974 resultados para Objet culturel


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O estudo apresentou como objetivo geral compreender o Ensino de Ciências Naturais em escolas públicas da região metropolitana de Belém, a partir das concepções e das práticas pedagógicas dos docentes em formação pelo PARFOR que atuam nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Os objetivos específicos se resumem em analisar as concepções de ciências naturais dos docentes em formação que atuam nos anos iniciais; descrever as práticas pedagógicas que são adotadas pelos docentes ao ensinarem Ciências Naturais e avaliar se há influência dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Ciências Naturais na concepção e na prática pedagógica adotadas por estes professores em formação (que são alunos do PARFOR/UFPA). Como objeto de estudo, centrou-se no Ensino de Ciências em escolas públicas da região metropolitana de Belém, a partir da perspectiva dos docentes em formação no curso de Pedagogia da UFPA. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo. A técnica de coleta de dados foi feita por meio de análise documental e de campo, cuja amostra composta por 20 professores da rede pública de ensino que atualmente estão em formação pelo PARFOR no Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia do Campus de Belém-Pa. Na coleta de dados, utilizou-se documentos oficiais como os PCN de Ciências Naturais, Relatório de Gestão PARFOR/UFPA e o Projeto Político Pedagógico do Curso de Pedagogia/PARFOR. Aplicou-se um questionário com perguntas abertas e fechadas para investigar as variáveis: socioeconômica, formação profissional, mercado de trabalho, concepções de ciências e práticas pedagógicas. Adotou-se a análise de dados de conteúdo. Por fim, nas considerações finais discorreu-se sobre os aspectos centrais e relevantes da pesquisa, apresentando os resultados e análises mais significativos. O lócus da pesquisa ocorreu no Instituto de Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Educação – Campus Silveira Neto – Belém-Pará- Brasil. Acredita-se que esse estudo subsidiará outras pesquisas sobre o Ensino de Ciências nos anos iniciais, pois nas bases de dados dos eventos e revistas indexadas da área em questão, ainda não existe nenhum trabalho que reporte a esta temática aqui no estado do Pará. Poderá, também, servir como fonte de pesquisa para outros estudos que surgirem na linha de Educação: Currículo, Epistemologia e História.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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L'existence de variantes et de quasi-synonymes terminologiques dans un même domaine est une réalité constatée par plusieurs études en terminologie descriptive. Les termes techniques/scientifiques coexistent avec les variantes populaires, régionales, orthographiques, syntaxiques et autres. En analysant certains dictionnaires terminologiques spécialisés en médecine, nous avons remarqué que les variantes et les quasi-synonymes ne font pas l'objet d'un traitement terminographique et ne participent donc pas de la nomenclature. Il est ainsi difficile à quelqu'un qui ne connaît que l'une de ces unités terminologiques d'entrer dans ces ouvrages et d'avoir accès à l'information désirée. Dans cet article nous faisons une analyse du traitement terminographique donné aux variantes et aux quasi-synonymes terminologiques dans certains dictionnaires de médecine, plus spécifiquement dans certains ouvrages de dermatologie, et présentons une proposition d'organisation du système de renvois qui prend en considération l'existence de plusieurs termes pour désigner un même concept.


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In this paper, we analyze the theoretical work of Renaud Barbaras, departing from his proposal to highlight and develop the potential of Husserl's theory of perception, based on the doctrine of perceptive donation according to profiles. We mainly focused on his work entitled Desire and distance: introduction to a phenomenology of perception. We underline the description, operated by the author, about the vital movement as desire and the characterization of the subject of the perception as living. In this condition, the formulation about the priority of a dimension emerges, qualified by Barbaras as pulsion towards the objectifying dimension of classical epistemology in the subject-object relation. We indicate that, according to the author, these rearrangements entail the need to consider the body, perception and movement based on the category of life.


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Over the past five decades several different interpretative traditions have taken on the task of trying to explain the origin of industrialists in Brazil and to analyze their behavior pattern from a business perspective, as well as in response to the country's biggest political issues. Although this is a stimulating subject, considering the important role to be played by these social actors in weaving the fabric of capitalist modernization in 20th century Brazil, not much of substance has been written about it, in contrast with, for instance, research about the working class. This paper makes a brief assessment of what we believe to be one of the most significant among the possible variables for interpreting the experience of the industrialist class, which demands the complexity inherent to the topic as a counterpoint to the simplified generalization which is recurrent in most writings about this subject.


