800 resultados para Montana Tech


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In this issue...Don Heater, Engineering Days, St. Louis Cardinals, Grass Roots, Floyd Bossard, Bill of Rights, Saint Patrick, Optometry, Handball Club, George Carlin


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In this issue...Lyndon B Johnson, Campus Parking, Bridger Bowl, Registration, Faculty Fashion, Engineering Days, AFROTC, Grizzly Bears, Library - Museum Building


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In this issue...Marcus Daly, Life Insurance, Butte Walk for Mankind, library Building, peace Corps, VISTA, Egg Drop, College Days, Student Council, Mountaineer Club


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In this issue...M Club Smoker, Coach Beers, GED Exam, Hawaii, Debate Team, 328 Radio Programming, Young Republicans, Hershey Chocolate Company


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In this issue...Peace Corps, National Wildlife Federation, Powder Puff Football, Geological Map, Arnold Olsen, Seventeen Magazine, Frozen Daiquiri


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In this issue...Theta Tau, Junior Prom, Larry Harkins, Montana Tech History Club, Big Horn Sheep, Coach Riley, Mineral Engineering, Moon Talk, Golf Team


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In this issue...Greenhouse, Bob Dylan, Student Council, M-Day, Speech Scholarship, Honorary Degrees, Chess Tournament, Petroleum Engineers, History Club, SUB


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A Montana Public Radio Commentary by Evan Barrett. Published newspaper columns written by Evan Barrett on this topic, which vary somewhat in content from this commentary, appeared in the following publications: Missoulian, June 16, 2015 Ravalli Republic, June 16, 2015 Montana Public Radio, June 17, 2015 Montana Standard, June 19, 2015 Great Falls Tribune, June 22, 2015


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A Similar Exposure Group (SEG) can be created through the evaluation of workers performing the same or similar task, hazards they are exposed to, frequency and duration of their exposures, engineering controls available during their operations, personal protective equipment used, and exposure data. For this report, the samples of one facility that has collected nearly 40,000 various types of samples will be evaluated to determine if the creation of a SEG can be supported. The data will be reviewed for consistency with collection methods and laboratory detection limits. A subset of the samples may be selected based on the review. Data will also be statistically evaluated in order to determine whether the data is sufficient to terminate the sampling. IHDataAnalyst V1.27 will be used to assess the data. This program uses Bayesian Analysis to assist in making determinations. The 95 percent confidence interval will be calculated and evaluated in making decisions. This evaluation will be used to determine if a SEG can be created for any of the workers and determine the need for future sample collection. The data and evaluation presented in this report have been selected and evaluated specifically for the purposes of this project.


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Several teams of researchers at multiple universities are currently measuring annual and seasonal fluxes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouses gases (nitrous oxide and methane) in riparian wetlands and upland forests in the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest (TCEF), a subalpine watershed in the Little Belt Mountains, Montana. In the current thesis, the author characterized the geochemistry and stable carbon isotope composition of shallow groundwater, soil water, and stream water in upper Stringer Creek, near sites that are being investigated for gas chemistry and microbial studies. It was hypothesized that if methanogenesis were a dominant process in the riparian wetlands of upper Stringer Creek, then this should impart a characteristic signal in the measured stable isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in shallow groundwater. For the most part, the major solute composition of shallow groundwater in upper Stringer Creek was similar to that of the stream. However, several wells completed in wetland soil had highly elevated concentrations of Fe2+ and Mn2+ which were absent in the well-oxygenated surface water. Use of sediment pore-water samplers (peepers) demonstrated a rapid increase in Fe2+ and Mn2+ with depth, most feasibly explained by microbial reduction of Fe- and Mn-oxide minerals. In general, the pH of shallow groundwater was lower than that of the stream. Since concentrations of CO2 in the groundwater samples were consistently greater than atmospheric pCO2, exchange of CO2 gas across the stream/air interface occurred in one direction, from stream to air. Evasion of CO2 partly explains the higher pH values in the stream. Microbial processes involving breakdown of organic carbon, including aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and methanogenesis, explain the occurrence of excess CO2 in the groundwater. In general, the isotopic composition of total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) decreased with increasing DIC concentration, consistent with aerobic and/or anaerobic respiration being the dominant metabolic process in shallow groundwater. However, a minority of wells contained high DIC concentrations that were anomalously heavy in u13C, and these same wells had elevated concentrations of dissolved methane. It is concluded that the wells with isotopically-heavier DIC have likely been influenced by acetoclastic methanogenesis. Results from shallow groundwater wells and one of the peeper samplers suggest a possible link between methanogenesis and bacterial iron reduction.


