923 resultados para Neural Network-models


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This work aimed to compare the predictive capacity of empirical models, based on the uniform design utilization combined to artificial neural networks with respect to classical factorial designs in bioprocess, using as example the rabies virus replication in BHK-21 cells. The viral infection process parameters under study were temperature (34°C, 37°C), multiplicity of infection (0.04, 0.07, 0.1), times of infection, and harvest (24, 48, 72 hours) and the monitored output parameter was viral production. A multilevel factorial experimental design was performed for the study of this system. Fractions of this experimental approach (18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 runs), defined according uniform designs, were used as alternative for modelling through artificial neural network and thereafter an output variable optimization was carried out by means of genetic algorithm methodology. Model prediction capacities for all uniform design approaches under study were better than that found for classical factorial design approach. It was demonstrated that uniform design in combination with artificial neural network could be an efficient experimental approach for modelling complex bioprocess like viral production. For the present study case, 67% of experimental resources were saved when compared to a classical factorial design approach. In the near future, this strategy could replace the established factorial designs used in the bioprocess development activities performed within biopharmaceutical organizations because of the improvements gained in the economics of experimentation that do not sacrifice the quality of decisions.


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Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been widely applied to the resolution of complex biological problems. An important feature of neural models is that their implementation is not precluded by the theoretical distribution shape of the data used. Frequently, the performance of ANNs over linear or non-linear regression-based statistical methods is deemed to be significantly superior if suitable sample sizes are provided, especially in multidimensional and non-linear processes. The current work was aimed at utilising three well-known neural network methods in order to evaluate whether these models would be able to provide more accurate outcomes in relation to a conventional regression method in pupal weight predictions of Chrysomya megacephala, a species of blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae), using larval density (i.e. the initial number of larvae), amount of available food and pupal size as input data. It was possible to notice that the neural networks yielded more accurate performances in comparison with the statistical model (multiple regression). Assessing the three types of networks utilised (Multi-layer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function and Generalised Regression Neural Network), no considerable differences between these models were detected. The superiority of these neural models over a classical statistical method represents an important fact, because more accurate models may clarify several intricate aspects concerning the nutritional ecology of blowflies.


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Assessment of brain connectivity among different brain areas during cognitive or motor tasks is a crucial problem in neuroscience today. Aim of this research study is to use neural mass models to assess the effect of various connectivity patterns in cortical EEG power spectral density (PSD), and investigate the possibility to derive connectivity circuits from EEG data. To this end, two different models have been built. In the first model an individual region of interest (ROI) has been built as the parallel arrangement of three populations, each one exhibiting a unimodal spectrum, at low, medium or high frequency. Connectivity among ROIs includes three parameters, which specify the strength of connection in the different frequency bands. Subsequent studies demonstrated that a single population can exhibit many different simultaneous rhythms, provided that some of these come from external sources (for instance, from remote regions). For this reason in the second model an individual ROI is simulated only with a single population. Both models have been validated by comparing the simulated power spectral density with that computed in some cortical regions during cognitive and motor tasks. Another research study is focused on multisensory integration of tactile and visual stimuli in the representation of the near space around the body (peripersonal space). This work describes an original neural network to simulate representation of the peripersonal space around the hands, in basal conditions and after training with a tool used to reach the far space. The model is composed of three areas for each hand, two unimodal areas (visual and tactile) connected to a third bimodal area (visual-tactile), which is activated only when a stimulus falls within the peripersonal space. Results show that the peripersonal space, which includes just a small visual space around the hand in normal conditions, becomes elongated in the direction of the tool after training, thanks to a reinforcement of synapses.


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P-GENESIS is an extension to the GENESIS neural simulator that allows users to take advantage of parallel machines to speed up the simulation of their network models or concurrently simulate multiple models. P-GENESIS adds several commands to the GENESIS script language that let a script running on one processor execute remote procedure calls on other processors, and that let a script synchronize its execution with the scripts running on other processors. We present here some brief comments on the mechanisms underlying parallel script execution. We also offer advice on parallelizing parameter searches, partitioning network models, and selecting suitable parallel hardware on which to run P-GENESIS.