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This article analyzes the data resultant of the accomplishment, between 2008 and 2009, of an extension and research project on the international exchange of letters between teachers and students from elementary schools in the towns of Garça and Marília, São Paulo State, Brazil, with a school in the city of Azaruja, Portugal and another in the city of Luanda, Angola. It was developed by a team of students and teachers, UNESP, Marília, in order to promote the exchange via personal letters for that students, between 8 and 9 years old, could take possession of the written language, in this case Portuguese, and understand it as an instrument steeped in culture. The choice of this kind in the world of the epistolary genre was made because it promotes the participation of the Other in the configuration of dialogic relations in the elaboration of the statements, taken as a reference in a Bakhtinian conception of language. It aimed to (1) point, in the letters exchanged between teachers and students between the Portuguese, Brazilians and Angolans in the early years, the evidence of authorship linguistic behavior that could signal the beginning of autonomy in the use of the written modality of language, or signs of submissive behavior; (2) reveal the cultural content of language tools used to construct indicators listed on the customs of each people, including those constituting school doings. For the generation of data were used principles of action research, which enabled direct action, along with Brazilian teachers, and indirectly, in the case of the foreign teachers. From the analysis of the corpus of research - letters exchanged between teachers and students - it is clear that the appropriation of language as a speech act realized in human relations makes the old personal correspondence a powerful instrument of development in the area of the written language.


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This article has as its object of analysis the Inquiries Police-Military, adocumentation produced during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985)and today it’s important sources for historians, sociologists, political scientists to understand the internal dynamics of repression, as well as specifying certainnetworks communist militancy and the engagement of progressive sectorsagainst the military government. Documents, court proceedings that currently in Brazil endorse the work of the Truth Commission, which seeks to ascertain the fate of disappeared politicians and determine the actions of the organs of repression during the military dictatorship in Brazil.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During the first years of the military dictatorship, established in Brazil through a coup d'État, a number of institutions which repression had left unarticulated began a process of resistance and opposition to the military government. Cultural resistance was one of the consecrated forms of resistance that was exercised by intellectuals, artists, professors and cultural producers, among others, and that became an unprecedented political and cultural phenomenon in the country's history. Political, insofar as it aided in the process of re-organizing left-wing political parties and in the revision of the ideological postulates of its preeminent party, the PCB (Partido Comunista Brasileiro - Brazilian Communist Party). Cultural, because this re-organization occurred, frequently, within the ambit of cultural productions, in which the left created a space for contestation and engagement through the arts and intellectual activities. Within this process, between the years 1965 and 1968. The journal Civilização Brasileira became an important space for the building of leftist cultural resistance against the military dictatorship. The journal was able to impose its political legitimacy while at the same time participating actively in a market o cultural goods sustained by the so-called cultural hegemony of the left.


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La pertinence de ce travail réside dans le fait qu'il y a aussi une étude sur la position du sujet dans la période especifié, entre les années 1914 à 1924. Il faut se rappeler que ces études visent à trouver des explications pour les changements qui se produisent réellement dans la langue. A cet effet, l'analyse de la variation est essentiel, car un changement survient dans une situation de changement. Les recherches dans le Variação e Mudança Linguística exigent que le chercheur soit conscient des changements brusques qui peuvent survenir tout au long de votre projet. Cela signifie que de traiter directement avec un phénomène variable, tout incident qui se produit les causes ne changera pas le résultat final de la recherche. Après l'analyse des résultats a permis de conclure que la position de l'objet varie avec le verbe utilisé dans la phrase. Par ailleurs, il est intéressant de noter que peu de données ont été analysés, ce qui signifie pour confirmer un changement de la langue aurait besoin d'un plus grand nombre de données et de comparer nos résultats avec les études de phases antérieures de la langue