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Exposure to diesel particulate matter from diesel exhaust has been shown to have adverse health effects in humans. In 2012 The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified diesel exhaust as a group 1 know human carcinogen. Because of the associated health effects, there has been a strong push to reduce the amount of diesel exhaust present in the mining industry. Biodiesel is one to the more common and promising control options used to reduce the amount of diesel particulate matter that is generated during fuel combustion. The use of biodiesel over petroleum diesel has been shown to reduce not only particulate matter, but hydro carbon and carbon monoxide mass emissions as well. Personal and area samples were collected at an underground metal mine in the northwestern United States to evaluate the current blend of B70 biodiesel. The objective of this research was to evaluate the carbon levels associated with diesel particulate matter generated from the combustion of a B70 biodiesel. Data was also compared to past studies on which diesel particulate matter from petroleum diesel was evaluated. Samples were taken on four separate four day campaigns between March and October of 2014. Area samples were taken from 7 different areas in the mine and personal samples were taken from a 20 person cohort. The equipment used for sampling was compliant with the NIOSH 5040 method. Statistical analysis of the results was done using Minitab 17 software. The statistical analysis showed that the total carbon concentrations from biodiesel were well below the MSHA exposure limit. Results also showed that organic/elemental carbon ratios were consistent with past studies as the concentrations of organic carbon were significantly higher than those of elemental carbon.


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The project goal was to determine plant operations and maintenance worker’s level of exposure to mercury during routine and non-routine (i.e. turnarounds and inspections) maintenance events in eight gas processing plants. The project team prepared sampling and analysis plans designed to each plant’s process design and scheduled maintenance events. Occupational exposure sampling and monitoring efforts were focused on the measurement of mercury vapor concentration in worker breathing zone air during specific maintenance events including: pipe scrapping, process filter replacement, and process vessel inspection. Similar exposure groups were identified and worker breathing zone and ambient air samples were collected and analyzed for total mercury. Occupational exposure measurement techniques included portable field monitoring instruments, standard passive and active monitoring methods and an emerging passive absorption technology. Process sampling campaigns were focused on inlet gas streams, mercury removal unit outlets, treated gas, acid gas and sales gas. The results were used to identify process areas with increased potential for mercury exposure during maintenance events. Sampling methods used for the determination of total mercury in gas phase streams were based on the USEPA Methods 30B and EPA 1631 and EPA 1669. The results of four six-week long sampling campaigns have been evaluated and some conclusions and recommendations have been made. The author’s role in this project included the direction of all field phases of the project and the development and implementation of the sampling strategy. Additionally, the author participated in the development and implementation of the Quality Assurance Project Plan, Data Quality Objectives, and Similar Exposure Groups identification. All field generated data was reviewed by the author along with laboratory reports in order to generate conclusions and recommendations.


