913 resultados para Mitochondrial DNA mtDNA


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Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to diverse cellular and organismal responses. We used DNA microarrays to characterize the transcriptional responses to different mitochondrial perturbations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We examined respiratory-deficient petite cells and respiratory-competent wild-type cells treated with the inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation antimycin, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, or oligomycin. We show that respiratory deficiency, but not inhibition of mitochondrial ATP synthesis per se, induces a suite of genes associated with both peroxisomal activities and metabolite-restoration (anaplerotic) pathways that would mitigate the loss of a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle. The array data suggested, and direct microscopic observation of cells expressing a derivative of green fluorescent protein with a peroxisomal matrix-targeting signal confirmed, that respiratory deficiency dramatically induces peroxisome biogenesis. Transcript profiling of cells harboring null alleles of RTG1, RTG2, or RTG3, genes known to control signaling from mitochondria to the nucleus, suggests that there are multiple pathways of cross-talk between these organelles in yeast.


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We studied transcription initiation in the mitochondria of higher plants, with particular respect to promoter structures. Conserved elements of these promoters have been successfully identified by in vitro transcription systems in different species, whereas the involved protein components are still unknown. Proteins binding to double-stranded oligonucleotides representing different parts of the pea (Pisum sativum) mitochondrial atp9 were analyzed by denaturation-renaturation chromatography and mobility-shift experiments. Two DNA-protein complexes were detected, which appeared to be sequence specific in competition experiments. Purification by hydroxyapatite, phosphocellulose, and reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography separated two polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 32 and 44 kD. Both proteins bound to conserved structures of the pea atp9 and the heterologous Oenothera berteriana atp1 promoters and to sequences just upstream. Possible functions of these proteins in mitochondrial promoter recognition are discussed.


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An analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotypes in several European populations reveals an almost monomorphic pattern in the Finns, whereas Y-chromosomal diversity is significantly higher in other populations. Furthermore, analyses of nucleotide positions in the mitochondrial control region that evolve slowly show a decrease in genetic diversity in Finns. Thus, relatively few men and women have contributed the genetic lineages that today survive in the Finnish population. This is likely to have caused the so-called "Finnish disease heritage"-i.e., the occurrence of several genetic diseases in the Finnish population that are rare elsewhere. A preliminary analysis of the mitochondrial mutations that have accumulated subsequent to the bottleneck suggests that it occurred about 4000 years ago, presumably when populations using agriculture and animal husbandry arrived in Finland.


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Since most of the examples of "exon shuffling" are between vertebrate genes, the view is often expressed that exon shuffling is limited to the evolutionarily recent lineage of vertebrates. Although exon shuffling in plants has been inferred from the analysis of intron phases of plant genes [Long, M., Rosenberg, C. & Gilbert, W. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 12495-12499] and from the comparison of two functionally unknown sunflower genes [Domon, C. & Steinmetz, A. (1994) Mol. Gen. Genet. 244, 312-317], clear cases of exon shuffling in plant genes remain to be uncovered. Here, we report an example of exon shuffling in two important nucleus-encoded plant genes: cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (cytosolic GAPDH or GapC) and cytochrome c1 precursor. The intron-exon structures of the shuffled region indicate that the shuffling event took place at the DNA sequence level. In this case, we can establish a donor-recipient relationship for the exon shuffling. Three amino terminal exons of GapC have been donated to cytochrome c1, where, in a new protein environment, they serve as a source of the mitochondrial targeting function. This finding throws light upon an old important but unsolved question in gene evolution: the origin of presequences or transit peptides that generally exist in nucleus-encoded organelle genes.