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Neural Networks as Cybernetic Systems is a textbox that combines classical systems theory with artificial neural network technology.


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Neural Networks as Cybernetic Systems is a textbox that combines classical systems theory with artificial neural network technology.


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Neural Networks as Cybernetic Systems is a textbox that combines classical systems theory with artificial neural network technology. This third edition essentially compares with the 2nd one, but has been improved by correction of errors and by a rearrangement and minor expansion of the sections referring to recurrent networks. These changes hopefully allow for an easier comprehension of the essential aspects of this important domain that has received growing attention during the last years.


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eural Networks as Cybernetic Systems is a textbox that combines classical systems theory with artificial neural network technology. This third edition essentially compares with the 2nd one, but has been improved by correction of errors and by a rearrangement and minor expansion of the sections referring to recurrent networks. These changes hopefully allow for an easier comprehension of the essential aspects of this important domain that has received growing attention during the last years.


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Ciliary locomotion in the nudibranch mollusk Hermissenda is modulated by the visual and graviceptive systems. Components of the neural network mediating ciliary locomotion have been identified including aggregates of polysensory interneurons that receive monosynaptic input from identified photoreceptors and efferent neurons that activate cilia. Illumination produces an inhibition of type I(i) (off-cell) spike activity, excitation of type I(e) (on-cell) spike activity, decreased spike activity in type III(i) inhibitory interneurons, and increased spike activity of ciliary efferent neurons. Here we show that pairs of type I(i) interneurons and pairs of type I(e) interneurons are electrically coupled. Neither electrical coupling or synaptic connections were observed between I(e) and I(i) interneurons. Coupling is effective in synchronizing dark-adapted spontaneous firing between pairs of I(e) and pairs of I(i) interneurons. Out-of-phase burst activity, occasionally observed in dark-adapted and light-adapted pairs of I(e) and I(i) interneurons, suggests that they receive synaptic input from a common presynaptic source or sources. Rhythmic activity is typically not a characteristic of dark-adapted, light-adapted, or light-evoked firing of type I interneurons. However, burst activity in I(e) and I(i) interneurons may be elicited by electrical stimulation of pedal nerves or generated at the offset of light. Our results indicate that type I interneurons can support the generation of both rhythmic activity and changes in tonic firing depending on sensory input. This suggests that the neural network supporting ciliary locomotion may be multifunctional. However, consistent with the nonmuscular and nonrhythmic characteristics of visually modulated ciliary locomotion, type I interneurons exhibit changes in tonic activity evoked by illumination.


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Introduction: Early warning of future hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic events can improve the safety of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. The aim of this study is to design and evaluate a hypoglycemia / hyperglycemia early warning system (EWS) for T1DM patients under sensor-augmented pump (SAP) therapy. Methods: The EWS is based on the combination of data-driven online adaptive prediction models and a warning algorithm. Three modeling approaches have been investigated: (i) autoregressive (ARX) models, (ii) auto-regressive with an output correction module (cARX) models, and (iii) recurrent neural network (RNN) models. The warning algorithm performs postprocessing of the models′ outputs and issues alerts if upcoming hypoglycemic/hyperglycemic events are detected. Fusion of the cARX and RNN models, due to their complementary prediction performances, resulted in the hybrid autoregressive with an output correction module/recurrent neural network (cARN)-based EWS. Results: The EWS was evaluated on 23 T1DM patients under SAP therapy. The ARX-based system achieved hypoglycemic (hyperglycemic) event prediction with median values of accuracy of 100.0% (100.0%), detection time of 10.0 (8.0) min, and daily false alarms of 0.7 (0.5). The respective values for the cARX-based system were 100.0% (100.0%), 17.5 (14.8) min, and 1.5 (1.3) and, for the RNN-based system, were 100.0% (92.0%), 8.4 (7.0) min, and 0.1 (0.2). The hybrid cARN-based EWS presented outperforming results with 100.0% (100.0%) prediction accuracy, detection 16.7 (14.7) min in advance, and 0.8 (0.8) daily false alarms. Conclusion: Combined use of cARX and RNN models for the development of an EWS outperformed the single use of each model, achieving accurate and prompt event prediction with few false alarms, thus providing increased safety and comfort.


