses to a questionnaire, an aggregated mean score for ERI in a work unit was assigned to each participant. The outcome was sedentary lifestyle defined as <2.00 metabolic equivalent task (MET) hours/day. Logistic regression with generalized estimating equations was used as an analysis method to include both individual and work unit level predictors in the models. Adjustments were made for age, marital status, occupational status, job contract, smoking, and heavy drinking. Results: Twenty five percent of women and 27% of men had a sedentary lifestyle. High individual level ERI was associated with a higher likelihood of sedentary lifestyle both among women (odds ratio (OR) = 1.08, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.16) and men (OR = 1.17, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.33). These associations were not explained by relevant confounders and they were also independent of work unit level job strain measured as a ratio of job demands and control. Conclusions: A mismatch between high occupational effort spent and low reward received in turn seems to be associated with an elevated risk of sedentary lifestyle, although this association is relatively weak.
Background In occupational life, a mismatch between high expenditure of effort and receiving few rewards may promote the co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors, however, there is insufficient evidence to support or refute this hypothesis. The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which the dimensions of the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) model – effort, rewards and ERI – are associated with the co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors. Methods Based on data from the Finnish Public Sector Study, cross-sectional analyses were performed for 28,894 women and 7233 men. ERI was conceptualized as a ratio of effort and rewards. To control for individual differences in response styles, such as a personal disposition to answer negatively to questionnaires, occupational and organizational -level ecological ERI scores were constructed in addition to individual-level ERI scores. Risk factors included current smoking, heavy drinking, body mass index ≥25 kg/m2, and physical inactivity. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to estimate the likelihood of having one risk factor, two risk factors, and three or four risk factors. The associations between ERI and single risk factors were explored using binary logistic regression models. Results After adjustment for age, socioeconomic position, marital status, and type of job contract, women and men with high ecological ERI were 40% more likely to have simultaneously ≥3 lifestyle risk factors (vs. 0 risk factors) compared with their counterparts with low ERI. When examined separately, both low ecological effort and low ecological rewards were also associated with an elevated prevalence of risk factor co-occurrence. The results obtained with the individual-level scores were in the same direction. The associations of ecological ERI with single risk factors were generally less marked than the associations with the co-occurrence of risk factors. Conclusion This study suggests that a high ratio of occupational efforts relative to rewards may be associated with an elevated risk of having multiple lifestyle risk factors. However, an unexpected association between low effort and a higher likelihood of risk factor co-occurrence as well as the absence of data on overcommitment (and thereby a lack of full test of the ERI model) warrant caution in regard to the extent to which the entire ERI model is supported by our evidence.