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The free radicals nitric oxide and superoxide anion react to form peroxynitrite (ONOO-), a highly toxic oxidant species. In vivo formation of ONOO- has been demonstrated in shock and inflammation. Herein we provide evidence that cytotoxicity in cells exposed to ONOO- is mediated by DNA strand breakage and the subsequent activation of the DNA repair enzyme poly(ADP ribose) synthetase (PARS). Exposure to ONOO- (100 microM to 1 mM) inhibited mitochondrial respiration in cultured J774 macrophages and in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. The loss of cellular respiration was rapid, peaking 1-3 h after ONOO- exposure, and reversible, with recovery after a period of 6-24 h. The inhibition of mitochondrial respiration was paralleled by a dose-dependent increase in DNA strand breakage, reaching its maximum at 20-30 min after exposure to ONOO-. We observed a dose-dependent increase in the activity of PARS in cells exposed to ONOO-. Inhibitors of PARS such as 3-aminobenzamide (1 mM) prevented the inhibition of cellular respiration in cells exposed to ONOO-. Activation of PARS by ONOO--mediated DNA strand breakage resulted in a significant decrease in intracellular energy stores, as reflected by a decline of intracellular NAD+ and ATP content. 3-Aminobenzamide prevented the loss of NAD+ and ATP in cells exposed to ONOO-. In contrast, impairment of cellular respiration by the addition of the nitric oxide donors S-nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine or diethyltriamine nitric oxide complex, was not associated with the development of DNA strand breaks, in concentrations up to 1 mM, and was largely refractory to PARS inhibition. Our results suggest that DNA damage and activation of PARS, an energy-consuming futile repair cycle, play a central role in ONOO--mediated cellular injury.


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DNA was extracted from the extinct American mastodon, the extinct woolly mammoth, and the modern Asian and African elephants to test the traditional morphologically based phylogeny within Elephantidae. Phylogenetic analyses of the aligned sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b support a monophyletic Asian elephant-woolly mammoth clade when the American mastodon is used as an outgroup. Previous molecular studies were unable to resolve the relationships of the woolly mammoth, Asian elephant, and African elephant because the sequences appear to have evolved at heterogeneous rates and inappropriate outgroups were used for analysis. The results demonstrate the usefulness of fossil molecular data from appropriate sister taxa for resolving phylogenies of highly derived or early radiating lineages.


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In nearly all eukaryotes, at least some individuals inherit mitochondrial and chloroplast genes from only one parent. There is no single mechanism of uniparental inheritance: organelle gene inheritance is blocked by a variety of mechanisms and at different stages of reproduction in different species. Frequent changes in the pattern of organelle gene inheritance during evolution suggest that it is subject to varying selective pressures. Organelle genes often fail to recombine even when inherited biparentally; consequently, their inheritance is asexual. Sexual reproduction is apparently less important for genes in organelles than for nuclear genes, probably because there are fewer of them. As a result organelle sex can be lost because of selection for special reproductive features such as oogamy or because uniparental inheritance reduces the spread of cytoplasmic parasites and selfish organelle DNA.


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Geographical patterns of mtDNA variation were studied in 12 Italian samples (1072 individuals) by two different spatial autocorrelation methods. Separate analyses of the frequencies of 12 restriction morphs show North-South clines, differences between Sardinia and the mainland populations, and the effects of isolation by distance. A recently developed autocorrelation statistic summarizing molecular similarity at all sites (AIDA; autocorrelation index for DNA analysis) confirms the presence of a clinical pattern; differences between random pairs of haplotypes tend to increase with their geographical distance. The partition of gene diversity, however, reveals that most variability occurs within populations, whereas differences between populations are minor (GST = 0.057). When the data from the 12 samples are pooled, two descriptors of genetic variability (number of polymorphic sites and average sequence difference between pairs of individuals) do not behave as expected under neutrality. The presence of clinal patterns, Tajima's tests, and a simulation experiment agree in suggesting that population sizes increased rapidly in Italy and Sicily but not necessarily so in Sardinia. The distribution of pairwise sequence differences in the Italian peninsula (excluding Sardinia) permits a tentative location of the demographic increase between 8000 and 20,500 years ago. These dates are consistent with archaeological estimates of two distinct expansion processes, occurring, respectively, in the Neolithic and after the last glacial maximum in the Paleolithic. Conversely, there is no genetic evidence that such processes have had a major impact on the Sardinian population.


