994 resultados para Nairne, Carolina Oliphant Nairne, Baroness, 1766-1845.
The Stokes County Humane Society has the opportunity to implement sustainable design concepts and demonstrate long-term fiscal savings in the design of an animal shelter for Stokes County, North Carolina. The proposed renovated structure takes advantage of passive design strategies that convert a cold, steel structure into one with warmth, light, and functionality. Proposed design techniques include an interior courtyard, geothermal heating and cooling, solar panels, a green roof, rainwater harvesting, sustainable landscaping, and clever materials selection. A cost analysis identifies capital costs and long term operational costs for both traditional and sustainable construction techniques. The results are capital costs of a sustainable design that are comparable to a traditional build, with long-term operational cost savings and generated revenue.
Environmental degradation from point and non-point source pollution in the past ten years has made it increasingly clear that threats to aquatic resources cannot adequately be addressed without a more integrated watershed approach to the management. Through comprehensive, qualitative interviews of experts in the watershed approach in South Carolina, recommendations will be made to improve this holistic process. Conducting interviews to compile institutional knowledge on the incentives and barriers from professionals working within the watershed approach will show how managing the natural resources in South Carolina could be more effective and efficient. By gathering experiences of lessons learned, best approach techniques, and suggestions for future watershed planning, several recommendations were made to further the use of the watershed approach in South Carolina.
Estudi sobre el pas del teatre català de l'escena informal a la formal o comercial, amb indicació de títols i primers actors coneguts de l'escena valenciana.
Este trabajo forma parte de en un proyecto de investigación sobre la farmacología en la sociedad española del siglo XIX, en particular, acerca del papel de las prácticas y los conocimientos químicos en la transición de la materia médica a la farmacología experimental. Dentro de ese esquema general, el objeto de este artículo es el estudio de los libros de texto destinados a los estudiantes de medicina y de cirugía durante los años finales del siglo XVIII y la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Se trata de establecer las coordenadas institucionales generales dentro de las cuales fueron escritas, publicadas y leídas estas obras. El estudio arranca en 1788, fecha alrededor de la cual aparecieron numerosos libros de texto de química, entre los que figuran varias traducciones francesas y el «Curso de química» de Pedro Gutiérrez Bueno. Tras señalar la importancia de las obras de Antoine Fourcroy, se estudia la polémica acerca de las aplicaciones de la química en medicina a través de un texto de Juan Manuel de Aréjula. A continuación, se describen las principales instituciones de enseñanza de la medicina y la cirugía en las que se impartieron clases de química, con especial atención a los programas y a los libros que se publicaron para estas clases. El artículo finaliza en 1845, fecha de la reforma de planes de estudios de José Pidal.
Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación HUM2006_07206_C03_02.
La implantación de los cursos tanto de grado como de máster requiere de una continua evaluación y revisión desde el punto de vista de sus contenidos específicos, planificación, evaluación, etc. con el fin de mejorar año a año el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje asociado a cada asignatura de forma individual, además de con el fin de mejorar la coordinación entre las diferentes asignaturas. En ese sentido, en el presente trabajo se analiza la materia de electrónica y todas las asignaturas que la integran en el Grado de Ingeniería en Sonido e Imagen en Telecomunicación, y en el Máster en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación, dado que en este caso podemos considerar los estudios de este máster como una continuación natural de los estudios previos del grado correspondiente. En concreto, los objetivos principales del presente trabajo son el seguimiento, coordinación, evaluación y mejora en la distribución de competencias de las asignaturas obligatorias de los cursos primero y segundo del Grado en Ingeniería en Sonido e Imagen en Telecomunicación y las asignaturas obligatorias del Máster en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación.
Following the death of engineer General Jorge Próspero de Verboom in 1744 and after a few years of transition in the management of Spanish fortifications, Juan Martín Zermeño took on the role, initially with a temporary mandate, but then definitively during a second period that ran from 1766 until his death in 1772. He began this second period with a certain amount of concern because of what had taken place during the last period of conflict. The Seven Years War (1756–1763) which had brought Spain into conflict with Portugal and England in the Caribbean had also lead to conflict episodes along the Spanish–Portuguese border. Zermeño’s efforts as a planner and general engineer gave priority to the northern part of the Spanish–Portuguese border. After studying the territory and the existing fortifications on both sides of the border, Zermeño drew up three important projects in 1766. The outposts that needed to be reinforced were located, from north to south, at Puebla de Sanabria, Zamora and Ciudad Rodrigo, which is where he is believed to have come from. This latter township already had a modern installation built immediately after the war of the Spanish Succession and reinforced with the Fort of La Concepción. However, Zamora and Puebla de Sanabria had some obsolete fortifications that needed modernising. Since the middle of the 15th century Puebla de Sanabria had had a modern castle with rounded turrets, that of the counts of benavente. During the 16th and 17th centuries it had also been equipped with a walled enclosure with small bastions. During the war of the Spanish Succession the Portuguese had enlarged the enclosure and had erected a tentative offshoot to the west. In order to draw up the ambitious Puebla de Sanabria project Zermeño had the aid of some previous reports and projects, such as those by the count of robelin in 1722, the one by Antonio de Gaver in 1752, and Pedro Moreau’s report dated June 1755. This study includes a technical analysis of Zermeño’s project and its strategic position within the system of fortifications along the Spanish–Portuguese border.
Small printed daily pocket journal repurposed by both John and Hannah between 1766 and 1779 to record household accounts including livestock pasturing, income received, and payments to servants, merchants, and tradesmen for food, livestock, clothing, linen, etc. Many of the pages are unused. The January-April pages contain account records from 1766-1779, one page in June has a few accounting notes from September 1779, the rest of June-November is empty, and three books are listed on a November page. The last three calendar pages contain lists of books in Hannah's handwriting dated 1773 and August 1768.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Sylvanus Ames (Harvard AB 1767), signed by Thomas Foxcroft, Charles Chauncey, Thomas Waite, and Daniel Marsh.
Notation indicates that books were transported by a Captain Marshall.
Almanac containing three laid-in pages with handwritten notes and a few sporadic corrections to the rising and setting times of the moon on the calendar pages. The three laid-in pages consist of a small scrap of paper with the weights of the family, and two folded pages with notes about a lunar eclipse on August 20, 1766.
Almanac containing one interleaved page and sporadic annotations on the calendar pages including some notes about the weather. The interleaved page contains entries about the weather and the repeal of the Stamp Act (March 18).