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The Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response (MINER) Act of 2006 implemented new regulations in the underground coal mining industry that allow for the certification of non-compressed gas equipment for respiratory protection in underground coal mines. NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Biomedical Research and Engineering Laboratory (BRL) is investigating the potential to expand cryogenic air supply systems into the mining and general industries. These investigations have, so far, resulted in four separate comparison and hardware development programs. The Propellant Handlers Ensemble (PHE) and Level “A” Ensemble Comparison (LAE): This study compared worker thermal stress while using the industry standard Level A hazardous material handling ensemble as opposed to using the similarly protective Propellant Handler’s Ensemble (PHE) that utilizes a cryogenic air supply pack, known as an Environmental Control Unit (ECU) as opposed to the compressed air Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) used in the LAE. The research found that, in a 102°F environment, test subjects experienced significantly decreased body temperature increases, significantly decreased heart rate increases, and decreased sweat loss while performing a standard work routine while using the PHE, compared to the same test subjects performing the same routine while using the LAE. The Cryogenic Refuge Alternative Supply System (CryoRASS) project: The MINER Act of 2006 requires the operators of underground coal mines to provide refuge alternatives that can provide a safe atmosphere for workers for up to 96 hours in the event of a mine emergency. The CryoRASS project retrofitted an existing refuge chamber with a liquid air supply instead of the standard compressed air supply system and performed a 96 hour test. The CryoRASS system demonstrated that it provided a larger air supply in a significantly smaller footprint area, provided humidity and temperature control, and maintained acceptable oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the chamber for the required amount of time. SCBA and Mine Rescue System (CryoBA/CryoASFS) Another requirement of the MINER Act is that additional emergency breathing equipment must be staged along evacuation routes to supplement the Self Contained/Self Rescue (SCSR) devices that are now required. The BRL has developed an SCBA known as the Cryogenic Breathing Apparatus (CryoBA), that has the ability to provide 2 hours of breathing air, a refill capability, and some cooling for the user. Cryogenic Air Storage and Filling Stations (CryoASFS) would be positioned in critical areas to extend evacuation time. The CryoASFS stations have a significantly smaller footprint and larger air storage capacity to similar compressed air systems. The CryoBA pack is currently undergoing NIOSH certification testing. Technical challenges associated with liquid breathing air systems: Research done by the BRL has also addressed three major technical challenges involved with the widespread use of liquid breathing air. The BRL developed a storage Dewar fitted with a Cryorefrigerator that has stored liquid air for four months with no appreciable oxygen enrichment due to differential evaporation. Testing of liquid breathing air was material and time intensive. A BRL contract developed a system that only required 1 liter of air and five minutes of time compared to the 10 liters of air and 75 minutes of time required by the old method. The BRL also developed a simple and cost effective method of manufacturing liquid air that joins a liquid oxygen tanker with a liquid nitrogen tanker through an orifice controlled “Y” fitting, mixing the two components, and depositing the mixed breathing air in a separate tanker.


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This report examines the Genesis II irradiator made by Gray*Star Incorporated, Mississippi Department of Health radiation safety regulations, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection guidelines for irradiators. The purpose for this report is to evaluate any hazards which may lead to a catastrophic water loss, evaluate protective action distances during a reduced shielding situation, and evaluate the safety engineering measures incorporated by Mississippi and Federal regulations to ensure the mitigation of risk for pool irradiators. Due to safeguard controls prohibiting release of precise data on emergency response measures and radioactivity of the isotopes utilized this report will be focused on regulations mandating specific engineering controls and manufacturer recommended guidelines for best practices.


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BACKGROUND: This project addressed an unresolved issue involving measurement methods for determining step uniformity. Leading experts on stairway safety agree that lack of step uniformity within a flight contributes to risk of missteps. A relatively new method for precisely measuring step dimensions is the nosing-to-nosing method. An issue in applying the method is lack of agreement on the lateral location to make the measurements. That location depends on where stairway users ascend and descend relative to the width of the steps. A prior investigator examined people descending to determine the lateral distance between the handrail center and the mid-line of the person’s body. He found the median was 44 cm. AIM: The two objectives of the experiment were to: (1) determine if a different set of stairway users will have the same median lateral distance from the handrail as those described in the prior observational study, and (2) determine if the lateral distance of participants is affected by their direction of travel and use of a handrail. METHODS: The investigators established visible distance markers on one stairway in a campus building and videotaped volunteer students ascending and descending the flight of stairs. Each of the 16 participant ascended with and without using the handrail, and each descended with and without using the handrail. Images were printed and analyzed to determine their lateral distance between the inner edge of the handrail and a point midway between the participant’s knees. Results were analyzed statistically to test hypotheses corresponding to the two objectives. RESULTS: The previous study found a median lateral distance of 44 cm when measured from the center of the handrail. Using comparable data, the median found in this study was 25 cm. Results of this study indicated that lateral distance from the handrail is significantly affected by the direction of travel and by use of the handrail. The greatest lateral distance was for ascending with the handrail. The shortest lateral distance was for descending without the handrail. VALUE: Committees develop and periodically revise standards for stairways leading to fire exits and workplace facilities. The practical value of this project is providing empirical evidence that standard developing committees may consider when convening to update their requirements and guidelines on how to measure step uniformity.