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Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), due to an unstable polyglutamine expansion within the ubiquitously expressed Ataxin-1 protein, leads to the premature degeneration of Purkinje cells (PCs), decreasing motor coordination and causing death within 10-15 years of diagnosis. Currently, there are no therapies available to slow down disease progression. As secondary cellular impairments contributing to SCA1 progression are poorly understood, here, we focused on identifying those processes by performing a PC specific proteome profiling of Sca1154Q/2Q mice at a symptomatic stage. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed prominent alterations in mitochondrial proteins. Immunohistochemical and serial block-face scanning electron microscopy analyses confirmed that PCs underwent age-dependent alterations in mitochondrial morphology. Moreover, colorimetric assays demonstrated impairment of the electron transport chain complexes (ETC) and decrease in ATPase activity. Subsequently, we examined whether the mitochondria-targeted antioxidant MitoQ could restore mitochondrial dysfunction and prevent SCA1-associated pathology in Sca1154Q/2Q mice. MitoQ treatment both presymptomatically and when symptoms were evident ameliorated mitochondrial morphology and restored the activities of the ETC complexes. Notably, MitoQ slowed down the appearance of SCA1-linked neuropathology such as lack of motor coordination as well as preventing oxidative stress-induced DNA / RNA damage and PC loss. Our work identifies a central role for mitochondria in PC degeneration in SCA1 and provides evidence for the supportive use of mitochondria-targeted therapeutics in slowing down disease progression.


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The houbara bustard, Chlamydotis undulata, is a declining cryptic desert bird whose range extends from North Africa to Central Asia. Three subspecies are currently recognized by geographical distribution and morphology: C.u.fuertaventurae, C.u.undulata and C.u.macqueenii. We have sequenced 854 bp of mitochondrial control region from 73 birds to describe their population genetic structure with a particular sampling focus on the connectivity between C.u.fuertaventurae and C.u.undulata along the Atlantic seaboard of North Africa. Nucleotide and haplotypic diversity varied among the subspecies being highest in C.u.undulata, lowest in C.u.fuertaventurae and intermediate in C.u.macqueenii. C.u.fuertaventurae and C.u.undulata are paraphyletic and an average nucleotide divergence of 2.08% splits the later from C.u.macqueenii. We estimate that C.u.fuertaventurae and C.u.undulata split from C.u.macqueenii approximately 430 000 years ago. C.u.fuertaventurae and C.u.undulata are weakly differentiated (F-ST = 0.27, N-m = 1.3), indicative of a recent shared history. Archaeological evidence indicates that houbara bustards have been present on the Canary Islands for 130-170 000 years. However, our genetic data point to a more recent separation of C.u.fuertaventurae and C.u.undulata at around 20-25 000 years. Concordant archaeological, climatic opportunities for colonization and genetic data point to a scenario of: (i) initial colonization of the Canary Islands about 130 000 years ago; (ii) a period of secondary contact 19-30 000 years ago homogenizing any pre-existing genetic structure followed by; (iii) a period of relative isolation that persists today.


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We report a method using variation in the chloroplast genome (cpDNA) to test whether oak stands of unknown provenance are of native and/or local origin. As an example, a sample of test oaks, of mostly unknown status in relation to nativeness and localness, were surveyed for cpDNA type. The sample comprised 126 selected trees, derived from 16 British seed stands, and 75 trees, selected for their superior phenotype (201 tree samples in total). To establish whether these two test groups are native and local, their cpDNA type was compared with that of material from known autochthonous origin (results of a previous study which examined variation in 1076 trees from 224 populations distributed across Great Britain). In the previous survey of autochthonous material, four cpDNA types were identified as native; thus if a test sample possessed a new haplotype then it could be classed as non-native. Every one of the 201 test samples possessed one of the four cpDNA types found within the autochthonous sample. Therefore none could be proven to be introduced and, on this basis, was considered likely to be native. The previous study of autochthonous material also found that cpDNA variation was highly structured geographically and, therefore, if the cpDNA type of the test sample did not match that of neighbouring autochthonous trees then it could be considered to be non-local. A high proportion of the seed stand group (44.2 per cent) and the phenotypically superior trees (58.7 per cent) possessed a cpDNA haplotype which matched that of the neighbouring autochthonous trees and, therefore, can be considered as local, or at least cannot be proven to be introduced. The remainder of the test sample could be divided into those which did not grow in an area of overall dominance (18.7 per cent of seed stand trees and 28 per cent of phenotypically superior) and those which failed to match the neighbouring autochthonous haplotype (37.1 per cent and 13.3 per cent, respectively). Most of the non-matching test samples were located within 50 km of an area dominated by a matching autochthonous haplotype (96.0 per cent and 93.5 per cent, respectively), and potentially indicates only local transfer. Whilst such genetic fingerprinting tests have proven useful for assessing the origin of stands of unknown provenance, there are potential limitations to using a marker from the chloroplast genome (mostly adaptively neutral) for classifying seed material into categories which have adaptive implications. These limitations are discussed, particularly within the context of selecting adaptively superior material for restocking native forests.