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Social behaviour is mainly based on swarm colonies, in which each individual shares its knowledge about the environment with other individuals to get optimal solutions. Such co-operative model differs from competitive models in the way that individuals die and are born by combining information of alive ones. This paper presents the particle swarm optimization with differential evolution algorithm in order to train a neural network instead the classic back propagation algorithm. The performance of a neural network for particular problems is critically dependant on the choice of the processing elements, the net architecture and the learning algorithm. This work is focused in the development of methods for the evolutionary design of artificial neural networks. This paper focuses in optimizing the topology and structure of connectivity for these networks.


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This paper presents some ideas about a new neural network architecture that can be compared to a Taylor analysis when dealing with patterns. Such architecture is based on lineal activation functions with an axo-axonic architecture. A biological axo-axonic connection between two neurons is defined as the weight in a connection in given by the output of another third neuron. This idea can be implemented in the so called Enhanced Neural Networks in which two Multilayer Perceptrons are used; the first one will output the weights that the second MLP uses to computed the desired output. This kind of neural network has universal approximation properties even with lineal activation functions. There exists a clear difference between cooperative and competitive strategies. The former ones are based on the swarm colonies, in which all individuals share its knowledge about the goal in order to pass such information to other individuals to get optimum solution. The latter ones are based on genetic models, that is, individuals can die and new individuals are created combining information of alive one; or are based on molecular/celular behaviour passing information from one structure to another. A swarm-based model is applied to obtain the Neural Network, training the net with a Particle Swarm algorithm.


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he simulation of complex LoC (Lab-on-a-Chip) devices is a process that requires solving computationally expensive partial differential equations. An interesting alternative uses artificial neural networks for creating computationally feasible models based on MOR techniques. This paper proposes an approach that uses artificial neural networks for designing LoC components considering the artificial neural network topology as an isomorphism of the LoC device topology. The parameters of the trained neural networks are based on equations for modeling microfluidic circuits, analogous to electronic circuits. The neural networks have been trained to behave like AND, OR, Inverter gates. The parameters of the trained neural networks represent the features of LoC devices that behave as the aforementioned gates. This would mean that LoC devices universally compute.


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This paper presents a multi-stage algorithm for the dynamic condition monitoring of a gear. The algorithm provides information referred to the gear status (fault or normal condition) and estimates the mesh stiffness per shaft revolution in case that any abnormality is detected. In the first stage, the analysis of coefficients generated through discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) is proposed as a fault detection and localization tool. The second stage consists in establishing the mesh stiffness reduction associated with local failures by applying a supervised learning mode and coupled with analytical models. To do this, a multi-layer perceptron neural network has been configured using as input features statistical parameters sensitive to torsional stiffness decrease and derived from wavelet transforms of the response signal. The proposed method is applied to the gear condition monitoring and results show that it can update the mesh dynamic properties of the gear on line.


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In this work, we propose the use of the neural gas (NG), a neural network that uses an unsupervised Competitive Hebbian Learning (CHL) rule, to develop a reverse engineering process. This is a simple and accurate method to reconstruct objects from point clouds obtained from multiple overlapping views using low-cost sensors. In contrast to other methods that may need several stages that include downsampling, noise filtering and many other tasks, the NG automatically obtains the 3D model of the scanned objects. To demonstrate the validity of our proposal we tested our method with several models and performed a study of the neural network parameterization computing the quality of representation and also comparing results with other neural methods like growing neural gas and Kohonen maps or classical methods like Voxel Grid. We also reconstructed models acquired by low cost sensors that can be used in virtual and augmented reality environments for redesign or manipulation purposes. Since the NG algorithm has a strong computational cost we propose its acceleration. We have redesigned and implemented the NG learning algorithm to fit it onto Graphics Processing Units using CUDA. A speed-up of 180× faster is obtained compared to the sequential CPU version.