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Nesta pesquisa estudamos o espor te com o foco sobre os slogans lançados no processo de preparação da Copa do Mundo a se real izar no Brasi l em 2014. O corpus da pesquisa se const i tui com algumas peças publicitár ias veiculadas na mídia. Anal isamos a mobilização popular e os aspectos que envolvem a adesão em um movimento do país, de modo geral, e a preparação realizada em cada cidade sede, de modo específ ico, com as transformações operadas tanto no âmbito social quanto est rutural. Cartografamos as marcas do empenho do governo para invest i r na transformação dos valores sociais durante a Copa do Mundo, bem como a apropriação do esporte com o objet ivo de fabricar um legado. Ident if icamos como as marcas da integração ent re os povos e do sent imento de pertença dos cidadãos cooperam para os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade contemporânea. Observamos os efeitos de sent ido ocorr idos na divulgação do slogan da campanha publicitária como uma forma de compreender o signif icado da Copa do Mundo em suas relações com a cultura. Part imos da hipótese de que a p ro d u ç ã o d a “p a i x ã o pelo futebol ” t em s e u s e n t id o amp lia d o p a ra a sugestão massiva de est i los de vida. Assim, estabele cemos uma f ro n t e ira e n t re o s “e f e it o s d e s e n t id o s ” e o s “e f e it o s d e ima ge n s ” n o s múlt iplos usos do slogan. Na const ituição do corpus de nossa pesquisa ident if icamos as marcas dos vínculos estabelecidos pela publ icidade com a Copa do Mundo. Nosso estudo se situa no campo dos estudos sobre as relações entre o esporte e os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade atual. Interessa-nos observar as implicações entre o corpo e os processos de subjet ivação nas peças publicitárias selecionadas para este estudo.


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Ce travail montre une étude sur l’oralité et l’interculturalité présentes dans l’ouvrage Le chercheur d’or, de J.-M. G. Le Clézio. Les sources des principaux mythes et légendes introduits dans le récit seront mis en évidence, afin de faire ressortir la façon par laquelle l’auteur propose un panorama culturel avec plusieurs faces, en mélangeant, d’une manière homogène, des éléments différents par rapport à ses origines. Ainsi, nous décrirons les éléments essentiels du récit pour que nous puissions comprendre comment Le Clézio transforme son texte en une mosaïque ethno-culturelle, dont l’aspect poliphonique a une grande importance pour que l’interculturalité proposée et l’unité du récit soient atteintes


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AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) is a low-cost biomagnetic tool that has been successfully applied on pharmaceutical research to evaluate performance of solid dosage forms. The aim of this work was to evaluate the Horn & Shunck method to access tablet disintegration. To evaluate the HS results was record on video a test with a objet moving in a rail with a constant velocity. The desintegration was recorded on video and ACB, which used have seven pairs of detection coils and a pair of excitation coils to mensure the magnetic ux variation. The signals were ampli ed and digitalized to create images, which were restored by Wiener lter, while the video images are converted to gray scale, both are normalized and binarized and had the optical ow estimation calculated by Horn & Schunck (HS) algorithm. All signals and images are processed and developed algorithm on Matlab. During the tests the ve tablets (500mg ferrite, 375mg excipients, compression 10 to 50 kN) were on a becker between of the ACB system and of the video system, and only touching the surface of the water. With all OF maps calculated was realized the sum of the resultants of each, to get a disintegration process resultant for each compression. Whit that was possible observed the disintegration behaves. For the compression force study the HS components of each sequence was sum, take mean and normalized for sequence's max modulo, therefore can be observed a high growing on less compression tablets. We can conclude the HS algorithm is viable to tablets disintegration data collection and whit that was possible to create a tablets disintegration analyzes protocol, which would be useful on desintegration kinetics study


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Cette recherche là veut analyser et discuter les pratiques discursives qui promeuvent et constriusent des modèles de subjectivité dans la société dês médias. Le corpus de la recherche est la série de TV Glee, produite et véhiculée par la chaîne Fox, dont on observe la proposition d’une identité des minorités pour les jeunes gens dans l’ère de la mondialisation, aussi que le mouvement du marché culturel promu par le discours de la série. Enfin, sont pensés les transformations récentes dans contexte médiatique et le changement dans le façon comme les effets de sens sont véhiculés dans la société. Pour cela, on utilise les constributions théoriques de l”Analyse du Discours Française, fondée sur le travail de Michel Pêcheux et Michel Foucault, et les réflexions de Jenkins (2009) sur la convergence médiathique et le phénomène transmédia