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Sugarcane moth borers are a diverse group of species occurring in several genera, but predominately within the Noctuidae and Pyraloidea. They cause economic loss in sugarcane and other crops through damage to stems and stalks by larval boring. Partial sequence data from two mitochondrial genes, COII and 16S, were used to construct a molecular phylogeny based on 26 species from ten genera and six tribes. The Noctuidae were found to be monophyletic, providing molecular support for the taxonomy within this subfamily. However, the Pyraloidea are paraphyletic, with the noctuids splitting Galleriinae and Schoenobiinae from the Crambinae. This supports the separation of the Pyralidae and Crambinae, but does not support the concept of the incorporation of the Schoenobiinae in the Crambidae. Of the three crambine genera examined, Diatraea was monophyletic, Chilo paraphyletic, and Eoreuma was basal to the other two genera. Within the Noctuidae, Sesamia and Bathytricha were monophyletic, with Busseola basal to Bathytricha. Many species in this study (both noctuids and pyraloids) had different biotypes within collection localities and across their distribution; however the individual biotypes were not phylogenetically informative. These data highlight the need for taxonomic revisions at all taxon levels and provide a basis for the development of DNA-based diagnostics for rapidly identifying many species at any developmental stage. This ability is vital, as the species are an incursion threat to Australia and have the potential to cause significant losses to the sugar industry.


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The phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of 10 currently described rainforest skinks in the genus Saproscincus were investigated using mitochondrial protein-coding ND4 and ribosomal RNA 16S genes. A robust phylogeny is inferred using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis, with all inter-specific nodes strongly supported when datasets are combined. The phylogeny supports the recognition of two major lineages (northern and southern), each of which comprises two divergent clades. Both northern and southern lineages have comparably divergent representatives in mid-east Queensland (MEQ), providing further molecular evidence for the importance of two major biogeographic breaks, the St. Lawrence gap and Burdekin gap separating MEQ from southern and northern counterparts respectively. Vicariance associated with the fragmentation and contraction of temperate rainforest during the mid-late Miocene epoch underpins the deep divergence between morphologically conservative lineages in at least three instances. In contrast, one species, Saproseincus oriarus, shows very low sequence divergence but distinct morphological and ecological differentiation from its allopatric sister clade within Saproseincus mustelinus. These results suggest that while vicariance has played a prominent role in diversification and historical biogeography of Saproscincus, divergent selection may also be important. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Phytophthora diseases cause major losses to agricultural and horticultural production in Australia and worldwide. Most Phytophthora diseases are soilborne and difficult to control, making disease prevention an important component of many disease management strategies. Detection and identification of the causal agent, therefore, is an essential part of effective disease management. This paper describes the development and validation of a DNA-based diagnostic assay that can detect and identify 27 different Phytophthora species. We have designed PCR primers that are specific to the genus Phytophthora. The resulting amplicon after PCR is subjected to digestion by restriction enzymes to yield a specific restriction pattern or fingerprint unique to each species. The restriction patterns are compared with a key comprising restriction patterns of type specimens or representative isolates of 27 different Phytophthora species. A number of fundamental issues, such as genetic diversity within and among species which underpin the development and validation of DNA-based diagnostic assays, are addressed in this paper.